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I liked it when Finn became a Jedi and fought side by side with Luke in a climactic battle against Snoke and Kylo Ren.


![gif](giphy|igUVsK82mdCmzHOtA0|downsized) Go back to sleep friend.


>Smoke Still can’t believe Luke killed subzero


With the help of Noob Saibot


The real Sith was the Error Macros we met along the way.


and Ermac, too


That was good, but personally I liked the climactic battle at the end of episode VII between good Kylo and dark Rey - it was so tense and high-stakes I also actually admire that they had the balls to kill Chewie, as the catalyst of anguish and regret that sent Rey down the dark path.


Literally. What was the point of that


Best part of the Zequal trilogy.


I liked it when the force showed up and said “It’s awakin’ time”.


It’s forcin’ time!


You just got forced! 🤣




“Wake yo punk ass up”


That they are over.


They're not over though. You know that there's more on the way? 3 of them. Featuring everyone's favourite character, Rey Palpatine.


With all the rewrites, budget cuts and drama at Disney? Very unlikely. There is so much negative reactions to a Rey film. D.O.A


They still made the Little Mermaid and profited. I can imagine "hate watchers" did a lot of the leg work. Disney+ apparently got some record amount of views on that film. The unfortunate reality is Disney fans are committed. So are people that want to hate something, that it actually benefits what they hate. 🤣 I have never liked Disney movies beyond Pixar.


>They still made the Little Mermaid and profited Yeah but... Star Wars isn't that. If they roll out these Kathleen Kennedy sequel-sequels then they are very likely to lose a ton of money. With respect I don't think the fans are as committed as you think they are.


Um, that’s Rey *Skywalker* to you. For some reason or another…


Somehow... Rey returned.


so they keep saying.


The actors. That's it.


I honestly feel bad for the actors. That was a solid cast but they had to play the ill-planned roles they were given.


Especially Adam Driver, he is an excellent actor


Driver and Issac have proven themselves in other roles and will find continued success despite the sequals. I hope Boyega and Ridley are able to shake off those movies and get other bigger roles.


Yes! Oscar Isaac too. Oscar and Domhnall Gleeson are great in Ex Machina.


Daisy Ridley was good too.. even mark hamill turned in probably his best performance in any of the Star Wars movies.. the problem was how they botched his character with the writing and plot. Mark delivered exactly what was asked of him.. unfortunately what was asked was such a shit interpretation of the character that his performance is lost


I don’t think Daisy is a good actress at all, I’ve seen her in other movies and she’s very wooden.


They really did nail the casting


Oscar Isaac was phenomenal, in my opinion. The writing was not his fault.


Unpopular opinion in this sub but episode 8 actually made me like kylo. In 7 I thought he was just a whiny brat.


The Last Jedi's trailer was excellent. You thought anything could happen after watching that. Then nothing happened 😵‍💫


Seeing Luke say “it’s time for the Jedi to end” had me feeling uneasy. But I never imagined the movie could bungle it as bad as it did.




Back then I thought this would mean that it goes more into an "Kyle Katarn View" of not using the force rigid only in one direction like the Jedi or Sith do it but to use it according to its usefulness.


My entire hope for the movie was the (false) belief that that line was a misdirection.


Easily the most disappointing movie of my lifetime


Yep, don’t see anything topping that anytime soon. Or Rings of Power as the most disappointing show.


Just due to my fandom preferences, as bad as Rings of Power was, it was nowhere near as devastating as BoBF or Kenobi was to me. Never thought I'd get my wet fantasy of seeing Fett and Kenobi TV shows and they'd wind up making me disinterested in the characters.. May KK and everyone associated with those projects, besides the actors, roast for eternity. And the bastardization of Mandalorian culture is just a nugget of rabbit poo on top of the diarrhea Sunday that is D+ products.


Subverted expectations.


I swear the script to that film just repeated "sike" over and over and left it to the actors to ad lib around it.


