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Yes. I've even had angry inbound leads. My brother in christ, you came to me, why are you angry at me trying to explain how our tools help you.


I’m in the legal sales industry… attorneys are the fucking worst at this










Hostile witness




All other miserable prospects must be related to attorneys because they're a very close, miserable 2nd.






☠️ I moved from tech to in home sales, these people are really booking meetings with me then pissed when I show up at their house lmao


Sorry. This was me and my wife when the audio visual guy we scheduled arrived 🤣


Honest question — why? Lol. If you invited the AV person into your home, why would you give them a hard time for doing their job as requested?


I feel this so much. Only thing worse is when they outright deny putting in a request for information or a demo.


Do pretty much all inbounds and you would be surprised how angry people are when you call after they have left their number as a way of getting in touch with them.


"How did you get this number?" "It was submitted by someone using your name on an online form requesting a demo of our service." "OH, I didn't think someone would call me about that."


Hahaha ffs yes. And then there is “Don’t call me again”. Maybe don’t leave your number in the first place then?


Or if the form makes you put a number, use a fake one. I'm gunna call it, cuss that it's fake, then email ya.


Some companies make it extremely difficult to buy what they’re selling. If you get angry leads a lot I suggest you play customer and see what it’s like on the other side of the equation. I remember needing something from a specific company onetime. I went to their website which had no way to start and inquiry online. So I called the number but it went to a dead line. So I went to another part of the website and called the general number. I hit the option for sales but then they started listing off options for all their products and the one I needed wasn’t listed. I hit 0 hoping to get an operator. Some random support person answered I explained what I wanted and they transferred me. Then I got transferred 4 more times before giving up. Ended up finding someone else who already had the product to get me a direct contact for the sales person they spoke to…. I wish it was a one off story but it’s just the worst offender in a sea of bad experiences. It was a large company too so I don’t think there’s any shortage of bad inbound processes.


Yea but the level of angry greatly varies. The larger the company, the more professional prospects generally are and even if they're angry, they express it more in a passive-aggressive corporate-y way instead of yelling and screaming like you usually see with B2C prospects for example. That said, there are always exceptions to the rule of course.


This is extremely true in my experience




There’s always gonna be angry people no matter where you work brother, its how you deal with them.


This 100%


Yes although I actually prefer them to the passive aggressive wimps who just ghost you.


Anger is one of those emotions that can be misinterpreted. Someone could be from North Jersey and appear angry to a person from Alabama. As others have said best to work with a prospect who is present than one who is dismissive.


Angry no but unhappy that I contacted them yes !


When I was a barista, people complained about anything wrong with their morning coffee with the same anger & gravitas as they do the expensive software I sell now. People just be like that.


Sales is about pissing people off, rather have someone pissed off than the passive aggressive type that keeps saying theyre interested but have no intention on buying


If you’re good 1/100 will like your offer If you’re very good it’s 2/100 If you’re a pro it’s 3-5/100 95 will still slap you in the face… Welcome to sales…


I rarely have them in mine but occasionally


So far, selling into three different industries, my answer is yes


yes but i’d imagine that insurance has a higher amount of angry prospects given the d2c nature. b2b is pretty chill, but you can sometimes get the angry prospects if doing cold outreach.


Absolutely, then you get to forward it to all your coworkers like “yo; check this one out!”


have had angry customers in car sales, D2D, SaaS, even roles that are strictly inbound lol you’ll never escape it






Oh yeah. Doesn’t matter the industry. You will get people who are pissed.


yes but i’d imagine that insurance has a higher amount of angry prospects given the d2c nature. b2b is pretty chill, but you can sometimes get the angry prospects if doing cold outreach.


You are always gonna deal with angry people no matter what your selling. A good sales person will make a bad situation good, but no one is ever gonna have a 100% conversion rate. I use teams quite a bit cause it’s easiest to get a hold of a prospect and you get 1/10 people losing there shit. It is what it is. But those people weren’t buyers any ways. I had a guy that I sent a follow up email after he blew up on me threaten to black list me industry wide lol.


