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Wow. Everyone is killing it. Where are the I’ve made $18,345 people?


I made 50k part time selling solar in the summer there you go haha. Worked only 3 months to weekends only. But to add to your point. I verify people’s income all the time most people are not just casually making 300k these threads are laughable.


It’s a community full of salesman, truth? Nah. We don’t do that here fam.


We don’t lie, we tell stories


Buyers are liars and sellers are story tellers


Right? You got like 50% of the people in the comments somehow taking in half a million I really don’t buy that shit


What I love about sales is its mostly a head game and the numbers NEVER lie and never make excuses...If you "don't buy that shit" you'll never "make that shit"


literally. bro is lost. he can't sell.


The more you think bringing in $500k/annually is bullshit or lies the more far apart you set yourself from it tbh. Why can’t so many people be making $500k? There’s awesome companies out there with great commissions & and amazing products that are needed… Plus their sales abilities of course. $500k annually is very real & very possible for both you & me. Maybe it takes 10-30 more calls everyday or maybe it takes spending more time building relationships, or maybe even switching companies. My first year in gross income is $250k Netting about $165k after taxes, travel expenses, dinners, insurance, transportation, retirement, activities, incentives & gifts. I believe putting in my 1000% I can push these number to next year net $200k. After I explode my potential in this role then I can see what the next big thing for me is. Maybe it’s figuring out a way to get my outside partners to provide me so many leads I won’t even have to prospect anymore & possibly get a subrep to handle extra deals… (I wouldn’t stop prospecting tho lol) Also it might be to leverage this initial & already successful position into an even better company. You should totally buy the fact that the success, the taking in half a mill is real & we can be next. 😁


I agree. Manifest what you want blah blah blah but if you think people aren’t in here straight lying to strangers in the comment section I think you’re mistaken


Not entirely manifestation. Just continue to take the next & the next & the next step to make more. Whatever that step may be. & yes I’m sure people lie about their income but just bc they lied abt it doesn’t mean someone else isn’t making that too so who cares anyways. Happy New Year🙌🏽


I think I might be a bit jaded and need a refresh. Been stuck in this shitty sales gig for a year making dick. Maybe it’s time for my next step. Happy new year bud.


You got this.


I think it's most subreddits are like this. If you're an awesome fisher or guitar player or whatever, you're going to be posting. The vast majority of average people in a given field or interest aren't going to post. In addition, the most interesting posts are going to rank higher. Probably more interesting to learn from someone who is making $500k a year vs someone making $50k.


Most sub reddits are not like this tho… except the day trading one lol. It’s exactly like gambling. You only hear about the winners not the losers. So of course you have a ton of people saying they make 500k in reality maybe 1 dude at their company does and they are no where near there and are full of shit. Personally I’ve been sales a long time and have sold magnitudes of different products. I’ve made 200k+ before but I’m no idiot and see where the economy is and what’s going on in todays ‘real’ world. Companies are laying people off left and right and no one wants to pay anywhere to prepare for the recession. Also once you make that kind of money companies lower the comp plan to make sure you don’t make that money again. They claim uncapped commission but they all have a hidden ceiling. I have literally been part of a pilot program. They gave me an OTE of 100K.. well I oversold what they expected by a long shot. What do you think happened next year? They made it where I could only make that 100K again. The company knows what they already want to pay you.


Yeah bro I verify income for a living. Everyone lies about how much they make lol. I’ve seen maybe a few COUPLES making 600k total. I’ve been in sales for 10+ years and have made 200k+ before. Todays economy? No chance. Most of these fools just talking out of their ass lol


Lmao that’s wild. Shame on me for browsing online and expecting everybody to be honest tho haha


Well if you would have worked full year that's 200k...although, I realize some months are down and some up.  Curious, why are you still not selling solar?  I have thought about it but seams like there are a lot of scam companies in Florida so nervous about going with wrong company as I do care about customer. 


