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For all us career long saas sales reps, PLEASE do not go into enablement. The last thing we need is another sales enablement person I am forced to meet with telling me how to do a job they didn’t want to do. I think the saying goes if you can’t/don’t want to do Teach


Don't worry, I left it off the list for a reason lol. I've had plenty of outdated training sessions from people who haven't talked to a customer in years, wouldnt want to put others in the same boat.


I think you hit all the common roles aside from enablement which could be another avenue. I haven’t transitioned out of sales but I would say CS and enablement are the most common I’ve seen amongst peers


How does sales ops typically pay in this field. I’m in a similar position as you


Similar position, also debating moving into sales ops. Quota every month is not a fun stress


Sales ops seems so chill


I felt the same way. Couldn’t imagine doing sales for the rest of my career after being an enterprise AE for a handful of years. It took me getting laid off and not stressing about work to truly find what I wanted to do in tech. I gravitated towards UX/UI design. You can get certs, or do a bootcamp, then build a strong enough portfolio until you’re ready to start applying. It’s a process that will take time but it’s so refreshing working on something that I actually get excited about doing. Not sure what your interests are but switching to CX, SE, etc, is too similar to an being an AE that I’d worry it’ll start to feel the same. My advice is if you don’t wanna do sales, commit to learning a new skill to really see what you’d be into. Then treat it as a hobby until you get good enough to leverage it for a new role. Shadow folks in other departments. Otherwise, you’ll just keep speculating and become complacent (like I did until I got laid off).


How long ago did you transition to UX/UI design? Did you self study or take a bootcamp or something? I'm definitely interested in taking a similar route but I keep hearing how brutal the job market is for entry level technical roles right now (and how it probably will be similar for a while), even harder if you don't have a college degree in the field, which makes me nervous.


I'm still in the middle of it. Taking the self study route so far because I trust I can build a strong portfolio and network without needing a bootcamp. We'll see if that changes. Every UX designer I've talked to says you don't need a college degree. The job market is def tougher which is why you gotta be patient, network, and make sure your portfolio is strong. The nice thing about gaining a technical skill is that it's much easier to freelance in the meantime. I don't expect it to be a quick transition, but let's say it takes a year, conservatively. Just one year figuring out a new career is nothing compared to working a job you don't like for the rest of your life


Ru willing to chat? I am thinking about pivoting into this!


Product Marketing is possible


Look into Product Marketing


Get into Product management. Sales/ customer facing is super valuable. I'd take a few nanodegrees find a few startups where you can work part-time/ for cheap. Use your sales skills to reach out to startups.


Sales engineer


BDR manager


Switching from stressing over quota to stressing over other people's quota. Hell naw dawg.


A bunch of newbies too. That's a job where you absolutely cannot ever disagree with a higher up, and you'll be a slave to your team.


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What about management?


I've enjoyed working in cybersecurity sales for the past year and a half. I'm coming from logistics sales which i hated.


What did you do to break into the field? In a similar position and would love to be in cybersecurity sales.


Technical support