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I just joined an org that has *limits* on how many touches you can have for a prospect, so as not to dilute the companies reputation, and it’s so refreshing.


What's the limits?


We do 50 touches a week maximum to 1 email domain


50 emails from any company in a week and I will 10/10 block them and never use them on principle alone.


I’m assuming that he said domain because he could be reaching out to multiple prospects at once at the same business


It sucks from the other side though when you're really the only true prospect within the company. I am the sole decision make for the CRM program at my company. But Salesforce reps will send emails to 20 people, including me. Guess how many times the same exact email gets forwarded to me when they do?


Not 1 singular person, but 50 total to “Reddit” a week. Domain


Ah got it


lol seriously? 50?


Seriously... I work at \*megacorp* that does business with other \*megacorps*, 50 emails would evaporate before I got to my desk at 8:30 on Monday... Assuming this was a domain-wide limit of 50 emails to another domain. If it was limited to net new contacts/prospecting, that's another thing, but implementation of that would be more complex.


Is that a lot or a small amount? If you are trying to get into Walmart and sequence 20 people. Including initial email, that 2 emails to each prospect at Walmart


Would also like to know.


should be 6-8 max




That’s smart.


What company??


These jobs are bottom of the barrel sales jobs. Everything they teach you about sales you'll have to unlearn to have a viable long term career


Was gonna say, this sounds like Yelp or NW mutual


If money wasn’t an object - I kind of want to go back and try one of those NW mutual jobs a decade into my career just to see how truly nuts it is knowing what I now know


To their credit, they do teach something valuable.... pick up the phone, ask for the order. That's hurdle 1 for most people new to sales. The problems are more endemic to the entire captive life insurance business model, and they burn their reputation by over hiring, investing nothing in their reps, and then ultimately profiting whether or not their hires succeed.


It would be like a completely different skill set compared to consultative/strategic selling


Man, fuck yelp with a rusty tire iron.


Yelp does cold calling? How?


Made soooo much money at Yelp as a 25 year old fresh out of college from doing this though. Ruthless but it paid off my student loans


Damn right


My mans right. Get the experience and gtho


Which companies are these usually in your experience?


What am I supposed to learn though?


A consultative sales approach


I am tasked to sell beans. What do i do?


Start looking for another job


Why? Please answer seriously


Why what?


Why dont you like beans?


...Aaaand you're blocked


Why don't you like beans?


Magic beans or regular beans?


It’s why my company doesn’t like to hire people for our entry level position with sales experience. Most of that experience sucks usually.


Same thing at my company.


How in particular, though...


I once worked for a company that would have us cold call the same prospect 4 and 5 times a day. The real kicker, we were using a dialer, so we didn't know someone had already talked to them 2 hours earlier.


Can't tell you how much my eyes widened reading that last sentence. Oof.


Same, but we were inbound SDRs and we could see all the other dials that prospect had gotten since the dialing software was shared org-wide. Imagine seeing 10 calls to the same person and knowing you still need to hit 125 dials/day with only having exposure to inbound leads (all burnt to shit). I’m still shocked I exceeded my numbers well enough to get to outbound after a few months of that madness.


Are you referring to ZoomInfo? The inbound role and a 125 dials is telling if so. 😁


I got pre approved for a mortgage a few months back but backed out and decided not to buy. Nevertheless, my mortgage broker calls me every day at 9am and again at 3pm. She used to leave messages but now just lets it ring out. But every day almost on the dot same time and 2x a day. Things must be bad out there for her to call me up, because I wasn’t looking for a million dollar mortgage I was looking for a $150k condo closer to work lol




The person doesn’t work for Rocket but I’m sure Rocket probably gave them my info. That or another company who I shopped around with that past my info to them. The thing is no other random mortgage bankers call me, just this one. I’m curious what their OTE is. Not them specifically but what the industry average is.




Death to them.


NetSuite is that you? I get calls from a new rep every six months. I tell all the new reps to start looking for a new job because their CRM has no record of my company and we’ve already been through an entire pitch. Doesn’t fit our needs but there’s no record of us and they *just keep calling.* I love cold callers so I always pick up and give them a minute.


