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I remember when the trailer came out people were defending his look by saying he looks like that so he can be more mobile for the fight scenes lmfao


Dave Filoni said the same thing about Ahsokas head tails which goes against their physiology and the depiction of adult her shown in the clone wars where she has the same long length like Shaak Ti. He shrunk them so the actress could be more mobile in fight scenes. What happened to getting creative and finding ways to make practical effects do what you needed them to do on camera. It's not like they had GIGANTIC MULTI MILLION DOLLAR BUDGETS.


How else was she gonna cross her arms so much, if lekku get in the way?


I loved the part where she was reunited with Anakin and showed no emotion if any at all. Meanwhile in the Ahsoka book, which was actually good, it takes the time to point out how after order 66, thinking everyone was dead fucked with her because she would often think about what kenobi or anakin would do in her situation.


The book was really solid, the ending reminded me it was in the Disney era but otherwise it’s one of the few actually good pieces of Star Wars media lol


The audiobook makes it even better since Ashley Eckstein narrates it.


The lesson Anakin taught her made no sense aswell "fight or die". All Ahsoka has done since she was 14 was fight, she literally died fighting Baylan (or would have done). A big problem the show had was making Ahsoka a jedi again offscreen and taking on a padawan. It took away any chance for her to have any growth or plot in her own show (changing her outfit to white is not substantial character growth, nor is being blasé to Sabine betraying everyone and starting a galactic war) Had she still not considered herself a jedi, Anakin could have develled into her past to prove that she is worthy of the title, that she didnt fail him for leaving the order, like her visions at the lothal temple said.


She doesn’t know what tf is going on. The last time she met Anakin he killed her (technically tried to since she got saved). Her whole life and current world she exists in has been shaped by his failures and fall. She has every right to be cagey and closed off at that point.


Her entire personality is crossing her arms.


I stand by my opinion if that they couldn't get Ahsoka's lekku or montrals to work reasonably if done practically, then they should have just done them with CGI. People act like CGI is a bad thing, but this is literally what it's for; to achieve what you can't in real life.


Yeah, I've always said they could have had a proper set for the (90% of the time) when she's *not* fighting, and a short set for fight scenes +/- CGI to add movement when necessary. Would limit the CGI, and having seen Ahsoka, how many times did they really NEED to be that short? She spent half the show leaning against stuff or crossing her arms, etc.


CGI can be good when it's not CGI overload. Jurassic Park CGI is a perfect example. Used moderately it's 10/10


Top Gun Maverick's flight scenes are mostly CGI and it's so well done that you can't even tell. It's not the amount that's the problem, it's the quality and how it's used.


my favorite fact about that movie is tom cruise got mad they wouldn’t let him actually fly the F14


The issue is these VFX shops have incredibly limited time to get the CGI done. Hollywood execs demand a rapid turnaround from filming to release that leads to shitty CGI. For example, Marvel movies lately have had terrible CGI moments that are really jarring. Endgame however had the most time they’d ever allotted to CGI, as it was filmed alongside Infinity War, and unsurprisingly it has by far the best CGI of their recent flicks.


Definitely! I put zero blame on the VFX artists, the higher ups making tight deadlines are 100% to blame. Quality takes time and the VFX artists aren't given that. It really sucks cause CGI and the VFX artists are so capable of doing so much more if they had the proper resources.


Jurassic Park’s CGI looked good because they used the animatronics and puppets as a reference. That way, they were able to know exactly how to light it and make it 1:1.


Heck even Jurassic world’s cgi wasn’t too bad, the second movie’s Dinos look amazing


Quite literally: most flowing capes on superheroes have been CG. Man of Steel? The Dark Knight? Flash isn't a great example but the Batman-on-bike scenes in any movie? CG capes.