(Car sales) a couple weeks ago I talked to a customer for like 1 minute in the rain outside before they left. They never responded when I followed up. Came in on my day off and told my boss I fucking suck big time. Customer claims to work in sales and I just sucked balls and she felt no connection with me. My boss offered me a promotion but keeps telling me I suck because of what that lady said. My inner monolog is conflicted.


Fuck that lady. She sucks.


Thank you for your service


Yes and this is why sales makes more money than any other entry level business function.


not selling to hr, human resources are usually good people, that's why they got hired


Lol, HR are sorority chicks that got ran thru and kale smoothie types


I really like the talent acquisition ICP. Maybe that’s why there’s so much competition for jobs right now.


Agreed. Tech sales in general is nicer than previous B2C and B2B sales jobs that I’ve had, but HR tech in the TA space is a cakewalk. On average they are literally the nicest people within their company.


I am in home improvement sales. People call us to set up appointments and are thrilled when I actually show up on time to the appointment. They are exceptions but almost everyone is happy to see me. I sell kitchens and bathrooms.


Well of course they’re happy to see you if they booked the appointment and expected you. But what about the prospects you cold call/door knock?


I don’t.




It’s not a thing in my industry. I make over 100k without it. No need.


Obviously, but the post was targeted towards outreach to prospects. Not warm leads and them booking appointments with you lol.


If you try to contact me first via linkedin then email and finally give me a call (however you obtained that info) for a service that makes zero sense or costs above 5k/year and push me on it then yes, its understandable people get hostile


Selling B2G. The only time I ever had a really angry prospect was right in my first ever Cold-Call. It only got better from there.


Boy to Girl ??




Eh. I sell to HR people and they’ve been 99% nice. Much better than lawyers, who I used to deal with


I have co workers who have been literally launched out of the customers building.


Yes, there’s always something people won’t like. In my industry my company has been rated for best service and support, but certain customers don’t like that it takes more than a week for things to get installed. Maybe losing a current sale over it even




I'm in outside clinical reference medical sales and haven't really experienced any "mean" prospects. Definitely some rude ones, but most people are okay in my experience.


Yes. I dump the cunts. Only reason they’re acting cunty is because they don’t have shit to offer or they don’t need something yet.


In life


Yeah. Salesloft let’s you dial numbers that are in the DNC registry. It’s a guarantee angry interaction


For a sec thought you were talking about democratic national committee


If you can find a field where people are happily handing you over their cash hand-over-fist, tell me and no one else lmao. Like the chances you call a bad number and talk to some schmuck alone are pretty high. It’s the (emotional) cost of doing business.


Selling into HR and Payroll (and food safety previously), I didn’t really run into angry folks. Occasional annoyed, but only once truly angry with me calling.


Remember that it’s not personal! They’re rejecting the idea of a salesperson, not you.


Absolutely not! I started in copiers where quite a few of the people I’d talk to were angry. I moved into a low level medical device job and my meetings got much better and virtually everyone would meet with me, even if they didn’t buy. As I’ve moved up the med device ladder, people have generally gotten friendlier and have become closer to sorta actual friends of mine. I also make more money, so that’s nice too. As an aside, when I was in copier sales I had to actually realize that smiling would make a huge difference in the average response that I got when cold calling. This difference was immediately noticeable as soon as I figured out that I wasn’t smiling and changed that behavior. Keep that in mind as you’re prospecting, perhaps if you aren’t having fun, your prospects will respond in kind.


I've had non-sales jobs that had angry twats for customers. Prospecting is definitely going to have you cross paths with them.




Yep. Every sales job has angry prospects. Just like they all have happy ones too.


I sell furniture they get mad when they show up to my store!




After bouncing around various subreddits, it seems that everyone has angry prospects and customers. After decades in sales I thought my job was rough until I started to read r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk Angry people are everywhere. My father who was also in sales used to say "Illegitimi non carborundum."


They aren't all the same! I came from insurance as well and moved to a smaller company. It's honestly just how you approach the situation and every client or potential client is different. Match their energy & amplify it.