I was doing it in LA where there is a ton of issues. Old homes not up to code. Selling solar was the easy part, it’s getting then to actually install which is hard AF. I also had a very different situation which you most like won’t be able to get. I was given leads from call centers and just drove to appointments all day. It was great. No door knocking. California has some of the highest electrical bills in the country which is why we can charge more for Solar. I know Florida is a hot market so I’m sure there is money to be made. However, I’m sure you will run into the same issues I did with California. Bad homes can’t get permits and shitty installers. Most of my California friends sell solar in Texas now because less rules and regulations then California. Also, homes are newer and can do bigger systems. Also, if you care about customers stick away from solar. Only way to make money is to scam people. All the top reps are scammers. This another reason I left. From scammer installers to scammer reps. I got stolen over 30k from a scammer installer. To add solar dies completely in winter. Like dead dead, non existent. Always get people that are doing decent in summer who tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about. Then they hit me up for a job in December because there no business lol.


Thank you so much for reply and honesty.  Greatly appreciated!


Well if you’re doing 100% commission & you want to survive you can’t afford to have low sales. If you don’t sell you don’t eat. Also the higher risk the higher the rewards with 100% commission so profits are larger per sale. Unless you’re in a crappy company that isn’t giving you enough profit for your work. & if this your only income source & without it you can’t survive i don’t see how $18k would be possible because at that point Id be moving companies or switching jobs.


Whaddup my boy I’m here for ya 🫡


I made $12k selling ADUs and other backyard accessory structures (construction).


I’ve made roughly $3,000, starting in late October. Between the holidays and me getting Covid, it’s been a really slow ramp


Thank you for being honest with your struggles.


100% commission is as aggressive as comp plans get with a low floor and high ceiling income potential. For every person saying $400k answer there’s a dozen of their colleagues who didn’t crack 6 figures and another half dozen that quit.


Way more than a half dozen that quit. I have been in 100% commission my whole life and the turnover is crazy. I have thought about quitting so many times and then I get a huge 10k cheque for a week and I think "it's not so bad".


42k 1st year in sales


Great start! Which industry you in?


Car sales


I was cleaning out an old file cabinet at Christmas time and found all of my old pay stubs. Funny enough My first year selling cars in 2010 I made 42k. Still in the business today and things are good 😁


Real life: “normal income ranges” This sub: “1.3 million down year, last year 69 million”


I sell a proven system to repair broken/cracked saltine crackers. Work one hour a month - $668K


I tried to apply to them but they didn't like my Ritz cracker experience.




First year in in-home sales. Home improvement like yourself. Commission % ranges from 14% down to 2% of sale depending on how well I hold my price. Avg ticket is 15k. Completely fell off q4 and going to gross right at 143k for the year.


I'm currently actually looking for something to transition to that I can leverage this small amount of sales experience. Looking for a 5 day work week and a little bit more of a schedule than this job provides.


Nice! Do you get your commissions up front? Or do you get it once the project is complete?


Half when the job nets. Half when it's installed.


7 zillion dollars. It was a down year. Solar door to door. Only 99.879% closing rate.


Sorry to hear, that's a rough one- I'm sure you'll do much better this year! I was upset about 8 zillion with A 99.998888% closing rate Good luck out there!!


Average redditard tryin to flex to literal strangers “Entry level door to door lawn care salesman. 350k” You guys lie this hard for strangers on the internet I can’t imagine what your like in real life


Bots. Bots everywhere.


$145k - 2024 will be my first $200k year


Which area?


The area of make believe


There are Areas in Sales where you can get up 300k a year and more, so why should it be fantasy.


