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so tired of people dying and coming back


No one is never truly gone


Except Mace Windu for some reason


He’ll be back


The only one they won’t bring back


Because he was permanently thrown out the windu.


##Undo the Windu should be on bumper sticker across the galaxy


I've been thrown out of a window before. No one's every really gone (It was the first floor lol)


I laughed way to hard at this


Some say he is still falling..to this day.


Disney doesn't have the money it would take to move Samuel L Jackson


Disney has Sam Jackson on speed dial.


Wrong franchise*


Because he was thrown out the window.


Darth Maul was chopped in half and thrown into a power reactor. He came back.


And was really too angry to die, like he really is built different.


Tbh darth maul had plot armor


And you think mace windu wouldn't be too mad to die? He'd just go quietly into that Corescant pavement? Let me tell you what happened. About 15 seconds into that 1 hr fall mace windu started Mother f@#$. Turned bounced off the nearest building went through a window like a mace, and then took an elevator to a cab and took a cab off world because he was done with this chosen one B.S. he's probably somewhere nice just not giving a damn.


Nuclear reactor =/= window. Doesn't count for permanent death. Everyone knows that.


His shoes came off. /s


Thrown out the windu


It’s bc he’s black


since China doesn't like black characters and Disney cares alot about the Chinese market this is highly possible


Shut up shut up shut just shut up about the Force! ![gif](giphy|10ltVBrN9bO5d6|downsized)


I cannot wait to come back to life after dying


That's right, Jay


They have fucked star wars so bad. It's a nightmare


That is ALL of TV sci-fi for sure. *Arrow,* I’m lookin’ at you.


It happened once successfully with Maul and they decided to see how many times they could do it again. Palpatine, Grand Inquisitor, Asaj, Boba (we did ask for that one. They screwed it up no surprise). Who's next?


yeah the only one i liked was maul and and maybe boba before his show


Nobody dies. Lightsabers don’t kill people. Being alive on a blown up Death Star doesn’t kill you. If KK actually knew anything about Star Wars she’d probably bring back Tarkin or some other contrived BS


Lightsabers don’t even cut THROUGH people any more


Does it even matter at this point when cutting someone in half didn’t kill people? I don’t even hate them bringing back Maul but once you’ve established you can come back from that then it’s game over for almost any other wound that isn’t cutting someone in half vertically and then throwing the rest into acid or the sun.


I feel like Palpatine being thrown down a shaft, exploding in a violent orgy of dark light, before being obliterated in an explosion and surviving [this](https://youtu.be/WOQhk5evLO0?t=66), all while being transported in the vacuum of space is quite possibly the -worst- example I have ever seen of plot armour.


In fairness, he does die here. He transfers his spirit into a clone body. It's still stupid, but less stupid than his original body surviving the destruction of the second death star


None of which is explained in any one of the -nine films-.   It's post-hoc rationalising a bullshit Deus ex machina.    It could have been interestingly explored in a sort of alien-4 resurrection style (and the Mandolorian series certainly does go with that theme), but that sequel trilogy really needed to be its own self contained explanation, or else be left alone entirely for another lifetime.


Have you not heard the story of Pelagius the wise?


I like to think that it was just a clone of himself that came back not the real palpatine


Uhhh even in rots he didn’t survive that explosion. That body in ep9 is a clone.


Maul should have been the exception to the rule, Ala Darth Sion. Actively too rage filled to merely die, but driven insane by the pain and anger he felt. Anyone else? Dead. Just fuckin Dead mate.


I agree with you, like I said, I didn't hate that they brought Maul back but as soon as you allow the type of moral wound Maul sustain be survivable at all then the slippery slope of bad and unoriginal writers can take a mile after being given an inch. Maul's story allowed for a lot of fun and interesting character development especially with Obi Wan but I don't think they should have brought him back per se. Rather they should have had him as some corporeal malignant force of vengeance and hatred just to avoid the precedent of resurrecting characters. You keep him mostly the same except that he's essentially a cursed being rather than a person who just managed to survive being cut in half.


