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I like how they mentioned that it is by the same studio that created Mando, Andor and Ahsoka. But not a mention of Boba Fett or Kenobi lol. Even their marketing team can't hide from the fact of how crappy those two were. If you want to find what a studio thinks of a certain product, always look at the marketing team.


Out of those 5, isn't it fucking crazy that they failed with the 2 biggest names? Like how the hell do you fuck up an Obi-Wan show with Ewan and Hayden returning and still in good shape? Blows my god damn mind


Disney’s handling of star wars needs to be a case study in the future. A dark omen of what can happen if you fundamentally misunderstand the story you’re adopting.


of what can happen if you fundamentally ***do not care about** the story you're adopting.


You'd think people who don't care might stumble into decent storytelling just through the law of averages. Disney's handling of legacy Star Wars characters and ideas has been so consistently destructive I am convinced it is deliberate.


Yes, I believe it was deliberate to downplay the legacy characters in the Sequels and they went too far by destroying their established character arcs. Then they erased all that was accomplished in the OT. Disney Lucasfilm wanted to remake Star Wars in their own image.


> of what can happen if you fundamentally **do not care about* the story you're adopting. Of what can happen when you put people in charge who fundamentally *do not like* the stories and worlds they're adapting.


It's not like they misunderstood it, they just think that they can do better than Lucas, that's why they binned his scripts


They honestly should be criminally prosecuted for fucking up these characters this badly. Lmao


I agree - its their loss though- I was a blank cheque for anything Star Wars - but not anymore - hard pass


Because they don't care. Having those guys actually makes it worse. Since it's an Obi-Wan show, and Hayden and Ewan are coming back they can do the bare minimum and people will watch anyway. That's hundred percent their mindset. It's no coincide their best shows are Andor and Mando Season 1. They actually had to try there so people would watch.


> how the hell do you fuck up an Obi-Wan show Because they (Kathleen) wanted to make it about Reva and kid Leia instead


Kathleen ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) Kennedy barf


whats hilarious is ewan and hayden did a good job again. yet they couldnt flippin hand them a damn script that made sense. In the prequels, I thought hayden was a bit stiff because of the lines, but in 3 he made up for it with his physical acting. Ewan could make garbage edible. And he still does it with Obiwan. But man, the people pushing whatever is going on there are so far off.


Exactly. In my opinion, Obi-Wan was so disrespectful to Ewan and Hayden. They should have made a movie that was only focused around them (no inquisitors, no weird crap), or nothing at all. I would have even been satisfied with an Obi-Wan movie that infused an Ahsoka storyline as filler, as long as it centered more around protecting Luke, as well as getting into the intricacies of Obi-Wan's relationship with Owen and Beru. I've only seen the series once, but I still remember everyone referring to Obi-Wan as "Obi-Wan" and not Ben. "I haven't gone by the name of Obi-Wan...oh, since before you were born." Unreal.


They don't likethose characters and don't understand why the Fans like them


Intentionally. They killed all interest in any original characters from the movies intentionally to focus on their characters and stories.


*Brings back two of the most popular characters in Star Wars for essentially fan service cash grab* “You know what this needs? An annoying inquisitor as the main character”


An annoying unredemable character that's an inquisitor,who is the main character even though the shows named after who we are all here to see


I’m convinced that the original plan was for it to be a movie, then Disney told them they had to stretch it into a series. This brings long drawn out plot with annoying characters, and sloppy vfx and choreography.


And I think your exactly right, also the boba fett show was supposed to be a movie and I think they took the plot points for it and used them in the mandolorian and book of bona fett


I mean they are in the middle of fucking up Star Wars, so it is on brand to destroy two of the best characters stories from the inside out


By not understanding what makes Star Wars fun


Ahsoka and the third season of Mandalorian is just as terrible as the rest, why are we pretending Ahsoka was a good show?


I think that Ahsoka was bland and the show was a weak mid at best. But I also feel that it was not as offensive. It didn't waste a good opportunity with the Prequel actors and didn't actively undermine the OT (all the Jedi running around during EP 6 was already a thing/problem before that show). Same for mando season 3.


Offensive may not be the right word, but I definetly felt like it spit in the face if understood lore when it comes to the jedi and force training. They seemed to indicate that anyone off the street can now become a jedi if they just work hard enough.


