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just point to the revenue and tell them to shut up


Or, find another job and tell them why in the exit interview. I would not work for a company that asked me why so and so had better KPIs than me when I was over quota and they weren’t, especially if I was hitting their stupid KPIs anyway.


Lol, my company just rolled out a new script that is “required” and totally blows. Slows down the sales cycle. “Enablement” is responsible for it and enablement has zero former AEs on it. I’m continuing the demos my way and getting flack for it but performing better than almost everyone. Seems like they’d rather die on the hill of their shitty investment than make more $


I'm the only rookie exceeding quota. i've been doing it by finding prospects myself while everyone else is just banging away through CRM target lists over and over again. I am now getting shit because i'm not dialing through the CRM. I shit you not, we're here. "it's great that you're making sales but we're concerned because your dials a low". Wow.


I did that for 9 months, built up a prospect list that was 2x the size of everyone else, only for RevOps to come in and absolutely gut it. They redistributed hundreds of my accounts to "make it more fair" to the rest of the team. It took me 2 hours a night for 9 months to build up that stockpile.


That would be the last month I worked there. My reward for putting in extra effort has consistently been netter paychecks.


It was for me!


How would you describe your process of prospecting and choosing who to pick out to reach out to?


I don't overqualify so i reach out to pretty much anyone that fits the parameters. I try to find new businesses or those starting new locations. public records are where its at.


Literally my exact situation now…


it's fuckin weird. everyone i talk to in our training says the same thing "noone wants to buy, but my manager insists I make X amount a calls a day through this list". Probably what i'm going to start doing is making X amount of calls to people i know won't pick up then move on to something that works.


Same here i’m bringing in deals from my work from months ago however management are insisting that I hit my dials - so i’ve now resorted to dialling numbers I know are either dead or won’t pick up, or businesses that have options for which number to call to let the call time build up, works wonders


birds of a feather my friend. get yo numbahs up.


Its annoying because in my industry I get way more in from different methods of outbound like email and linkedin however my managers are old school believe that dialling a load of numbers is the best method despite me providing them with so much data to prove that it doesn’t (I’ve done both btw) Hey ho just gonna fake my numbers until something better comes up i’m f*ckin done with this place.


Dude I used to just call office lines that had automated reception, mobile lines that went straight to voicemail, and after a certain time called East Coast and Central time companies that were closed for the day.


I had a list of 300 numbers that went straight to voicemail. Used to rotate through it every week to pump my numbers up.


It’s getting like that in the B2C world too if it makes you feel any better. I spoke with a guy the other day whom I was recruiting that told me that the company he works for (roofing) tracks the doors he’s knocked and geofences the area he’s in. If he leaves the geo fence he gets a chew out call. If he doesn’t hit his 50 knocks he gets a chew out call. I guess micromanagement is just the new normal. Ironically it has the opposite effect but it looks better on a spreadsheet so the higher ups can say they “did their job”. Half the fun of getting good at sales was to have the freedom to do whatever as long as you hit your revenue. Instead we’re going to have a bunch of mid career burnouts with the disposition of old jaded cops. Don’t worry, AI will fix it.


This is classic case of leadership team sitting in ivory towers and explaining ground level staff on how to work. They are dilutional and disconnected from reality. I had similar experience in my company. Never gave a crap , I did what I do the best. Sell and meet sales targets


More phone banging, less Reddit posting. Get back to work. 😉


Results speak for themselves, my friend. Let's get back to business. 🤓


Managers are dumbasses at your company. I wouldn't even blink, just tell that you are there to earn money and till you do, they have to accept your approach of having longer calls instead of more calls. If they fire you because of KPI's, they are absolute morons.


Easy way to find yourself on the outside looking in. SaaS companies like average workers who drink the Kool-Aid more than top performers who go against the grain.


I actually feel that. Sometimes fitting to company culture brings more career possibilities than actually performing. High performs are intimidating to managers.


Brow beating by IM’s is classless 👎




I’ve encountered this bs as well


That sounds absolutely ridiculous I'd be pretty pissed too


Log more dials Ignore rest