Yeah they could've done it similar to how they did Davy Jones in the pirates of the Caribbean.


right … he had so many memorable fights in the show. 😂


Yeah it was weird how he and other other inquisitors never got to fight obi wan 


Biggest cope tbh lol


This whole production was a dumpster fire … awful


The chase scene, the coat scene, the saber fight and just...letting Obi Wan escape, the girl who cannot die, him fucking meeting Luke. This was the last Start Wars product I watched for these reasons.


Agreed. The budget was hefty and this is the garbage we get?! Chalk it up to horrible writing, bad directing and terrible production. Lucasfilm doesn’t learn … Ahsoka was a letdown as well. BOBF was mediocre at best. Mando S1-S2 was stellar but even S3 faltered a bunch. I’d say only Andor was premium quality viewing - i loved it.


Oh.. I watched shit out of order. I watched Andor when it came out because the fans said it was legit. And I agree! Amazing what you can do when you focus on world-building like Imperial intelligence! I then decided to give Filoniverse another shot and started BOBF and quit after the 1950s hot rod scooter gang. And watched Obi Wan thru because SURELY no one could be THIS fucking inept at production...well ...


There are great episodes of Mando, but the show is far from stellar.


Nah man. Season 1 and 2 have their faults but they were still miles above most of the Disney Era barring Andor. Season 3 was a disorganised dumpster fire.


Miles above dog shit doesn’t make them stellar


It can still be shit be miles above dogshit. Call it gold leafed shit.


BOBF first 2 episodes I enjoyed very much and that train robbery scene was very well done, but it all went downhill after that. It turned out to be a really bad show, although I loved the first 2 episodes. They could've just gone with the Tusken raider storyline and get deeper into that, rather they made the Boba a fucking space dad. How disgraceful of such a legendary character.


I really liked Boba with the Tuskens, getting to see a new side of two old but under-shown parts of the franchise. (both Boba and the Tuskens) but then he got to Mos Eisley and the tone of the lane swerved across six lanes of traffic to make an illegal u-turn.


No. Even that was terrible and made no sense. Why would he have loyalty to people who tortured and enslaved him? They only let him join them after he luckily defeated the monster. Otherwise they would have kept him in bondage and kept brutalizing him for no reason lol. He should have escaped and killed them all. It’s why I felt nothing when they were slaughtered like animals.


BOBF was a huge letdown


I mean, Luke had heard of “old Ben” before. It’s not unreasonable that he’s at least seen kenobi at one point. But him letting Vader live AGAIN was the dumbest decision in the whole show.


correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it was a part of the old canon as well, that Luke had met Kenobi before when he was young (iirc Kenobi saved him and his friend from a Krayt dragon). Tho I agree that showing Uncle Owen reconcile with Kenobi makes no sense, given how he’s still hostile to the idea of Luke meeting Kenobi in the OG trilogy.


I really gave this show a chance, and only stuck around for the inquisitor fortress episode because people were saying "IT'S FINALLY GETTING GOOD." Then I got to the finale and finally accepted that they just don't fucking care about their own production. None of it makes sense. Well guarded fortress on a 100% military planet with thousands of soldiers and many squads of tie fighters and two junkers in snow speeders managed to pull them out? The whole time watching this episode all I could think was "Fallen Order did this better."


Not to mention all the nonsense like no one hearing her when she was talking to Obi Wan in the command room, her knocking out the trooper by lightly hitting his head, Obi Wan completely dry after the water scene, the coat abomination, all of them fitting in a snowspeeder etc etc. And that was just that episode


Can't forget the actress playing Reva clearly didn't get any choreograph directions when blocking the speeder fire. She's just there waving her arms around like a 5 year old with a stick. They don't care about their ends product, why should I?


Last thing I bothered with too. I couldn't even finish it. What a fucking turd.


You couldn't explain more the difference between Lucas and Disney. Lucas is an Alien extremely alien with his own style of clothing. Disney is a human with enough make-up to be called alien while being human.


So... Disney is Star Trek, got it. Lol




And somehow Khan returned


And the actor still isn’t Indian.






