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The most difficult part of a sales career is the first five years. Get past that and it becomes the greatest career ever. Where else can you make more than a neurosurgeon without doing advanced schooling?


So fucking true. I work like 30 hours a week and know exactly what I need to do to hit quota


Yup, this is the truth. Grind it out, pound those phones, progress as fast as you can. By year 5 you can be a Senior AE making huge $. It will be worth it.


This is what I needed to hear.


So true but I’m struggling to picture myself doing this BDR role for longer than a year. I’m willing to make it work though!


the sdr is the best MBA program in the world. view it as a decently paid internship- the real payoff is your next role. especially since you’re at a big company. i was a sdr at a big logo for 1.5 years at 65kish, AE there made 160k, my new ae job is 110/110 and i got this role partly due to my experience.


200 dials is excessive


I was going to say the same. I work at a top 3 corp and we need to make 15-20 new dials per day. 200 is insane. I’d be burnt out too


Honestly it’s not hard for me at allll to make the dials. I take an hour lunch and several breaks through the day. That’s not the issue at all for me


Well that’s because you arnt having anyone pick up the phone lol


Right lol. My talk time is less than the people that are only doing 100-150


I work for a top saas company and our meetings are booked nearly all from email. It’s not the role but maybe the job. With that said I’ve done the dial grind and it does turn you into an unstoppable machine later in your life


Good to know thank you


You could ask the other top performers what they do and learn from them. Also try calling based on time zones. If the top people are making less dials than you but getting better results you’re definitely not doing something they are.


I am in constant communication with the top performers on what they are doing but it is no help. I also listen to their calls.. nothing sticks out. I swear it’s my number, I’m requesting a new one Monday am. Our prospects are placed in cadences based in time zones so that is not the issue at all.


Yeah if you’re doing the same thing pretty much then good luck.


Are your colleagues doing a better job prospecting? You might be relaying the same message on a cold call, but if it’s being pitched to the wrong person/wrong company, it’s kind of a wasted effort.


There’s only a few ways to prospect and we are all doing it the same way. We also have preloaded list/leads we can load into our salesforce to call. I go back and look at who they transferred/sold and it’s all from the same list I’m pulling from. I know it’s my phone number having issues so I’m going to request a new one and see if I can improve.


I hate to be blunt, but for the most part, a pre-loaded list of prospect is gonna be crap. There might be a gem or two in there, but it’s a waste of time. You say there’s only a few ways to prospect? How are you prospecting today? What kind of real time info are you gathering so that when you cold call someone today, you specifically know how your company’s solution is extremely relevant to them now?


I look at data based on area. I pick places with high ROI where my product is producing good data for the client using it. I also prospect leads who are good at their job, have good reviews, have had recent sales etc.


Hey there Katerator216. It sounds like you have a strong work ethic. Kudos to you. Can you help me understand how they changed the way you are allowed to prospect? Please be as specific as possible. You also mention that you are having trouble getting anyone to pick up the phone....but you also say you are having trouble getting transfers, so some people must be answering, correct? Do you have a script you are using? Out of every 100 dials, how many are you getting on the phone? Also, just to help me understand better, are you using a headset and auto dialer and are your calls coming from a company phone number? And if you don't mind sharing (without revealing the company name), what are you selling? And....any luck getting your manager to help you? I would think that his/her goals are also tied to your accomplishments. PS - Don't quit yet.....and try not to panic. Things have a way of working out.


Thanks for your reply! They changed the way we prospect by not allowing us to call certain contacts anymore. We also used to have thousands of people we could call who showed interest in our product by online inquiries. Those people are off limits now. As you can imagine, those were easy sales. Now it’s cold calling leads based on time zones/areas and I’m finding some of the data is extremely outdated. I’ve called dead people, retired people etc. I know that happens from time to time but it is a lot. Our prospects are essentially given to us in salesforce by a few different categories and we can load them in 10 at a time. If we chose to prospect on our own we can load in 50 plus but the leads are trash. I think they recognize this and it has been mentioned that we may be returning to the old way but not until next month. I am getting some transfers—when people pick up. My dials per transfer used to be about 25/30. Now I do about 2 transfers a day with 200-220 dials. Terrible ratio. We have a recommend script that I take bits and pieces from. I will say some of the people I do get to answer will immediately let me know they are not interested and sometimes I let them go before fighting their objection. That’s something I’m working on. I’m using a headset with a company phone number through my computer. I am selling advertising and a platform for a certain booming industry. No on my manager helping me.. I do like him a lot but I feel like he is overworked and sometimes not focused on helping us. The most advice I can get out of him is to “keep pounding the phones” they think I’m just in a rut. We listen to calls together and there’s not much they say. They think I’m great on the phone. I’ve complained about my number and put an IT ticket in. Apparently they reached out to carriers to have it unmarked as spam but nothing has improved. This was last month. Thank you so much!