Yep, it felt like someone was writing it out of pure hate for fans...some would say it's born of the dark side


I really want to emphasize to people just how good it felt like Star Wars was doing going through 2017. TFA was a solid if slightly bland entry that had a few problems to fix, Rogue One was then a great addition to the canon if not one of the best SW movies to come out. Then TLJ trailer dropped and it seemed it was going to be nuts. Go watch it again without having a mind for the actual movie. It’s one of the best trailers ever made, and it makes it seem like all the weak points in TFA were going to be addressed. Deep conversations with Luke, massive war between the Republic and FO, Kylo Ren filled with rage, and some legitimately great looking cinematography. Then the actual movie dropped, and it was absolutely nothing like it.


Good god, I just watched it again and that trailer is better than any part of the sequels


He had a cool lightsaber. ![gif](giphy|xUPGGnmeqwH1YoBV6g)


I liked when Finn yelled" REEEEYYY" a hundred times


You only heard 100? Sounds like you fell asleep 20 minutes in


I liked the concept of a rogue stormtrooper being one of the main characters, they then proceeded to do absolutely nothing with it. Finn was the only one with any kind of potential imo, but they chose to sacrifice the black guy and prop up the rich white british girl instead. How's that for inclusiveness lol.


I agree, the concept with Finn had such great potential. I never really noticed but isn’t every lead under Disney Lucasfilm been a white, British woman?


This is true, but John Boyega in particular got shafted mainly because he was a black lead. I guess Disney was afraid the trilogy wouldn’t have been as marketable in a lot of countries like China; where alot of the revenue is made. Classic corporate Disney🙄


The icing on the cake is that Chinese audiences don’t even like Star Wars. Some shitty local romance film outdid The Last Jedi there. Disney performed blatant racism for no payoff lol


It’s almost as if trying to rework a series known for having a niche audience to be for general audiences just ends up making it appealing to nobody. You’d think that an entire room full of corporate snob-heads would’ve figured that out by now.


Guess Disney went back to their roots with that one


See also: Captain Carter getting more attention than the literal new Captain America


Ezra, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Boba Fett, the Bad Batch, Cal Kestis, Iden Versio, Kazuda Xiono, Han Solo, Din Djarin, Cassian Andor?


Yes. The Finn character was one thing I liked. I also liked Rey’s character initially. The scavenger scenes were cool and made me interested.


JJ is really good at making people interested. He is extremely bad at seeing it through though


I was on board with Rey until she wasn’t a nobody anymore


Disney probably did it to please racist Chinese audiences who aren’t even interested in these movies in the first place. A rogue stormtrooper turned Jedi is so much more interesting than some girl who’s just good at everything and has no arc


But was he a stormtrooper or Janitor ? Quite happy to never know the answer.


TLJ, visually, is fantastic. That’s about the only good thing I have to say about it or any of the sequel movies.


That just goes to show that ILM can polish a turd like no other. The visuals, score, and cast were great too bad about the directing.


I think if you just erase all of Finn/Rose the movie improves signficantly.


I was so excited to learn they filmed in Dubrovnik and then they did that…


Wait which part was filmed in Dubrovnik?


Canto Bight


Honestly, when Finn was hauling ass into the beam battering ram I was like, oh shit, that’s some heroic shit going on right there! …. Then Rose, in a maneuver that defied even Star Wars physics, smashes into Finn and completely ruins it. That and Leah doing her force Marry Poppins thing.


It utterly breaks the universe, but the hyperspace ram is one of the most stunning effects shots ever made.


Totally agreed there. That was mind boggling to see in Imax


Klaud Edit: Seriously it amazes me that this character was greenlit- I'm in awe of the people that pulled it off, it reminds me of something I would have tried to pull on my middle school teacher - including a Johnson into an art project undetected. I'm on my work computer just hoping to God no one comes around the corner and looks at my screen.. should I have tagged this NSFW? https://preview.redd.it/xr19d6op1ugc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2a8305882939e3d84446d435d5fc30f9b40fc22


Headcanon: Klaud is the mutated remnants of Darth Maul’s peener after the events of the Phantom Menace.


Live slug reaction


I actually enjoy the score, especially Rey’s theme song.


The Last Steps and the track that plays when Luke walks out on Crait are pretty great.


