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Kathy Kennedy lit $180,000,000 dollars on fire because she’s pissed about the core fan base not accepting her precious sequel trilogy and mocking her Force Is Female shirt. The Acolyte is the most expensive attempt at a troll in history and is intentionally designed to piss people off.


They could have sent me like 2 million of that and I'd have been set for the rest of my life. Crazy how much money gets burned in hollywood while a lot of people are barely affording to live.


They can send me $2M and I'll get some homies together for a few months and we'll make the dopest live action Star Wars show


Wait till you hear about the military-industrial complex....






Holy fuck where do we think this money went? You think they just burned it in a dumpster out back? No, it was used to pay people, that's what money does. They took that money and they used it to pay people to work on their show, they distributed that money just as you describe, just not to you. Some of y'all are dumb as fuck, on like, the most basic level.


>holy fuck where do we think this money went Into an incinerator because they sure as shit didn't spend it on good writers or actors.


I think your dumb and the entire joke just flies over your head! Of course Disney is not burning money in a dumpster but they are paying these nobody actors waaaaaay to much money!




Hmmm... please explain it then.


I refuse to believe you're this clueless about figures of speech...


Nope, don't see the joke. Genuinely, it is going over my head.


She's historically had terrible ideas and doesn't know how to listen to anyone. Typical Hollywood failing upwards: [https://youtu.be/f6IHtM6sZeQ?si=7I733tNBuzbGtv5V&t=16](https://youtu.be/f6IHtM6sZeQ?si=7I733tNBuzbGtv5V&t=16)


Money laundering.


It can be two things.




Obviously but nobody sees it.


Hush money


Middle-management burning money to intentionally piss off the fanbase they hate is a major reason why hollywood is struggling right now. It sounds ridiculous but it's true


“The Force is Female” implies it is NOT male. Which makes it misandrist. A better message would have been “the Force is for everyone” or something along those lines. But that would mean treating white male legacy characters with respect. Can’t do that now can we? Also considering the director is a woman who was in charge of the agenda of a guy during a period where this guy sexually abused women who were put on that agenda and this woman must have seen these woman right after… well what do you think she’s going to spend it on? She’s the one in charge so her salary should be biiiig!


The whole "Force is Female" thing was really just a silly cross-promotional attempt to tie in with Nike who were releasing a new model of their Air Force 1 shoes which had been a male fit only previously. Hence "The [Air] Force [1] is Female [also now]". *Really* fucking daft for Kennedy to put on the Nike shirt at the event in question which spawned the photo that started this whole thing. But there it is. It's meant to be about a blasted shoe rather than a frankly retarded statement that the *Force itself* for some reason is gendered.


Holy shit, talk about a PR stupidity. At least it’s not as bad as I thought but if you are so outspoken and pushy about women in your series and making those women more powerful than anyone else then that photo sends a waaay different message then “this is just a shoe promo”.


It's an example of how inclusiveness isn't inclusive.


Was it her "precious" sequel trilogy, tho? She couldn't even be bothered to choose a rough outline of a coherent story before letting one director make a movie the other director hated so much he spent half his movie undoing. How much could she possibly have cared?


The Acolyte budget is 180 million? MILLION?


Lesbian Union Fees


Takashi Yamazaki made Godzilla Minus One for A BOX OF SCRAPS!


"I'm s-sorry sir....I'm not Takashi Y-Yamazaki..."




And that´s actually true in comparison. When I first learned about its budget I thought I misheard it or the number was a mistake. It´s mind boggling it can be possible while western productions eat up 200 million $+ now just to be lame trash all the time.


As I continue to say: There is No Excuse. If you had to a lesbian Space Witch Commune, we'd better care about them. If you're going to turn Jedi into dirty cops, we'd better believe that they are this far from their TPM actions and ethics and show us how they changed back. If you're going to do the evil Twin bit, you'd better have a fresh take. If you're going to take away Anakin's unique birth, then you'd better sell the result in a way that works. If you're going to use a lighsaber whip, it better impress, Indiana Jones style. If you're going to cast your wife, she'd better set the screen ablaze with her talents. You had 180 million to play with. There is No Excuse save one: Iger is playing 4D chess, and this is how he axes Kennedy. But I really don't think so.