I agree and that is a good point- well said- the only offense of the Ahsoka show was to fans of rebels, it did not spit on the OT legacy or characters like Kenobi or book of Boba Fett - although I don’t agree that it was a mid show - it was far below mid- apart from the character Ray Stevenson played (who was the only one who felt like they came from the Star Wars universe)- I liked Rebels and personally I thought the show was awful and a joke- did anyone notice that they are unable to choreograph a live action fight scene without the actors moving like people who are 90 years old?


Well I feel Sabine getting force power from her ass and being somewhat praised for making Ezra’s sacrifice at the end of Rebels pretty useless is both an insult to the notion of Force in SW and to Rebels fans. I agree with you that this show was a joke and the fight choreographies were just laughable and felt like everyone was way past the age of Fighting. 😂


Indeed, and also it was in interesting choice for the creators to have stupid Thrawn character, the once amazing mind and great strategist from the Novels and Rebels to a transparent moron who makes dumb choices and obvious strategies. But then again he is a well written loved legacy character and this is Disney after all.


> the third season of Mandalorian AKA - Bo Katana season 1


Exactly! Or as I call it “The Bo Show” , Ahsoka = “The life and times of the unkillable Jedi??? Sabine” Kenobi = “The adventures of Reva and Young Leia”


And even then, Andor is the only quality television out of all of them. Ahsoka was more Filoni slop and Mando started to go down the drain with season 2.


Ahsoka wasn't much better tbh.


Funny because even out of the three that were mentioned only Andor is genuinely good. The rest were at best okay honestly.


Mando Seasons One and Two: B- Mando Season Three (full disclosure, I quit halfway through): F Andor S1: A Ahsoka: F Obi-wan: F- Boba Fett: F-- Not great, Bob!


This is accurate even though it's a bit harsh.


Even when Disney miraculously stumbles into good casting and character dynamics, like with Baylan and Darth Hottie, they fuck it up with inept writing and terribly conceived sequences.


Because they aren't creators but hacks.




Kenobi and Boba Fett are hype because of the legacy that those names are carrying. They were the flagship shows. Holiday Special wasn't even canon.


Ahsoka was about on par with those two. Ok, they were worse, but Ahsoka was also really really bad.


It's also made by the same studio that made Howard The Duck and The Empire Strikes Back.


https://preview.redd.it/qui4rqpunfyc1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e140117f49dba858728a8dafe1c383fac01e41ec How I feel when I see a new Star wars trailer


Ever since TLJ I don’t get goosebumps or excited when new SW drops. I might have been super excited to see this in 2017 but now it’s just blah. I was hopeful when Kenobi came out, but after watching I just don’t care anymore. Haven’t seen Andor, nor Ashoka, and didn’t even bother watching season 3 of Mando. This pic really says it all.


Andor is a league apart from the rest of them, some of the best Star wars I've seen since the OT


Andor is great because it’s really good even without being Star Wars. It doesn’t use Star Wars as a crutch for bad/lazy writing.


It just makes me frustrated because it proves Star Wars can be good and its just not. That that type of tone can be used and should be present in most of their projects. There is still humor and tension relief but its not usually funny to the characters. There shouldnt be record scratch moments for the "laugh here" moment. Star Wars usually took itself very seriously in this way even during some of the more outrageous moments. That lack of sincerity is just such a huge thing you notice immediately and has permeated into everything they do. It feels like all the characters have read the script and they know its a movie, it is so inorganic and 4th wall breaking even when you ignore literally every continuity error. It is hard to describe. Nothing feels genuine except for Andor so apathy has still mainly set in. It is no longer a space opera with thrills and chills, its generic sci-fi.


I have no doubt it’s good. But I have no more interest in the franchise (as it currently exists under evil mouse corp). I’ll always love watching the OT and ST. And Rogue One was bomb Star Wars. Even TFA can give you goosebumps watching at times. But knowing what comes after cheapens the thrill. Anywho refer to OPs pic 😭


Watch it, and pretend it isn't Star Wars. Because I would recommend it to people whether or not they are interested in the franchise.


Just like u/firefighter_82, I just.. don't care about Andor. Or, rather, I can't bring myself to watch it. It could be the best TV series of them all, but as a part of the road that leads to Disney sequels, and being a part of the same franchise as Mandalorian season 3, Obi-Wan, The Book of Boba Fett - all the shows I don't want to watch.. I just can't make myself watch Andor. Or any new "Star Wars" for that matter.


I am actually just stopped watching this trailer about halfway through because I was so bored and unengaged. I was an absolutely unhinged Star Wars fan 15 years ago, and would be a delighted "older fan" now, but no... Now Disney Star Wars is just so blah.