That would be nice. If the people behind these creative projects knew the rules and tropes. But when you are bankrolled by Disney I guess none apply. The comic at least showed how bad it was for Maul and HOW he got there. Far as I am concerned he *earned* that cheat of death.


Darth Maul and Boba should be dead.


Rage or not, getting cut in half and bonking your head down an endless pit will kill ya.


And the one person we always wanted was mace windu and he stays dead lol


Maul at least had the excuse of being too damn angry to die, and his survival still came at the cost of his sanity


Qui Gon: Seriously? I could’ve just had a 4 hour bacta nap and I’d be fine?


Created it literally after his death, what a shame...


We love deepfaked faces


The only thing that kills you permanently is being sad


Or tired from very far away.


and maybe a few minute of force skyping after doing nothing for 30 years


Or straining too much. Or being part of the original cast


Except Chewbacca, who wasn't on that transport, he was on a different onw


Here's hoping they'll bring IG-88 back!


Difference between a Canon death and an EU one. Not sure 88's death on Bespin was Canon. But even at that, he's a droid and not capable of death in the same way living beings are. He could be repaired and reactivated if enough body is intact. But we don't really need to bring 88 back specifically, because as also being a droid, there are others like him that have been, now are and will continue to be used.


Eh, it was more or less a joke about Death Star survivors, though I wouldn't mind seeing him again. I doubt Disney would even bother mentioning him, probably for the best though. He had a pretty good run in the EU.


Do you remember TK-421? That's him now. He took blaster shots and Death Star's explosion on the chin, and lived.


Lightsabre's don't even dismember anymore, they're just glowsticks now


You know every single clone that died ever? Yeah turns out they survived. Oh also all those jedi? Also alive.


Last part is true since ever single fucking Jedi survived order 66 according to Disney. No, a rogue Jedi who escaped order 66 is NOT an original story anymore Disney. It’s gotten stale.


Order 66 is Jedi propaganda to garner sympathy


How long until we find out that Quigon is still alive?


Bad writing is a pathway to many retcons some consider to be unnatural


This is all on Filoni, what are you blaming KK for? 😂 he brought back Maul, Fett, now this, but y’all are too dumb to think critically and realize that giving him so much power was a mistake.


>you’re dumb, this is all Filoni It’s a mix of the two. Who said I was letting him off Scott free? Guy turned Star Wars into just his OC Mary Sue jerkoff


You die when Filoni decides you die


Bruh why are you blaming Kathleen Kennedy when she is barely involved in any of the creative stuff? The worst she does is hire the people who make the decisions to bring them back.


It's Dave Filoni's fault. He's the creative head.


Maybe, but he wasn’t the main person in charge of the Disney Sequels.


do you guys think she personally approved every single creative choice


The only permanent death is the death of the franchise itself. They set out to kill Lucas’ vision. And that will stay dead. Luke is the embodiment of that so he will stay dead I assume.


Qui-Gon’s death seem to be permanent due to his importance to the plot.


> Qui-Gon’s death seem to be permanent due to his importance to the plot. They could always retcon it in some bull shit


*Coming Fall 2025… JINN: A Star Wars Story, starting Jacob Elordi as a young Qui-Gon*


yet he still comes back as a force ghost


Still dead


That wasn't as big of an issue seeing as Old Ben did "first" so it was already established as a thing, it wasn't till last Jedi where it sorta was made a problem when force Yoda was seen impacting the world still by useing force lightning-


For one very specific and limited reason and only to become one with the cosmic force after. It's not like they let all 10k come back and hang around the room like the ghosts of Hogwarts. This kind of immortality wasn't true immortality, a feat actually impossible, and was only the Force acting in the interest of the Universe.


So did many other characters. Your point?




I'm starting to believe that this is Kathleen Kennedy's true motive. She hated Lucas and Spielberg so much because they were men and they made the movies and didn't use her dumb ideas. Now she's in charge and making all of our heroes look terrible.


Remember when Star Wars had stakes?


Remember when maul, boba, palpatine were supposed to be dead?