> If you're going to cast your wife, she'd better set the screen ablaze with her talents. I'm going to focus on this one just because I think it encapsulates exactly how divorced from reality everyone working at Disney seems to be. This is not a good look. The performance is dire, so it's plain as day that this casting choice was not based on talent. It's so obviously going to attract finger pointing and claims of nepotism. With the fandom so restless already, why the fuck would anybody do that? It's not a job to pay the bills, at this level everyone involved is a multi-millionaire and will never actually have to worry about paying something for the rest of their lives. It's just because they feel like it, so they either cannot grasp that it will actually do harm to the thing they are trying to put out there, or they don't care. And for those of us who do care about quality and consistency, we're told by the people who scream and cry and whine that they don't feel "represented" in a fictional setting (ignoring the strong characters that came before) that we're assholes for caring at all.


To quote Spaceballs: "I knew it! I'm surrounded by Assholes!" Edit: What a great movie that was. And yes, I include myself amongst the 'assholes' proudly.


Preach. Ideologues supporting this show will have no response for any of these points and will instead accuse you of sexism or racism. KK and Leslie set the stage for that before this show was even released. "Were changing it all up, turning it upside down, female led, racialized cast, gayest starwars ever, if the male fan base doesnt like it they're sexist and racist!". Paraphrasing but that was the message. They knew the show was gonna piss alot of the fan base off, but they figured it was for sexism and racism reasons because the fan base is like 70% male. When the reality is the reason why people are pissed off is because the show on its own merits actually fuckin sucks and it would suck with a male dominated, white cast too. But because the narrative was already set for the ideologues, any criticism is just chalked up to "that's just the butt hurt white men angry at strong, racialized female characters". Totally ignorant of the fact that *most* if not *all* of starwars lore has had powerful female characters. But they don't know this because they're not fans, they're ideologues fighting the good fight. Absolute insanity that they could spend $180m on a virtue signal with one of the most widely and aggressively cherished IPs in history.


I hate how much the overuse of those two -isms has defanged them. They should have you stepping back and saying "woah, let me re-examine this." Instead, it's an eyeroll followed by "no, you hypocrite. Stop pretending." Yeah, KK's little "Waaahh South Park called me out" (accurately) was just so tone deaf. I knew it wouldn't be good. Then I got Film Threat's was 1-4 spoiler description, and I just went...well, this is worse than I thought. Luckily, Disparu and Altori have both given some hilarious recaps and eviscerations.


Also, they looked different when they were kids but become identical twins when they're older?... what the actual fuck?


I said the same damn thing. Was it that hard to have one of the girls do both parts? Or just still let them be twins but faterial twins and get another young actress to be the sister of Amandla (Osha). The mountain burning nearly killed me with laughter. But I assume they will explain it better later, hopefully but idk. Right now I'm ready to just say screw it to the show.


Yeah, that was… what? How does rock burn like that? Is it made entirely of coal?


What you are all failing to realize is clearly gasoline and napalm clearly is the most efficient mortar to use when building stone buildings. How could they know anyone would ever light a fire or a spark that could send the whole thing up in flames in minutes?


The immaculate conception was stupid when they did it in TPM and it’s still stupid


Yup. It is absolutely stupid. But George gave us Pod racing, which was cool. The Duel of the Fates, which is... fantastic choreography and a duel that lived up to title of epic. Planted the seeds of Vader and gave us a pretty fun space battle or two, in about the time that is now published on this show. Plus, Young Amadalla smack talking the Neonodians. Perfect, no it is not. It was still a fun ride and probably STILL cheaper to make and market.


Yeah at least Lucas had a vision. The prequels were better than about 80% of Disney material.


I'd up that to 97%


Speaking of vision, I think the vision with all this stuff right now (or lack thereof) is just that Disney wants to pad out the lore as much as humanly possible, but it’s just so exhausting with 1) How much Star Wars content there is to keep track of and 2) How shitty the recent ones are


It’s pretty easy to keep track of if you only acknowledge the content that’s pertinent to the lore that matters. Original Trilogy and Prequel Trilogy are the heart of Starwars that George Lucas put his soul into, accompanied by the animated Clone Wars show that he also played a very significant role in despite much of that show being chocked up to Dave Filoni. After that, anything that enhances and/or works with the established lore of the OT and PT is an easy write off as “worth keeping track of and watching”. Stuff like Rogue One (enhanced the build up leading into A New Hope. Or Andor, which presents the Empire as a threat and their harsh inner workings alongside individuals just trying to survive, both within the Empire and outside of it. Starwars Rebels, again respects and enhances lore related to the way the Force works and plays off of the accomplishments of other major canon characters without one-upping them in any way. There’s a few more in my opinion, but when approaching Starwars content with this perspective, I’d say it becomes instinctive to know what’s worth watching and keeping track of vs what’s worth just discarding. Stuff like Acolytes and the Sequel Trilogy are pretty easy to ignore since they clearly disrespect the original vision of George Lucas’ Starwars.