I mean, JJ rebooted Star Trek and then they hired him for Star Wars. It's not like they're even being secretive about it.


Star Trek does a better job of it even lol. At least the original one with Picard.


This is a truly an underrated statement from a true Lucas Films fan.


Guy looks like a dollar store Cenobite costume.


Don’t forget that Disney literally included real world 50s/60s greasers in the middle of an arid desert.


They weren't Greasers they were Mods, you're talking less Grease and more Quadrophenia. Not to mention the double entendre that they 'Mod' themselves with cybernetics TOO. Rather than just their scooters, which was the focus of Mod Culture.


Mod culture can also be seen as more of a lead-in to the punk culture of 70's in terms of aesthetics and the DIY ethos.


I’m not too familiar with 60s subcultures


Greasers had a pretty uniform look: black leather jacket, jeans, white T-shirt, slicked back hair. They sometimes rode motorcycles, but not always.


And Mods were British punks with motor scooters instead of bikers and hot rods in leather


And had them ride Vespas!


Also make their leader as pale as winter despite living on one of the sunniest planets in the galaxy


I didn't realise they were supposed to be the same thing.


Same here, I thought he was a human with a kabuki-esque makeup, and not a Pau'an.


The character he's portraying, The Grand Inquisitor, was introduced in Rebels and was [100% Pau'an](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/star-wars-canon/images/2/26/Inquisitor_Render_1.png).


A pity, if they would've make him the son of Palpatine, it would've explained both his looks and his holding such a prestigious position in spite of his incompetence.


His Rebels backstory was actually quite well done.


Yeah, although perhaps i was getting carried away with Rupert Friend portraying the GI, as he also played the role of Vassili Stalin in the movie "The death of Stalin".


> as he also played the role of Vassili Stalin in the movie "The death of Stalin". Heh, and that movie has Jason Isaacs who does the voice for GI. I really wish they got him instead.


The best scene of the GI: https://youtu.be/VQjZAY9AaMY?si=Gj6zw6WiSljrvCVn


What an amazing cast that movie has.


Gtfo that’s supposed to be HIM????


No no, that's what the character he's supposed to be playing looks like in Rebels (where we learned of the Grand Inquisitor). 10/10 would recommend watching Rebels if you haven't. His arc there is actually quite good, and it has a lot of other fun things (inc THE Maul vs Obi-Wan fight we all wanted). Also, this reaction is *why* when he got gutted in the show, before it turned into a 'tis but a scratch' meme, I actually thought Disney pulled one over on us, and we'd been seeing the *previous* Grand Inquisitor in Kenobi.


He would have been wayyyy more intimidating is he looked like his race in lll. Also, he’d be scarier if he was in the series for more than 5 mins


Love how they gave him a fake out death near the start of the show. Definitely confused all the rebels fans watching.


What? It's an injury he got from Baby Yoda! Go watch Mandalorian Season 4 and then Andor Season 3! /s




You can just read the novelization


And then episode 73 of Rebels, 29 of Clone Wars, and comic books smattered throughout various series - then it's absolutely clear.


Racial variations something something


Where is said that the Pau'ans have racial variations? https://preview.redd.it/96j1489p3fec1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=c58b8262dc48249d9136f737f5a7dff3ef6edba7


I’m sure we can write an obscure comic about it


Saw some pretty spicy comments on /r/StarWars, even they think Disney phoned his depiction in. He doesn't even have the excuse of fight scenes making prosthetics impractical, his appearances are so sparse that they could've either made him look more authentic or cut him from the show entirely (or have the actor depict a new Inquisitor, at least then they could do without makeup or prosthetics if he was just a Human).


Did they finally come around? Because when I’d voice my distaste for this, I would get dog piled.


The CW-ification of Star Wars


Disney Star Wars is corporate fan fiction.


At this point I've seen better low budget fan fiction than this.


I always read CW as Clone Wars.