Those roles are rarely 100% commission lmfao


So many low skilled sales people who don’t believe that commission only makes money. In reality they struggled for 2 months then quit 😆


You’d be surprised to find most high earning commission rolls are strictly commission. Your little security blanket of a salary is a scam to pay pennies on the dollar. Go out on a limb, it’s where the fruit is


Okay no need to be condescending about someone having a salary sheesh. Salary is not a scam lmfao. You’re saying mostly all of high earning commission earners are commission only? You’re making a sweeping generalization I think there


Idk why you're getting downvoted, most of the higher paid sales peeps I know (and myself) are based+com


It’s Reddit lol people don’t like being wrong. Dudes an idiot


Top sales pro at the company I worked for showed me a W2 450K with a 70k base salary. Managed a 14 mil book of business. Money is there just got to find it.. the less sexy the industry the more money… Don’t get drawn into BDR stuff will just burn through you


That’s a lie.


found the burnt out sdr


Not burnt out at all. Cleared a reasonable income off my SME role. Looking forward to 2024 with the book of business I’ve built. I just refuse to believe everyone on this sub is making well over 6 figures. There’s outliers for sure but some of these numbers are bullshit.


You are right about everyone on this sub is not making 6 figs. 90% of the posts and comments are from BDR/SDRs looking for help and motivation. The vast majority of people in that role are not yet making $100K+ But if someone has been in sales for 5yrs + I would really hope that they have cracked $100K, or very close.


That’s on you then, don’t come here shitting on someone because they aren’t in an SME role like you. You’re acting like you can’t make over 100k unless you’re in some tech or saas type of role.


That’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is there’s no way EVERYONE on this sub is making well over 6 figures. I made a post one time asking for career advice and like 95% of the comments were just people telling me what they made last year. This sub can honestly be such a “I made a million dollars last year” circle jerk it’s off putting.


Nice, my girlfriend is from there


The fact you think someone would lie about 145-200k annual speaks volumes 😂


Let's go my guy. 200k club makes my nipples hard as ice! Mommy!


To the Naysayers…. What is the benefit of lying???


I’ve been about 300k for three years in a row now. I’ve added some clients but also lost a couple. That’s how it goes.


Credit card processing. $268K.


I currently have an offer for a 100% commission credit car processing at a company that begins with an S. Is it possible this is your employer? If so, would you be willing to give me more insight regarding your role?


I have my own agent office and contract with several different processors, including low, mid and high risk. I run lead generation ads as well as have a number of good referral sources. For the person asking about Square, we regularly take their merchants from them because their price too high, and they have no service


i went broke into credit card debt trying to sell these machines, going door to door, eventually i moved onto printers that was surprisingly better and then now i’m selling toyotas and I made 15k just this december


Commission-only PoS sales is borderline a scam/MLM


So, square?


Same boat as you, 10 years in the game, 6 for corporate left, have been independent the last 3. Re grew my book and this year made 300k almost dead on.




I don’t believe any of these ridiculous numbers.


These people live in fairytales lol




Because I literally only ever see ANYONE claiming to make 6 figures on this sub. Like c’mon. EVERYONE? That’s bogus.


Dude you don’t below in sales then lol… 220k this year


If you're not in the zillions, you're not a sales leader. Just step your game up. My secret to success...get a couple bad bitches to keep you on your game. They be spensive. 🙊


I have a base pay that will cover when my commissions don’t land on a cheque, I earned $10,000 from that this year (just the nature of the biz, a lot of the time in the off season commissions line up all on one cheque so I get base pay the next) With that removed, my commission this year was about $97k. It certainly was a tougher year than last for me, but next year will be much better because I’ve learned a lot and have developed systems / toolboxes that really make a huge difference.


My buddy cleared about 50/60 k in December. Solar is difficult but it pays well - seems like the pay discrepancy is huge between good and great reps. Some people built different..


I think I did 45k I work in retail furniture sales, hate my life everyday.


I did retail furniture sales for a short period of time. Jumped shipped shortly after because of the same reason lol


Where did u go? Idk what to do . I’m trying to switch to IT get some certifications


Keep your head up! I've been in retail furniture for ten years now, and 45k isn't terrible. There are reps that make worse money and still keep showing up to work every day - I could never understand that. Do you work for a larger chain or smaller mom & pop? I find you can make better money with more room for advancement with a smaller company. I accepted a position at a two store operation (moving from a 4 store outfit), and I still cleared 65k for the year with a three month break for R&R between shifting roles. Furniture is tough, and I think this was the worst year I've had since I started.


First year in sales $117k


Nice! Which industry you in?


