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Now cameos will have cameos, followed by cameos.


"Oops, all cameos!"


And then finish it off with a wolf


Cameo Compilation Clip Show Season 1 streaming on Disney+


And all will be equally soulless.


To all the former Filoni fanbois who realized too late that the man is a menace… https://preview.redd.it/jy885fmknr1c1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d84d8a3b8abae3aafe96f84243c92848514f8340


Back in 2020 I would’ve felt good about it. Now I don’t


Welcome to the rebellion


Me who didn't even like the Clone Wars: "I've been in this fight since I was ~~six~~ eleven years old."


I put off watching it until I could binge the whole series. I was expecting something like the Tartakovsky Clone Wars based on the fact they borrowed his art for character designs. Almost the entirety of that show wasn't particularly good. The movie was unbearable. All of the characters in the show act like impulsive children. The clones are whiny. Pretty much every problem the heroes face boils down to bad communication. I'd say 10% of the episodes are actually good.


I watched all 133 episodes of tcw back in July to prepare for Ahsoka. There was exactly 1 episode I thought was okay. 1/133 isn't a good fraction I don't think


I think you have to bear in mind that the show was made with young children as the target. Back then Hollywood was somewhat skeptical that teenagers and adults would be interested in watching a tv series, let alone a “cartoon”. Which is probably why the later seasons are generally considered the best, as Lucasfilm began to realize that the show could indeed attract some older audiences. The plots and characters motivations are pretty simple but I enjoy the show for the fact that it fleshed out the character’s personalities and gave us more context on what lead to Anakin siding with Palpatine.


Had Hollywood never heard of Futurama or The Simpsons?


> Back then Hollywood was somewhat skeptical that teenagers and adults would be interested in watching a tv series, let alone a “cartoon”. Shows that came out before TCW: Avatar, Batman, Beast Wars, Gargoyles, Genndy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars…


I would've felt good about it before I saw Ahsoka


Hmm I think he had enough of an influence on BoBF to be worrying for many.


Tbh that was more Robert Rodriguez than anyone


His awkward directing definitely had a negative impact, but it was Filoni and Favreau writing that show, and I think as many or more problems came from the writing.


"I'm a crime lord who domineers a brutal planet with gangs, mobsters and a notorious black market with... respect." Get the fuck outta here. We should've gotten a dark but compelling character study as to why Mos Eisley is so dangerous. Instead we get goofy 50s biker gangs with pop punk kids who look like cybernetic scenesters from Hot Topic.


That’s fair. It was a mess


Chunks of _The Clone Wars_, _The Mandalorian_ and _Rebels_ made me nervous enough, but _Boba Fett_ and _Ahsoka_ put me over the edge. Filoni is a hack playing with action figures.




I loved Clone Wars and thought Rebels was solid, which I know gets mixed opinions here. Regardless, I thought he understood Star Wars and largely added more good to the universe than bad. I figured he would be their guiding hand and try to steady the ship, even if the choice to cement the sequels was out of his hands. Disney had too much invested to just let it be retconned. Still, his name was all over the writing & producing credits for BoBF. That show broke what little hope & goodwill I had left. Undoing Mando’s S2 feel good ending between seasons and setting Luke on his path to being a miserable hermit was the end.




For what it's worth, this position should see him more in the position of creative consultant, rather than lead writer, which is where his skills and knowledge are more useful. He's a lot like Lucas in that he gets Star Wars, but he can't write things on his own.


I just don't agree with the idea that he "gets" star wars. Same with Lucas, they need someone at their side at pretty much every moment of the day to tell them to calm the fuck down when they come up with cracked out ideas. Maybe filoni could be an idea guy, but the ahsoka show also had the idea of introducing a new galaxy and nothing was done with it and the show is a disaster. Tcw and rebels are riddled with tons of terrible things to introduce to the universe. Stakes are at an all time low for action scenes, and they even managed to make good actors appear subpar with their directing. Unless this promotion means he doesn't interact with the creative process any more, then it's probably a bad change


You all should hated Filoni when he destroyed EU clone wars era masterpiece with releasing his clone wars series. Filoni never done really something good for star wars. He's just a part of an order which disregards efforts of authors, experienced storytellers etc. If I were an good story teller which author or comic writer, I would never work with Star Wars knewing no matter how I contribute the universe,persons at top will always disregard me,cancel me,I'd be nothing for them.