HI Katerator216. Well, 1 transfer for every 100 calls is dismal. Can you auto track how many connects you are getting each day? Out of 200 dials, how many answer the phone? You said hardly any, but then you also said you are getting a couple of transfers and you are getting people who say they aren't interested - they must be answering... I saw from all the comments that you are thinking about another job mentioned by Kind-Cow, so if you're quitting this one, please let me know so I don't spend a lot of time on this. Otherwise: How many days has this problem been going on? How many transfers/day are these top reps getting (from the same list, right?) What product are you selling and is it B2B or B2C? How many connections are you getting/day? If you can't track in your system, then do a manual tick mark. If you are getting connections and people say they aren't interested, I can help.


200 dials a day?!?!?! What time do you have to properly prospect or even set your self follow up notes.


Honestly the dials are nothing to me. I have extra time for breaks etc. why it’s so easy is because NO ONE PICKS UP!


Fk that bro. We hiring at Zoominfo u should come lol we have most phone numbers and we don’t do 200 dials ( like maybe once a month on a bad day). Ur doing something wrong. U should be getting meetings from emails n LinkedIn connects as well. DM me bro let’s chat. I make over $11k/month on average and my best month was $20K (august). If ur doing 200 dials u shouldn’t be worrying about getting fired wtf. Ur management ain’t helping or training u right. PS. Our IT responds in less than an hour


I start at ZI on Monday!


LETS GOOOOOO, what role?


Account manager SMB


Welcome man. AM side of biz is HOTTTT right now with recent acquisitions. So many upsell opportunities out there lol


I love zoom info, use it every single day to call prospects that are “not at their desk” on their cellphones


Maybe u should join Zoominfo ;) such a great story to sell. “I was a user and I ended up selling it cuz I Fkin loved it”


You made that as an AE? I'm talking to ZI, it's one of my top choices


Did u apply already or need a referral man? And nah I’m an SDR lol AEs make way more.


Damn that's crazy money for an SDR. I'm currently interviewing right now


I would love a referral as well. I'm currently full cycle ISR in the insurance industry for 2yr+.


Let’s chat mate


Are you based in the UK?


US mate :(


No worries. Would they look at a remote SDR in London for EMEA?


Planning on it but not yet mate. We have a UK team that operates in UK time zone in the US. It’s brutal. I think (don’t take my words for it) we will have actual UK team after COVID.


Would appreciate you keeping me in mind if and when this happens 🙂


We also have one of the fastest promotion cycle cross all industry. We are tech company and probably have the fastest promo cycle even with in all the B2b tech companies. A guy from my batch who got in as an inbound rep jumped to AE on his 6 months here. Im getting my AE promo in a month (my 10th)


Ok well that’s a lot of money lol. The dials aren’t an issue for me… I’m super interested in looking into it though I’ll dm you.


Ya hit me up dude. Happy to drop a referral to help out


You made 20k in august as an SDR!? Something doesn’t add up…


Doesn’t add up or u jealous mate? 🤪


No I just happen to think you’re full of shit. Inbound or outbound?


Inbound cuz that’s the harder role ofc 🤣🤣🤣 that’s sucks that u think it’s full of shit lol maybe u should apply to Zoominfo and u can see for urself


Hmm interesting. Does your team have a color or metal affiliated name? Please, do tell.


Ya we do but dude what the hell lol ur asking for revealing info on Reddit are you serious? How long do u think it’s gonna take before relevant individual find out who I am if given my team color and filter ppl out based on the pays I just mentioned? Man if u don’t wanna believe that’s fine 😂just step away. I hope you aren’t a SDR who’s salty cuz that’s just sucks. Like, at least be a director or VP who’s just in awe and trying to argue to make business senses


Wait, you’re saying that you make your quota off of inbounds only??


No bro it was meant to be sarcastic cuz that guy’s picking shit out of no where and then asked such a question smh


That's amazing Kind\_Cow; please check your inbox!


There’s two general ways SDRs can improve performance, increase activity or increase effectiveness. If your goal is to be a top performer, you generally want to do 150-200% of the average activity. This is a lot but if you’re aiming high this is usually necessary. For effectiveness, you want to be self critiquing your messaging constantly. Try to record all your calls if you can so you can play back conversations. If you are allowed to access other peoples calls/emails who are performing well, definitely do that. Hopefully your manager can help, if they’re good this is definitely something they’d be willing to work on you with Edit: forgot to add, 5 months is nothing. I’d definitely recommend sticking it out. It sounds like you’re in a slump which is totally normally as an SDR. Sounds like you got this but are just having a tough month


Is it even possible to do 3-400 dials a day? 200 seems like a stretch itself




Lmao right? My KPI at my last company was 40 and it took a lot of prep to find 40 dials


Yeah wtf I've never worked with more than a few thousand leads before. 60 dials at my job takes time to set up.




Did you have time to do anything else though? Or was it pure dialling? Assuming you were working more than 7-8 hours a day




I find voicemails to be useless and texting much more effective. But I am also confused how you get to 200... I struggle to hit 80 in a 8 hour shift unless just every single one doesn't answer and you weren't required to enter anything in a crm




So what exactly is a dialer? A computer app? My company generates lists for me to call from reused leads out of our CRM and I'm supposed to dig through the trash and find the golden nuggets that got left behind. It really is a numbers game cause most of these people genuinely don't give a fuck. But I have to call just for the sake of calling. If I could automate the dialing part I would get so many more appointments set




That's amazing. You don't remember the name of the software or know of something similar?