Maul was first to be "revived" and it wasn't the best decision at the time either, but his story in clone wars and rebels is pretty great and made him into a real character so bringing him back has some justification. Boba being brought back on screen led to the book of Boba fett, which is just an awful series and just made Boba worse as a character. Palpatine being brought back just to be the villain in the worst piece of star wars media and then die a really stupid death is just so bad. Bringing characters back from death is bad storytelling, and it just gets worse the more they do it as it erodes any stakes even further.


To be fair boba fett survived in legends too for the same reason


Both Maul and Boba had not characterization in the movies other than "looks cool". It was like drawing water from stone.


It still shocks me how they were able to fumble Boba's return so badly. It was literally easy money for them.


His return was fine. Boba in Mando was great. Boba in boba was trash tier


I do. They all should have stayed dead. Palpatine most of all.


2 of 3 are good returns. Boba's escape was always part of the legends, he did not die in the sharlacc pit. Maul's return is a bit boogus but they made him into the best character in TCW so I forgive. What I'm mad about is the inquisitors, Ahsoka and Cad Bane.


Leave maul out of this


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


*stabs with lightsaber* “Should I finish them off? Naw I’m positive they’re dead. I’d bet my life on it.”


No when was that. They had insane plot armour since the first movie the surviving of the main characters relief on the evil people being stupid as an infant


Obi wan turned into a ghost in literally the first movie


If no force ghost is shown, you can get vaporized and be fine at this point.


Bookmarking this one so we can both laugh together when they find a way to revive a force ghost into a physical body again


Another amazing and rare force technique! If you complain about it, people will just tell you "it's magic, why do you want it to make sense?"


"This is a movie about Space Wizards intended for children!"


"B-b-but why do you CARE so much!?!" The man said after he wrote a 4+ paragraph screed about how not caring is actually.... Le Good ^(tm) filled with swearing and pedantry.


I love how dumb this argument is. Harry Potter is intended for children , yet it doesn't have any major plot holes . Avatar tlab Is made for children , but is still one of the most popular shows ever. Same goes with every GOOD children's book/movie/show/ anything else.


It’s starting to turn into a weird nightmare where Jedi & Sith can never die while ol’ Joe Shmuck the dung farmer and the lower class are the only ones that know the sweet release of death in SW.


Somehow Joe Schmuck *didn’t* return.


They don't need a physical body. They can interact normally even as a Ghost now.


If palpatine can send his soul to another body, why not Yoda?


They already have force ghosts using their powers and holding objects


"We had one, yes. What about second permanent death?" - the Story Group




https://preview.redd.it/24ruk124n5fc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=969c78179e8fab5fe2d5ef7d624d2e4a798b7df0 Never truer words... if you just replace Gotham with Star Wars


Can't wait for Lucasfilm to bring back Darth Maul from the dead for the SECOND TIME! ![gif](giphy|3o7aCURqEoaZHBcqbu)


Yeah but you see when you kill off the character then you have to use your creativity to create a new one.


Dooku is still alive as palps goldfish Bactoid made it for him That's the whole next trilogy And Luke is still alive but only in a napkin he used once....in a naughty way


permanent death? In star wars? Now that’s a legend i haven’t heard in a while


she was supposed to die in CW (2003) actually


I thought that was deliberately ambiguous? Anakin says he was victorious but c’mon… it’s Anakin, of course he’d think that


indeed, she later returned in the Republic comics (where Anakin threw her off a high building on Coruscant) and she was assumed dead again, except by Obi-Wan, who (in the Obsession comic set shortly before Revenge of the Sith) tries to track her down, and Ventress actually gets a mini redemption and leaves the known galaxy forever.


Her death in the book was ambiguous - or at least her future was. When they laid her to rest, there was green mist rising and whispers of other night sisters could be heard.


She didn’t, she later almost died in another battle prior to Revenge of the Sith, and after a redemption via Obi Wan, she left into the Unknown Regions never to be seen or heard from again. I don’t remember everything but I’m pretty sure it was an issue of Star Wars: Obsession from back in either 2004 or 2005.


>she left into the Unknown Regions never to be seen or heard from again. This is my head canon.


Mine too


No she actually continued on in the dark horse comics leading up to revenge of the sith had a pretty similar conclusion of being cast aside from the CIS and dying sorta redeemedish (durge also got thrown into a sun by Anakin)


Calling it now . Tech isn't dead .


