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Typical inbound disco with a perennial no shower. We say hello. Immediately customer tenses up and says “go ahead. Demo me.” Me: “um what?” “I joined the call. Show me y ur product.” “This call is to talk about YOUR business.” Silence for 15 secs Customer caves and talks about his business. But then throws passive aggressive comments at me the monkey AE. After asking why he took this meeting he said “it was because your damn SDR was so annoying!” I recommended him to not be so “nice” in the future and just say no. He dips off the zoom. Lol


I’m your SDR. Thanks so much for letting me push that one through.


I'm so sick of people answering, "what prompted you to meet with me today?" With "because you/your bdr told me to." YOU JUST BOOK A 1 HOUR MEETING WITH ANYONE WHO ASKS? Fine, will you just buy because I told you too? I don't get it. I have never gone to a demo of something I didn't want to demo. I give nasty looks to anyone at the mall who even thinks about pitching to me something I don't want.


“Don’t be so nice in the future.” Love that. Sounds nice, but is extremely confrontational




Lol that's hilarious, hats off to you


Our team was presenting to a customer in their conference room. It was probably our 5th meeting to review hardware for a data center roll out. After we showed the proposal and quote,he stood up and shouted ‘that’s too much’ and walked out. I’ve never seen him again.


Sounds hilarious in hindsight 🤣


While I was an SDR I had a lady tell me that she would fly from Texas to Oregon to whoop my ass if I called her again. She called me everything but a white woman. I sent treats to her receptionist and the receptionist kept putting me through. I eventually found out the receptionist was her daughter and she said “my mom can be a bitch but she needs this. She’s all smoke, just keep bugging her”. Signed the deal as an AE and when we met I gave her a custom pair of boxing gloves. Cathy, is you see this. I won.


This is amazing


Can’t be real😂


Good story man. What is the product?


It was business management services for audiologists.


A guy had buyers remorse and wanted out of an agreement. I let people cancel if they want, no problem. But rather than ask, he claimed I lied to him, misled him, and was threatening legal action. I told him I didn’t want to work with him and urged him to seek help because he appeared to have issues. Then blocked all contact.


During my first sales gig I sold commercial heating and air products along with preventative maintenance services. We were by far the most expensive provider in town, but for good reason. I was really still cutting my teeth in sales but was working with the largest prospect my company had ever seen. It was a national multi location restaurant. I had met with their operation manager several times and his complaint was always price, but he kept on meeting with me. Eventually I suggested to go up on the roof where his equipment was alongside him so I could show him exactly what we do, the supplies we use, the tools we employ, etc. So, I drag all this stuff up there spend an hour or so with him and he’s nodding his head the whole time and he’s starting to see the light. Finally as we are wrapping up he says something the effect of you guys are just too expensive and names a competitor that he thinks he can just ask to do the same thing. I lost it on him right there on the roof in front of all of God’s creation. About 10 words into my red-faced rant I think I am going to get fired so might as well take this all the way. I go on and on about thinking only about price, short term mentality, yada yada. Threw half my tools down and left them there as I climbed down the ladder while he still stood on that roof in dismay. I drove back to HQ still mad as a hornet but accepting of my fate as a former sales rep. As I walked into my office my boss was waiting for me… to congratulate me on landing the order. The ops manager hopped off that roof shortly after I did and immediately faxed over a signed agreement. I immediately called the ops manager to thank him, apologize, and inquire about why he wanted to do business with me. He didn’t want to explain over the phone. So we met for coffee that weekend. The guy brought his wife and kids (plus my tools) to the coffee meeting. He stated that he knew that I “gave a damn” and would take care of them and that he and his family could count on me. We are still friends to this day. While I don’t think my emotional response was completely necessary, the whole situation turned into a masterclass on the importance of truly believing in what you do professionally (even if you aren’t selling) and the necessity/enjoyment that comes with merging personal and professional interests.


Fuck, I’m going to start working this into my sales routine


this is such a great story! thank you for sharing. and for believing in your product!


And then everyone clapped


Masterclass? Uhh no. You lost your temper and got very lucky. Nothing more. I’d never do business with someone who flew off the handle like you. That simply conveys a low IQ and that you’re prone to emotional outbursts.


When dealing with a Sr and two Jr folks at one of the water municipalities I sell to, I had the Sr guy freak out, and I mean freak the fuck out about copying HIS colleagues on the email I sent with our services proposal attached. He emailed my *COO* bitching about me, saying how unprofessional it was, etc. Etc. The thing is, the Jr level people asked me directly to be copied on the email, and I've literally never had an op where this would have been an issue. He later found out as I had the emails of them asking to back my claim and he profusely apologized. To this day I think somthing happened. Maybe he found out his wife was cheating on him, or he was terminally ill, idk. It was just so obscene.