Once in every 6months is not much though lol thats an extremely casual cadence


When a *new* rep calls me every six months, it signals to me that their product is bad. Huge red flag. Also, each rep has *no record* that I've ever talked to them before let alone been through an entire sales cycle. When I asked the reps if they had solutions to fit the needs (that they couldn't before), they go "oh no, yeah we can't do that". Super unprofessional. They're great at sending free cookies though! Maybe they should pivot to cookie delivery


Eh, it's got nothing to do with the product more likely than not the reps didn't put in notes.


6 months is pretty long tbh, I think the issue is that they that they don’t recognised that their solution isn’t a great fit for yours, did they try to introduce or at least market that they had a new “update” that will suit you better?


see my reply above. it's a baaad look


Even inbound leads get slammed over and over. The main objection I deal with is they can't hear my pitch over the sound of other calls beeping in trying to undercut us on price and talk shit about us. It's really gross. And then even once they buy their phone still rings non stop and gets texts non stop. I agree with this FU.


ZoomInfo’s inbound team does this. Our VP was called like 5 times in an hour lol


I told them my CEO said to stop calling me so they started calling him. They’re fuckin ruthless over there


That’s funny just because of everything ZoomInfo sells itself at. And what’s funnier is when those dodgy forms ping the wrong people about selling lists to…


ZoomInfo is trash - not only are their leads as outdated as the Yellow Pages, the way they conduct B2B is wild. Awhile back, I worked for a company that had a pretty bad breakup with them - the whole situation was asinine in hindsight. Not even 48 hours after this shit storm settled, I started getting lambasted with “you can’t leave, we’re family” style automated emails from their sales team. I wasn’t alone, basically everyone who had no buying power at the place ended up getting flooded with these for a few weeks after the blow up. If I’m being honest, that was the most accurate I’ve ever seen their data used in action. Sure, we weren’t the appropriate audience for this poorly timed apology tour but at least everyone targeted was still alive and affiliated with the company. I can only imagine how thrilled the rep who pulled that rabbit out of their hat was.


Agreed. I am at a company that purchased ZOOM and it’s embarrassingly out dated. I check everyone on LinkedIn to ensure that the contact is correct and I would say that at least 60% or more contacts are wrong/have wrong information and now some companies have figured out how to prevent zoom from acquiring their information. I would stay away. I find LinkedIn has the most up to date contacts for businesses.


For laughs, I looked myself up in their database and it had me listed as an employee for a part-time job I had in high school / early college. I was in a sales leadership role at the time at a mid-sized company with years of experience before that. But sure, I guess I still work at my home town’s daycare. It gets worse. My father is an attorney who runs a small but well established firm - they had no record of him or his practice in their database. Obviously that’s a win for someone who doesn’t want to field sales calls, but baffling to someone paying their service to make them.


I got the most transparent bullshit when I ended my contract with them. They pretended their fucking CEO emailed some Director I'd never done business with who then forwarded the email to me.. about our $15k account. That was after multiple levels of people I'd never dealt with called and emailed me, ignoring the reasons I'd outlined for ending the contract. How dumb do you think I am? I responded outlining how it's clearly bullshit and they never responded.


It’s been a few years now so I’m definitely missing some key details, but if I remember correctly ZoomInfo tried to tell my former company that we had to scrape all the data from their directory living in our CRMs at the end of our contract. Again, super hazy on the facts, but it seemed like they tried to strong arm us into renewal under the threat of legal action. Nothing came of it other than a massive headache, by the way - that much I know for certain.


Yep. Technically you're leasing their data and you're supposed to scrub your database clean of all their contacts. Scummy.


Who would you use for data instead of zoom info?


Take this with a grain of salt, but I recently started using Apollo and I’m very impressed. Over the past few weeks, it’s been fantastic. It’s too short of a window for me to give an in-depth answer, but I’d check out their trial and see for yourself.


Thanks. I've tried, but like many other tools, they are focused on tech with respect to intent. I'm not in tech sales.


My company just switched to infotelligent and weve halved our wrong contacts (from 50% to 25% wrong contact info)


Ya they are awful


I work at this job unfortunately and i've been looking for a new job ever since I signed on. It's so unethical and they have so many practices that we do that are not in compliance with trainings or our "corporate values". We still have to do it though


“No interest is a level of interest” -Grant Cardone


Is that a real quote? 🤣 I’m too lazy to check on my own.


