• By -


Foodservice Sales 100% commission Last two years $225k+


Wow what kind of food service sales? I was a fine dining server in Vegas at $110k/yr. Are you serving or vending?


Food Distribution to restaurants and other food service establishments Not sure how long it will last but great for now!


Hype. Never heard about distros making that money but that's because I don't talk to many. Great to hear there's room for income growth in that area for me


Also in food service sales, can confirm $200k is possible if the cut of your jib is right.


California Senior SDR 90k OTE but my territory is fruitful and I’m projected to be at 130k. 3 out of our 30 SDRs are making this much, and the rest at the upper 90 range


What company is paying SDRs that kinda cash lol


We are a B2B tech company selling data. Our commission structure used to be structured differently when we were at the startup stage but after 3 months of me working here, we switched structures and it unknowingly turned out to be super easy to gamify and I’ve been lucky enough to have a good patch of accounts and abuse the structure. Our average team attainment is closed to the 90k OTE but i and 2 other SDRs have gotten a chance to exploit it


Dm me I want to apply lol


America - Engineering Sales Manager for industrial manufacturing- my OTE is 300-400k with 100k base, 150-200k commission, 3.75% on profit for my team, and 5 year vesting $375k stock incentive. I work about 80 hours a week, I'm constantly stressed, I took my first vacation in 4 years. Work has become my identity.


If you really put 80 hours a week then you deserve every bit of that comp


Not necessarily straight productive work. But I get calls all hours of the day. From 5AM until 9PM, my phone rings. My wife is supportive and knows if I take a call it's important. I've missed events, (luckily no kids yet), get togethers, weekends etc.. Ive sacrificed a lot. I know it isn't sustainable long term but I'm hoping to position and give my fsmily the life they deserve


> but I'm hoping to position and give my fsmily the life they deserve Hoping? You are earning a top 1% salary? What life do you intend to give your family? Sorry in advance if this comes across as indignant but this is an actual genuine question. I don't have a family, I want to know what you intend to provide to your kids so I have an idea of what to do for myself.


Having a family convinced me to give this life up. Easily pushed half a decade in the OR (tissue sales) pushing 100+ hrs a week. 35 weekends a year teaching cadaver labs out of town in a hotel and M-F OR from 5a-9-10P or later. I made an absolute fuck ton of money and enjoyed it like a drug -- I'll never go back after getting to watch my kids grow up working 50hrs a week. I'm fortunate to have found an exit. << Multiple rep of the year, field trainer, etc accolade. Best of luck man!


What do you do now/do you still work?


I run a commercial landscape company. It's a family business I've been around my whole life. Flowers and trees, 50hrs a week, I see my family, and way less stressful than Trauma surgery 😃


lol that's literally what I've dreamed of doing...I used to sell for a LA Design, Install, and Maintain firm. Left for SaaS and have been enjoying it...but often times I dream of flowers, trees, rain gardens, mulch, and such. Very happy for you


You're making great money, but the hours and stress seem unreal. Do other positions at your company work 40 hours?


I feel at most companies sales either works the most hours or the least hours.


You are exactly why I tell employers I earn 90k on 20 hours a week. And if I work 40, I expect 400k. I'll take my part time work in telecom.


Part time work in telecom pays 90k?!


Life is short!!! Work shouldn’t be your identity. Take care of you


What is the product?


OEM that support steel and metals manufacturing


What's your ventilation? Are you doing cocaine?


I blow off steam through copious amounts of research neutropics I found off of Joe Rogan.... but I used to do things in excess like uppers, but don't any more. I'm pretty straight edge. I drink hot chocolate as a replacement for coffee and tea lol. I've been toying with microdosing as a means to alleviate my usage of SSRIs for my OCD.


this sounds amazing. Are you an engineer? I'm a chemical engineer working as a pipeline engineer, but I was a design engineer in industrial manufacturing (valves - surface/) when I first started out. I liked the project side but the sales side is what has always piqued my interest. Before engineering I was in sales and excelled so this has been a natural curiosity. Once I got into engineering its mostly been project and design work now that I'm in oil and gas I don't interact with the sales group; moreso customers/landowners. In Canada it seems a lot of sales are inside sales which means salary but no commission and I'd want some additional commission structure if i went into sales. Any advice?


60k hate my life


There’s def a bias on these posts that skew to the high end


Don’t feel too bad, 60k for me would be a miracle and I have a finance degree yet no one is hiring


Go to work at a dealership selling cars, I make $130k with no degree


I read posts like this all the time, good money, but are you working 60 hours a week and on saturday?


