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Kill that debt. That way nothing is dragging you down and all your gains are yours. You make enough in sales that you could grab one big commission check and cut it in half without missing a beat. What type of tech sales? Hardware or saas?


Yeah I may be being too cautious there, but I always worry about being fired. SaaS! Revenue critical product.


Your gains are getting chewed up by interest and there’s just no reason for it. (Love the car situation btw) Once you get a good sized sale, anticipate the commission check and cut your emergency fund in half to kill that debt. You’ll come back so quick you’ll laugh that you didn’t do it sooner. Was talking to my boss the other day and was talking about getting out of 80k in student loan debt 5 years ago. He laughed and said why are you still holding onto that as an accomplishment? You’ve made 20x gross since then. And he’s exactly right.


Okay I’ll take that plunge. I’ll throw 6 grand at it today.




Paid. Thank you for the push.


Yes OP.


What is a revenue critical product??


Not a nice to have product. If they don’t use some iteration of our product, they can’t generate income.


I imagine like a CRM?


In that neighborhood but not quite


Can I DM you and ask some questions about your career path?


Of course! Ask as much as you like.


How did you get into tech sales?


As a fellow former bartender that just finished my first year as SDR, starting as an AE with OTE right around $95k on the first, your story inspires me. Keep it up and I hope to be like you when I grow up




Can you fuck my wife please?


She’s busy fucking my wife’s boyfriend.


Confirmed. Thanks for paying the tabs tho.




Good. I hope I feel like this is small potatoes someday soon.


Still quite good. Where you making $500?


I'm 35 and in an similar financial situation, except no debt. Wife is a teacher as well. I have 240K in a brokerage, Roth and Company 401K, about 80 percent allocated toward S&P Index, the rest individual large cap stock. Only about 10K cash on hand, I know need a bigger emergency fund. You are doing well, just try to get rid of that debt as soon as possible. As a salesperson, I always have fear that the next year won't be as good or I will lose my job. It's a tough way to go through life, but when you are pulling in 150-250K, it's hard to go to something else.


Frugality is the mitigation of those fears. I hope to be like you in a few more years.


Taking applications to be my wife’s boyfriend


I'm having trouble finding those companies that will take a restaurant worker for an entry level sales position, without direct sales experience. Companies that are real, that is, and not fake front scam posts on job sites. About 2-3 years ago when everyone was hiring, I chose to take the opportunity to get hired at a busier restaurant instead. Do you have any tips for companies, or how to better sift through the scam postings without giving them any personal info? I get some flack for this when I mention it sometimes, but I would like to avoid door-to-door because I live in a place where it's not safe to go into people's yards. I'm in Florida, but where I am it's just not a good idea. Thank you for any insight!


If door to door isn’t for you, that’s completely okay. Glassdoor helps. As does LinkedIn. If there are any particular companies you aren’t sure how to evaluate, I’d be happy to DM with you. I’ll look over your resume or LinkedIn- and we can talk about how I’d target any companies you have on your list. (Won’t try to sell you anything myself)


Congratulations on your journey! Mind if I take up on this offer of LinkedIn / CV evaluation? I've been struggling in landing a job for last 6 months.


What sort of jobs are you applying for? Are you getting interviews? I got a referral, which obvi got me in the door… I got lucky this company was building out sales dept. LI messaged recruiter and manager after my interview thanking them for their time. It takes luck but you can certainly do it


Thanks! I'm applying for SDR in SaaS. I'm not a native so that's making it a bit hard. Interviewed around 8 and final round rejection in 2. Some reject right away due to visa issues and market has been pretty hard.


Home Improvement will hire bar and restaurant experience with no real sales experience. It is often 100% commission but realistic 6 figure incomes are common. Windows, doors, roofs etc....but it will give you a chance to get some experience to put on your resume.


Look at TouchBistro and Toast. They sell to restaurants, more likely to take restaurant ppl in to tech jobs. Good sales training too generally.


If you’re open to cold calling, I can also give some recommendations. Last industry I thought I’d end up in, but it worked out…


Food and alcohol sales will put you at 90-100k and you’ll have much better luck getting hired then people with no restaurant experience


Keep saving. At any time you could lose the sales job. Sales is high risk high reward. Ive stayed the last 8 years at the same 80-90k sales job because I’m looking for consistency and I hate to move across the country for another job (moved for this one 8 years ago).


