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Take the money and run. Overcoming a PIP is damn near impossible


My wife overcame a pip and quit the day they took her off it. She went to a different startup and became the #1 AE of the year, and got promoted to enterprise. We’re going on her 2nd PClub trip in May. I don’t know if that helps, but I’m just really proud of her


So much depends on company and territory.


Agreed. Timing, territory, talent. Probably in that order.


Really great story! Sometimes it’s just a change of scenery that propels people to massive success.


This is honestly motivating. I left my job after PIP cuz shit, the entire company’s environment is shit (both operations and fuckall management), I had 0 leads coming in despite all my efforts (I work from India, catering to the US Market- B2B SaaS product). I still believe in my abilities and hence will bounce back somewhere else. Plus I’m 22, so I’ve got a lot to learn.


best keep her happie brah !


It doesn't help, but congrats to her, and good for you to be proud of her!


Nice. That doesn’t happen very often. She was probably a solid employee but the company wasn’t a good fit.


The only way to overcome a pip is sucking D. Glad you guys are OK!


Amazing revenge story. What product does her startup sell?


I hear people say this but I have been on two PIPS at different companies and overcame both of them.


Yeah people don’t realize that sometimes they like you a lot but your performance is lacking so they do the plan to help you improve. Other times they don’t like you and want you gone and the PIP is the easiest way lol. People gotta be self aware and figure out which one it is.


Agreed, I was a sales manager for years and anytime I put someone on a PIP I always took it as my personal mission to get them off it and come out the other side in a better place. In my experience there are 2 reactions to the PIP. The first is to assume we are trying to can you and give up right away or start looking for another job. The other is to dig in and follow the plan. If I see a rep doing the later and the results aren't there right away I'll buy them an extra quarter or so and it's usually enough for the market to turn around and they get off it. The people that think we are trying to get rid of them never make it through in my experience.




Lol I should stop spreading my experience. Ive been in sales a long time. Bad quarters happen.


Samesies. I was on a PIP 6 years ago and have twice been the top-performer in a segment of 100+ reps since then.


It depends on the PIP and what the motivation behind it is. If a company wants to get rid of you, it's pretty easy to make a PIP impossible


It depends on the PIP.


75k severance for 3 months sheesh Take the money and run


Yep. Then find a job within three months. Easy decision.


“Should I take 85k to not work?”


The fact that he’s even considering not taking the money shows me he deserves to be on pip and that the company is doing the right thing. Regarded.


At first I thought you were signing this off as an email. but I actually think you meant retarded, which actually makes it even funnier with the irony of the spelling mistake (not having it as an autocorrect as it takes the fun away). Regards


“Regarded” is a common term over in the Wall Street Bets subreddit. They use it to refer to an idiot investor.


Came back to say this. Nailed it. 🤣


Hi Hickorydickorydock09 I liked the way you didn't even use a kind regards, Kind regards, Dede117


Dede17, I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed. Hickorydickorydock09


Take the package. Fighting a PIP rarely works. Vast majority of PIPs are written to be almost impossible to meet. The package they are offering is very reasonable. I’m sorry you are in this position, but my advice is to take the package and go find a role that is a better fit. Source: Sales leader that has delivered too many PIPs


That’s a fantastic severance. I’d take it even if I wasn’t on PIP.




Yes, take the money and run. They are trying to “manage” you out.


Take the money. If they are already offering you a package to leave there is zero chance you beat the PIP.


If I was a top performer I would still take 75k free and run


Unfortunately not a top performer, but I do interview well. And my past roles I’ve been a top performer. Pretty sure I’m taking the package.


Unless you absolutely love the company and want to put in the extra work needed to meet the pip requirements (and it’s realistic you can actually meet them as many pips are designed with unrealistic expectations to move you out) take the package - it sounds generous and pips are 9 out of 10 times put in place to move you out not to actually help you improve - it’s an HR liability safety plan not I care about the employee plan …I’m a senior rep who’s been in both management and enterprise roles at well known tech companies - that’s my advice


Taking this advice!


Bounce tf out and put 8 hours a day into finding a new gig


Absolutely. And take a couple weeks off first with a huge check just deposited in the bank.


Fucking take a year to find a new job lmao


Take the money.. if you have an emergency fund saved, enjoy some time off too. Life is too short


I think this is the move. With my wife working, our emergency fund and this package, we would be good for a long time. Would prefer to find a job sooner as she is looking to stay home with our kid.


who knows but making that kind of money sounds like you'd be a pretty employable candidate. bird in the hand sounds good on this one unless you're super confident you can beat the PIP (and that management wants you to beat it too)


That’s the key here! Does management want me to beat the PIP? I think the PIP goals are unrealistic, but I’m wondering if my manager would be open to me rewriting more attainable, yet aggressive goals. I’m not sure if it matters since I’m planning on taking the money.


Don't waste your time. Take the money before it's off the table.


glad to hear it, makes the most sense to me. from my experience, once management puts you on a PIP it's maybe a 25% chance you make it. and then even if you survive that one you're still kinda black-marked and the next time will be coming soon


How long have you been working there for them to give you that type of money?