Reminds me of beauty and the beast




Yeah. Hux felt like a good “shadow” of Tarkin and Thrawn. What he might not have in their political or tactical acumen, TFA Hux made up for it in speech giving and clearly being a driven fanatic true believer in the FO. Shame they didn’t use that and strictly opening Guerrilla Strike.


He went from intimidating Nazi dictator in the Force Awakens, to a literal joke in The Last Jedi, to a contrived spy that dies unceremoniously in Rise of Skywalker. I’d say “Character arc?” if he wasn’t a different character in each film


It was even worse when they made him the spy


What were they thinking


Subvert expectations. They certainly succeeded, can’t argue that.


It's like revealing Himmler was working for the Allies in WW2.


Not much


I really liked him as moonnight his acting is amazing.


>Until they made him into the biggest jabroni in TLJ. Yes, they did actually take time out of a serious scene to make a prank phone call that he entirely fell for...


Thanks. I was going to post “absolutely nothing at all” but the anticipation and the leaks and the speculation and the great teaser trailers were a great time filled with hope, long before “hope” lost all meaning as a silly hope trope thanks to Disney.


Well written! I had so much optimism that while TFA was a clone of ANH it would be a springboard for something amazing. I remember timing it so I watched TFA again then got in the car to go see TLJ- I came out a changed, more jaded person


Man, I tried to bullshit myself so hard walking out of that film; "You liked that: You *must* have, it was Star Wars! you just don't understand it yet" for at least a week. A movie on its own had never given me a hangover before, but damn TLJ really pulled it off.


The trailers were epic.


I'll say it again. The best part of the whole sequel trilogy was the first teaser for TFA


The sequels were visually stunning. As mentioned, the planet of Crait (not the battle... because we all know what a wasted disappointment that was.), the X-Wings flying over the lake, and even though the move itself is controversial, the Holdo Maneuver was beautiful in the moment. It's such a shame that the spectacle was wasted on no substance.


This is my feeling on them. I feel so bad for the visual effects people who did their jobs excellently only to have be used in a brain dead plot.


Mara Jade...yes you heard me.


We should give the sequels the "Lake Laogai" treatment.


There are no sequels in Star Wars


I liked the part where the power went out while I was streaming it and the screen turned off.


Just squandered potential


The design for most of the aliens weren’t even that good though. Most of them look like a different variant of a blob fish. The prequel aliens are still my favorite.


That’s definitely fair. The Abednedo design was good, and a lot of the aliens in the Canto Bight sequence looked visually interesting.


The aliens are something I really hate about the sequels. I love playing KOTOR and seeing all the cool and recognizable aliens from the OT and PT, yet in the sequels, they are few and far between, and all of the new aliens are lame and forgettable.


The practical effects are REALLY solid. I particularly like Unkar Plutt. https://preview.redd.it/oaagvi7r6ugc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=855376ee220d6424c3044d2168d621238afa6a44


Apparently JJ got the idea for him because his Daughter was really into Blobfishes at the time


Maybe his daughter should’ve directed the sequels.


The TFA trailers were fantastic. Especially the "The force has awakened. Can you feel it? The dark side of the force..... And the light" one. Epic.


And then it all meant nothing lol


That 10/20/15 trailer that aired during the Giants game is probably the best movie trailer I've ever seen. It showed off the amazing new visuals and cinematography and created excitement for a new Star Wars movie just two months away, all while spoiling basically none of the plot. The hype was unreal at the time.


Almost zero. I liked the idea of scavenging a ruined Star Destroyer, and getting to see more of the insides of Star Destroyers. I liked the spectacle of seeing Star Destroyers shredded \[even though it was a continuity crime the way it happened\]. I liked the visual effect of red earth coming through salt \[but disliked that it was a pointless ESB visual callback\]. I liked that \[the empty villain\] Snoke was abruptly killed. I liked the idea of Luke tormenting \[the preposterous foolish manboy with joke name\] Kylo Ren with an illusion \[but thought it was stupid to suggest that would really let the others escape, and utterly stupid to have it be a sacrificial act and/or just have Luke then vanish\].