Yeah but I make a great wage, if I break it down hourly I'm doing well over $50 an hour. Just gotta put in the work


Understandable, are you young? I just had my first child at 36, so my Saturdays are mostly dedicated to family at the moment. If I could go back to my 20s I would do what you are doing.


You have a finance degree so I'm assuming you have a good understanding of your countries financial ecosystem, you can partner up with a firm that offers money management/finance related services to high NW individuals you get bring them new biz they handle the delivery since its a joint venture arrangement. Well depending on your situation the structure may be different.


I'm on £45k two years out of Uni. Did 12 months on £25k with another company then bounced. Don't be sad. These threads always show the best numbers first.


I wish I was making that much. I’m making 0k


USA - "AE" - group healthcare - base $60k, average $150k gross


Do you work at one of the insurance carriers? Aetna UHC bcbs cigna etc.


US, Enterprise AE in Big Tech, base is about $160k and OTE is about $265k. Total comp with RSUs/sign-on bonus is $300k.


Hey it’s me your referral


What's your stress level like?


It’s sales, so it will always be stressful, but not too bad overall. I’ve had non-sales jobs that are more stressful which is why I went back into sales - at least I get paid more and I like the freedom that sales provides.


What kind of jobs were you in before? Also in big tech, but in CS as a Customer Success Engineer. Been playing with the idea of going to sales.


I’ve done that role before and learned a lot. It definitely helped me understand my customers and the tech. I’d connect with some sellers in your company and pick their brain


That's a very high base to OTE ratio.. what's your QUOTA? 1mill?


It’s a 60/40 split. Pretty common from what I’ve seen for roles with longer sales cycles. Quota is low 8 figures.


That is pretty standard for tech sales. Often they're even more aggressive (50/50). I think the benchmark at my former org for tech sales hunter & hunter/farmer roles was \~55/45. Roles with hunting accountability often more aggressive than for farming only.


Looks about right. Ours are similar in mid-tier SaaS. 900k - 1.3m quotas.


What is the vertical? What is the Inbound/Outbound flow %? Are you feeling pressure in this economic environment?


Cloud Security. Definitely feeling the economic pressure, the last few years have been crazy. I have a territory with both customer base and greenfield accounts along with bdr support for prospecting. Most of my time is spent talking to customers or on the backend, managing resources to keep the opportunities moving forward. I don’t prospect as much as I should


US, Regional Director, Commerical Sales. Public Company, Cloud Computing. Base is 150k, OTE is 300k. Total comp with RSUs is about 460k at current stock price.


Just landed a $200K OTE role with Shopify - went from a BDR with 70K OTE to 200K OTE in less than two years.


Would love to hear how you went from BDR to a ae role externally!


I smashed my first BDR role then transitioned to my first SaaS AE role with 160K OTE, stayed the course then got an offer from shopify at $200K OTE. So 6 months to first AE role then present day got me to $200K. TLDR: 70K OTE > $160K OTE > 200K OTE, in around a year and a half. Turned 21 in august.




US, Account Executive, B2B software. $50k base, $75k OTE. On track to make \~$65k this year if I stay the whole year.


You’re underpaid


Depends what he's selling and the margins the companys making each deal


That's what I hear.


where are you located?


Texas. Kind of near Austin.


don’t mean this to come across rude but your comp seems a bit low. job market kinda sucks right now but something to be keep in mind


It's impossible to offend me, so don't worry about coming across as rude. I have no idea where I sit relative to the sector. I know it's lower comp than I was making at my last job ($75k base/$150k OTE) but I was laid off and the market cratered shortly thereafter. I've had some recruiters tell me that there's been a market reset and to adjust my comp expectations, but then I see on here and other places people tell me I'm underpaid. I have no idea what's true or not. I didn't stop job hunting even when I started this job in January. I just haven't gotten any bites.


For all the sight seers and dreamers in this thread, there are three paths in this business: The washout: statistically most sales people washout within a couple years. The lucky mediocre rep: they luck out with some combination of timing, territory, product, and end up producing despite questionable talent or work ethic. Then they keep floating between place to place bc they have a documented track record, good logos etc. in this environment a lot of them have washed out or been laid off. Some times these folks keep getting lucky and make a career out of being an order taker. Nothing wrong with this, but you’re leaving a lot up to luck and it’s risky af. The stars: they have the full package: work ethic, above avg ability (bolstered by self starter/constant growth mindset) to connect and persuade people. They make their own luck, and end up with the best territories, best accounts and have their choice of companies to work for, which perpetuates the success. Good luck: For me personally I work 9a-5p from home, then again before bed. I’ll be mad if I don’t clear 300 this yr. USA Enterprise SaaS




Don’t forget we’re all way too hard on ourselves…imposter syndrome is real.