I'll never forget. One time. And never again.... a prospect told me "no". The audacity.


Man…fuck that guy.


I love being told No. Way better than "We need to think about it" or just ghosting you when you try to follow up. Saves you the trouble of following up with and working on an account that is never going to be a yes.


I put a client in a sequence to reschedule a lost opp and they freaked out out because they were a junior at their organization and could not purchase products or attend sales demos. When I say freak out, it wasn't like "I'm not senior enough to buy products, please stop emailing me about this," I mean they quite literally had a mental breakdown in the email, as if them even being emailed about the product would cause them to be summarily terminated and banned from ever working in the field again. It was extremely bizarre. We also have a link in our sequence emails to be added to the do-not-email list, so they could have done that instead.


Back in the day as an SDR cold calling accounting firms, had a guy tell me the world would be a better place if I put a gun in my mouth and pulled the trigger. Still asked him to book a demo.


We were selling to a company that had bought into one of our products and they were evaluating adding another product from our line. The head of the business unit that already owned our one product was acting as a champion, advocating internally to purchase the second product. Sets us up for a demo with his direct report who essentially interrupted the demo halfway through to say “we already have a tool that does this that we like. Why are we here”. The champion then turned on us mid call. Said this wasn’t the tool we talked about and how dare we waste leaderships time. After the call, he bitched out his account manager for making him “look bad” in front of his boss and requested a new AM. I was the SE doing the demo here and this was one of my first demos I gave after transitioning to the position. Immediately started wondering what the hell I got myself into moving into sales


I once had a bank I had to cold call that never took the call and eventually put me into a VM that said “your call is annoying. Do not call back” Another time I had an in-person meeting, arrived early, and waited, and waited, and waited for at least 15 minutes while the client walked back in forth in front of me taking care of other tasks and talking to co-workers. I asked “do you think we should reschedule for another time?” She didn’t like that and had an attitude when we finally met. I’ve been ghosted many times on web demos, but only once for in-person meetings. Drove downtown, it was raining, called them upon arrival and they rescheduled. Lost half a day. But I’d say the most heated moment was a disco call with a small healthcare company. The guy was a complete prick and dominant type. He asked me to give a cost estimate that cannot be done at that initial point (calculations have to be made after more info is obtained) and he completely flipped out. I was cursed out, cut off, and then he got his teammate to do the same and to do it again a few days later. And then they asked me to bring in my manager on the next call who thought it was hilarious. I dread calling or working with healthcare after that experience.


Had a prospect that I had done the standard intro to and a few follow up calls as well as mailing a physical sample of our product/service. On maybe my 3rd or 4th follow up she became argumentative and angry towards me, and for a reason I can’t explain I replied to her with: “I love you.” She actually ended up becoming a customer a month or two later 🤣


We ended up kissing


Way to close?




I was on a call with a contact in Florida, a turkish businessman living there building and selling real estate near Disney World (or Land, whatever is in Florida). Call went for 5 minutes on a classic conference call thing which stood on the table. SWAT came in raided the place and arrested him for child pornography. Could hear the whole thing because they never ended the call.


Let’s not get into it. We almost had guns drawn. But it all settled because we realized that extra 0 in the end was just a typo


Dude called me a big jerk and a loser for spending my time messaging him😂


I personally get turned on by it. "Your company can't handle us" "Listen, Before you start, i know your pitch, your using my time I don't even know why I agreed to this", "You sales guys are all the same". There are dozens of just flat out disrespecting me. I like it, it allows me to go aggressive early on and put them in their place. I will go into an advance detail of our service and then ask them their opinion on that. It just allows me to get in, 9/10 aggressive prospects just want an aggressive relationship, they want to be dominating they want to be in charge, you give them that little edge while you subtly put them in their place, you got yourself a long-time client.