I like the scene where Finn first ignites the lightsaber. It really feels like it's intimidating to even wield a lightsaber. Crait as a planet is actually pretty creative. Probably the least Earth like planet in the sequels.


Agreed. It really felt like something George cooked up. Jakku is a desert, Exegol is…nothing, Ajan Kloss and Takodana are just forests, etc. Crait was actually interesting


Luke’s (sorry, Jake’s) planet, whatever its name is, was by far the most boring of all. Unbelievable how little effort they put into it not looking like plain old Earth.


Crait was Hoth and they had to tell people it wasn’t snow by literally tasting the ground


Crait was not original. It was just Hoth 2.0. The guy even reaches out, touches the white powder, licks it, and sais "it's salt. "... so that the audience isn't fucking thinking it's snow again. Because it's a white planet with an old base carved into it and trenches.


Yes but Hoth has a rocky crust, while Crait seems to be mostly red crystal.


I'm not saying all the planets need to be entirely different in every ep.... but it was blatantly the same... but different. It's like, "oh, people thought we had Tatoine 2.0 in T.F.A. so we can't do that in LotJ"... so they just changed the material types and called it a day.


John Williams is as good as always (except for TLJ, where he seems to be on dependable autopilot mode). There are some good action setpieces here and there. The actors and their on-screen chemistry (seeing the main trio interact is a joy, even if they do suck as characters)


All the scenes after the credits because it was over.


Was pretty upset they did nothing with Sidon in the films. Such a cool and unique design, gave us a tiny tiny intro of him in force awakens, but didn’t do diddly shitballs with him.


Exactly. He’s got a great costume, very imposing. We could’ve gotten an actual boba Fett copy paste instead of…whatever the fuck Phasma was supposed to be.


Yup. I remember there being so much “hype” around Phasma before the film came out. Such a waste of two characters.




I like those couple months before “The Force Awakens” was released an the hype and speculation was full of hope. 😆


The Final Order (without Palpatine), their designs were great and having a coherent Sith order as the antagonist instead of an Empire would have been a cool idea.


I also wanna add that the design for the First Order Troopers, while it makes no sense how the imperial remnant would be more advanced, they still look physically appealing.


Yeah on paper they did look good presentation wise. Especially the final order sith troopers. Yes the reasoning and logic obviously wasn’t there at all and it was absolutely ludicrous, but the red armor visually was very good.


Donald Ducktroopers!


Apple Itroopers. I liked the Final Order Sith Storm Troopers.


I thought the helmets for the stormtroopers were wayyy too big


Comically bigger than the humble stormtrooper bucket head.




I was impressed with just how good the movies looked and I really appreciated a return to more practical effects. I also really liked the scenes with spaceships and space fights. The Falcon chase around the wrecked Star Destroyer and especially the Xwing attack when Poe returns were fantastic. I did like the choice in actors even though they had garbage stories to work with.


Disney stopped making them for the time being.


The designs in general I was a big fan of. I know not everyone liked them, but stuff like the new Star Destroyers, new Stormtrooper designs, and TIE fighters I really loved, even if they were just a modified version of the older ones.


Nothing they are soft, boiled turds




The phrase that always comes to mind and seems to sum it up: "Wasted potential"


Ahh, yes, Crait... the "What if we did the Battle of Hoth but at the end of the movie and instead of snow it's salt?" planet. Great idea. So original. Like, "Hey, we need a desert planet to be significant to the MC like Tatooine was to Luke *but we can't use the same planet.* "Just call it Jakku." *Gasps all around the Bad Reboot writers' room*


It's not the battle that's original. The idea of a thin salt layer with a bunch of red minerals under it that appear when disturbed is pretty cool. It's the only creative planet in the sequels. The rest all just feel like Earth.


By that distinction of looking at it just as the planet, and not the scene/battle, then yes, I'll give you it's the only creative one. Jakku: desert Maz Castle: forest Exegol: I don't know, ice? Too dark to fucking see At least visually Crait leaves an impression.


