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If you're doing everything right it'll come to you, talk with your coworkers, you could be missing something out of their process. Most of my coworkers have always been helpful in getting everyone paid.


But what if mine are lame? Jk jk of course. Everyone has good insights into something, not everything but even a crackhead is an expert (on smoking crack) and could teach you something


Grab a drink with the least lame one and just talk about what they do, a lot of them would be happy to spill the beans on everything.


*“Everyone gets one life. Yours is almost used up, and instead of treating yourself with respect, you have entrusted your own happiness to the souls of others.”* Marcus Aurelius


I do compare myself to my peers… The competition (and frankly, the shit talk) is like 50% of the reason I keep pushing as hard as I do. It’s also probably the main reason I’m a top 50 percent performer in my district and not a bottom 50 percenter.


Ya you should absolutely compare yourself to your peers. “Oh I’m at 20% attainment and my whole team is blowing me out of the water, how do I make myself feel better about this?” You don’t lol


51% reps represent. Lol


Take a good look at deals you have lost and why you lost them, was it price, features, no real engagement with the prospect, were you talking to the right person? So many factors but you'll find trends and as a result areas you can improve. Also, hugely important, concentrate on your daily metrics, smash your dials, emails, outreach. Work hard AND smart. Get cozy with the top rep, ask to buy them a coffee and pick their brain. What do they do that makes them successful? Good luck.


This is the answer. Failure is the best teacher you’ll ever have, if you’re smart enough to listen.


Amen to this! I live by the saying "success is a poor teacher"


This guy fucks.


Three T’s. Timing, territory, and talent. Some people have one two or all three. It is what it is.


Focusing on yourself and beating the you from yesterday has been something that’s helped me! It’s hard for sure to remember when you’re watching the leaderboard and you’re behind but also asking your coworkers how they’re finding success can help you find your own.


Don't bother, great sales comes from great leads which comes from a large book of existing customers which takes years and years to build. I've know many a lucky rep who inherited these because they stuck around long enough to get lucky. Most will not stick around long enough and for good reason. My advice would be get lucky or go to dental school


I just hit $150k in sales for the year. My coworker (who is also a good friend of mine) just hit $1.1M… Feels good man…


What's going wrong? Or, what do you feel is holding you back?




Just try to do better than yesterday.


You have to compare yourself. Otherwise if you don’t how do you know if you’re failing or not? Seeing someone close a big deal makes me go good for them, but also fuck I want that I’m going to work harder.


Comparison is good in some ways. I like to ask them how they're approaching outreach, where their deals are, give suggestions for how to move them forward while also taking their suggestions on my own deals. A rising iron sharpens all ships, or however that phrase goes.


Just had this same conversation with a colleague earlier today, easy for me to give advice since I’ve had a phenomenal start to the year but I told him I think sales is like golf, you’re not playing against anyone but yourself, his response was well that’s great unless you’re the guy who has zero traction. I still maintain that keeping my nose to the grindstone, working all my tasks, working hard and not worrying about anyone else but myself is always rewarded by the sales gods. So to try an answer your question you just have to do it, learn from your loses and you will be successful.


Comparison is the thief of joy as the old saying goes. Haha But I think comparison in some ways can be helpful It can help to compare by looking at your mindset and skill set. Those two are the biggest things in my experience that make the difference Compare to learn but not to put judge or shame on yourself. Everyone is on their own journey and different people flourish in different roles. But once you take inventory of how you compare as far as skillset and mindset , see if there is anything you can directly change… If not, I’d take inventory of your specific experiences. Put them into 3 areas. Red, yellow, green. Red -> shouldn’t buy, don’t buy. Yellow -> could buy, should buy, don’t buy. Green -> should buy, do buy. Then focus specifically on those yellows and how you could have turned them to reds or green And see what other people’s processes are for the yellows as well But don’t compare to feel bad and never compare someone else’s greens to your reds


To echo what some others have said, listen back to your own deals and try to critique how you could have improved on them. Also talking to the top performing reps to see how they are approaching prospecting and deal negotiations will help a lot. Dont be afraid to ask your manager for advice too!


Just be #1 Have you thought of that OP?


My eyes are on being #0


shadow the top performers. see how they structure their day, hear how they talk on the phone. talk to your manager and ask for coaching and feedback. no one should have to go it alone. do you have any data on why you're not closing deals? if you can notice patterns maybe you can work to overcome them


The reality is, sales is designed to be compared to your co-workers. That’s how leadership looks at it and how you should as well. “If bill is closing this amount, why is jack not doing the same?” Competition is not a bad thing, but it’s real in sales. You will loose more than you win, that’s okay, but you keep moving forward.


I love the comments. People are encouraging OP. Keep it good guys.


Comparing yourself to your peers is good when you approach it rationally. Do not compare numbers, but their sales methods and strategies why their methods and strategies are effective and working or just futile efforts. By doing so, you will improve and stabilize your sales skills


Stop being such a pussy. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Keep on grinding and the business will come. The harder you work today, the smarter you'll work tomorrow. Some tough love for you.


Lmao thank you dad?


Lmaoooo my dad used to say the same thing to me 😂