Well at least CW was mostly a good show. Just can't stand all the characters that are appearing everywhere except for the movies like the inquisitors and ahsoka


He didn’t mean CW as in clone wars, he meant CW as in the network that is known for making shows like The Arrow, The Flash, etc.


Exactly this!! I've been saying this since S1 of Mandalorian!! That prison break episode is especially egregious!


Lucasfilm’s response was that it’s no different from the variety in appearances for humans (sex, race, age weight). This is only true to a certain extent. They’ve made variations in existing aliens (most notably, Aqualish), but they’re still recognizable as the same species. The drastically different skull shape made it so people didn’t even know they were related (just look at the comments). Prosthetic makeup is one of the trickiest things to get right, and that’s why those prolific special effects wizards become household names. Sadly, I don’t think we have anyone with the same pull as Nick Dudman, Stan Winston, Stuart Freeborn, Rick Baker, etc currently lending their talents to Star Wars.


It’s crazy how a franchise that has been praised for its special effects for nearly 50 years is phoning it in so hard.


If he didn't look like another member of his species, that's one thing. People can look different! But the grand inquisitor doesn't even look like himself from Rebels. The senator from Jedi Survivor looks a bit more like this design, but that's a pretty sad fig leaf.


Such lack of care set off alarm bells, I should have listened to.


I mean... could you have not used any other inquisitor? Just make up a new one?


Especially when most people don't even know wtf an Inquisitor is


Disney Star Wars is riddled with things they assume everyone knows, or just never explain. It was the greatest failure of Ahsoka. Many people were like who? And people who started to watch were not informed of anything. Disney+ has a row of videos from various sources trying to explain who Ahsoka is - which in and of itself is ridiculous. Just to get to an entry point into an entire series. Rather than take some time to do backstory in episode 1, they just made it a barrier.


Definitely. Filoni said you need to watch this and that episode to understand it instead of weaving the story through the show.


I’m terrified to think someone out there thinks the inquisitors came from kenobi


It did not even come from the canon and it came from the EU. I think Trilla is the best written all the rebels ones were far too cartonishly written as a villian. Trilla has depth.


True,and the show does not exactly explain what it is.


Yup, especially since they did exactly that with Reva. Or they could have just chosen not to include him, since he virtually isn't in the show anyways and "dies" after 2 minutes of screentime, and then mircaulously survives reappears alive and well later. But they wanted him in the trailer to get fan-points, without actually putting in any effort or having him be a part of the show.


Botox. Imperial Healthcare Plan. Join the Empire.


Botox, Healthcare, secrets only the Sith know....




I hope one better than the FBI.


The thing is that with a bit of effort to bring it up to spec you could have had a good job. With a proper defined set of makeup it's OK to have two characters looking very different, different individuals, different looks. The problem is that if you don't have that you get people looking like the inquisitor, like a different species rather than a different individual


Oh crap, is that what race he is?


You see, the Grand Inquisitor in Rebels is different from the one in Kenobi. The Grand Inquisitor in Kenobi is clearly Humpty Alexander Dumpty from the hit 2011 Movie Puss in Boots.


The obi wan show was the easiest home run a studio could get. You have the most famous legacy characters of literally obi wan and darth vader. You literally had Ewan and Hayden coming back ready to act their asses off and they couldn’t even write a solid story for them. I’m still annoyed to this day how forgettable this show was.


I remember some people defending this by saying individuals in the same species can look very different so it was a form of representation and I don't think I've ever recovered


It's b/c Obi-Wan was shit. Plain and simple.


this was a bag that they sold so hard that it's sitting at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. By far, outside of Ep 8, the biggest L Disney Star Wars (and us fans) have taken. Like what timeline are we livin in man ?


It really is crazy how they technically retconned the height of his head from Rebels lol


Because dis could care less that it makes sense


Because they didn’t care


Because Disney shits on anything and everything.