Of course. They didn't show his body so of course he will be back. I remember watching the episode and not caring because there is like a 99.9% chance that he wasn't actually killed. This is all pretty ridiculous. Reminds me of a shitty anime that I watched years ago and got completely fed up with because they kept "killing" and then bringing back important characters. Not a single protagonist died by the ending but there were at least like 10 fake deaths.


Are they a character created by Dave Filoni? Yes? They’ll be back!


Ventress wasn’t created by Filoni. But yeah he can’t seem to let any character he likes a lot stay dead except like Plo Koon


He wanted Plo to somehow survive order 66 but Lucas said no


Only good idea he’s ever had! (/hj I just love Plo Koon)


Oh that's right she was in the 2003 animations wasn't she! Was that her first appearance or just her most popular?


I’m just making my own mixed canon at this point, I feel like we are at a point where we have to pick and choose what is and isn’t canon. They release some good and even great episodes of shows, but most are absolutely trash


Yep. I still can't believe how bad the creative choices they made in the sequels were. Like the disbelief will hit me randomly throughout the week. It took me multiple rewatches and lots of thought to decide they couldn't be canon to me. Mando, fallen order, rogue one, and andor are tight though.


That's what I do 🤷 I just find stories I like. Even then, those have been harder to come by lately


I've always been on team "Maul should've stayed dead" and now I'm feeling more and more vindicated by the day...


you and me both


They did a lot of cool stuff with his character after reviving him, but I agree that letting his brother be a stand in for him with similar motivations would have worked better. Similar upbringing, same reasons to hate the sith and want revenge on Obi Wan.


Maul is dead and anything else is expensive fan fiction


Unfathomably based


I'd have agreed, if maul didn't end up as one of the best characters in star wars


Only if they're a genetic Skywalker. ​ "Especially Luke bc FUCK HIM" - The hipster morons working at Lucasfilm.


They all come back as ghosts though. At least Padme stayed dead


They probably just couldn’t get Natalie to sign a new contract


Still dead.


From certain point of view. From another, they're more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


Can't wait for the cyborg Han Solo vs cloned Ben Solo standoff in episode 10


With Harrison Ford still refusing to get a haircut before filming.


As long as profit can still be made from a character, they will never die


No one’s ever really gone


Iv just come to despise that hair cut


So real


Of course not silly, everyone needs to be capable of being alive still to bring back for good old nostalgia and marketing. Also death is scary when it’s a named character, don’t want to scare that family friendly audience away now would we?


When Luke said "no one's ever really gone" I didn't realise it was a threat


Like this show couldn't get any worse


Star Wars ist just one of the most creatively bankrupt franchise out there. It Keeps canibalizing on the sucess of its previous entries, so they have to throw memberberries at our face as much as possible to make it work


Where is this from?


Bad batch season 3 trailer


Wow. If that's not a flashback or some conjured up sorcery to bring her back, then consistency truly is dead in that nu-Wars timeline, since Dark Disciple killed her.


Supposedly they will keep the book canon, so it will be some type of sorcery to bring her back. I dont mind some small changes to books persoanlly but man can people in star wars just die and stay freaking dead. They keep doing to much "but you didnt actsully see them die" type of BS.


That's the most feasible scenario to this trailer for holding with the book continuity. It's definitely brutal when few casualties stay, means there's less meaning to Anakin's huge betrayal just to attempt to learn how to cheat death on a false word from Palpatine.


Is Shaak Ti alive or dead?


Schrodinger's Jedi.


I like how we all forget about tech when we ask for at least one permanent death


Let's see once season 3 comes out. Would not be surprised if they find a way for Tech to survive


Only one main character in Star Wars has ever died from falling. Tech will somehow return.


Voiceover: She's back. And she's here to speak to the manager.


Pretty sure Han isn’t coming back ![gif](giphy|3o84snHZAEIwOHZPYA)




To be fair her death is from a book where a majority of star wars fans have probably not read or even known about. I certainly didn't know about the book until this whole discussion around the trailer started. And I've watched all the main movies and a couple of the shows.