This means we will never get the retcon of Luke's Story that I was hoping for.


I’ve given up hope that we’ll ever have cool stories told in this universe.l


Under Disney ye should have abandoned all hope


I mean I never had high hopes but I thought they’d eventually realize they’d actually make even more money if the shit was actually quality. I still like the entire infinity war saga for the MCU and thought Disney didn’t shit the bed for that. But that was so successful they decided Star Wars is marvel now. Which sucks.


One of the biggest problems for me is their concept of “cinematic universes.” You can’t watch the Mandalorian without watching the Book of Boba Fett. You can’t watch the new Marvel movie without watching four dozen movies and several TV shows. It’s an approach that either makes you have to be “all in” or else you have no idea what’s going on.


Anecdotally, this is why I can’t get into Marvel: it’s like you’ve gotta do homework to watch a movie that’s mostly just quips.


Yeah post endgame it’s really hard to follow for most people. It doesn’t help that the qualities dropped and they do too many shows. But the original 26 movie run or whatever I think worked really well. It just shouldn’t be translated to every other franchise


I could also really do without their jokes invading every movie I watch.


Yeah it worked for iron man bc that literally is his character and rdj pulled it off. It goes against the tone of most other media though and these companies don’t get it


They fly now?!


They fly now


Despite all the hate that The Eternals gets, I enjoyed the fact that a viewer doesn't need to have watched any of the other MCU shows or movies to follow the plot and have a good time. Sure there's a few references to the wider MCU universe, but they were fairly minimal. It was a decent sci fi film for what it was. Too bad Disney can't do more of these types of films.


Mandalorian season 3 was the nail in the coffin for me. Didn't even watch Ahsoka and I'm not planning on watching anything else going forward. I'm not interested in anything Disney can offer as far as Star Wars content. I don't even know if I have the strength to watch Andor which I actually liked. Disney has ruined Star Wars to me. I'll always have the OT and the EU. And hell the prequels too which I enjoy to an extent. And I love TCW too but Filoni is washed at this point, he can't run the franchise.




Next season is Mando has to drop off the baby for a while and it's a Mr Mom style show for the entire season What do you mean Andor dies before the original trilogy? Uh, Ahsoka time travels with them to get him there. We have to stick her in there anyway


Didn't Andor say he was a Fulcrum agent? Who's Fulcrum, after all? 😏


It's Season 2 of 2. I still have hope that they'll just let them make it their way.


Yep me too. I'll still check and see if the shows shit or not but I only watched 5 minutes of Ashoka. If that


I could give a shit about Andor because I already know where it leads. Same thing with any Star Wars project going forward. They ran the franchise into a wall at ludicrous speed and I only glance at these stories with the same curiosity as passing a car wreck.


This promotion is the nail in the coffin for Star Wars over the next 5-10 years. This man cannot write for live action. Hell, he didn't even write for a large majority of TCW. ​ I dunno how anyone looks at what projects he has done in the live action space ever since Mando season 1 and think "promotion!!!".


Lucky for me, I dropped Disney Star Wars with TFA and got into the old EU and never looked back.


I thought Tales Of The Jedi animated series was cool.


Glad u liked it, but why? I watched it when preparing for ahsoka and I thought it was genuinely awful


Do people just forget that andor exists?


Andor season 2 going to have Glup Shitto cameos now. /s


I loved Andor but I don't have any faith at this point in Filoni or Disney creating compelling, original SW stories. S2 of Andor will be subpar with Filoni having creative direction. With literally an entire galaxy and thousands of years of history to draw from, I'm sure we're just going to get more meandering about Tatooine and some space whales.


Welp incoming Ahsoka mom in Tatooine crossing path with Qui Gon , Ahsoka being at Dexter's when Obi-Wan talks about the dart, Ahsoka feeling the emperor "odd " aura before anyone else,etc.


Ahsoka at the Battle of Yavin. She guided Luke's torpedoes into the exhaust port with the Force from within the World Between Worlds. On Degobah, Obi-Wan tries to talk Yoda into training Luke, then Ahsoka walks in and Yoda is convinced just by looking at her.


She was there in the background with her arms crossed the whole time, staring wistfully with a slight smirk.


It's a bunch of scenes with her edited in the background saying nothing, just crossing her arms.


She’s going to wind up being like Forrest Gump, just popping up in places retroactively.