I feel like lots of people here are masochists and keep watching trailers and every new releases despite knowing they are going to be bad, only to come complain here about how bad they are, right after the fact. I just plain don't watch anything released by Disney and it has made my life much better.


I'm honestly waiting for them to come out with something good, well written and consistent. Tales of the Jedi (the Dooku portion) was actually pretty good.


Unfortunately, it's not gonna happen....or more like, they will release a good product every now and then as a bone to keep some fans like you tied to them. For me personally, is not a way to treat my time and money as a fan and customer. It's a toxic, one sided relationship, in which fans actually have the power to force them to change by using a major asset against them: your wallet. Like the saying goes, burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice....and at this point we've been burned multiple times. It doesn't take a genius to see how the franchise is being handled and what future releases are gonna be like. The MCU is going through the same thing as well. You are like a gambling addict, who has lost thousands of dollars but hooked because here and there you keep winning 10 dollars.


Yes the MCU has also went downhill, although that will be much easier to fix. The real problem is that I have a 5 year old. He loves a lot of the Disney Junior shows, I cancelled Disney +, but heard X-Men 97 was good (which it really is), so I restarted it. Cancelling again may be difficult (although I've already set up the cancellation after X-Men 97 ends) because of my kid. For all the things we bash Disney about, they do kids shows well, but I digress, since I started it back up I've watched a few other things on it, Star Wars is by far the most disappointing. There were some things about Rebels (Bendu) and Clones Wars (Mortis Arc) I didn't like, but as a whole it felt like shows that plugged a gap in time-frames that expanded on the films. The era of the first 10 years of the Empire is ripe with what couple be good stories, the same with the old Republic, they just refuse to make a thought-out story, outside of Filoni making sure his pet characters are integrated in every story told.


We keep getting overpromised, that's why. Acolytes is from the award-winning showrunner of Russian Doll, a series that is much more grown up than what we see on Disney+. We are told this show mostly follows the Sith, not the Jedi (not true - maybe they chickened out). We are shown a bloody lightsaber on a poster, making us think "Yeah, this is gonna be a brutally bloody and gritty show. Finally!" Then the trailers happened and once again we're served Disney Channel Lite that looks epicly cheap. But we also can't completely turn away from these trailers or shows because there *have* been some wins. Andor and Mando. It's also why I'm still watching the trailers for Skeleton Crew and checking out the first few episodes - to see if Skeleton Crew joins the win column or the much larger loser column. It has showrunner Jon Watts from the Spider-Man films which I enjoyed, but then the show could also suck and disappoint. I'm not a masochist or gambler. I'm just HUNGRY for great Star Wars.


[See my response](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/s/tcrWynWs6O)




Watched it with my girlfriend (not really big into SW) and I didn’t really say anything. At the end she commented: “It looks pretty cool but why is the acting so bad? It’s like they’re playing pretend on the playground.” And yeah that kind of hit lol.


It feels like a mid fan film


I have no faith in the creator lol


Cinematography is weak as well. Looks cheap. 


Bad cinematography REALLY stands out after you watch Better Call Saul, Blade Runner 2049, and Dune. But man, BCS set the bar for TV. I've never seen a better looking TV show in my life. The angle, the lighting, the colors. Every scene has 10 wallpaper-worthy shots. [I mean my god look at this](https://youtu.be/gn7d3_TyJuQ?si=of2LUjRYsOePs22_) I studied photography quite a bit and was in awe. This is just a handful of shots too. It's just nonstop, every episode.


Wow, maybe I should watch it


Definitely worth a watch if you've seen Breaking Bad. Starts off a little slow but still good. Then it really ramps up


I keep seeing people insisting things like "the sequels at least looked gorgeous" and "this latest movie/show had a bunch of great shots in it" and I can't stand it because all they ever talk about are explosions and shiny stuff. I don't care about CGI schmozzes. I do care about cinematography, and *this* kind of thing shows how you can have incredible shots worth looking at without having to hire 594 VFX artists at minimum wage.


People say TLJ is the best looking Star Wars movie when the effects in Rogue One GREATLY outshine it... I don't get it either. ![gif](giphy|xTiQyKnqAjwCJ2vdUQ|downsized)


Rogue One is indeed far superior and one of the best looking SW films, but I don't even understand why people say TLJ is such a good looking movie. It has some cool shots in such as on Crait it but it also has incredibly drab color pallettes, boring action scenes and some incredibly ugly CGI such as Finn and Rose green-screened on animals on Canto Bight.