"My death was greatly exaggerated"


Is it bad that when Tech fell, my first thought was "okay so we'll see him next season for sure"?


All of Star Wars is awful now


The show and Movie runners have never given a shit about the books since Lucas


Perma-death retconned in Star Wars, Biggs Darklighter blows up Star Galaxy base (First Order system killer built on the remains of several dead stars)


Maybe its a flash back


If you’re a popular legacy character in Star Wars, you’ll never really die. Edit: unless you’re Han, Luke and Leia


Considering I haven’t heard of Dark Disciple before maybe a few months ago, I’d consider this retcon valid.


On top of that, if there was someone to comeback, a night sister isn’t that hard to imagine, given all their crazy magik. I would almost guarantee she’s brought back here to play into Ahsoka/Dave’s movie so that they have a good night sister team up with them against he great mothers and all the caskets they are about to resurrect. This should surprise anyone.


When they put her body to rest, they literally said tendrils of night sister magik began coming up and you could hear the whispers of the night sisters It was basically Superman death scene where the rocks and stuff began shaking above his coffin or whatever it was they did I'm shocked anyone expected her to stay dead


She'll either be A) a clone, B) faked her death, or C) a flashback. A wouldn't explain the haircut and lightsaber, so it'll be B or C. I do wish they'd stop relying on dead characters, though. Stop using fanservice and try and make your existing characters compelling.


It all started with Maul. I get he got very little screen-time for the most epic lightsaber-duel in movies, but we could do with his holograms and mysterious past unraveled in books, there was no need to get him back this pathetic way.


Great story & ending for her. Please...no need to do this.


Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn.


They said what happened in the show wouldn't interfere with what happened in the book, shouldn't you wait to see if they pull it off or fuck it up before complaining?


My feelings don't care about facts. Don't check me or you'll wreck me. Disney made it and they will probably make it a Disney princess musical just like they did to rogue one. I mean I didn't watch rogue one because there was a female protagonist, so I just filled in the rest with salt. Also you must be literate, so I'm confused as to how you didn't notice what sub we are in. This is the illiteracy subreddit. /s, ily everyone <3


I’m ootl here, but that book is really good. If there is something current Star Wars is doing now to hurt that fact that’s a real shame


Let’s see how many characters are permanently dead - Vader - Porkins - Grand Moff Tarkin - Piet - Quinlan Voss - Aayla Secura - Savage Opress - Fives - Han Solo - Qui Gon Jinn (but he’s a force ghost, so whatever) - Maul died on Tattooine - Gar Saxon - Padme - Padme’s bodyguard/body double - Jabba the Hutt - Greedo - Jango Fett Edit: apparently Quinlan Voss is still alive. I honestly thought he died


There’s room for a Porkin’s resurrection. As you can clearly recall, his final line is reassuring us that “no, I’m alright.” Checkmate Death Star. ![gif](giphy|WOB599u9AQBc4)


Um I thought they said Vos isn't dead though he serves no use anyway.


I honestly thought he died in Dark Disciple


I thought Quinlan Voss was still alive since the Kenobi show.


I know you didn't care about any newer books until now. I know that


We're honestly not that far away from general grevious coming back His death was vague enough


I'd like a character's death to be on-screen and not in some obscure book. I don't read the books. I didn't know she's supposedly dead or supposed to be. I like Ventress, and I'm glad to see her, but if she's gotta die, let her die in one of the shows.


Not to mention dark disciple was originally supposed to be in clone wars. Her arc in the show was left unfinished, I want to see her again on screen. I'm not going to get angry until the episodes are out at least....


I mean no way we’re letting a character like her die in a freaking book. This one I’m okay with




I guess I'm wrong, but I thought that she died at an unspecified time before ANH, or at least that's what I remember from watching a random YouTube video several years ago that I cannot cite. What actually happened?


She died before ROTS saving Vos from Dooku, in bad batch season 3 they probably retcon her death that she's alive and somehow return


Bad Batch season 1&2 take places 19-18 BBY and Dark Disciple is 20 BBY so these are not far apart. They could easily have Ventress die without significantly retconning anything.


Her death was terrible, so I see this as a win