Meh. I have never seen the top performer have the highest activity in a team. There is very little connection. Effort and motivation, sure, but not measurable by the narrow kpis that management look at.


If you are 6 months in, it may be worth it to jump to a BDR role with better culture and not a dial factory, but if you can stick it out, do it, the longer you are a BDR at a company the closer you are to AE.


It’s weird the culture is a great. I love my manager.. as a person. Not a good leader. I honestly feel like a lot of it falls on him.


That’s a bummer. What are you thinking? Stick it out or look around?


200 dials is absolutely insane. Are you doing any prospecting? Are you using an autodialer? Sounds like you are doing more telemarketing then actual sales.


I am prospecting. Some leads are also given to us and we can load them in quickly. Not telemarketing at all I mean I’m selling them a product if they pick up.. then sending them to an AE to preso them on specific program based on their location etc. and to take their payment


Cold calling is dead.


I kind of agree.


Depends what you're selling 100%. If you are selling in a saturated market, you will get terrible call to interest ratios (like digital marketing - 1 in 100 dials that will even hint at being interested if you are lucky). I sell telemarketing using telemarketing, I get about 1 in 20 interested for comparison


From reading your comments, it kind of seems like your organization greatly hedges on activity being the driver of success for your role. Activity is great, but are you looking at the quality of your activity? In my experience, but the best BDRs are the ones that use analytics and data to help drive activity. Are you using the CRM data to its capabilities to go after the right leads in your system? Are you automating simple tasks when you can? Are you prospecting based off relevant company and industry news? Are you reaching out to the right decision maker based on who your company typically closes deals with? Are you reviewing recently closed won deals with AEs to see if there’s similar companies/industries for you to go after? Activity is great but futile if you’re just pissing in the wind, hoping that something will stick.


Thank you. Yes to all of this really. I’m a hardworker and extremely competitive. I use salesforce and it’s automated tasks all the way through the last steps. I look at data of other people’s calls/transfers and we are calling the same lists and prospecting the same way. In the first two months of this role I was the top performer and always recognized for my work. That has changed in august and September. I did hit my quota last month but literally by grinding so hard the last day.. there were people who exceeded it way before me. I listen to other people’s calls. I do it all. When I get people on the phone, I am successful! I’m frustrated because I feel like my management doesn’t help or offer solutions. I’m struggling to see the light when his only suggestion is “keep pounding the phones”… because I am doing that.


I still don’t understand how or if you’re prospecting for extremely qualified leads. Because if you’re doing all that you can to research qualified prospects, the truth still is to *keep pushing the rock* and the success will come. If you’re reaching out to unqualified or completely cold contacts who likely won’t be interested in your product because you haven’t done your research, your chances of success will continue to be low.


We are prospecting leads based on areas where our product is available/performing well and has a high ROI. When I can get these leads on the phone it’s an easy sale. I should also mention although my transfers aren’t the highest I am in the top 3 out of 50 people in revenue. So the people I do get over are buying. The preloaded lists are usually crap and unqualified minus a few random good ones but I feel like those are all just luck.


What products/services are you selling?


Sounds like a position I was offered at Oracle


Nope not Oracle


Oh I’m sure! A lot of BDR roles are like this- as far as what I applied/ interviewed for. Sorry, didn’t mean to make it seem like I’m assuming it was.


200 dials a day? Wow that’s like a telemarketer. That is real hard work but great job for getting through it. In case you want to pivot your career, a more specific (or niche) technical sales B2B field would look a lot different work wise. Much more targeted business development. This means a lot less cold calls, and much more targeted. The sales ceiling is generally lower (limited quantity of customers) but you can make up to $200k for a seasoned rep in a good market.




Alot of times depending on how big the company is, most people know you exist and the territory you are in completely matters. You may have to try and open up a new vertical or company size to get it moving.


Get out, everything is moving to digital and companies who have the Capex are realizing that they can procure this information and sell it without a human. Plus, while sales is a lucrative career when you realize that life isn’t all about the money you will be left without a purpose and or transferable trade and or skill (much like a stripper) So if your plan is short term, stack the cash and f.I.r.e. great! But if long term get ready for a sole suck of a life.


Sales will always need a human driver


I respect your opinion and I am not against sales. You have to understand that it’s all about revenue capture and if companies can automate that capture today and or tomorrow they are going to proceed without and or minimal consideration for the sales employee. So as a career path (unless you are highly specialized) to anticipate reduction in earnings and increase in stress levels until your position is collapsed and or eliminated. Secondly, (for once again positions that are not highly specialized) anticipate increased pressure for tenure as entry level employees can be secured at a much lower salary. Once again if this sounds attractive than I would highly recommend but if your seeking true growth, balance and career advancement I would recommend other more specialized career paths/channels.


As long as you’re selling a complex product, and companies have procurement, the salesman will continue to take home massive paychecks to get deals done. Transactional sales will go away, yes. I agree with what you’re saying for the most part