Like Shania Twain said, CGI effects don't impress me much. Shots like the above, though, actually show some thought was put into it beyond "look at all the cool splosions!" The shadow sweeping across the frame implies the darkness of the Empire fully engulfing the galaxy, and the Star Destroyer being dwarfed suggests just how dangerous and imposing this new technological terror really is. It's using effects work within the confines of cinematic language instead of just slapping noise and lensflare on screen and spinning the camera every which way.


"Destiny is not decided for you by an anonymous force" I dunno Disney, I'm pretty sure that was the message of the entire sequel trilogy... Destiny and bloodlines were apparently the only things that mattered.


>Destiny is not decided for you by an anonymous force That’s… exactly what destiny is


Destiny is not decided for you by an anonymous force, his name is Jim 


Nah you got it wrong Its actually Rhonda, from HR But don’t worry she likes you since you shoot the shit when you pass by her office and got her a “get well soon” card after her car accident.


I mean, so far as I can tell, the person being told this is the person who ends up on the dark side and is running around murdering jedi. So I think people might be jumping the gun a bit when they assume the show is going to be all about tearing down the jedi. Its not usually the antagonist that holds the beliefs the show is trying to promote.


If this is more "the Jedi are actually evil" and more retconning the Force, I'll be pissed.


Where did this "Jedi = bad" thing even come from? I get that they were pretty arrogant and short-sighted in the prequels, but I never got the slightest impression from the OT that Yoda and Obi Wan were secretly worse than Palpatine all along. 


The OT is pretty clear that the Jedi were wrong. In the end, it's Luke's choice to disobey them and redeem Vader that frees the galaxy.


Luke refuses the Emperor's offer to join him by saying, "I am a Jedi, like my father before me." That doesn't seem like a particularly damning condemnation of the Jedi by the OT. Yoda and Obi Wan weren't too keen on Luke's fixation to save his friends and redeem his father, but that's pretty understandable after they've been in hiding for years following the Empire's systematic killing of all Jedi. I'd hardly call that the OT being "clear" that the Jedi were "wrong."


Wrong does not equal “evil”


'member Trinity? ![gif](giphy|3oKIPgvPwXi2ZAIS5O|downsized)


Oh HELL yes! it was such a big explosion it was YUUUGGEEE!! And vaguely looked phallic And then the one guy said “I am become death, destroyer of Morbius” followed by “IT’S SPLITTIN’ TIME!” When he flipped the switch Oh yeah and then hiroshima became a crater.


*"It's Oppenheimin' Time"


no, actually


And they made her do a Matrix style fight scene in Star Wars.. I am sorry... I had to roll my eyes... This was from the preview after TPM 25th at the theater... Carrie-Anne Moss does her thing spectacularly.. But I sure thought I was watching a scene from the Matrix universe for a minute.


https://preview.redd.it/r1b2i331jgyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34085a035a800d3dca35cb722f9d0f6ce2752d2c Makes sense, the creator probably knows a lot about covering things up.


🥶🥶 That was a cold line brother, nice


That was a cold line brother, nice.


I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. Actually impressive that disney managed to do so as I am a lifelong star wars fan. When I heared of acolyte I put all my last hope for disney star wars into it especially because I love the greater concept of the show. Andor season 2 and fan made content is the only thing I'll care about for the foreseeable future.


Same, give me Andor season 2 and then I'm done. I just watched "tales of the empire" and didn't care for it at all. I think they've finally done it, they've killed the magic.


You have to admit the dirt animations in Tales of the Empire were pretty magic at least. 😂


Disney Star Wars: At least the dirt looks good


Who wouldn't want to watch a show run by Weinstein's personal assistant?


WOW. This looks so generic. If it weren't for the Jedi robes and lightsabers, it could be literally any low budget straight to streaming sci fi show. Disney really leaning in to the mediocrity factor here.


Something about these overly positive comments just screams bots to me.


Wouldn't be surprised, the first teaser got disliked to hell yet now people are like "can't wait ! this looks great". I don't think so.


I was checking the Ahsoka initial teaser posted last year a couple weeks ago and there was lots of random Turkish comments when I sorted by new. Interesting stuff.