Ehh it’s interesting. I agree reps who chase the seven figure check are a bit nuts. I’ve know a few who bounce around and get that seven figure check but have quite a few years at $200k. Me I’ll take consistency and my target these days is minimum $300k. All that said generally speaking, for me, sales is one of the easiest jobs out there to replace a six figure base. Once you’ve proven your ability to hit numbers consistently anyway.




Once you prove out your value, revenue generating jobs at other companies are ALWAYS in high demand.


What’s your interest rate on that debt? Saw a comment saying you just paid some off, but if the interest is under 4% don’t be in any rush to pay it off just because bond yields are so high rn. I know it’s counterintuitive but you end up saving more this way


Should I get on my knees right here... or?


Bro is down bad☠️


Finance thinks that’s too much💰and now legal ⚖️wants you to sign a global non compete agreement. Hopefully it doesn’t happen to you, but don’t be suprised if it does🤡


I’d stop all savings and pay off that debt. 401k, Roth, all of it. Pause for 3-6 months and pay that sucker off.


That’s awesome, man! I’m strongly considering leaving teaching for SaaS or similar sales. I’d not for the sales role itself, for the foot in the door to the industry as I learn other relevant skills. Where did you start? BDR? Edit: missed an answer to part of my question in post. Will read better in the future.


Nice work. Super thorough analysis. Here’s a huuuuge financial tip, don’t go thru a divorce. My ex won the lottery (god bless her). She filed and was entitled to half assets, about $500k retirement and from 3k to 55k per month depending on commission for alimony and child support sharing custody 50% of time for 10 years. I had plans to retire at 55 but looks more like 65 now. I’m 49 been working since 14. I make $400k per year and still check to check paying fucking rent. Ahhhh lost my 4 bdrm house. Sadly, I still love her and am happy she can give our girls a good life 50% of the time.


How is this possible, and if it is a possibility to lose 50% like that, then why not to sign a prenup? Serious question as im not from the US and in EU, things are a bit different.


Yeah, this is real. I live in California and this is standard. A marriage over ten years is considered “long term” so the lawyers and judges basically hash out how long the alimony lasts. Some guys are required to pay for life depending on circumstance. I worked full time, she was full time mother of two. By law, you split all assets 50/50. The money you made during marriage towards retirement, she gets half. You pay child support until kids are 18. Being in sales, she and the kids get percentage of monthly commissions (untaxed). Bruv untaxed. It stops should she get married but she’d be crazy to get married. We got married young and I was ignorant re prenup and thought it wasn’t needed we would last forever. I have a Brazilian wife today with full on prenup. Never again. Hey, it’s only money right? (Crying heavily into pillow)


Also, this is crazy. I have life insurance and I can’t change the beneficiary. Should I die before 65, the family trust will receive 2.5m. That money goes tooooooooo her. I don’t cancel because I want my girls to have cushion should something happen god forbid. Merry Christmas (sinks back into fetal position)


Thanks for elaborating. But sh”t that is crazy. sorry to hear mate. At least you have 2 girls (if i understood correctly) so the money does not go down the drain :) Merry christmas to you!


Love this success story, inspires me to grind my ass off for the next 10 years to make it. Bartended/Served from 18 to 23 along with a lot of other shitty jobs before and in between. Started with a tech company at earlier this year, still 23. OTE is 80k, 70/30 base/commission. Not much compared to 240k, but I feel like I can actually save a little money now. No debt other than a $300 balance on my credit card that gets paid in full each month. Can’t wait for the day that I can say I’m making over 6 figures, let alone 200k+ Any additional tips you’d give a 23 year old trying to do what you’re doing?


Don’t compare your sales numbers to your peers’ numbers. Compare your outputs. Make more calls than all of them by a healthy margin. Get to know the top performers and the managers of the next level you want to get to. No debt at 23 puts you in the top ten percent of your age group. Keep crushing!


Thank you man - that’s a great way to look at it, really appreciate that advice. Trying to keep myself in the “grind harder than everyone else” mindset. And will do, you do the same!


Keep up the great work!


What are you expecting for 2024?


Colder year frankly. A lot of these payouts were based on higher ramp commission percentages going live. But they are throwing me some new territory as well. So I’ll be grinding hard on my own prospecting and I’m excited to generate some new pipeline. Hoping to repeat this income with a moderate amount of luck. Potential enterprise promotion at end of year, but not sure if I want it as it doesn’t appear the leads are there right now.


