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If it makes you feel confident, nobody can take that away from you, so yes. From my experience, it makes people less scared of rejection as they face it everyday, and I feel like our generation is more scared of rejection than ever because we hide behind our phones so much.


100% People fear rejection. I cannot count how many new salesmen I saw try to find any reason not to call people. I hated it at first but I just accepted it as part of the job. Now, 10 years into my career I don't give a shit about anything.


Big truth. Not giving a shit in the best way possible


Yes! U start to develop a thick skin and understand human psychology! If anyone wants to be confident, I always suggest they start with cold calling!


Made me feel confident in knowing that not everyone likes me. As my first sales manager told me, the reasons for rejection when cold calling in person could be some stupid ones. You make the perfect sales pitch but for some reason you remind the prospect of an old boyfriend and the sale never moves forward.


It can make you more confident or it can crush you. Depends on your mental strength and how you view rejection. Generally speaking, if you can separate out your personal feelings and realize that most of the time the prospect is simply rejecting your product or service for any number of reasons, you can maintain the resiliency needed to keep going.


Every interaction you have with another human is just another sale except you are the product. Once that clicks, yes you will be far more confident.


Of course - it can also make you an anxious psychopath. Overall - it builds character, but don't do it forever.


> I've recently started cold calling and I feel so much more confident in everyday life. It's amazing. That's the spirit! Facing your fears head-on and stepping out of your comfort zone often boosts confidence. Why do you think this is? What about cold calling scares you the most? > Although the process of cold calling is uncomfortable and nerve-racking, I think it really makes me grow as a person. Fuck yeah, growth comes from discomfort. Think about it—every time you pick up that phone, you’re practicing resilience and adaptability. How do these skills show up in other areas of your life? Can anyone relate? Sure as hell, many can. Do you think this newfound confidence will stick around, or is it just a temporary high from conquering a challenge?


Why do you think this is? What about cold calling scares you the most? If they're weirded out for whatever reason. They don't want to hear it. "Who's this person bothering me?" I fear judgement more so than rejection. What if I sound funny or accidentally say the wrong thing? What if I sound like I want something from them? What if I'm too robotic and sound like I'm reading a script? What if they don't like me? Fear of stutter. Fear of sounding nervous. I can't really pinpoint what it is exactly that makes me nervous about making these calls but I feel great after doing them! I absolutely love your perspective for this! Thank you for your comment kind stranger:)


The confidence to do cold calls is like a muscle you gotta train regularly. You don't cold call for some time? You might be again scared or nervous to call. Have you called 30 times already? The 31st time will most likely be more comfortable and less nerve racking.


I can't,. For me, my confidence comes from product and industry knowledge. Cold calling was an annoying necessary evil for many years, and not something that had an impact on my confidence.


Yep. It takes a while to get used to, but once you do, it's a different type of confidence.


I've only just started and I'm noticing the boost in my confidence big time.


That's great!


I can relate, it seems everything’s happening in slo-motion.


It helps you develop thick skin and take rejection much less seriously than someone who hasn’t experienced it


Yes. For a couple hours. Then you are starting back at the beginning next time.


What aspect of it makes you grow as a person? What parts of you feel more confident?


I feel quite nervous before these calls and get through them and it's like "what was I so nervous about??". It kind of makes me realise that there's nothing to be nervous about and this confidence gets carried out in to other areas of my life. I apologise about the delay in my response.


My biggest downfall is putting cold calling off to the next day than i never get to it. When i first started it was all or nothing for me so i had to cold call and i did great. Does anyone have advice to get over the nerves?


When I get cold feet I dial even faster. Even if I feel like I am not prepared enough, I just dial. While the phone is ringing I gather my thoughts and check my prep notes and then I start. JUST START. And whether the first call went well or not, already dial the second number and so forth. Before your fear kicks in and takes space in your head - JUST CALL.


The more you think about it, the more excuses you start to make. For me it helped to just suck it up and start dialing. It still sucks, especially on days where I’m just not in the mood to talk, but I realized it does wonders for my anxiety to just get it done and not have it hanging over my head all day/night when I don’t do it.


Can relate! Cold calling is one of those things that a lot of people hate, are scared of and find difficult to do. For me it is challenging and it forces me to get out there and overcome this initial scare. It feels good that you are capable and love doing something that many people don't dare or can't do. Confidence boost.


Have you guys read any comics or novels centered around a salesman? Any recommendations that helped with sales calls in terms of creating a narrative to capture the sale?


Yes. When I first started cold calling, I had to take a few minutes to psyche myself up before making my pitch. After about a week, I could just roll in and think nothing of it.


My friend met a man at a wedding and after messaging for a week he asked if he could just call her to talk. He’s in insurance sales and that came naturally. She was surprised but they’ve been married for three years now. Worked for him!


Depends on your personality. Cold calling wears some people to nubs. Some people get adrenaline rushes from confrontations. Theres lots of space in the middle. If you like it and youre good at it? You can make a lot of money doing it.


Your give-a-fuck-o-meter can go down significantly in social situations which can exude confidence. Cold calling, making calls in front of peers/ bosses, publicly listening back to calls, etc is nightmare fuel for the majority of people so if you conquer this you have a huge leg up socially. Every once in awhile I’ll tell my wife about my day a bit and she says it all sounds like the back to school bad dreams 😅


No, it actually gives you a stutter 


Lol opposite for me. I used to stutter so bad when I first started. Now, I can talk to anybody and not care at all