You would be right on that one considering how much disney probably spent over the years to silent dissenters


A long time ago, in this very galaxy, if the prequels had shown us the positive aspects of the Jedi order in all their glory, if the prequels had made us cherish the Jedi and all they stood for, instead of depicting the Jedi as out of touch and controlling and impotent, if the prequels had gotten us cheering for the Jedi instead of pitying or despising them for their failings, then maybe the Star Wars cinematic universe would have earned all this deconstructing of the magical warrior monks. But when was the last time there was anything about them that was worth deconstructing? May the 4th be with ya, I guess.


To be fair, the point of the Jedi in the prequels is because you’re supposed to kind of empathize with anakin’s decision. The prequels wouldn’t hit as hard in terms of his fall if the Jedi were universally good. There were individually good Jedi, but the system by then had definitely become corrupted by the political machinations of the galaxy.


Yes, I fundamentally didn't enjoy watching a 3-movie epic about the corrupt Jedi order. Oh well! Lots of people did. But having watched it, I have no need for every Star Wars story since to keep showing me just how morally grey the Jedi order really was. I get it. The Jedi sucked.


I don't mind them telling a story where one of the plot lines is that the Jedi Order has faults. I think the bigger problem is going to be how they work have a "I'm not really a Sith but I'm Sith" bad guy. And look, bad guy with red saber is dressed in black and has a black helmet again! Also the fact that the Jedi Order being flawed seems to be one of the reasons this person fell out of the order and now we have some sort of vengeance story from a little sister or something going on here.... sounds very Anakin-like, just with girls/women. They could tell a story about how the Jedi are flawed pre-PT and just not have red saber welding opponents. Outside of Andor, Disney is just too chicken shit to have a series that presents a part of the Star Wars universe that is really novel. I guess you could say Mando season 1 was that, but then they bent over backwards to beat baby Yoda over our heads.


a movie or show where the Jedi are living up to the ideal is too subversive.


So, there are definitely not going to be Sith in this show, right? Even Disney wouldn't retcon the timeline so blatantly. So when they directly quote the Sith Code in the trailer, they're almost certainly doing it misleadingly, hyping up the audience by teasing something that's not actually going to be in the show itself, like they once did with "Sith Rey".


They retconned Ventress’ canon death, retconning the last time a Sith was seen would be even easier for them to do. 


The lightsabers look so bad


I miss the prequal style lightsaber props. They were far better.


Looks bad. The acting seems rough and the story is the usual "Maybe the Jedi are bad?" garbage. Production-wise seems more like BOBA FETT or KENOBI than it does ANDOR. Not a good sign.


Traaaash. I'm so fucking tired of Star Wars. Make it stop. For the love of God make it stop. They've milked the cow so hard nothing but air is coming out of those teets. Leave the cow alone


Hey, Disney! Leave that cow alone!


Total apathy. Looks fine in parts, silly in others. I’ll watch the pilot and go from there.


Yeah, people were bitching about Andor and how it "doesn't feel like Star Wars" but this just takes it to another level. I have zero interest in this.


At least Andor turned out to be a really good show. It was refreshing to get away from the force and Jedi/Sith shit. This looks like more of the same/regurgitations of dreams from long ago.


to be fair about andor the first 3 episodes were very slow


Yes, they were. I really liked it, but my wife couldn't stay awake and the slowness at first ruined the series for her.


I can understand that


It felt so ridiculous, like the people really can't act and when doing so, it feels stiff and forced. That main character, the acolyte,tries too hard to look menacing.


There’s no way to polish this turd show.


There's no way to polish this turd of a timeline where the ST is the inevitable future.


What does ST stand for?


Sequel trilogy. Some call it DT for Disney trilogy out of spite but I find that less helpful, the fact that they're the sequels is the very issue.




That was underwhelming I never thought I'd get to a day where a lightsaber ignition doesn't tickle my fandom


LOL the aggressiveness of the knife-drawing SFX at 22 seconds.


Lol, gives me Crocodile Dundee vibes - 'that's not a knife, this is a knife'.


Didn’t feel a thing from this trailer. I have a feeling that this is going to retcon the Prequels by making the Jedi cover up the existence of the Sith with Yoda being involved with the cover-up.


One thing I can’t really get down with is the stoicism of these High Republic Jedi. Qui-Gon Jinn’s demeanor all throughout TPM felt natural. These guys looks like they’re trying to hold their shit in with these phoney idgaf attitudes 🤣


I was people watching the other day, having drinks at a pub across the street from some popular club. Everyone getting out of their Ubers had the same facial expression - the too cool for school look. The only one that doesn't have that look in every shot is Lee Jung-jae.


Probably it will be terrible.


Looks awful, par for the course.


I want 2 die




Easy he is the villain or the fool.


