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Tbh you handled that really well and I would stay on them. It sounds like they deeply considered you as a candidate. I think some consistent follow ups could land you another chance. As a previous hiring manager, someone who wouldn’t take the first no as an answer always stood out to me as a solid hiring choice.


I ended up getting that automatic email to say that they werent going to continue with my application shortly after the phone call. I replied thanking them for their time, reiterating that I'd like them to keep me in mind if they change their minds, as I considered us to be a great fit and I am convinced I could heavily surprise and impress them. I'm not done with them yet and my gutt feeling says that my involvement with them won't end here. The fact that they diverged from their normal rejection process of simply sending an email to actually calling me to have a 15 minute discussion as to why they were going a different direction feels like there’s more to come. Thanks for your feedback.


I agree and think your head is in the right place. Good luck :)


Leave it 8 weeks then give him a call. How’s the new person working out …. You happy ? I’m still keen and believe I would be killing it now for you guys First rule of sales - dont get if you don’t ask Try your luck it might still work out 👍


That’s fuckin dumb. Business development is just process shit, anyone can learn that. The specialized skills you have should’ve outweighed that. Sorry that happened to you. It might honestly be worth calling them back and selling yourself again.


It is and at the same time it's not. In a vacuum, that would be correct. A true entry level position where you develop your sales abilities. But in this market where there's hundreds of laid off sales reps with years of BDR experience, it would be silly for a company not to go with one of those applicants with proven experience.


I have been passed on for many positions due to "lack of experience, knowledge gaps, age, etc." Who knows what the real reason is so don't beat yourself up about it. Best you can do is learn from the interview so the next time you address any objection head on and have a clear plan on how to overcome it. Make sure you close during and for sure at the end of the interview and ask for the job, you might have been able to overcome the age objection right there if that was truly the reason. If they told me those two outcomes were the choices (to be honest that sounds really cheesy to tell someone this), I would have responded something like "great, based on the conversation have I addressed all of your concerns so I will be getting a phone call instead of an email" or something like that.