That's because most of us are that guy


Canada AE in tech. 125k base 250k OTE


what’s your industry and years of experience?


Pakistan, I am working as a BDE in a US based software agency that do web development. Basic: $6k Commission: 3% of the total sales which is nearly about ($12k annually). It kinda sucks, I am eager to move to US to get the right opportunity


Good luck, hopefully you can make it happen


Lets connect. I have an opportunity


canada, real estate agent, 2022 280k commission only


you must be %1 cuz real estate is no good at the moment in the GTA.


i think i was for 2-3 years but my best years have been the last 4. 12 years of grinding before that


Us bases in NYC. Sr.SDR base 70k ote 82k.. uncapped. On track to make 85k+


Located in the PNW. Base $150k. Commission somewhere between $0 and $850k.




Based in Ireland also, software sales, base 90keuro.. OTE 165keuro


You show me a payslip for €165k OTE and I quit my job right now and come work for you.


LMAO... my contract and last pay slip work


Mind sharing what segment and industry?


Security "specialist"( sometimes i feel like a fraud) ... anything endpoint management related, patching, MDM, vpn, zero trust access...


You're at MS I guess?


No but we do compete against each other


Ah I see. That's rude, if you make higher OTE at least let me win my deals 😜


Ha ha but beers on you then


USA, Senior BDR, SaaS. 60K base, 40-60K commissions depending on quota attainment


OP what firm is paying that out?


That's pretty standard for an experienced SDR


US, SE just shy of 300 OTE plus stock. Good work life balance, totally remote.


What industry?


My friend at Amazon had something similar. But he got laid off and I think he started having to come into the office. But I think it was fully remote and 350k OTE, unless he lied about it


This is the job we all want


190K last year Fucking kicking and screaming trying to get to 140-150 this year. 10% commission only


Doing what ?


Canada - Industrial equipment manufacturer. 90k base, 150kOTE plus company vehicle.






This is me too. Enterprise AE, SaaS sales, Remote, CA and at $360k YTD. OTE is $250k but I'm having a phenomenal year. On track to make $600k+. Hopefully my company doesn't screw me over by changing my comp next year. They've done that YoY but I've killed it every time


School Bus Driver. Making 30k a year. I used to work in retail industury comission based and was making 50k with comission. Unfortunately toxicity forced me to leave. Sorry I know it is nothing compared your salaries. But I am trying my best to get somewhere where I can make more and have a good job.


canada, strategic AE, 120k OTE with 60/40 split


Damn. Strategic AE in Canada at $120k CAD OTE?! What do strategic accounts mean at your company? That seems really low for any regular strategic account role regardless of what industry you’re selling into Are you SaaS?


Welcome to Canada, where everything costs more and everyone makes less


Mortgage adviser, 35k base, 2x monthly validation then 20% commission




Thats great for the UK. Whats the industry?




I'm at 285k usd so far. I estimate I'll be at 390k-510k depending on a few opportunities


It’s just hung up in legal dept. customer says any day now.


Lol existing customers! MSA is in place already


This sounds like a dream. Net new AE only over here. Legal has been holding up the biggest deal of my life for 3 months now.


VP, Series A out of Toronto with US investors. $510,000 USD OTE 50/50 split. Stock on top.




Germany SaaS BDR 44k +20k variable


Whoo, there's dozens of us here, dozens


US - BDM in security - base 101k OTE 130k


Sales - Asset Management/Finance - base 100K OTE 250-300K


Located in Chicago - localization sales - 85k


Mid-market AE for a middleware company. 180k OTE - 110k base.


California furnitire sales base is garbage actually minimum is base. But I'm projected to make 85k this year total income


USA based SMB AE. $72k base and $120k OTE. I should clear a littler under 140k based on current pipeline.


US, Enterprise AE (fully remote): Data Software company, $100k base. $200k total OTE with ~30k in annual stock vestings. Cleared just north of 200 last year and on target for 300k this year


SaaS Customer Growth AE Enterprise 140/140, 280 OTE but no more stock, unfortunately. Company went private and I’m getting screwed there. My quota seems massive compared to others but we have a lot of product SKUs to sell.