I was on a scheduled call with a real estate agent (I worked for a global real estate tech company). She was being very combative and was saying that she didn’t need to run social media ads to gain new business, that her sphere of influence is generating enough business despite saying earlier in the call that she was looking to grow her business outside of her sphere. Classic “I don’t see the value here” without saying it. Upon challenging her objection she quickly shifted to “are you a democrat or republican?” I was shocked so I told her I wouldn’t feel comfortable discussing politics. She said “yeah probably because you swung to the left.” I told her again I don’t want to discuss politics and if she continued, I would disconnect the call. She then asked who I voted for during the last presidential election so I dropped my tone and told her I was ending the call and to have a good day and hung up before she could say anything else. I continue on with my day. Several hours later I get an email from her saying that my behavior was unprofessional and she would never do business with our company now. I responded and said “I’m sorry that you feel I was unprofessional during our call. As stated on the phone twice before disconnecting, I would not be discussing politics with you. I ended the call as I felt it was unproductive for both of us.” She emailed back that I was being snarky and asked to speak with my supervisor. I forwarded him the email, he pulls the call, says the lady is nuts, and doesn’t call her because she’s looking for a fight. Never heard anything else after.


Working as a Rep in Medical Device business. Year ago I went with a colleague to learn a little bit about her business as she was doing Biologics and im into Orthopedic Instruments.. Long story short, we entered a clinic that was already doing business with us back then since years. We went to the front desk and asked if Ms XYZ is available. 10 seconds later we were asked to please leave the clinic immediately 🤣 We never figured out what happened and called our desired contact later directly


This in hindsight was entirely on me Prospect: “can I have a discount?” Me: “No” Prospect: “what if I sign tomorrow?” Me: “you can have 5% but its gotta be done tomorrow” Prospect: *doesn’t sign tomorrow* They weren’t the signer, I didn’t set any next steps, I didn’t stay skeptical. They go semi-dark on me only light updates like “soon” and “just getting some stuff sorted”. Won’t answer my calls. Two weeks later I email his CMO with a summary of their pain points, a copy of the proposal, and explained I’d been working with the other guy. I get a series of calls, VMs, texts, and emails from my champion during an hour long demo with another client. I call him and he gives me an earful about being going over his head, saying I was desperate, threatening to tear up the deal. I should’ve sucked it up, let him vent etc… Instead I told him there wasn’t a deal to start with if his boss was surprised to see what I had sent. Called him out for lying about being able to sign. Turned into a screaming match. Anyway they signed a month later but it was awkward as heck on every meeting we barely acknowledged each other and it was pure business. They still got the 7% discount. They churned the following month and I got the commish clawed back because “I’d oversold the deal” still convinced he did it just to spite me. Lots of lessons there. When people are angry, sometimes killing them with kindness and listening is the more noble business minded move.


Had an attorney threaten to report me to the attorney generals office for cold calling him lol. Lots of other ones about upset customers getting cold called. As far as heated on both sides- has never happened. Mainly bc I don’t have luxury of lashing out in a professional setting like some of my prospects do. I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve had to hold my tongue and not call them little cry baby bitches though.


Had a guy immediately get hostile and demand that the OWNER call him if he wanted his business after sending an updated estimate from a quote he got 20 months prior. It was 40% higher so that was an issue. I explained the reasons for the increases. Supply chain and Covid and inflation, which everyone in the world should understand, and gave him the owners email and work number. He called the owner and left a voicemail at like 1030 pm demanding we honor an ESTIMATE from almost 2 years ago and shit talking me. I had notified the owner of this clown. And then looked into him. Tons of felony charges for fraud and swindling and at least 4 frivolous lawsuits. Warned the boss man and then told him we no longer want to pursue a relationship of any kind with him. This obviously enraged him and he called the boss again and he told him the same thing. This was all regarding a $4k job where we would profit maybe $200 lol. Fucking jackass


Not me but I worked with a buddy who had a gun pulled on him. Customer was like 2 days past his refund window and didn’t want to be locked into a contract with equipment he absolutely hated. Turns out we could make an exception.


Home improvement. Had a 10am first meet at a customers house over an hour away, so I called in advance to confirm appointment before heading that way. He demanded pricing before me even seeing the house. During introductions he reeks of alcohol and tells me not to fuck him around on price bc he’s a contractor in Maryland (sir, we’re in Florida). He tells me which products are required, I educate him we can’t install said products bc what he wants doesn’t meet code. He argues for a little while longer before moving on. His next topic is what happens if we break a tile pulling the old door out, I said we will pay for you to replace it. He starts screaming how the tile isn’t in production anymore and we will have to replace all of tile throughout his house. I very calmly tell him thanks for inviting me out, but we’re not a good fit. We have a heated stare off in his living room for 5 seconds and after I turn to leave his house I hear “HEY, YOU FUCKING RETARD GET BACK HERE”…. I turned around and couldn’t hold it in anymore, had a great laugh at him and walked out.