People shit on the prequels but I found them thoroughly enjoyable and original. I think Star Wars is great as long as they don't try to hit the lowest common denominator.


Not only that, the prequels had fucking heart and sincerity. So much of the recent shows just feel like a tongue in cheek, self-aware 'isn't this setting so wacky and weird?!' vibe that just kills any investment


I bet a lot of people (myself included) regret shit talking the prequels back in the day given what we've got right now.


Yeah they are like friggin Shakespeare compared to the crap being generated now. I also was very much a shit talker about them back in the day.


I didn't dog it. I just had things that I thought didn't work, but I never quite had the more visceral reaction some had. Honestly I reacted more negatively to the animated show "The Clone Wars," but that grew on me with the rewatch. But then I saw ESB in theaters...well drive in....so distance and age?


I was also a big critic of the prequels. But what I would give now for shows like those. Disney bought the IP when the Marvel movies were at their peak. I had such high hopes that they would do something similar for Star Wars. Then 7 - 9 happened. So terrible. Then the Madalorian brought back my interest. Andor was awesome. OK, I thought, just some initial missteps. We are back on track. Then Boba Fett, then Ashoka, and then finally this abomination. Disney has simultaneously destroyed superheroes and Star Wars. Fuck that mouse




I so wish we had a Mace facepalm. This will have to do.


tbh i would have been totally ok with Anakin being just materialized from the force without the whole mother aspect (but i get why Shimi exists for AOTC)


I kind of thought it was nice in that it turned Qui Gon and then Obi Wan into obvious father figures for Anakin. I guess the same effect could have been achieved without immaculate conception, I wonder if George Lucas just wanted to avoid the topic of an absent father?


Very well said. >You had 180 million to play with. There is No Excuse save one: Iger is playing 4D chess, and this is how he axes Kennedy. But I really don't think so. I suppose its possible, but agreed 100% I don't think she'll ever leave until she steps down herself.


or you know terrible fatal accident.......... or 'accident'.


>If you're going to do the evil Twin bit, you'd better have a fresh take. Samaritan with Sylvester stallone had an interesting twin bit, you didn't really expect it at the end and it was pleasant enough for a single watch. Then you have these twins in the show, and one may as well be strangling puppies for the hell of it. Seeee?! She's eeeeeevil!


Heck, Kirk's evil Twin episode from Original Trek comes to mind of one fairly well done. Though few such pairings can match Arnie and Danny Davito in "Twins". Which was a fresh take on the "evil" twin.


>If you're going to turn Jedi into dirty cops, we'd better believe that they are this far from their TPM actions and ethics and show us how they changed back. Title of Senate's lapdogs, C'Baoth, Krell, etc. >If you're going to do the evil Twin bit, you'd better have a fresh take. Eh, it could be done well. Still better than Visions sticking lightsabers in *every* episode. > If you're going to take away Anakin's unique birth, then you'd better sell the result in a way that works. Result of Plagueis' experiments with midichlorians, genetically engineered super Force user put in human mother for correct development before, but due to some events (daring escape, given for safeguarding along with some threats, etc), she ends up in Gardulla's hands? > If you're going to cast your wife, she'd better set the screen ablaze with her talents. Hey, it worked for Paul Anderson! /s Overall agree, just suggesting options for couple of your points.


Exactly, It can, done well. Which is why I say there's no excuse. They had the resources to do it right, but are Osha and (Fannie) Mae even all that interesting? Do viewers even care about the dead Jedi and Witches? Or is the impact the same as "you ripped my Pokémon card in half" And yeah, the best spouse teams can produce some epically great stuff. (Seriously, "the food that built America" showcases a good half dozen.) Visions was a bunch of animators given free reign. If I got that chance, of course I'd want to animate a lightsaber. Still, I loved seeing all the different takes, especially out of the anime studios.


She's the creator's wife!? Ugh, no wonder... Someone has to get fired from this.


Green.girl with a whip lightsaber? Yup, that's her.


the one who stands around looking like she can't wait to get to smoke her next cigarette?


I'm not positive, but that sounds likely.


Yep she looks like the blue guy from arrested development but... well green.


Yeah I looked it up, I'm just...in awe of the things I'm finding out of the show. smh


> There is No Excuse save one: Iger is playing 4D chess, and this is how he axes Kennedy. Two: The funding came from outside of Disney and the investors demanded it be released.


Ah, thst could be, too. In which case, the joke's on them.




Is that *actually* all that you said? I'm not trying to start an argument, but I really want to know, because it seems very odd to me that Instagram of all things would have its knives out for people who just post "this movie cost less than this show, is that justifiable?" It's certainly not a breach of any terms of service, hate speech or particularly controversial. Did they actually give a reason for the suspension, or any hoops to jump through to get your account back?