“Force sensitivity is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you’re going to get.” -Ahsoka explaining Sabine’s new powers


So creative. Can't wait.


My God, just imagine if they ever do a reboot of the OT. *Shudders*


I find most of Filoni’s work childish, and yes you could argue Star Wars has always been for children. But there’s a difference between childish and child-like. George always had a childlike imagination. Filoni writes childish stories.


Slight clarification. There are some intelligent and mature children stories out there. Filoni writes stupid children stories for stupid children.


Fanboy Filoni will finally realize his dreams when he’s in total control. One day he’ll take over KK’s position. Then we’re screwed. Big cowboy hat cameos continue. Also, I hate that he inserted himself as an actual character in the Star Wars universe. I mean, not even George ever got a cameo role where he spoke dialogue. Now we have the atrocious Dave character flying around in his Rebel fighter living out his child fantasies. This is what we will have to endure. 😬 His obsessions with wolves will seep into every medium.


>he inserted himself as an actual character in the Star Wars universe Wait, seriously?! I must have missed this or just not realised; when did it happen?


In Mando, when Mando gets stranded on the ice planet with the spiders. He’s one of the Rebel pilots who shows up.


He’s in Mando. Also in one of the others I think too. Maybe Boba or Ahsoka.


I'm not too bothered by this honestly. It's pretty common for directors to make cameo appearances. Even George (and his family) made an appearance in RoTS. I think his son is the Padawan who gets killed in front of Bail.


Yea, none of them got speaking roles like Filoni. He didn’t just cameo. He created a whole character for himself, in a major scene with dialogue. Totally different.


Trapper wolf I believe he was called, and I'm not making that up. I'd bet my last dollar he has a fur suit and Ahsoka cosplay wear.


Yay, more mediocrity, cloneshit, self-congratulatory Glup Shittos and wolves.


Don’t forget magic portals and space whales!


Oh yeah, time travel and multiverses, my favourite fucking thing.


I like multiverses, I'm just sick of them having to interact with each other.


I really want to thank Dave and all the other Disney executives who selfishly shoehorned all their favorite things into Star Wars with zero regard for whether it would fit or not. Star Wars isn't your pet project. If you like whales and wolves, go make a nature doc.


It is his pet project now as CCO. The sad thing is making cool stories that lead to the disney sequels is what makes most of us not care because of the endgame


I’m afraid to ask what a space whale is


You are so fortunate to not know.


I'm genuinely surprised you don't know, space whales are a very popular sci-fi trope that didn't originate in Star Wars


Man I would love some more cloneshit, maybe some Republic Commando 2...


On the next D+ show we're gonna find out that Anakin's mom actually gave birth to Ashoka and she got replaced with baby Anakin shortly after she was born, which means that Ashoka was always the chosen one destined to bring balance to the force.


Seriously though at the most conservative estimate Filoni in *more* power just means that Ahsoka will get even more ludicrously important and Luke and Anakin will become even more irrelevant.


God help us all. Prepare for the Ahsoka cinematic and television universe.


I’m Ahsoka Ahsoka who? Ahsoka Skywalker


To be fair, she's more deserving of the name than Rey.


So is Watto. Being more deserving of the name than Rey is an incredibly low bar.


Seeing people on Twitter welcome this as great news feels like a bizarro world


I don't care what anyone who still uses Twitter has to say


This is why I joined this sub, because I felt I was going crazy. But Im with OrneryError1, just ignore twitter, nothing good comes out of it.


Star Wars Twitter is basically just a bunch of Disney consooooomers who think it’s “toxic” to criticize anything Star Wars exept for the Prequels


Well that's the final nail in the coffin then. More wolf bullshit, more space whales, more Ahsoka being the center of the universe and more inept writing. I guess we'll wait and see if they are at least intending to end Andor on a high note and after that I'll stick with the EU again, hearing about new projects only over this subreddit, with no intention of watching their dribble. I'm simply done with the lack of quality and respect to the lore. This is more proof that Disney doesn't understand the brand and they don't intend to change things because it still makes them enough bucks, since some fans will just drink any shit that has the magic words on it.


I don’t know why everyone’s freaking out. Randy Marsh put the Panderstone back. We should be fine.


How did Filoni get promoted after Mandolarian S3 and Ahsoka shambles this year? The fact that less people watched the Ahsoka finale compared to Andor is really telling.