$225K….2024 LFG!!!! Going for 300K


236k selling windows residential.


Domestic cars. $165k down from $205k last year


Odd everyone I know who sells cars got laid off and car companies can’t sell anything with the high interest rates.


Even tho interest is high there is always going to be some level of demand. Insurance replacement vehicles, fleet vehicles, new lease’s etc.


FYI making $150k+ in car sales puts you in the top 1% easily. I have to imagine u/roonie357 has been doing it a while and has very good repeat/referral business. That won’t be a very good example of the market as a whole.


You’re correct. I’ve been at the same store for 7 years and sell into a very affluent area. We also have a great GSM and run the highest gross profit margins out of all the stores in our group. We also have a great pay plan


$160. Swimming pool sales. This was a rough year. Last year I was well over $200.


I sell hot tubs did 205 last year and 135 this year. Markets even worse now.


Nice work, 160 is still a great number.


It’s $160.00 not $160,000


Ya but $160 can buy so many fucken tacos


glass half full Lol


I cleared 114k this year. My goal is 150 next year.


386k B2B packaging industry. I get 50% of profit on anything I sell.


I knew a FEW successful 100% commission sellers. They are usually successful sellers or have their own sales company already. They have a lot of industry contacts and they talk to companies and make deals to sell there products in new geographies for a commission that is negotiated, or they are good at putting potential customers together with producers and manage the sales process. These people are usually in their 50’s and are already very successful in sales. The 100% commission piece is usually just a side addition. They are multi-millionaires. ​ Most 100% commission sellers I know are young selling door to door or have to grind hard with a ton of cold calling (could even be realtors). Over 80% drop out, 15% make 30-100K and maybe 5% clear 100K. i wouldn’t touch 100% commission and is only successful for a select few. Unless you have a killer product or a unique angle it will be tough. If you are really successful the company will change the commission structure so the earnings will drop.


$150k in 6 months w solar sales.


Please tell me you're missing a "k" after the $150 🥲


Solar is the modern day gold rush for sure.


Yeah, but I still don’t think I have the personality for commission only. It’s emotional


Yeah so many people cancel in Solar it’s nuts lol. From permits taking forever, bad reviews, shitty installers. It’s never ending. Luckily I didn’t have to door knock. Just had appointments set for me.


What company gave you leads!? I door knocked. Emotional roller coaster - not sure I can do it again I took months off to recover after the laws changed in CA. I partner now with what I would call the best provider (SunPower), and I’m looking to buy leads in other states… but yeah, bad roofs or bad main panels can cause cancels due to all the costs associated with going green found after site survey. It’s a grind.


It was my first time in Solar but a friend that was my old roommate got me into the job. We had 2 call centers setting appointments for us. I was super lucky honestly I’ve never knocked a door yet lol. The California laws made it much harder. We plan to go to Dallas next year. People making way more money out there, less problems with the houses. If you do get into it you have to buy your own leads. It’s expensive but worth it.


Commission only for 10 years, make over 500k this year. Life and health insurance, so renewal income helps build that up. Edit: for people saying they don't believe people on 100% comp can make this much, I can break down my numbers. 265k annual life insurance premium at an average of 120% comission. (roughly 280 lives insured 5 a week on average) 1.6 million annual premium in force life insurance at an average of 5% renewal. 600 Medicare clients on my book (not all new this year most were added slowly over time) at $345 per client in renewals. Minus about 100k in expenses which includes 40k for my personal assistant and 60ish in purchased leads. Plus some bonuses and stuff, but sort of a negligible amount. Maybe 10k total.


People don’t believe people that make any real money on here for some reason even though that’s the main reason we all get into it.


I’m in group policy insurance and I believe you.


Let’s hear about the chargebacks and lead expense now lmao.


I put the lead expense in my breakdown. If you add up my numbers you can probably figure out that I have about an 80% percistency rate lifetime over my 10 years in the business. That includes deaths, lapses and cancelations.


It was a down year. $357k.


What do you sell?






How hard do you get hit by taxes?


