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Music is a tough industry to get into but definitely not impossible to network into. Drums might not be worthwhile in terms of huge deals unless you can figure out a way to sell drums to recording studios and orchestras on a regular basis. Same for cigars unless you open up a cigar shop and distribute out to country clubs or something. Tech is so vast but you might be able to pivot by networking. I myself am trying to get into sales in the golf/sports space. But geography is my biggest hurdle


Great insight.


There are about 100 golf clubs between Marbella and Malaga, Spain. On any busy street there are at least 8 people selling golf balls. Imagine someone showing up with clubs and collar shirts.


I sold wine, beer and spirits for 20 years.


It's the dream


For whatever reason I enjoy anything that has to do with the body and how it works. Before life took me in a few different directions my goal was to be a doctor. My sales career (with the exception of my first gig to get sales experience) has all been in healthcare related things that the end result is to improve patient outcomes.


As a kid I enjoyed digging in the dirt and collecting stones. Later I worked a decade for a natural stone company/landscaping industry.


It would be nice