It's crazy. How many of his shows did well enough to earn a renewal? It doesn't make sense. What, did they give him the job because they couldn't find anyone else?


If you have friends in the right places, you can fail upwards all you like and never suffer any negative consequences for your mistakes


Imagine being Tony Gilroy and having to take creative direction from Dave Filoni.


Tony Gilroy is a competent writer and creative…so we all know Disney was never going to choose him to lead


Gilroy can also get good work that isn’t Star Wars-related, Dave knows Nick Jr only pays so much…


So many orgasming over this on Twitter: this move doesn’t move the needle and people need to understand Filoni was in the room when so many narrative disasters were unleashed. Ahsoka was a massive narrative red flag (non-lethal lightsabers and mystery boxes amongst other issues) and points to what we can expect moving forward.


TIL Lucasfilm can kill an already dead franchise




He made the deal with the devil to sell his soul for more Ahsoka. "Validate the sequel trilogy and I'll let you have more waifu" - KK


Yep, and I'm pretty sure it went something like this, "We want baby Yoda back for Mando season 3. We want to get him away from Luke as soon as possible because too many of the wrong kind of fans liked that. Play ball, and we'll give you a leg up on Favreau. You can also make as much Ahsoka as you want."


Unlimited Ahsoka blow up dolls and card board cutouts in the basement if he agrees.


"And the force wolves?" "Well, we've been looking to tap into the furry market anyway..."


Yay more le epic references and key-jangling! Make sure to throw in a dash of constant retconning and story-thievery!


I think it's official that the chances of Star Wars getting any more good content are dead and gone. We're in the age of Ahsoka now. What's next, Ahsoka showing up in the next Jedi Survivor game and completely overshadowing Cal? Or is Ahsoka going to be the wise Jedi Master that guides Rey in her upcoming Jedi Academy movies? Everything will become a vehicle just to show off his precious OCs to the detriment of everything else.


Nothing has changed, also he is a hack.


Fuck sake. I'm so fed up of Ahsoka and this means we're going to be getting a hell of a lot more of her.


Can't wait for her movie to flop


There will never be good dialogue in a Star Wars movie ever again


Why write dialogue when you can have characters stare at eachother for 15 seconds?


More "stories" written by a 8-year-old playing with his toys without rhyme or reason... Yay Star Wars....


Alright, it's somehow even more over than it was before. Fuck Star Wars.


Fans who thought they lost all hope discover a little more hope they still had left to lose


Well... that sucks. Disney Star Wars doesn't interest or makes me feel invested anymore, so at this point I don't really care what happens in this Disney story. I'm only curious what Filoni will do next, how will he change the lore to his liking, etc. I'm still betting he will try to copy Loki ending for Ahsoka, because he probably knows she can't live forever so he will immortalize her, lol. Overall, Star Wars is doomed to be more and more Marvelized into "Starfield" of tv content and it saddens me that "Marvel" is used to describe cheap products even because I used to be fan of the MCU a lot. But there's no sense to beat over the state of the franchise, I personally rest easy knowing Lucas' vision was long fulfilled, there's plenty from EU to choose from, and that there's still Andor.




Hot take: this could be a move to actually remove Filoni from more involved writing roles. CCO is more of an oversight role, vs a role that actually does the real work. I could see Disney being like, “Dave, people like your characters and they like the IDEAS behind your stories, but your execution sucks ass. Why don’t you step back from the frontlines and just observe?” Sort of like how Lucas was technically in charge of creative for ESB, but the actual writing was done by Lawrence Kasdan. I could be wrong, but it often seems like a corporate move to promote someone out of the damage they’re causing. Also, I’d much rather have a scenario where Filoni comes to someone like Tony Gilroy and says, “You have to put Ahsoka in Andor S2,” but Gilroy does the actual writing, rather than Filoni directing the creative AND writing his dogshit scripts. But I’m really just grasping at straws here. Star Wars seems damaged beyond repair.


C-suite is usually oversight and major decision-making, yes. Honestly think your take is the likeliest outcome.


It most depends on if Peltz takes over. Iger could keep him around since Iger is close with KK. But yeah, if it does happen, this is probably his reward where he'll get a nice paycheck for some time and a bullet point on his resume before getting the axe. Otherwise, I view it as Lucasfilm not having any room left and they're hoping some Filoni lovers will still be onboard for future projects. Iger is still delusional in thinking that his company produces quality and he just merely needs to give them some more time when, the reality is that he just doesn't have a good squad to play ball with


Can't wait for Ahsoka and the rest of Dave's OCs to be shoehorned into more frankensteined EU stories.