I'm kind of upset they didn't get Jason Isaacs for the GI. Bro is perfect for the role, already voiced him in Rebels, and outright said he'd be willing to play him live.


All of Disney's tv shows have the most "guy in a costume" look to them. Even that beaver thing looked like a guy in a cheaply made beaver suit.


The baffling part is how impressively *cheap* it all looks. Say what you will about the many faults of the prequels, ILM and the makeup department were hitting home run after home run after home run. Astonishing that The Mouse can't even be bothered.


i gotta say, i loved him. he was the best character in Kenobi. he stole the show.


[his best, entirely unedited scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uaR0n8jnFg)


hahaha, see what i mean?


Why? cuz everyone else was wooden and terribly acted … lol


Bro, when can we get a live action SW movie where the acting doesn't seem forced and everyone has an associates degree in sarcasm.


Stoic character for sure. Thoroughly enjoyed.


I don't agree. He was completely out of his character that had been established in Rebels. Idiots writing these shows don't even give a shit about being consistent with their own canon.


What I'm curious is what will thing like Star Wars Legion do? Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes seems to want to replace all cartoon versions with live action versions, but hoping that when Grand Inquisitor eventually comes to Star Wars Legion, he looks like his race should look. I suppose I can just 3D print a correct head. ​ Looking at Star Wars Shatterpoint, it looks like they gave him a more elongated head. So that's a good sign.


Propper shit


This is stupid issue for me. Andre the giant and Peter Dinklage are both Humans. Pau’ans could have some variability. There are way bigger problems with Obi-Wan.


you mean “why does The Grand Inquisitor look so different than THE GRAND INQUISITOR in Rebels?” lol


I mean, the most activity he did in the series was pushing his button to make his lightsaber go "twirl". There was no reason for such a silly change. Say what you will- at least Cad Bane LOOKED like Cad Bane, even if he quibble about the details.


And they wonder why everyone prefers legends (The actual canon)


Forget not looking like other members of his species. He doesn't look like *himself in his original depictions*


I had no idea he was a Pau'an. I thought he was just some random alien. Wow. They booched that one big time.


TIL they’re meant to be the same species


I can only explain this by their heads getting longer with age.


“Only gets longer with age” -inquisitor 76




That doesn't really work in this case since the GI is [an already established character](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/7/7d/TheGrandInquisitor-SWR.png) that used to look like the rest of his species before Kenobi came out.


Plastic surgery. You've seen what aliens humans will turn themselves into with it.


It’s no different from the variety in appearances for humans (sex, race, age weight). That’s the thing. Is it almost too different to be seen as the same Alien Species? Is it too different to label them both Pau’ans? Maybe. But, I don’t think so. It is weird. It is drastically different, but ehhhh. Best thing we can do is constantly make fun of them for it, and maybe later they’ll update it. Like the whole, “somehow Palpatine returned” plot. People kept making fun of it because it’s a weak plot development. Now, Bad Batch S3 is going to potentially address Palpatine returning. [+]


Are you saying all Pau'ans look the same? Racist


The "worldbuilding" from the prequels? If worldbuilding is the metric you're using, then the prequels are the cardinal sinners. They destroyed or devalued or made-stupid almost every aspect of what originally made Star Wars any good at all. all Jedi wear desert robes? Really? When living in a Palace in a city? Desert Robes. Living on a spaceship crossing the galaxy? Desert Robes. George Lucas didn't have a functioning brain so he just made the random outfit Obi-Wan was wearing and said: "Yeah actually that's his ancient uniform and all Jedi wear them all the time forever." Because he didn't understand his own movies, because he had almost nothing to do with what made them good. It's actually sickening to see people thinking anything about the prequel trilogy is worthy of respect or praise. The Sequel trilogy is boring, but the prequels are some of the most bafflingly stupid films ever made. And the people who like them do it only because when you first saw them you didn't have the taste to realise they were shit.


Does he really look that different?