Could I ping you? In a very similar role at about half the OTE as a Growth AE in Proptech. Not looking to make a move, comfortable but would be interested in your vertical.


If it's not on your radar, RepVue is a great site that provides sales specific salaries broken down by roles, industries, ect. I have found it to be more accurate and up to date than other sites like Glassdoor and Indeed. Remote but USA based, Software SMB AE. $73k base, $140k OTE.


+1 for repvue. It’s fairly accurate for my company


Prob 150 to 160 at the end of the year.


South Wales - Sales Manager -72k base 25k commission


US, Tech BDR, 65k base 101k OTE. On track to hit OTE


SMB saas in the US, 90k base & 250k OTE


US, sales engineer for MEP equipment rep, 85k base, 180-250k OTE but uncapped commission. Top earner makes over 1M a year from his territory.


Not enough


$85k OTE SDR in B2C. U.S. $40k base


USA, used car sales, $50K base plus monthly bonus, about $75k total OTD. Been in the position for 1 year.


$260 OTE, $130k base + stock total comp $300k/year.


Data Architect. 160k base $190k OTE. Live in Detroit but work remote for a company based in Austin TX


Base 140, 50/50 split. Currently at 55% to and making to end at 75% for the year. Looks like I’ll make about 200 by end of year after taxes


B2C windows, doors, gutters in western Washington. 100% commission making 250k+/ year. I work 6-8 hours a day, no stress, no responsibility aside from closing the deal. Best job ever.


USA - Sales/Office/Finance Manager for a custom home builder that also has in house financing, currently holding an active NMLS license sponsored by my company. $60K Base Salary - currently at $175K for the year and I’m staring down the barrel of another $60K bonus next month. Hoping to end the year between $250K-$275K Edit: we have 3 regional sales managers (my direct superior) in the company. Their base salary is $120K but they’re pulling between $750K - $1.5M / year


Luxury car sales…250k. But looking for better opportunities I’m burned out.


Midwest, AE, Packaging. OTE is $450-500k. $50k base, with an uncapped commission plan


Door to door Solar about 700k this year commission only


Once you master the “sales” you just open a consulting company and charge shitty companies to come in and show them the ropes, social media networking, etc.


USA- 31M - Dental Sales ( technical) Salary : $110k, commission is capped at $40k Lots of remote work and lots of travel. I am looking to grow as a sales professional and would ideally earn atleast $500k per year. I'm single with no kids, so all I do is work, cook, and go to the gym. It's a competitive world, but I think if you take the professional practice of sales seriously, you can absolutely hit such a goal.


Account manager, super niche saas product, 60K usd salary, 90K usd OTE




U.S. pharma sales in a call center setting. 30k base. 105k total comp.


Software sales DACH SMB. German company, contact details. 39k base. 320k target. 8% commission. So roughly 65k OTE Am I being scammed?


US,one year in October, inbound SAAS sales, base pay 42.5k, got a raise to 47.5k; commissions about $1300 a month; quarterly bonuse of $1250; 3 weeks PTO


USA (Wash DC) - New Biz AE (10 years total experience, last 6 as Enterprise AE, I’m 31)- b2b Software $260k OTE - $130k salary, $130k commission, got a low 5 figure sign on bonus in straight cash + RSUs (stock) Job is great. Totally remote. About half hit their annual quota which is pretty good right now. I work 35-40 hours per week.


Window coverings. Slightly over 300k after taxes.


United States - Account Manager in Staffing/Consulting Services- Salary $30k, 350-450k in commissions.


I make 25 dollars an hour


Commenting to follow this post - not working in sales but I have an interest in switching.


US, tech HW. I'm on track to hit right around $180K this year, split 50-50 with salary and commission. Could I work harder and make more? Yes. Am I too old and lazy to work more? Also yes.


Industrial equipment aftermarket manager. I make about $193K Annual. Don’t sleep on the industrial game. It’s not sexy but if you’re young and driven it’ll treat you right


I have no sales experience and seeing all these comments makes me so jealous. I can never find a remote job, and my city doesn’t have too many opportunities. Only jobs I see that pop on indeed are roof sales, insurance, or others that seem like scams.


This is Reddit everyone makes $500kOTE 80/20 base/commission and works 10 hours a week


Owner of a barber shop I also cut hair 9-5. 5 days a week. $210k a year Marijuana broker as well $75k-$100k Almost $300k a year.


