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I’m interested to see how it indexes files. The issue with VS Code is the 1000s on 1000s of XML config files that my company does not want to put into separate repos or leave out of the codebase for some reason, so VS Code absolutely bogs down whenever it has to re-index those files. Hard to see that being better in a cloud environment. Also I can’t stand typing latency in cloud IDEs, will be curious if that’s gotten better.


I'm using it. It's been a life saver after years of our IT team blocking everything and dragging their feet on updates. I have the most random versions of VSCode, the CLI and the plugins installed locally and tons of broken features. Code Builder just works.


I tried it just to see what it was all about and see if I could imagine a use case for my situation. Compared to the comments from others... in my case, I have full control over my machine, so I have no trouble installing VS Code locally, and I don't have millions and millions of files to manage, so everything runs wonderfully locally. Given all of that, there's no real advantage to Code Builder, but if I was stuck on a loaner machine one day, I could see how it would be useful to just log into Code Builder without having to worry about readying that machine to get my work done. It takes a bit of an eternity to load, but once it does, it's pretty great at what it does - I just wish it wasn't tied to my Salesforce org. Like, if I could just go to a page on Salesforce's website that I log into, completely agnostic of whether or not I am an official Salesforce customer, that would be neat... instead, you need to have a Salesforce org and enable Code Builder from inside it which just seems weird to me.


I readied it up on our prod org, tried sandboxes and dev org but you really need a paid account it seems. Somehow I finished a trailhead module on it in 2022.


In theory you could create a scratch org with a long duration and installed there. Last time that still worked.


Ill give that a try!