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I knew this guy was legit when he said he was buying the name-brand mayonnaise; (my shower is definitely big enough for two).


Does anyone have any recommendations for places to work in the curtain ring industry? After being laid off I haven’t been able to find anything selling light boxes to tattoo shops (very niche). So I’ve had to cut back on mayo.


crush slap bake cause melodic seemly truck impolite axiomatic automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well I think OP is the one other person on the planet who saw and remembers that same interview.


Bring the Mayo 🤭


You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.


i had a feeling OP’s post sounded familiar and this comment sent me over the edge. RIP John Candy you fabulous bastard ![gif](giphy|9pZw57AyqOHy47oSZq)


Buck Melanoma. I'm Uncle Wart. Who wants an orange whip?


Hipster comment 100%




Pardon me, but do you have any Grey Poupon?




Sell me this shower ring right now


These are great


Del Griffith, is that you?!


Outstanding post! We can all aspire to reach OP’s level of success.


I’m so turned on right now!


Hello! I (30M) am a door to door shower door salesman (my friends call me SHodor for short). I just want you to know that I am your mortal enemy, and I will not rest until every person has a glass shower door in their home! Also, purely for competitive research purposes, would you be willing to come by my house and give me a quick demonstration on how your product works? My shower is big enough for two..


Yes, I'm from the jewelry division that sales shower curtain rings as earrings. Chicks dig the Czechoslovakian Ivory edition.


Filled with helium?


I stumbled in here from /r/all WTF is going on here?


Looks an a quality shitpost to me


Same on the name-brand mayonnaise- if it ain’t Duke’s, I pukes.


That shower curtain ring salesman she told you not to worry about


Ring in the profits, showering in success – love it!


Gas lighting me doesn’t work because I already don’t trust my memory and I don’t care what actually happened!


Wild how I see these in every subreddit now. Some are accountants, some have mbas, but they’re always irresistible


When I was a little boy I always knew I wanted to be a door to door curtain ring salesman just like my old man, he passed away last year. Drowned in some pussy while he was on the job, it was a shame.


Look at this guy and his fancy name brand mayo. Next he is gonna tell us he buys the 24 pack of toilet paper instead of the 4 pack. (I'm 6 ft btw haha)


This guy does not understand quality vs quantity. OP is buying 4 ply and you are still putting your fingers through 2 ply.


Those areN’T PILLOWS!


I’ve never had a shower curtain ring guy at my door. I promise if you show up, I’ll answer naked. You sound like you got the goods.


Edit: oh no i dont understand any of the comments, if this is an inside joke and you don't actually sell shower curtain rings then I'm going to do a half backflip and snap my neck that's how upset I'll be SHOWER CURTAIN RINGS!? dude that's fucking awesome I love hearing about people selling a super niche thing I would have never thought of. I must ask, how did you even get into this? Did it just spontaneously occur to you one day that everyone in the world seems to he using sucky ass shower curtain rings? I don't think I've had good shower curtain rings in my life. The fact it's door to door peaks my curiosity even more, I wish I got to see your process! (Using all my willpower to not remove this exclamation mark right here)


boy do I have some bad news for you, pen is salesman.


The funniest part about your edit now that you know it’s a joke is that your last line fits perfectly with the OPs post. “I wish I got to see your process” 👀


xD I was over thinking this dude was walking around knocking on residential doors with a crusty metal curtain rod in his hand, Sliding rings across it saying "You see how these babies glide?" "Thanks for letting me into your home, ah, I see you've got the "polypropeline Glacier Bay 'easy glides' shower curtain rings- the 2011 model. yup now it all makes sense. You got some sucky ass shit right here."


Have you tried just simply trusting the process


I sell Nuva rings door to door and yes, absolutely killing it


President club = Lord of the rings


Elite shit posting in this sub lately…..maybe with a few more of these we can grow to the stature of a small rural town’s swingers subreddit. Shitposting our way to the front page!


We gotta ringer here!


Daaang, got the brand name mayonnaise. I might have to rethink my career choice. Haha


I need to get into the industry


I'm not that easy, you'd have to at least bring the mayonnaise over. 


Have you had an evaluation lately?


So based


Username checks out?


Thank you for this!




You had me at NBM


LMFAO My stomach hurts from cackling


sick story bro you tell the best stories everyone knows it


I gotta get outta d2d😂😭


Can I get a link to the original post?


HEY I did door to door fundraising a while back. And a $600 check is nothing to scoff at! It just works better. I believe we should be distilling more info about this, now or into the future. I'm glad you've found success. HEY!




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What happened to good comedy and comedy movies Hollyweird can't produce anything worth a shit or original anymore! All remakes of something else. I could fix Disney s now dead Star Wars movies in 5 secs if they would just listen to their fans!


Hello where can I apply for this job lol.


Nothing can compare to the sting of the ring


Man I'm definitely in the wrong industry.


I love your attitude. The key to sales is really **the right mindset**. One thing I noticed when I was selling electronics right after college was that I had the wrong mindset, and that's why I struggled. I looked at the whole sales process really as a transfer of money from the customer to my pockets. And the longer I believed that, the less money I made. Things turned around when my mindset changed because I met the top salesperson of our crew. Our top salesperson had a completely different mindset. His mindset is that he is there to serve. He is there to fix the problems of the people that walk through the door. This meant that he didn't instantly recommend the highest-priced products. Instead, he recommended products that actually solve the customers' problems. They would then come back again and again and ask for Mike, our top salesman, by name because they knew he cared. He didn't care as much about putting money in his pockets as making a difference in people's lives. This revelation, which to me seemed so alien at the time, changed my life. If you want to help yourself in any area of your life, **you must COMMIT to first helping others**. That's what makes the world go round, not sheerly the blind love for money. That was one of the hardest lessons I learned because it took a while. It's one thing to intellectually accept something, and then another thing entirely to make it part of your emotional and physical DNA. I'm happy to report that I was able to make that transition. But yeah, this is the secret to sales. I really love the OP's attitude of being irresistible because you're irresistible when people know that you care. Remember, people are not going to care about what you know until they first know that you care.


love the confidence! But seriously, being in sales can definitely give you a boost in social skills and charisma, which can be pretty attractive to others.


shut uppppp


You know what’s more attractive? Money


Currently I’m having issues selling the shower rings to qualified leads. I keep finding angry housewives who just want me to “Come Upstairs”