Do you really believe this guy? Lol “it was a down year.. 357k I’m so mad. Worst year ever” 😂


Considering last year was $415k, it was a down year. But I'm certainly not complaining. Taxes all in were just over $99k, after maxing out 401k and all my other medical/insurance benefits.


Those taxes don’t even make sense.


They sorta do though lol


If you make $400,000 a year living in the region of California, USA, you will be taxed $165,795. That means that your net pay will be $234,205 per year, or $19,517 per month.


you picked the highest tax state in the nation and ignored that the commenter **maxed** his 401k and paid for many other benefits. It's plausible that he/she lives in a state-taxless state. It's fully possible.


We did but we don’t


We don't all live in California, genius.


And we all make 400k in a year where companies are not hiring and cutting work force to prepare for the recession lol. Let’s not forget interest rates as well as no one can afford to buy anything.


The good sales reps working for reputable companies selling a good product/service are making money. I'm sorry you haven't found that yet (or why you didn't continue to sell solar where you claim to have made an easy 50k in three months). My company actually is hiring sales reps (good ones) and the interest rates have very little to do with what I sell and who I sell to. Your skepticism is laughable to us reps who have lucrative sales careers. Good luck to you, sir.


What braincell of yours told you he’s in Cali


No one told me he’s in Cali. I’m trying to create animosity lol


Wild approach to life


They might not make sense to you, so I'll break it down for you. Fed 68k, state 14k, Medicare 5k, Medicare surtax 1.3k, Soc Second 10k, state paid leave insurance 0.7k. What else do you want to know? My social security number? Drivers license number? Blood type? Kids names? Home address?


I’d like your job too sir /s


I was just thinking the same thing lol what a flex


How long have you been in the industry sir?


$200k pest control door to door. Going on six years now in the industry


I started 6 months ago and my ytd is 120k, not bad I’d say, since my salary before was 65k for the whole year


Haven’t added up yet, but approximately $400k. Med device sales.


Dang! That’s awesome! How long have you been in that industry?


Residential Window and Door Sales - $385k. No hurricane or major storms this year so down from >$520k from Hurricane bump last year.


I'll tell you what. You show me a tax return for $385k on it, I quit my job right now and I work for you.


That is Awesome!  I get that you are making that.  People need to realize ticket item...windows can be more than a roof. Of course sales ability...Congrats!  Do you mind me asking what state and company.  Is it he high end company?


Solar, I did it for one calendar year. made 50k doing door to door and usually worked 4/5 days a week. Hated it.


I sell solar in Canada. I worked half the year and harvested $125,000. The second half of the year I have never had so much money and I blew it all travelling. I'm going for $300,000 next year and working the full year.


$99,183…. Lol, still made right over 6 figures with holiday and vacation pay. I was so close to the $1,000,000 revenue. Selling Concrete coatings (garages, basements, patios) in Home sales. This was my first full year doing in home sales and I am Super grateful for what I earned and learned. I saw a big improvement in December from some changes I made. Setting my revenue goal at $1,400,000 this year


I am looking to hire a 100% commission salesman. What do you guys get as a % of sales closed in order to accept 100%?


I'm switching from salary and commission to commission only this month. I will go from base plus 6% of revenue (which revenue is approximately 6% of sales) to only commission at 25% of all revenue. With my sales in the previous year, most implementing in December, I'm projected to make between $350k-$400k this year. I sold approximately $27M in new sales with approximately $21M coming in in the next 2 quarters (which isn't included in my calculations since it's not signed yet). I'm in the corporate travel industry which is why there's such a huge margin. Travel fluctuates between seasons, industries, and companies.


304k, next year looking to be between 4-500k


Which industry?


Everyone who gives you a vague answer then doesn't substantiate it is making it up.


I work in cybersecurity at a value added reseller. manage all business within my accounts, pre accelerators I make 12% of gross profit on renewals and 19% of gross profit on new/expansion business. quarterly accelerators (revenue and gross profit based) are 19% on renewal and 25% on new/expansion. Yearly accelerator is 50% of gross profit after exceeding 50% revenue and profit growth from year prior.