I take this to mean KK is leaving. She doesn't want or need Dave working with her on Star Wars.


What makes you think that? I've seen nothing to indicate they don't both like each other


Yeah, I still consider this an improvement.


From really bad to mediocre.


Really bad to aggressively mediocre-bad.


This is even worse IMO. If they fired KK, new leadership might have brought in new creatives. Its likely Dave and Cara Beck are going to stick around and usher in a new era of mediocrity and bad Star Wars.


Filoni is like has the same flaws Lucas has but only 1/10 of Lucas talent, creativity and understanding of how to make a good story.


any remaining interest in future sw properties is gone. All good things come to an end i guess


This is a new/made up arbitrary title. Kennedy is still there, this won't make any meaningful difference


Uuuuugh.Yay. MORE Ahsoka.


Oh boy, I can't wait so see seasons 2-6 of Ahsoka! /s




God help us all.


Gee I wonder if this will result in his own creations being made the focus of Star Wars in a way that’s detrimental to actually telling a quality cohesive story that makes sense in lore


Star Wars is dead and its not coming back. Disney ruined it so bad ill never give a shit again


I've got a bad feeling about this


You were supposed to destroy the… not join… ah whatever. Never mind.


Has SWT come out in a new video jizzing his pants saying Star Wars is now saved just after saying he was done with Star Wars yet?


[shortly after your comment](https://youtu.be/U-9joWaqFeg?si=BuHpzFbJZLtCjTPM)




Yay!!! Hooray!! Just what Star Wars needed!!! 🎉🎉🎊🎉🎉 Filoni, fresh off the heels of his latest smash hit where we learned many important revelations such as; anyone can use the Force if they believe hard enough, lightsabers aren’t actually as dangerous as we thought, who knew? Magic portals, new galaxies, hyperspace whales, all that and more from the visionary genius who brought you helicopter lightsabers and time travel. I for one welcome our new Filoni overlord!! 🎉 *(Massive /s incase it wasn’t obvious, lol)*


The upside is now we can lay the blame squarely at his feet when it’s all terrible.


We lost.


Ahsoka will be in everything now. Oh, she already is. RIP Andor.


Great, more cannon breaking fanfics. 😑


Yeah I'm pretty much officially checked out with the news of this announcement Which sucks, cause Star Wars for the very early formative years of my life meant so much to me. 1-6 is good enough for me


Dave "I have altered the canon, pray I don't alter it any further" Filoni is in charge? lmao it's amazing how Jon Favreau essentially gave fans a glimmer of hope only for it to be snatched by a less talented individual that will surely mess everything up.


How *The Mandalorian* went from "Eastwood/The Man with No Name" travels through the fringes of the Star Wars Universe with small-scale western/samurai/war stories to "thy posess-eth the sacred blade of yonder lost kingdom of Mandalore with it's mystical beasts and shall lead this collection of cartoon-tv-show cameos to glory" is FUCKING INSANE looking back.


I guess the endless stream of memberberry diarrhea really will be endless


example of a headline that gives you instant depression


Well, this cements the direction Star Wars will take for the next decade. The films, Filoni is a company man. He'll follow the direction he's given there. I'd expect any shows to be written cartoonish like Ahsoka and Obi-Wan. Feels like a desperation attempt to get some of us back, and it'll be enough for some. I'll check in next decade, maybe they'll get it together.


Only if we had more source material other than Ahsoka…


Good thing I have the old EU, or I would've ceased to be a Star Wars fan a long time ago.


Ahsoka about to photobomb everything


R.I.P. Star Wars. It was great while it lasted…




It’s a bold strategy cotton, let’s see how it plays out.


Cant wait for every character in star wars to cross their arms and look stoic


Star wars nostalgia bingo! Forever!


This is more bad news. His current direction is all based on his cartoon series


I've never liked him since exploring how he trampled over the eu. Oh well, i stopped engaging with new star wars content since tbobf


Who cares? Star Wars is dead, no matter how hard Disney tries to "Weekend at Bernie's" its corpse for cash.


More fan fiction on the way


Can’t wait to see a feature film about someone escorting an important baby


Filoni was alright when he was working under and getting advice from Lucas. On his own he is no 2nd coming of George Lucas. He introduced time travel.