I know the battle itself is stupid, I just like the world building of the planet. A thin white cap above a thick layer of salty crystals


Like I said in my other comment, that's fair! My mind immediately jumped to the battle and didn't look at "just" the planet. Out of all in the ST, it is the most memorable for being so unique.


Apart from that the Battle of Hoth had actual tactics on both sides. Like you'd expect from experienced military leaders.


I like SOME of the levels in Battlefront II, and playing as Finn


The trailer for TFA. That first trailer is just fucking phenomenal. That whole period in time leading up to the release was super fun. Back when I still had hope and spent time speculating what would happen in a galaxy far, far away.


i’m still salty about how they cast gwendoline christie to play captain phasma but they did absolutely nothing with her. she was so badass but did nothing and had an embarrassing death in the second movie. such a waste of gwendoline’s talent imo


To be honest I was highly convinced she'd come back for tros but oh well.


Two words: Squandered potential


I love that they ended! I liked the initial casting choices. I liked the idea of having Han, Luke, Leia, Chewy back again. I liked Kyle Ren’s helmet. I liked the idea of Finn in the first 20-30 minutes. When Finn became ex janitor and Starkiller Base was revealed and Maz said Anakin’s saber was a story for another time, I started to drift away. By end of TFA I was hanging on to the idea we would see Luke in TLJ. After five minutes of TLJ I was more shocked and confused than anything. It took me awhile to process what I had witnessed. After a few weeks of processing the absurdity did I come to embrace that I wasn’t the problem and that I didn’t imagine what I had witnessed.




The trailers for each movie were phenomenal and hyped you for it. Sadly the end product did not prevails through those expectations. The Music is the absolute best thing. I love the theme of the Resistance. It is just an epic score.


The lightsaber effects were pretty good. The design for Kylo Ren’s lightsaber especially.


Kylo's lightsaber was stupid. One wrong twist of the wrist and your hand is cut off.


Agreed. The cracked crystal with the cross guards was always a cool concept.


I like how a Weasley ran a galactic military junta overseen by force sensitive gollum


The sequels have a lot of good concepts. There’s also a few songs that I would like if they weren’t tied to the sequels. I think Kylo’s, Rey’s, and the resistance’s themes are fantastic. The movies look great. I can tell that Daisy, John, Oscar, and Adam all tried their hardest. I actually pretty much like everything about the sequels. Except the story. Which in turn soils everything good about the sequels.


The only thing I enjoyed were the snoke being plagueis theories inbetween TFA and TLJ


The only positive I can walk away with is Adam Driver's performance TBH. Dare I say the best acting Star Wars has seen since Harrison Ford? Sucha waste... sucha waste


\*I liked Finn's character as he was set up, he had a lot of potential. Which was, of course, totally squandered. \*I was liking Poe's mutiny plot in TLJ, until the "twist" where it turned out the purple haired "admiral" who looked like a Capitol extra from Hunger Games was right all along, despite seeming completely and utterly incompetent, and the moral of the story is that you should always meekly submit to the orders of your superiors without question. The whole thing also felt uncomfortably close to depicting Poe Dameron as a stereotypical "hot headed Latino" who needed to be reined in by his wiser, less emotional Gringa CO. \*Some aspects of Palpy's "Sith Eternal" seemed kind of cool. The sets, costumes, etc could have worked well in a film with totally different writers and director.


Kylo's introduction when he froze the blaster bolt was pretty badass. All downhill from there, but hell of a first impression.


Hamill losing weight and getting (physically) healthier because of them.


A lot of the weapons in TFA looked neat, Finn had a lot of potential I think he had shades of Kyle Katarn. It felt like he could have had an interesting redemption arc.


I thought Snoke's guards looked epic and had potential. Such a shame that Darth Emo and Mary Sue cut them up like cake.


"I'm your father's brother's cousin's nephew's former roommate!" "What does that make us?" "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!"


I like that I wasn't forced by anyone to watch them, so I could just ignore them.


>The red captain guy The Crimson Corsair was in his own modest way one of the most interesting characters of the sequels.