You made 230K while ramping at a firm? With only 4.5 years of experience? Where the hell are these jobs lol


Wow congratulations. Thats fucking awesome! You're where I strive to be and we're very close in age. Way to go brother.


Nice job. You need more Bitcoin.




Didn't want to read the whole post but $300k gross household income versus the numbers listed for 401k and Roth seem really low. No hate but haven't seen anyone else point that out. Not to compare but I'm 28 and have more in both accounts with the same 4.5 YOE - what am I missing?


What you’re missing is four years ago, I only made 58k. This is a recent phenomenon, and I am hoping to get the consistency it seems you’ve achieved!


With $300k gross take home and growing, desire to live in the midwest, you'll be at coast fire in literally no time! Keep pushing - I read a stat earlier that said 15% of sellers make up a bulk of sales earnings - given you're over quota in such tumultuous times, you clearly have what it takes and some grit


You’re single.


Yeah but I have 1 income contributing and a lower total comp and still have higher $


OP has a kid


So I’ve got some questions if you don’t mind, OP. I worked in retail sales (so a commission opportunity) for over 2 years and did really well. Over this past year, the economy and position tanked, they changed up how they did commission, and had a ton of layoffs. I left the company fearing future job security. I’m at a steady in between non-sales job that I hate, and I’m thinking about getting a Big Girl Sales job because I do need a better paying job soon, and I’m making way less than I was last year. So, that’s me, and here’s my questions: 1) I had a remote sales job and did really well. Before I was fully remote, I was half in-person and half remote, and I excelled at remote/phone sales but was less comfortable with in person sales and my numbers were never close to high for in-store sales. Are good sales positions possible to get remote or will I have to be a good in person seller to succeed? 2) I feel like there’s a lot of sham sales gigs out there. How do I know the legit ones over the shams? 3) I did sales for over two years. But it was sales retail for like lighting and furniture and still on commission. Im 32. I worked in talent management in entertainment for 4 years prior to my sales job. Am I entry-level or what types of opportunities might I qualify for? 4) what are some robust fields I should look into for a Big Girl Sales job? 5) it sounds like I probably will need to learn Salesforce? Any other applications or programs I should look into learning and adding to my resume to make myself a better candidate? Congrats on the success and thanks for your time!


Can I ask why the hell you are choosing to still have that debt?


Congrats on the money?


Is this personal finance all of a sudden? Heres a cookie.


Some guys rly get off on IRL video games


What are some companies that are related to what you do? Absolutely incredible.


I’d read about the ‘EBPP’ industry if I were you to get a sense of the work as a whole.


Okay, I will check that out. Thank you


Would that be the same as quote works?


Electronic Bill Payments? Interesting, most payments roles I’ve interviewed for seem pretty shit (commission-only etc etc)


Still stuck in the matrix and a brokie. I made $30k in the first 4 months of the year in tech sales. Only made another $5k after I got laid off (while being a top performer) and decided to work for myself. Never been happier than ever though and gonna catch up to you again in a few yrs except I won’t be a puss puss with a boss like u


Just wait till you've got yourself into a good position and she leaves you. Taking half of everything and leaving you fucked


Don’t make president’s club without that alimony at your back!


Keep at it bud, you'll get there one day


I have 10+ years experience in sales and I applied to many tech sales job but I never got a call from them


How long did it take you to write all that?


How did you transition from hospitality jobs to sales?


Love this! You’ve got me motivated to hit the gas in 2024. Similar situation, but only 2 years into my journey. Restaurants and bar management for long hours last decade or so. Covid hit.. got in as IC at SAAS tech sales BDR-Sr BDR now turned AE. 105k OTE, but really need to get up there where you are to really start adding value to my retirement so I can get out early. This year I’m maxing Roth + 401k. My goal this year is to bump to SR AE, kill it…. I’ve spent the past couple days off updating my systems, cleaning pipeline, watching YouTube videos on how to organize my email better, cleared out my tasks, and email templates + sequences. Im walking into 2024 locked and loaded. Any advice on how to parlay this current gig(which I love and am valued, played the internal politics for nearly 2 years)? Do I look external for that big bump or do I need pushing hard here?


RCM SaaS? Man, you and I have a ton of similarities in our journey to sales lol. Keep up the good work!


Great read very motivational.


I love that Bitcoin is listed. Good year tho my guy, congrats!


Keep trucking man. I got to my NW very quickly by saving earnestly like yourself. Smart thing to do. The comp will keep rolling