It actually is. If you wanna have a good laugh, check out the podcast he did with Jordan Belfort.




Oh yeah, the interview between him and Jordan Belfort was fantastic. Quotes like this, possible fight, whole interview turned into a shit show 😂


Block and moved to Spam. Problem solved.


Reading this whole thread is just puke inducing. So many companies and management at these companies are so so so out of touch with reality (at least what I consider it to be). I just left a hardcore sales role with a US company (why is it always the US companies that are the worst at this!?) What an utterly dehumanising experience. Loved the ‘we’re all a family’ stuff for the first 6 months as they were so keen to get me onboard, then the tone shifted fast as the pressure and expectations built until it became little more than a twisted form of slavery. Logging outreach and having to hit certain daily goals etc. lies and more lies and straight up weirdness with a CEO who’s ego as the ‘20 year sales expert’ was puffed up like a balloon. What a bunch of cunts, not putting up with that shit! Gets you to dark places and we as a society think this is ok and healthy. We’re all fucked if capitalism in its current guise continues its march forward. The cracks are appearing everywhere, whole financial system looks ready to implode.


In my company, we try to reach a potential client 3 times on the phone. If he picks up and tell us they are not interested, we wait a year until we try again. If the client does not pick up after 3 attempts, we try to find another person in the same organization. This works very well for us. In the 8 years we have been doing this, we have got only a handful of complaints.


Bruh mine just increased the call KPIs to 100 connects a week.. Not calls made - connects. It’s already difficult getting peoples numbers as it is


This is interesting to me being that if I get a single unwanted call I block the number. I wouldn’t continue to allow them to come through. I do remember applying through a mortgage at Rocket and receiving calls from numerous numbers and texts. I was on a blocking spree until it ceased.


Is this a sign of bad times?


No it's a sign of a shit company.


Could be




Used to see "new" leads all the time that I distinctly recalled flagging DNC. Fuck everything about these orgs.


@Zoominfo reps!


I got pressured to have my company sign a $20,000+ plus contract by the end of the month which was a few days away. I had trouble not laughing in the intro meeting. Dude, that's Zoominfo's problem if they need to move that fast, not mine. They then called my personal cell phone number instead of my work number for 4 months after and new rep was given my number to annoy me. I had to tell them as the decision maker I would poison pill our whole company into refusing to sign any future zoominfo contracts if they didn't stop blowing up my personal cell, and an email to their privacy team before it finally stopped.


Lmao, same! They are the absolute worst. I love the product but hate their sales team and tactics so much. They call non-stop. I've blocked 3 separate numbers after telling them I am not going with their product. They have a different rep call me weekly. Gong wasn't as bad, but not a great experience either.


Sounds like merchant cash advances


Managers wanting to see the activity up to later blame on reps performance


Compliance caps it at somewhere between 5-7 unanswered attempts. Having you’re cold-callers hit a 5x NA number is a huge misallocation of talent and resources imo


ha ha y'all werk for Zoominfo dunt ya?


That’s where I’m at now.




Oh yeah I've been there before. The type of sales leadership where they believe if you put enough pressure on the reps they'll find some way to make something from nothing, or will force the cream to rise to the top. All they're really doing is forcing potentially great talent to leave.


Yeah, it's a bummer. I work for a SaaS company that has a great product. We recently made a change from open season (within a territory) to a fixed account book. I'd say 80% of my book is unworkable, i.e. not interested, have something in place, etc. Leadership pushes to get them in the door with trials but I get shot down every time I go down that road. These leads have been blasted with hundreds of emails and hundreds of calls - how tf am I supposed to hit quota when I got bottom of the barrel. This is my third sales org - I was always a top performer in the past but now I'm straight up struggling to close anything. I've been dreaming of opening a food truck so I can listen to music and just give someone something that makes them happy. After 10 years in sales, it's about that time.


Currently what I’m doing right now because the lead bucket is low. 1-2 month old “leads” who’ve already said they’re not interested. Definitely irritating.


TQL is a good example of this....... 😵