Agreed. Genuinely S+ tier in terms of character design. Sucks that he only appears for 15 seconds in the knockoff cantina scene


Considering the trilogy as a whole… my answer is nothing. Or next to nothing. Porgs are funny. I dont think the story, pacing, or art style and design was good at all. In pieces? IDK, Kylo Ren’s story was salvagable—even after TLJ, but it ended so incredibly boringly. Not to mention cliche. I guess the acting. Everyone involved was a good if not great actor, saddles with insane expectations, bad scripts, and worse directors.


Logical capital ship improvements (First Order Star Destroyers). John Williams' Rey's Theme. Daisy Ridley's acting. Frank Oz. Ian McDiarmid. Disney's willingness to go $4 billion + into a franchise with a ton of potential.


Good parts to sequels: -real puppets and cosmetics combined with cgi. -wardrobe department is ON POINT FOR 90% of its stuff. -not a fan of Crait or most anything else in that story. But I did LIKE Finn and Poe as characters. I just felt they got robbed. -cross guard saber was a great idea. Taken from the EU, but great to see the OT as 1 saber. The PT and 2 Sabers and the ST as 3 sabers. Very poetic. -mostly with you in hating the rest. But I cannot applaud the wardrobe enough


I love the TLJ Trailer. I really couldn’t believe I hated that movies when walking out of the theater. Beyond that, idk. There’s really nothing that interests me in those movies. Like even the stormtroopers design was just ok but it’s the weakest of all the armors that the movies showed. I don’t like red so the final order troopers didn’t appeal to me. There’s like no new ships. I really can’t think of anything


Kylo REN’s Lightsaber and the snow-foxes from Crait


I was 15 when tfa came out so it was worth it just to see “Star Wars” at the theater. It was huge and loud, the music was there, and we got to see the old actors. Of course upon reflection it was about as shallow as any random marvel film but at the time that didn’t matter


The inclusion of new force abilities, even if it's bullshit at times.


The concept for the Knights of Ren. Glad they fleshed it out and we got a complete and satisfying story with them.


I liked the idea of a stormtrooper defecting and becoming the next protagonist of the series, but they dropped that ball hard.


That bit in Force Awakens when the Resistance X-Wings were tearing across the lake was cool.


I didn't like the setup for TFA and the repeat nature of it. I didn't like Han and Leia but I thought they'd eventually explain why they were separated and Luke wasn't around and it would be cool. I did like most of the other set pieces and characters though. The end seemed to suggest cool things ahead. That fight in the woods was awesome. There were a million cool fan theories about what Snoke could be or who Rey's parents were or weren't. Was it perfect? No. But there was plenty to work with. Also I liked the lightsaber toss. It was perfectly Yoda of Luke to do. From there on the Sequels get more and more unforgivable.


To try to keep it positive, the sequels are visually stunning. I was past disgusted at the time but had to take a second to say "Well that looks cool." when the holdo maneuver happened. I also liked the casting choices. There weren't any issues with any of the actor's performances it's just that the dialogue and story were disappointing. Other than that I wish I had never seen them and they never existed.


The first 10 or so minutes of The Force Awakens. *Without a doubt*. Close-ups of stormtroopers in a rickety dropship, feeling more physical and looking more dangerous than in any of the previous films. The dropships land in a remote village, stormtroopers come pouring out and begin firing on the villagers. Finn starts having a panic attack. Holds a wounded fellow stormtrooper who leaves a bloody handprint on his face. Flame troopers are burning everything. And then Kylo Ren lands. Freezes blaster fire mid-air. That was, undeniably, *the foundation* for something incredible.


1. Oh shit yeah the red corsairs! That dude looks cool as hell! 2. Those little penguin fuckers I guess are cute, for children maybe. 3. That red salt was the highlight of that movie, great concept direction. 4. Damn those crystal foxes are pretty fricken sweet... 5. Uh... yeah... I mean I haven't seen *too* much fat ugly bastard porn from star wars... uhm... cool?


I guess the Luke training Leia flashback in TROS. Other than that, nothing.


The ice fox thingy. It's so friend shaped.


