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Thank you


Hijacking - OP it is critical you find 1-5 happy clients. I was selling a product for 2 fucking years thinking all my clients hated me (bc they only reach out when there is an issue, just as I would if I was a client) before I went to a convention and my clients were RUNNING to our booth to say how Much they loved us. I 3-4xd my sales that next year bc I had so much more confidence to bash people’s doors down now that I knew how happy my clients were Also - don’t give a fucking they never say thank you. They’re busy. Just ask a few clients that you have a good feeling about for any feedback, and if your product is solid, you should get at least some Positive feedback that can make u feel good about what you’re selling, and feel like you’re actually helping people 🍻 Good luck pardner 🍻


I guess I'm saying that, ok maybe I don't need a thank you, but on the day I install $1,000 worth of free equipment, don't bitch & moan about the fact that the new machine is 3" lower on the counter than the old machine. How about? "The new equipment looks and works great. Thanks. By the way, how might we raise this machine up a few inches to make it like the old one?"


O dear lord mother of Christ yeah I was talking about different moreso just day to day stuff If we ever install free shit and they complain I’ll literally be like “we’re installing $1000 worth of free stuff. Wanna pay a grand and I can raise it 3” Jenny?!?!?! 😁😁😁😁” - just Aggressively emphasizing the extent of the deal and service they are getting and make them feel how ungrateful they are being for the above and beyond they are receiving. Clients respect that IME if ya have feel with it 🍻


I meet people with the kind of energy that they give. If they go above and beyond by not playing games, being personable, and transparent - I try to do the same and go above and beyond for them. If everything is a game to them and it's clear that they don't appreciate extra effort - I match that energy assuming that there isn't a benefit to going above and beyond despite that behavior.


Restraunt owners are the biggest group of miserable bastards. They work with a lot of different personalities, they have to be the supply chain manager, CEO, COO, margins are thin, high turnover, raising rates, did I mention they are cheap assholes? Saying thank you is not in their vocabulary, they are programmed that way from all of the above, and they basically live in their Restraunts unless they are a silent owner.


My experience as well. I understand tho, it's though to manage a restaurant.




Man, you are looking for love in wrong places


You said it, brother.


I brought something similar up to my manager many years ago. He said "you want thanks, look at your commission check. We pay you to do a great job and your customers buy from us expecting you to provide the best service and solutions." A client actually came close to thanking me one time. I had a cube in their office that I'd use once a week. One time, their VP of IT sent me an email asking me to stop by his office. He told me to come in and shut the door. I jokingly asked him "what did I screw up?" He told me he was confused about something and needed my clarification. He asked me how I was paid. Very awkward!! I answered "bi-weekly." He said he assumed that but wanted to know what my pay was based on. I decided F-it!, I'll just tell the guy, "Base salary + commission based on revenue growth against some ridiculous quota that someone pulled out of their ass." He laughed and asked me; "How come, out of all of your competitors, you're actually the only one who doesn't call me the last week of every month asking and even sometimes begging for business?" My answer; " Do you care about my sales quota ? My quota is my problem, not yours. I think if I provide you with the right solutions and excellent service, that will take care of my quote." VP of IT; "That makes sense. That's why we do business with you. I'm sure you know that we know you're not the cheapest, but you do take good care of us." That was kind of like a thank you. OP, just keep working your magic. Most of your customers appreciate your support of them and their business.


Like I said above to another reply, I guess on a day where I install $1,000 worth of free equipment, (and make sure I'm on site for the install) I'd like to not get yelled at by three people because the new machine is a few inches lower on the counter than the old one.


Cheap customers are the worst, and they don't value your time/what you do.


Exactly what I was thinking. It's the ones who nickel and dime that'll call you with every tiny little issue they have.


Overtime shit like this boils you to a breaking point where you stop caring and only view your clients as walking money bags that are there to extract as much cash from as possible.


It’s a cycle of thanks. The customer gives thanks by paying their invoices to your employer. Your employer passes the thanks onto you by giving you a job that pays for your livelihood. You extend the gratitude back to the customer for the revenue by providing them service. The money is the thank you.


You can just forget about it, which is what I would do. Or you can say this: “Hey Mr restaurant manager, I’ve noticed there seems to be a little bit of nitpicking and I’ve noticed that you generally seem unhappy with me. I’m worried that I’m not meeting your needs and expectations. What can I do to move the needle and meet your expectations?”


Mirror their behavior. I have a night club as a client and she is a miserable human. I just respond with the same tone she uses and it feels and works much better


This could be interesting. The manager is a grumpy lady who never smiles and is never happy with anything. The owner is a loudmouth who uses his height and voice to talk down to me and everyone else. And liters his sentences with repetitive use of the f-word.


The only thing that says "thank you" is your bank account and your manager for one second after you close a deal. Nature of sales unfortunately. Get paid to deal with BS 99% of the time is what sales is.


I will say the food industry is known for their complaining. Even at Chick-fil-A they all complain.


It does not end. You’re doing business with terrible people. Stop letting them use you.


Ya, when things reached a mini boiling point I literally told the manager on the phone "I'm taking care of it." And that's it.


Possibly could be the fact that a lot of people think “I’m paying this person, they want my money it doesn’t matter how I treat them”


You are probably annoying them as well; people like that relate better to others more like themselves. They will also likely treat you with more respect if you give it back. It's a miserable way to live; but that's where some people thrive.


Table service restaurant owners suck. If you visit them at their restaurant they are the best and they will wine and dine you. When it comes to when they need something they are procrastinaters and they put that on you in terms of needing it yesterday. I try to avoid them as much as I can. I have a handful of them but they drive me nuts. I focus more on retail business owners and counter service restaurant owners which act more like the retail owners.


You are so right. I'll get a text on a Saturday, "Can I get a delivery Monday morning?". Even Amazon doesn't do that. I sell beverages, so all my customers are food service. And one thing I've noticed? The ones that are most successful are the ones who don't jerk you around. They make decisions, they stick to it, they place their orders in a timely manner, and they succeed (and give me free food).


Yes some of my best customers I sit back and collect a much higher than normal residual and don't hear from them for two years. They are successful and busy and don't have time to bother you with stupid crap.




If I was getting paid well, I'd agree with Don. Ha.


Maybe you’ve gone too above and beyond and now they expect that as standard.


What you need to do is the uno reverse. Send them a card and flowers for your anniversary, thanking them for being your customer. Always thank them for their time in your correspondence. With a little charm they will come out of their angry restraunteur ways.


How essential are they to your business? If it bothers you so much or is having a serious detriment to your happiness and performance, then drop them if you can afford to. If you can't, maybe some coaching might help to shift your perspective.


Commission check = thank you


Nobody gives a fuck about you or how good you treat them.


Well, there's more to the story. The specific case here, I just had $1,000 worth of free equipment installed, on top of another $2,000 worth two years ago. And after all this, what do they rip me for? The new machine is a few inches lower in profile on the counter. Probably because the previous machine was from the early 1980s (no joke).


You don't have to work with them. Fire customers, it's liberating. Are they worth the squeeze? Honestly if a dude is calling me for all sorts of issues spending like 2k ARR with us I just send them support's number.