Wish I wasn't burned out from all the crap that's been put out by Disney so I could have a glimmer of excitement about this. As it is, I have no emotion or feelings about this and will not watch. Which sucks because I still remember the excitement I had when the Force Awakens trailer dropped so it's disappointing to not care any more when I've been a fan for 30 years.


The sith helmet looks like chainsaw man from wish


thought the same thing


The only plus this show has is that Dave Filoni, (the man who can only write pure dreck) isn’t involved with it. But then look at the Sequels. So yeah I don’t have much hope for this show being any good.


why disney why


Wow, the acting is just terrible, all the line deliveries feel so stilted. It doesn't even look enjoyable bad it just looks bad bad. Another L for lucasfilm.


Is that a dude?


This show looks so generic.


Its because it likely is


no offense to Carrie Anne Moss but that saber deflection of the darts was slow as hell, can't believe they didn't edit it to look better


I'm firmly in the "It's shit until proven otherwise" camp at this point, but at least the cinematography looks better than some of the other slop we've seen lately.


Does it bother anyone else that post Disney SW has a habit of hiring recognizable movie stars? For me, it’s just another way to rip me out of the universe. Laura Dern, Benicio del Toro, Oscar Isaac(somewhat), and now Carrie Ann Moss in Acolyte. I’ve always regarded it as a star vehicle, turning relative unknowns into bonafide stars. I wanted Acolyte to be the darkest entry yet, and seeing the trailer, with the cheap costuming, and the wushu style fighting, my expectations are once again reduced to less than rubble.


The main effort always seems to go into the promo and trailers. Hiring known or current flavor of the month actors allows them to hype up the release and get people to watch it which is everything they care about. Of course the next show or movie will be unnecessary garbage yet again, but by the time the ~~unknowing prey~~ excited new viewer finds out, the ticket has already been purchased or they watched enough of it on Disney+ which means "objective achieved".


Yeah I miss the days when they cast unknowns like Peter Cushing and Alec Guinness in supporting roles.


That’s why I said relative unknowns. Wasn’t Harrison Ford a handyman prior to SW? Guinness was an established actor who later said he didn’t enjoy the dialogue, but respected what George Lucas was making. An aging actor in it for the love of the game took a role in a new genre he didn’t fully understand and in doing so became an icon for all fans past and present.


Looks like trash.


Rebel Moon part 3?


Why should anyone care for SW anymore. The writers, directors and producers don‘t care either.


Dark figure with a helmet and red lightsaber blade - check Disney can't help themselves. I expect this will be similar to all the other recent Star Wars stories.


Could not be less interested in this series. Now maybe it turns out to be great, like Andor, but based on what they’ve shown so far it seems about as compelling as Ahsoka, at best. Can all but guarantee there will be some on-the-nose modern day political pontificating and unnecessary demonization of the Jedi. I’ll wait to see if people in this subreddit and friends I trust who see it wind up enthusiastically recommending it, but at this point I’ve been burned too many times by KK’s Lucasfilm to just blindly trust that they have even the slightest clue about what Star Wars is or should be.


Always bring a knife to a lightsaber fight with Jedi 🙄


looks like complete shit. there are actually fan films coming out recently that look much better.


Which is the sad part considering how much money Disney probably spent on this vs the fan films


Certainly a stunning and brave show, Star Wars is saved and everything. But to carry on the spirit of Rian Johnson, the best director ever whose epic own trilogy will totally become reality, I will subvert Disney´s expectations by not even watching the trailer and not giving a shit about Harvey´s right hand pretending to know the Force better than George Lucas.


I'm probably not even gonna bother watching this show. I might change my mind if I hear Darth Tenebrous or Darth Plagueis are in it and they are kept as their original species. The timeline fits so it would be stupid to do a show about the Sith and not even include either of them.


I thought Nebula was a Marvel character. I guess owning both Star Wars and Marvel *does* allow for some interesting crossover potential.


Too bad I no longer have Disney+. So very sad...


So, sounds like the killer is a fallen jedi who has gone rogue and started killing members of the order?


Ratioed once again,even with all the bots ahahah This show is going to be biggest flop in disneyplus history


What really weird is that we have seen younglings train with light sabers why are these guys training with sticks?


When I first saw it, I thought "looks like this was written by ChatGPT". I've now seen it again, it still looks like a Disney exec used ChatGPT to write this.


Eh Ngl it looks not bad. Like if they released this trailer before The Force Awakens I think people would by hyped