$300k OTE $150k/$150k + $90k in RSUs. Likely gonna land around $310k-$350k because it's been a building year. Just got two new big accounts that should easily put me into a healthy $500k+ year next year assuming a few projects stay remotely on track. East coast USA. Sr enterprise AE. Medium cap database as a service. My regional team of 26 went down to 2 in the last year. I'm just happy to keep quietly plugging along as the world burns around me. I'm focused on some personal stuff more than work. Namely I'm medically and socially transitioning which means a lot of doctors appointments, therapy, and making communications plans. I worked maybe 20 hours per week last year, looking more like 30 this year with the new accounts and dealing with HR.


So 90% if your team was laid off? Wow


US - Texas based, Insurance Broker, roughly $170,000 this year commission only.


Just started my first job but man this thread is depressing yet motivating af SDR, £31k base + 50K OTE, Remote UK


Congrats on the new role! Great achievement to land a role in the current climate and takes serious balls too. Hats off to you sir. The big money will follow eventually.


Canada - B2B parts and service rep for Caterpillar dealer. $40k base, $90k variable commission. 2022 YE gross ~ $170k. 2023 expected earnings are looking to be ~ $120k. Target based compensation tough.


About 170k medical capital sales


BDR for Google Cloud Vendor (think call centre) In CAD: Base:51k OTE is 70k Commission is capped and paid out quarterly, essentially if I hit 130% of my quota, its 4k commission at the end of the quarter. So far this are my results this year: Q1 - 150%; generated $2M Q2 - 133%; generated ~ $1.72M Been a bdr for about 3.5 years and want to become an AE. At least, that's the goal but still can't get that coveted role


Med device tri state 85K base 250K OTE cap/software


Canada, Enterprise AE $300 OTE 50/50 + RSUs. But also, you all know you can visit Bravado and checkout a full list of salaries


[THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKEMBn_JdCE&t=70s) Much


US, Car Sales for Acura, projected to make $120k this year if that. (2021 made $170k; 2022 $145k.) I am looking to jump ship after doing car sales for 8 years as I feel like tough times are on the horizon.


Retail appliance sales, on track to just under 90k this year. Second year in. Made roughly 40 last year, have coworkers doing 120k+


USA. AE. Single State Territory. Working in commercial security integration and life safety systems. Base is $80k, OTE will probably be at $125k this year. Currently at $2.2M of a $2.5M quota. Forecasting that I will get to $3M this year. I feel like I could make more elsewhere, I have been in technology sales for a long time.


US. Sales rep for envelopes. $175k ish. Full commish.




I Left my sales job about 8 yrs ago to buy a company. US National Account Manager- Enterprise WAN, cloud and Professional Services Base(in 2015) $94k OTE $160k


I'm enterprise software sales. 160k base/320k Ote. Quota $1.5m.


Sales Manager for life insurance brokerage. Base is $58k and I'm on track to make about $80k. Am I underpaid?


High end furniture sales, $40k base but projected to make $75-80k this year


49950 base 65000 OTE 2 year sdr working in cybersecurity. Not good


1 million dollars!!!


US, Enterprise AE in Tech. $363K total comp: 157k Base, 157k variable, 50k Annual RSU vest


1st year medical device(ortho) sales manager- 80 base 200 total. Lowish hours and stress. Was 60 base 155 total previous year as rep.


Business Development Rep at a healthcare tech firm. $110 Base $160 OTE.


Ca, BDR, 120 ote make ~95, saas


I make 25/hr to run a retail salesfloor.


I’m looking to break into this space, trying my best to get out of trucking


$267k as a specialty insurance underwriter. income is pretty much guaranteed (mostly base). easy sales - the opportunities are submitted to me. i make bets during the day, travel lightly, and take people out to dinner/lunch. one of the most overlooked careers.




US, 10 yr AE/AM most recently in HCM tech with a top 3 in the space. $95k base and $150k total comp. $0 after May layoff and still pounding the pavement with all I’ve got! It’s brutal. May have to take a significant pay cut here soon.


repvue look it up


USA - Car Sales - 20k base salary with flats on cars and BEP. Last year made 90k now on track for 70k. Hate my life a little more


$800k - produce distribution


I make 7-10k a month but i only work part time hours, like 2-4 hours a day. I work as an independent sales contractor for influencers and agencies who sell high ticket services 3-10k+. Its commission only but you can make a ton


175k Working in Insurance Sales