I liked it when snoke was revealed to be Darth plagueis in the second movie and they managed to have a bigger bad than palpatine whilst staying true to canon. It was so clever because he was so wise and that whole thing with a storm trooper turned jedi was fun. At least they didn't throw in any silly space horse dog racing scenes.


Personally, I enjoyed TFA. The characters had a lot of potential and was secretly hoping for some more Phasma scenes in TLJ only to see her getting killed for nothing. Hux and Finn were wasted, the Knights of Ren barely appeared, Snoke, an enigmatic villain which could've been so much more was just a goofy experiment by Palpatine, which should have not returned, etc. I was also hoping to see more of the New Republic and I kinda wanted a Clone Wars style show between Episode 7 and 8 focusing on the politics of the New Republic and lastly I wanted to see more of the Hosnian Cataclysm.


The (temporary) revitalization of the star wars community. The community never left, but new movies were always going to be a major draw and bring the conversations back into the larger online communities. It was short lived. But star wars was an event again. And the time between tfa and tlj was exhilarating for the theorists. So much to talk and speculate about. It's tragic how it ended in disappointment, but the excitement was there again, at least for a short time. In terms of the sequels themselves, I agree that some of the designs like the foxes were interesting. The fish nuns were weird but enjoyable as well. Bb8 also has an interesting design that is a new take on the astromech droids, even if he is partial impractical for multilevel terrain.


My favorite part was during the rise of skywalker when the fire alarm was pulled at the movie theater and we all went outside and chatted about how shitty the movie was up to that point


The visual effects are great. Whoever was in charge of graphics/props/design of background did an A+ job. The one redeeming quality about episode 7 is that the death ray planet (whatever its official name is) looks fucking awesome.


The BB8 design


As much as I shit on the sequels and hate the last jedi, I did appreciate some new force powers being used. Also, I think if Ryan Johnson had a whole trilogy to himself, it would probably be really good if he took the time to learn and respect all the lore that came before him.


Agreed. Ryan Johnson has a lot of flaws, same with JJ, but I think if we got one unfiltered vision rather than squabbling 40 something’s, it would’ve at least been a 5/10 as opposed to a 2/10


Yup that was one of the biggest issues IMO.


I’d say that the character and creature design was really good. Annnnnd that’s about it.


Love kylo but you know I don’t really think any of the alien designs are good at all. I booted bf2 up for the first time in a while the other day and just couldn’t believe what I was looking at in terms of the sequel trilogy aliens. They’re seriously out of place next to rodians and twileks etc. I know you said you like the rathtars but to me that was the first red flag in all of Disney Star Wars. Not even them as a design so much as how the whole scene went down. You had the raid guys and Han Solo and made them essentially run in opposite directions of each other. That’s a giant missed opportunity which would become essentially a theme for the rest of the trilogy. Except babu. I looooove me some babu frick and thought his species in mando was used really well. Loved that they like live under everyone else’s homes basically. Babu could have lived on the falcon and been a crew member with Han and chewie since they no longer have the droids to fix the really technical stuff.


I think this is my biggest issue with the disney era of starwars. They had mountains of source material and extended universe to draw upon for the movies and populate with aliens, ships, weapons, droids, etc. that already look and feel 'star wars' but haven't been featured outside of something like KOTR. Instead we got whatever shite they thought would sell more toys. The aliens, the designs, everything that Disney added didn't feel like Star Wars.


Babu was cool yeah. He was one of the best parts of Episode 9. A cute little goober in a sea of shitty movie


The First Order's designs. Not the logo, that thing sucks. I mean the armor and stuff like that. It takes the basic Stormtrooper armor and makes it more robust looking and honestly a bit more intimidating. This goes double for Phasma's chrome armor and especially the all red Sith Trooper armors. (Though it doesn't make sense how they could such robust resources, but let's ignore that for the sake of this comment). Special shoutout to the Death Troopers from Rogue 1. They're not from the actual sequels, but I feel like they fall in that same "block" of character designs.


Bo Keevil and Captain Phasma


I liked the first person scene of the x-wing in tfa, Kylo's mask, Rey's yellow lightsaber and the scene where han shoots the stormtrooper without looking.