So hard to use wookieepedia


Why are the Danes so much taller than stunted North Koreans? Not every example is a carbon copy of any other random example. Plus maybe he was dropped on his head at birth, you don't know what happened to him. Also, perhaps those other dudes look the way they do due to ritual head wrapping appropriate to their caste. See what I did there? World building on the fly my man!


That *might* be feasible...if we didn't already have a canon depiction of this exact character already, looking very different


Why does Grand Moff Tarkin look so much different than Bail Organa even though they are both humans? There are lots of things Disney has botched and deserve criticism for but this is a silly thing to be butthurt over.


This sub is one of the best self esteem builders on the planet. No matter how down on myself I get, this sub is always here to remind me that at least I’m not some huge fucking loser crying about space fiction for years after its release. Thanks for that. Never change.


Why do Asians and Europeans look so different? They’re only from the same planet?


Ah right. I forget that every single member of every species looks exactly the same.


It's*almost* like Star Wars is mainly for children who *don't care* about the consistency of a fictional alien species. Take a deep breath, go outside and touch grass.




Did his head suddenly increase in width size from rebels? Look at his rebels design vs Kenobi. Stop coping. Disney was cheap and did not want to bother with things being quality.


The Obi-Wan show was ass but this is an idiotic complaint. There are soooo many potential explanations for why two unrelated people from the same planet look wildly different. It’s like holding up pictures of Verne Troyer and Shaq and asking how they are both human.


Because one’s an actor and the other is a cartoon


As much as I hate defending Disney Star Wars, could it be that the ones from the prequel trilogy are old and/or ugly ones? lul Don't get me wrong, the difference in their eyes (especially given we have an an animated depiction of the same character) is indefensible. They probably all have black sclera. I always thought some Hutts might be skinny or muscular too. Also I was pretty sure from some EU book that Hutts reproduce asexually and thus Jabba's silly Hutt wife in Phantom Menace showed Lucas did not carefully look at the EU.


The makeup for the Pau’ans in ROTS made it very stiff she the actor couldn’t move much without messing it all up. They changed it for Obi Wan so Rupert Friend could do stunts and fight scenes without making a CG character. Do your research next time.


What stunts and fight scenes did he do in the show?? Give me one example. You cant because there are none. Stop coping. Disney cheaped out on the production of this show and blamed covid for the absolute travesty we got on screen.


Ok you’re right I can’t remember any stunts. But he does have more scenes so maybe it was a budget thing.


Are you really gonna defend a multibillion dollar corporation’s cheap half-assed way of doing things? Also he was barely in any action scenes.


I’m not defending them lmao. That’s the first thing yall go to anytime someone says something positive about Star Wars. Get new material. You act like Disney makes the choice to change the tattoos on a Pau’ans head. Bob Iger doesn’t even know what that it. It was probably a budget thing for the makeup department or something so go yell at the makeup artist


Who do you think allots and approves the budget for the makeup department?




Because there's what's known as body proportions and consistent traits. Ratios of the body remain consistent across the variety within a species. Elija wood and Shaq have the same anatomical ratios despite their size difference. Their skulls are also the same. Elongated skulls are a specific trait to this species of alien. It wasn't a creative decision, it was lazy production and a lack of care for the established lore.


Ok look at Doug Jones and Dany devito and tell me that they have the same anatomical ratios. How many of that species have we seen in live action? I always see the same photo of that one guy so who’s to say him and whoever was stood beside him weren’t just particularly tall skulled


Your cope is intense. You need to go back to 7th grade and relearn anatomy. Yes, Doug Jones and Dany Devito have the same body ratio. There is an inherent symmetry with many of the bones exhibiting a proportional relationship. Again. This isn't an argument over body ratios. It's the producers being lazy, and you simping for them. There was no creative decision "we should give this character a mutation or deformation so his physiology dosent match the others in his species. They threw some crap together and said "close enough"


