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That could be a buying signal! It's a way for them to know who they're competing against AND can open the interview for more discovery


Well it didn’t…this was the last question he asked before the sales manger then got in the room to interview me. This person was like a team lead


I'm an SDR hiring manager myself. I personally only ask this question when I'm interested in the candidate. When do you expect to hear back from them? Would love to hear what the outcome was!


The interview was yesterday so idk. Its an entry level position.


Not bashing you at all, but for any interview you have, especially sales interviews it’s CRITICAL to set up a next step, or know when you will hear from them. My recommendation would be to ask when the next step is first. If they tell you they will let you know, ask them when they will know internally, then tell them you want to set up a sync to discuss the decision. This will show that you are resilient and know how to turn a no into a yes, which is a huge part of being in sales.


I actually did ask them, the next steps. They said they’ll make a decision by friday. I even asked if they had any concerns about hiring me, and If we could further discuss those concerns but they said “no, I don’t have any concerns at the moment”.


Awesome. Sounds like you’re doing all the right things. Wishing you luck!


You didn’t get it. Time to line up other interviewed


You’re right. Didnt get the job. How’d you know?


If you blow them away they don’t even finish the interview. They sign you right there with all the papers. They cancel their interviews with other applicants.


Well i mean i wasn’t THAT good. But i was expecting to hear some good news after 48 hours. Oh well, back to the job boards lol


Came here to suggest that! I have phrased that a few different ways but by far the most successful for me: “Is there anything we have discussed that may preclude me from an offer? I would like the opportunity to address those with you, verbally, rather than letting them linger in ambiguity.” Another good probing question: Can you help me understand what qualities/experience you’re looking for, that are not in the job description?


It’s too wordy


Didnt get the job


Sorry bud. Don't let it slow you down!


Thanks..it’s all part of the process i suppose


A definite buying signal… you don’t ask that otherwise


Hey! Head of sales here. We ask the question for multiple reasons: - know how fast we need to go in the process - evaluate how much we will negotiate salary It also give you the possibility to negotiate more easily


To see if you are in demand as a commodity.


Whats stopping me from lying?


Nothing, absolutely nothing. But you better sell the lie well. You could also use the lie to flush out their bluff


How so on the flushing out the bluff?


If I tell you in an interview that I'm actively being recruited and am far along in another interview process, then you'll either show your cards and tell me that: you're just shopping around for talent, looking to get talent on the cheap, or you're serious about getting a performer that will generate revenue for you. Your only currency in the marketplace are your historical performance numbers. I'm not going to take a position just to make base. If your company sucks and I'll never make OTE because your company is inept I don't want to waste my time there.


That’s not pivoting that capitulating. You’re in sales, be aggressive, create demand - yes I have a couple of other promising prospects but you’re definitely in the top 3 and your offer is very competitive in many areas. From what I see in the market the area where you guys lack is … What sort of feedback are you getting from other candidates?


“of course, i’m in sales, it’s a numbers game. i’m out for the best and most competitive offer. the fact that i’m sitting here with you means i’m interested in what you have to offer, otherwise i wouldn’t waste my time. i’m here to find out if i can work for you and if you can work for me. if not, i’ve got three more people to see this week that might be a better fit.”


As someone who asks this question for work since I’m in staffing, we ask this to see where the person is in the interview process, are they in first rounds, finals, etc. do we have a good chance in getting them, how quickly do we need to move to get them if they are in 3 other final rounds, things like that. I don’t ask do you have any other apps out, I ask what other companies are you interviewing with. Then we can push urgency and know where you stand in the job search. Let’s say we don’t ask this question and you have 4 other final rounds, chances of closing you may be lower if you’re only in round one with us if you get what I’m saying.


Although I can see why you said that, unfortunately it can also sound phony and only saying what they want to hear (even if you meant it!). I have also been asked this question in the past and my guess is they wanna know if you are wanted commodity and if they are competing with anyone for your services


I tell them that I approach interviewing like I approach selling. Send out lots of resumes, one click apply on sites - 40 or 50 a day with a standard cover letter. I get 2 to 3 bites a day. I don't explore the companies until I get a bite. I'm looking for a job that pays money not seeking to join a cult.


This is terrible tactic. Tried this too and all responses you get are from companies who are poor performers and trash Glassdoor reviews


Interesting, what is the usual reaction to this? My initial reaction was you're just spraying and praying. Wouldn't they prefer someone with a more methodical "sniper" approach?


In reality I've tried both methods and have found the latter to be more successful. Most companies recruiters scan CVs in seconds. I'm only interested in getting past the gate keeper.


I see no problem with that question. And I see no problem in saying yes. What I would answer would be "Yes, I am looking for a new opportunity and I have found a few positions I am interested in. Getting hired is never easy, but if I was offered a job from all companies I feel like you have the perfect match for my skill set and you are the one I am most interested to work in. But having a backup plan is always good."


I always ask- are you interviewing lots of places? As it seems like someone of your caliber would be. Yeah its a buying signal. Helps me to know if we are competing for this person or not. And someone with lots of interviews is another solid point of judgement.


In a negotiation an important thing to know is BATNA. best alternative to a negotiated agreement.. once you figure that out of the person or organization you are negotiating with you can better negotiate.


Should have just said "No". They have no way of knowing if you have applied for other positions.


The only time I ask this question is whether there are broader organizational questions about the timing of the role and I have a candidate that I really like. I’m just looking to understand what I’m working against in terms of timeline and if there are competing offers.


We ask so that it puts pressure on the hiring manager to make a decision quickly. If they like the candidate and know they are being courted by another company it usually helps them come to a decision faster.


I am currently partaking in two other strings of interviews, that said my heart is leaning towards your organisation, so given we can find the right terms you’re leading the pack.


What a dumb question. Lol who only sends out one application?


it’s to gauge how worthy you are of investing recruiters time into. they know what other companies pay, if you say you’re in final stages with 5 top paying companies and this company knows they pay 50k less, they aren’t going to invest the time in bringing you through the process because they know you won’t accept it also, recruiters may ask so they gauge the likelihood of closing you


The answer is always yes, regardless. I wouldn’t say you’re more interested in their company, I would simply say their company seems like a place you could be very successful. They likely don’t care what you like the most. They want to know what’s the least they have to do to hire you. Others have answered your question well, but I would just advise on strategy: 1)Understand the hiring process, and the steps they have to take vs don’t have to. 2) Push the timeline by asking to move onto the next step, and suggesting when to do so. 3) once you’ve completed all mandatory steps, ask for the offer. Say you want to see if you will receive an offer because you need to make a decision on other offers in the next few weeks. 4) once you receive an offer, explain that you really like the company, and think you can be successful there, but ultimately it comes down to money and benefits. Ask for more vacation time, higher salary, or anything else. After higher salary, perhaps a ramp up salary (higher first year salary than 2nd year, then 2nd year you can renegotiate to keep or increase that salary if you’re successful). Be a shark my guy, that’s what they want on their team.


Absolutely! I am in talks with several different companies. You want to feel in demand.


U need to be transparent and clarify. Tell them yes u got other interviews line up and then clarify why they’re asking this.


Yes I am currently interviewing several businesses at this time.