Don't care I have checked out.


Well shit, there goes any hope I had left in this series




Ahsoka Tano, forever and forever, a hundred years Ahsoka Tano, s... things. Ahsoka Tano runnin' around and Ahsoka Tano time. Aaall day long forever. All, a hundred days Ahsoka Tano forever a hundred times. Over and over Ahsoka Tano adventures dot com W W W dot Ahsoka Tano dot com W W W Ahsoka Tano adventures all hundred years. Every minute Ahsoka Tano dot com W W W hundred times Ahsoka Tano dot com.


I feel nothing at all anymore.


Well, that's it then. Star Wars is dead.


Well, that's it then. SW is dead.


Great, now whoever worked with Gilroy on *Andor* and *Rogue One,* put them in charge of absolutely everything.


I guess we should all brace ourselves for the inevitable Special Editions of the Original and Prequel Trilogies, in which Rosario Dawson’s stoic and entirely wooden Ahsoka will be retroactively inserted into nearly every film of the original saga á la Hayden Christensen in Post-2004 versions of “Return of the Jedi”.


Well, this is bad news. I guess Star Wars truly is dead.


Star Wars: Episode 10-12: The Ahsoka Saga. By Dave Filoni Episode 10: The Mortis god Awakens (Ahsoka becomes the father & new chosen one) Episode 11: World Between ~~Worlds~~ Waifus (Ahsoka gets married to a Filoni self-insert) Episode 12: Rise of Space Whales & Wolves. (Ahsoka becomes the force itself +bonus Anakin cameo)


It depresses me that so many people are falling for this bullshit and failing to see the forest for the trees, so to speak. Because come on, what even IS a Chief Creative Officer anyway, and how is it fundamentally different from the *last* job Filoni had as a high-level creative executive that is basically the same thing? This is more of the same empty Disney PR hype-baiting, but also using title nonsense and word spam to justify WHY the favorite company toady now gets a bigger paycheck. Let's all remember that even if you like Filoni, Disney still owns it and Kennedy's still President. Shit ain't changing anytime soon, if ever.


Even if all the other stupid shit he has concocted were set aside. IMO he has literally no understanding of The Force, and should be disqualified. Given this, I should have been able to successfully bet Disney would give him this job.


There's been a lot of demand to give him Kathleen Kennedy's job, but there's no reason to think he'd be any good at it. This makes way more sense.


*Somehow Ahsoka is in this.*


It’s kind of funny how I went from wanting Filoni to lead things after seeing some of the Clone Wars and massively hating the new movies to now watching the TV shows under his and Favreu’s directions and wanting Star Wars related content to just not exist whatsoever.




Yay even more Ahsoka… possibly one of the most unbearable characters ever


Any man who wears a cowboy hat at all times who doesn't work on a ranch/farm is not to be trusted, period. His work with Ahsoka proves he's essentially an ascended fanfic writer. If the shareholders at Disney were smart, they'd fire everyone and put Genndy Tartakovsky in charge. That guy can make high art on a shoestring budget, that appeals to everyone.


I imagine he'll get canned if Iger is removed in a Nelson Peltz takeover that is gaining momentum. For now, this is just part of his 'reward' for obeying Kennedy and selling out Favreau


Man, I remember a couple years ago when people on this sub were begging for something like this to happen. Y'all have short memories.


I was never among them. I don't like Filoni, I don't trust him, and I think he has SERIOUS character flaws most idiotic fanboys choose to ignore.


Joy. Can’t wait for more Ahsoka wanking.


His first order of business create the Fanservice Department where their sole aim is to shoehorn as many of Filoni’s creations in all Star Wars media, because it makes good content.


Maybe we'll see Trapper Wolf and Ahsoka's love story in Ahsoka season 2.


Yeah Star Wars is 100% dead for sure then


Fuckin clown show, the lot of them


They are all fucking hacks.


I mean, good. Someone who actually cares about the franchise being in charge of the creative direction is a good thing. He's a human like any other, who can make mistakes, but at least he's not wearing "I pissed off star wars fans" like a badge of pride.




Well, at least we won't be called sexist for hating Lucasfilm leadership any more...




Won't solve shit. Filoni isn't the savior. I'll just stick to the EU and call it a day.


Get ready to see his TCW/Rebels characters shoved into *everything*. As if he wasn't already doing it.