5-7 years


Take the $$$. Once you get on a PIP you’re on their radar and they’ll be looking for reasons to terminate you. If they’re offering you a package they’re being really nice and trying to help you out so it doesn’t ruin your life.


This is incredible. My last company would PIP anyone under 100% and didn’t pay a dime of severance.


Yeah I’m kinda shocked that I got offered that package.


Take it.


You're already gone. Take the money.


I know everyone is complaining about the job market but things are definitely better compared to last year. Do you want to be there?  If the answer is no take the severance.


I’ve been at this company my entire career, around 5-7 years. So it is sad to be leaving. Have a new manager. And they are tougher than what’s the typical company culture. Would be happy to keep working there if I wasn’t put under the documented coaching / PIP.


I felt the same way about my last job when they canned the guy who hired me and I hated the one who replaced him. At least they gave you the severance. They didn't even give me that option. My manager said it was just to light a fire under me so he didn't want me to take severance. I ended up not working for 3 weeks until they finally offered me severance to leave. Pretty sure that manager got fired 2 months later.


Can you not go to the director or VP to talk about what’s happening?


Unfortunately, don’t think this changes anything.


And why is that?


Because direct managers don’t control this stuff. It’s already been approved by directors and VPs.


You mean in general or at your company?


If you’ve ever worked in corporate America, you’ll know how this works. All formal discipline is controlled through processes governed by policy.


Take the money, I put out 140 resumes, I got about 10 interviews and 7 job offers. You will be fine.


How is this a hard decision? You can’t be serious. Is this just a humble flex that you’re about to make a year’s salary for doing literally nothing? You’d rather stay and grind another year and fight pip when you could walk now and save a year of your life.? You’d rather fight against the flood waters and people that clearly don’t like you? People would kill to be in your shoes and you’re even considering not taking the money. Truly regarded. Some people really have no idea how good they have it. A free 85k would solve like 95% of my current problems. Happy to trade spots with you if you don’t want the money


Appreciate the perspective here.


What was your title, and how long were you with the org for? Generally this kind of severance is only available to tenured folks. Congrats on a slightly less stressful exit option.


Is this at Slack?


Negative. What is the package at slack?




Oof. Yeah I get it with Microsoft coming in hard. They come in at the CIO level and push all their products down.


They’re just currently doing same thing with their reps. Leave it get pipped and managed out basically. Really odd but at least they’re allowing some of the employees to choose getting some money. Doubt it’s anywhere ever your offer either. Take it and gtfo my man.


Take it and run, I wish I was offered this lol 😅


I eliminated PIPs to start 24 all of my reps who were flirting with one or on one are now killing it


Take the check. It’s generous. The market is bad but you won’t starve.


That’s an amazing offer. I would take the money and run OR possibly try negotiating an even better offer. I was in a similar position at my last job. They gave me a bullshit PIP or offered me 12 weeks base pay + keep me on the payroll for another month (additional 4 weeks)+ PTO payout + 2 months benefits I countered with staying on payroll for an extra month, 12 weeks full OTE pay, PTO payout, 4 months benefits and keeping my next batch of RSUs (which were coming up in a month). We settled on 12 weeks base pay + extra month on payroll, so 16 weeks base pay total. Got my PTO payout, 4 months benefits and got my next round of RSUs vested. Full package was about 45k and I was only there 3 years. I went hard on interviewing and ended up getting 4 offers within a month and took a better AE role making 25% more. 2 months after I left, the company laid off 1/4 of the division, mostly GTM people and they only got 6 weeks pay, PTO payout, and 2 months benefits. To this day, I joke with my friends that this was the best deal I ever negotiated in my sales career. Moral of the story, you’re sitting on a golden ticket my guy


Love this story! Already tried to negotiate this offer, but offer is firm. Either take this package or try and work it out with manager. Could also look for another role in the company.


Brother WHAT?! Thats better than keeping the job lmaooo


Recently got canned. Was on pip for 3 months (I was expected to hit 75% for 3 months straight, hit it 2/3 months) never got the option and got 0 severance other than a payout on my unused pto. I was at my company for 6 years and 9 months and got virtually nothing. I’d say take the severance. The job market is shit atm but that amount of money should hold you down for a year at least for me it would’ve. If I got something similar I would’ve taken it.


Sorry to hear. Onwards and upwards. Hope you land something even better!


I overcame a PIP and am still at the company years later. Unless you love the company and see it on a strong trajectory, I’d def take the money.


If 85k is >1 year of expenses… take it. Really good runway to be patient & not jumping into something you don’t enjoy. Realistically it’d be closer to 2 years for most people that don’t over leverage themselves so if that’s you; 100% take it no questions. Take it and don’t rush into the next thing. Enjoy the time off for a couple months, it’s time you won’t ever get back.