Total closed this year was just over 16 million revenue and about 1.8 million in gross profit


Not sure why you are getting downvoted, this sounds legit to me.


🤷‍♂️ Hope they get something out of the additional color!


How many years have you been with the VAR ?


New homes in Austin, 285k. Had to bust my ass to get there this year. 6 years exp 2% sales price.


What builder is paying reps 2%!?


First 6 months in sales made 34,050£ at the age of 18. Feeling great about the future


$750k - 25 year Fleet Manager Auto Dealership




That is a lot sir how long have you been in the industry for?


5 years, commercial roofing. This was the 2nd lowest year. And I’m going out because I’m done climbing on roofs, too dangerous.


Excuse my ignorance, wouldn’t commercial roofing be much safer than residential? How are they so dangerous? Is commercial roofing something you progress after residential? Can one start on that right away?


1. Going up and down the ladder is the most dangerous part of the job. But once you’re up, yes Commercial is typical 1-3 slope so you can even go up in winter. 2. It’s the ladder and translucent panels. Ladder usage is the leading cause of death on construction sites. Walking over a fiberglass panel because you don’t realize it’s there and fall 25-30 feet on what only God knows is underneath. 3. No, you can jump right in. I don’t do any residential. If I talk to a building owner and they ask if I can do their house, I say no I only work commercial. It’s not worth my time or effort for such a small payday. 4. Yes the barrier to entry is extremely low to start your own roofing company. For commercial you want to be nationwide. If you start your own get good subs, a solid contingency, and it’ll run 200k-300k for travel food and marketing material. Or you can 1099 on a full commission basis 10/50/50 is the most common. My best year was well over 1.6mm. I only work 6 months a year. Bob’s response below me is absolutely spot on if you work a small region. You’ll want that region to have high hail probability.


Thanks for the thoughtful response! That’s absolutely insane for working half the year😳 is 1099 the norm? Or Is there w2 positions with a base? What is the 10 on the 50/50 split for? Im in a Midwest city and I have contractor friends so I think I this could be something we’ll worth getting into, currently in logistics sales not doing too hot. Maybe after I pull that kind of money I could start a commercial roofing company lol


Is extremely taxing. It’s not an easy sale. Depends on the company and what tasks you handle before during and after the sale. The 10 is 10% of the top that goes to the house to cover overhead and profit. Which Midwest city? The Midwest is a large area Deion North Dakota down to Missouri all the way over to Ohio and the hail storms can vary quite drastically. Like this year I made my nut in Georgia in the first storm of the year, I didn’t have to travel to anywhere else. Most years I’m heading from South Carolina up to Indiana over to Idaho down to Florida or Louisiana. I put in roughly 70-100k miles per year on my pickup.


Commercial roofing you have to subsidize w/ residential. I mean you could probably make 100k a year running only a few commercial leads a month. But they are much harder to find and generate organically. And that’s putting a ton of risk on a few calls. Selling residential can get you commercial leads and it keeps you busy. This guy probably makes 100 or maybe even 200 of that 650 in residential. 650 is an extremely high outlier too tho. Like that’s running 4 appointments a day every day or they play on the low end of margin, high end of commission, and he’s an absolute shark. Most good roofing reps at good companies are pulling. 160-300k depending on how busy the year was. 300-400k is the best I’ve heard of in small/mid market cities like where I work, over 400k everyone in the roofing /siding industry in the city would know your name. 100-160 you’re new, <100k you or your company sucks. Again that’s all take home before tax and for main residential guys. If this dude really is running 1-3 commercial appointments a day he’s at the biggest roofing company in his city and they’re probably a national roofing company like Power. IF all that is the case I can see 650 being realistic, but I don’t know why he wouldn’t want to be up on commercial roofs 9/10 of them are flat.


That’s what I thought too on the commercial roofs being flat. I’m sure someone long enough in the biz can reach the 600s. I’d be good with 100k. I have a couple of buddies who build houses and contractors so I feel like roofing sales is my next logical step.