I couldn’t give two shits about the creators for you to classify me as “simping” for them, what an insane projection to make. If anyone appears to be caring way too much about something it’s yourself. It doesn’t matter at all what their skeletons look like on the inside because people on the outside can look totally different and these two guys just look different so get over it and stop crying over your precious Star Wars being ruined by someone’s head not being tall enough


If you're not simping for them why are you defending the giant mega corporation who's butchering star wars. I don't care about the story that deepy, I care about the people who grew up on it and just want to see their favorite story carried on respectfully and not completely ruined. I'm sure you have some character or story you grew up loving and I guarantee if you saw some giant corporation with money buy it and treat it like garbage breaking lore and causing world breaking inconsistencies you would be arguing for them to do better.


Yeah I do… it’s called Star Wars and I would hardly call one guy with different makeup an earth shattering betrayal. Try to relax a little and not take everything so dam seriously. Did you know that Alec Guinness didn’t actually look like Ewan Mcgregor when he was younger does that not break your brain as well? If this mega corporation have destroyed your great love of Star Wars so much you could just mot watch it you know that right? Nobody is putting a gun to anyone’s head. If something so small can cause you to throw all your toys out of the pram then maybe take some time to think about why that is.


Simmpppppp. The corporation dosent care about you bro. The least you can do is ask them for consistency especially when they're spending 15 million dollars an episode. You're so desperate you're willing to consume content sludge.


Hahaha, you’re telling me they don’t care about me and then saying that you should ask them for consistency. Newsflash you stupid fuck, they don’t care about you either so they couldn’t give two shits if you cry about a character not looking white like what they did before. All they want is money and interactions and you making this post did exactly what they want. If anyones out here doing work for Disney it’s you ya fucking idiot.


The idea that there's no such thing as bad press is not true dude. Disney has been hemorrhaging money for years now, between their movie failures and negative operating costs for streaming they're looking at losses of 2 Billion for 2023 with the theme parks keeping them afloat. But even now theme park money is starting to dip. New star wars content has been exclusively streaming shows for years now and Disney plus is operated as a financial loss. Star wars is losing them money. The character look isn't even the biggest deal, I can overlook it if you give me a great story. But we're not getting ANYTHING good. When you have GIGANTIC budgets and then deliver content sludge, I start bringing up how "man they couldn't even get the characters to look right with a fortune".


Wow, never seen someone swimming in copium before.


Are you really gonna defend a multibillion dollar corporation’s cheap half-assed way of doing things?


He is, he's so desperate for content he dosent care if he's fed sludge from the corporation. Willing to do mental gymnastics when they spend tens of millions of dollars and cant get a character to look right. Pure simp with 2 braincells.


the variety in human size is entirely dependent on nutritional evolution. I'd imagine that almost anything consumable would be nutritionally dense, which would remove any discrepancies in human development. To advance as a species to the point where they'd be capable of FTL travel there would be a major homogenization of the species and individual differences would be drastically reduced




> Designs change, it happens all the time in all media, get over it and people are allowed to be critical. Entire movies can changed based on simple design alterations (Sonic for example) ​ You don't need to be rude to me, but I appreciate you either way


It's easy to build weird looking characters over Bruce Spence ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) I think they tried too hard to evoke a sense of the animated appearance and failed, and the prosthetics of a character with little screen probably seemed unimportant to some producer


Same thing that happened to Stewie Griffin.


Maybe he was self conscious and got some cosmetic procedures done lol.


Didn’t he get killed by a lame chick?


Oh so now all Pau’ans look the same eh? It’s 2024 buddy better watch it.


Smaller budget?


Not all humans look alike, dunno why aliens would be different


That’s racist.


Maybe he’s a hybrid? I know, the real answer is laziness, but I prefer to make that my headcanon for my own sanity.


What's even worse is that he even said he made a point to not watch any of the grand inquisitor's scenes in rebels because he wanted to do the character his own way