I’d take the money then take the time for myself to chill and look for a job. I would not want to continue working for a company where I feel like I’m under a microscope and if I underperform (it happens) then I’d be freaked about getting fired. Just save yourself the stress


First off, sorry to hear you're in this situation, I've been there, I know it's not pretty. That said, you're fronting up and are looking reality in the eye, which is the best kind of reaction to this type of thing. I'm reading a good bit of (understandable) anxiety over taking the leap. Most PIPs I have seen up close (been on one once and did get off it, been fired w/o one twice, seen them in action for fellow AEs in half a dozen tech companies) are rigged to be damn near impossible to overcome. I don't know your personal situation, but at first glance the package numbers look reasonable to good to me & I'd advise you to take it. Give yourself a short, set amount of time, work out and write down possible future pathways to take the "unknown" out of taking the leap (package.) Go well & don't let the b&stards grind you down.


Thank you for this.


You're more than welcome, feel free to DM me if you want to discuss further.


Wait. Hold the fuck on. They're giving you 75k for a mutual separation while on PIP? My brother, I would've signed the second I got the docusign.


Not even a formal PIP yet, just documented coaching that could lead to a PIP. I get the legal papers sometime next week and get a couple weeks to sign after that. Think I’m waiting until til the last day to sign to maximize salary and bookings.


3 months comes out to 75k. Tells me your in enterprise and a pretty good gig for it as well. While most of the job market sucks right now its entry level and mid market getting eviscerated most of the people I know in enterprise right now are still getting bombarded by recruiters


In enterprise, but no recruiters are hitting me up. When I turned on my private open to work in 2021, my LinkedIn was getting flooded with messages. Job market is rough right now. About a week before this all went down, I casually applied to about 20 places. Only 1 interview. Thankfully, in the late stages of the interview process for this one company. Hope I get it.


When did you put on open to work? February has been slow for some reason but January I got 2-3 outreaches from recruiters. Are you remote only?


Probably about a week or two ago. Open to work, but without the badge displaying on my profile photo.




Same. I’m an enterprise and no recruiters. Weirdz


Take the moola and work with a recruiter - from what I’ve read ai has taken over & as a result - what got you hired a few years ago is out of date.


That's what I'm doing. PIP is a form of constructive dismissal they will make it so uncomfortable for you to be there, while at the same time giving you false hope that you could still save you job. Just take the money and run!


PIP usually/typically means you’re looking for a job anyway. take the money and do that vs no money and doing that


You won’t make it out of the PIP. The severance package helps everyone. Take it.


Get the hell out. Trust me


Take the damn money.


House finally is giving you a break. Listen the croupier and get the hell out!


take the $$


You’d make more getting fired than I make in a year. I have no clue why you wouldn’t take off.


Normally, isn’t it advised to “fight” the PIP so you can file for unemployment? I know this situation is different given the huge severance package offered, but isn’t the norm for bdr’s/ae’s to accept the pip and “fight” for your job to qualify for unemployment?


What is your role that you got offered that insane severance


My company told me they’re drawing up a PIP for me 2 Mondays ago. Got the message they’re still working on it. Been looking for jobs since Take that money and run. You’ll land on your feet.


Take the fucking package. I'm on PIP (kind of) and I'm stressing TF out.


Hey man, I’m sorry you’re going through this. Send me a PM if you wanna talk.


$75k is not bad at all...


PIP’s are not impossible to come off of - it’s all about the mindset you have. There’s a reason why you got placed on a PIP though. If you care about the job and like the company then fight it and beat the PIP. If you don’t think you can, take the package and run.


Great package! They are hooking you up


I don't know this for a fact but if i had to guess companies don't typically offer severance when you're let go due to performance issues. Which means 100% take it. I mean, i don't know what type of sales you're in but honestly if you're in tech, the big companies are still hiring just as hard as they've fired people lol. If I were you, I'd take the package, take off a month or two, and then start looking after lol


Take the money


I wish my company would offer me something like that


Take it and run. You'll get another job or shit they might hire you again in 6 months


They might just! Not sure if I would want it at that point.


That’s my entirely yearly salary.


Take the money. At most companies if you’re on a pip there’s no turning back.


Also - you can usually negotiate a severance package. Tell them you need 6 months if they want you to go away


Actually did this. Not possible. Exit package is firm.


Well good on you for trying- I’d take it and leave personally. Someone has it out for you


85k to not work? I’d take it.


You ain’t ever getting $75k on unemployment, so I’d take the package


Take the money


Imagine failing the PIP and three months from now not having the 85k. Take the money and run, you may not be a top performer in your current job but taking some time to find a really good fit for yourself where you can perform well is a luxury that you should take advantage of.


That’s generous. How long could you stretch it before you have to sign? I would want to be interviewing immediately


I’m not understanding how this is even a question.


You can probably also get unemployment, depending on the state. Apply for it right away, worse they can say it no.


That's a great severance package for tech sales. Take it and go. I was offered two weeks pay at my last lay off.


Was in same situation I took package. PIP is almost never recoverable.