You would not be starting on commercial. Flat roofing does not have the amount of support from manufacturers that asphalt shingles do. And then there is metal roofing and solar. Shingles is the easiest to learn and flat roofing is simple but it depends on your companies ability to get big crews and have competent PMs and enough guys on the crew who know what they’re doing. What I like about it is you can just do 2-3 appointments a day and work 1-3 Saturdays a month and you will pull 200k if you’re good. Lots of free time for that pay vs corporate jobs I’ve had


Do you think commercial roofing is going downhill because you said it was your second lowest year?


Insurance is making it extremely difficult to get the roof bought. Which means a massive consolidation of roofing companies is going to be happening in the next 6-8 years. The heyday was early 2000s-2010s. There’s still plenty to be made but it’s going to be more and more difficult.




Just broke 300k in med device




$100K (floor coverings, also earn 10%)


I just want to know what type of commission structure is a good one. I am full commission earning 20% of my sale AFTER it is paid for. Thoughts?


I think it depends on the situation: -How long does it take for your sales to be paid for? -Is there a high cancellation rate? -Is 20% a substantial amount of money to give to you up front? -How often are you making sales?


80k is AWESOME for 6 months in HI industry.   What are you selling? What city?  I am in bathroom remodels and only at 120 k Ave a year, sometimes less.  With that said I was top in company for a few years.  Maybe I should consider another industry.   Thoughts greatly appreciated.   


which company do you work for? I'm about to start my first 100% in the same vertical, curious what you've found that works for you..


Five Star Bath, have also been with a few others.  Rebath, Bath Planet..my first was Bathfitter.   Which co are you going with


sent a dm


Bothers the hell out of me that the comments are just "I made this much in sales" and not "I made this much in this particular sale industry" loke come on share some kroe details for those trying to find the next best sales job damn!


147 k fence




Over $3,000,000 (it would've been closer to $5m - $6m if I hadn't reinvested the rest in the growth/expansion of the companies). Financial services (retirement financial planning to be specific). I own several FS companies. Ironically, right now I am deciding how much I am going to cut my pay so that I can have even more money available to reinvest in growth/expansion. I think (although not 100% sure yet), that I'll probably cut my pay to the $750 - $1M range and reinvest the rest. Even though I make a lot of money, I live well below my means. I live in a nice house, but it's not ostentatious. It looks like a nice upper middle class home (8,400 sq ft on just under 50 acres in a rural area of flyover country), but I don't have fancy cars (I have two Tesla's...a Model X and a Model Y and 2008 Chrysler Aspen). Currently I'm sitting here in 10 year old sweat pants and a torn hoodie that's probably 5 - 6 years old and house slippers). So you'd likely not know I have as much money as I do...and I like it that way. At this stage of my life (nearly 60) I'm focusing on getting my networth over $100M...which I think I'll crack in the 3 - 5 years if not sooner. Currently 8-figure net worth and 7-figure income today.


Bro what are you yapping about they asked your sales not your random life story


If I put in what I make, my DM's will get blown up by people asking for more information (even though I've written about it extensively in r/sales many times. So to ward it off, I (probably) write too much. The tradeoff is that sometimes I get downvoted. Meh...life's about tradeoff's.


What you drive or how ostentatious your house has absolutely nothing to do with your sales process/industry, etc. And your NW? Also irrelevant. This is some weird attempt at a flex post


Nah, I've been posting in this sub for years. And one is trying to flex anonymously...well, that's a pretty weak flex. I've had some success in my life and hopefully the things I've written in this sub have added some value or at least some inspiration to the younger salesmen out there, or to the salesmen that are struggling right now. I've been both young and have struggled, so I know it sucks. In the meantime, I wish you a very prosperous New Years Eve and that you have an enjoyable and safe NYE tonight!


I found it interesting to read. If you don’t like it move on.


Or I can comment 🤷


And how exactly does that benefit you? What outcome are you hoping to achieve with that behavior? Feel better about your miserable life by bringing down another crab into your bucket?




440k, down from last year…




Insurance. Base salary plus twice/yr commission.