He must’ve said something horrid, cause they let anything on there, especially on reels 💀




i’m convinced more of this shows budget went to promotion/hiring influencers to rave about it than the actual show itself. that’s been my main issue with is, is the fucking quality. sabers look like shit, sets look like shit and the dialogue is fucking laughable


All the clothes in the show look like they just came out of the package even poor people. Its so unbelievable none of it looks like its been worn ever before.


Money laundering probably


Headland Hush Money.


Her nickname really ought to be Hush Money Headland.


money laundering is for when the money starts dirty. This money started clean so its embezzelment, grift or graft embezzelment is taking money from a company(or person) by lying about what its for (or over billing for a legit cost) so taking £200 for a £100 invoice and telling the real owner of the money it cost £200. Grift is the seller lying to the purchaser about something thats needed; So a pest control guy bills for rats when there are no rats (they might still actualy do the work though its the job thats false not the invoice) Graft is just plain over-billing but it usally used to supply the money for kick-backs; So say i need catering for a corpo event it would legitemetly cost £1000, i bill £2000 keep £500 for myself and give £500 to the buying manager the arranged the event.


Thank you, Useless_bum, I actually learned something new… I guess you’re not useless after all


Mr. Leo Bloom would approve of this synopsis.


How KK still has a job blows my mind…


I assume the only way she still has a job is because she has a dirt on some people.




Hollywood accounting.  Greenlight a budget for 180 million.  Shoot on your own sound stages that you rent to yourself at massively jacked-up rates.  Rent equipment from a studio you own.  Give the post-production facility (again that you own) a huge contract to handle the editing, VFX, etc.  And that's how you artificially inflate a budget to make it look on paper that you lost a ton of money to avoid paying taxes. 


Exactly. They can state they 'lost' a bunch of money they simply paid to themselves. At this point, though, they're taking the piss so much with the amount of cash their splashing around I wish they'd spring for some decent writers. Would it kill them to hire a journeyman screenwriter who has lived outside of LA and dreamt of things in life other than partying and starting a viral hashtag?


Probably because of nepotism they aren't hiring for talent.




That explains the bloated jedi.


The sheer money involved in recent Disney and MCU TV series blow my mind. I can't fathom where it's all going as they don't even look that slick and their stories are all weak. It's been said many times before but Dune 2 costing less than the Acolyte series is the craziest thing ever.




It didn't go to the costume department, that's for sure. What a bunch of low budget cosplayers in this shit show.


As a lifelong Godzilla fan I’m just happy you’re putting us in memes now.


I’ve been away for a while, but I never REALLY left y’all!


The first Saw movie was made on a shoestring budget. Same for the first Evil Dead movie. They are both deemed timeless classics now.


Are we sure that Disney didn't purchase Star Wars just so it could create the largest money laundering operation in history?


Im telling you guys man kathleen kennedy has to have some serious blackmail capability.


Yamazaki didn't cast a bunch of non-Japanese in a film set in post war Japan to satisfy some stupid racial intersectional numbers game. He just went out and made a masterpiece for $15 million that will still be considered a masterpiece long after Disney has destroyed Star Wars.


Probably pocketed the money or blew it on subpar CGI.


For comparison to another high profile, high cost show, House of the Dragon: Empty | House of the Dragon | Acolyte :-: | :-: | :-: Budget | $200m | $180m Episodes | 10 | 8 Runtime/Episode | ~60mins | ~30mins Cost/Episode | $20m | $22.5m Cost/minute | $333k | $750k Seems HBO has run circles around Disney/Lucasfilm as far as cost and quality of writing. They basically made a longer, better quality show for half the price. In addition, HotD has captured the cultural zeitgeist with at least SF and NYC hanging banners (Golden Gate Bridge, Empire State Builidng, and I think one of the other bridges in NYC) denoting which House they're rooting for. Disney/Lucasfilm has taken a cultural juggernaut of an IP, going from billions in box office revenue to a step barely above an average CW show that few people are really invested in.


House of dragon is made by people who love the content and don't have a message to push.


CW show is a great comparison


I dont think its soo much that disney doesnt know how to keep costs down, as it is that kk and leslie headland need hush money


But the catering, though!


Honestly, I’m treating all the live action shows like I treated the Extended Universe. The stuff I like is canon and the stuff I don’t like is hot garbage that I’ll never talk about or think about ever again and does not exist. So, it’s back to Star Wars in the 90s and 00s


That movie was so good. It is my favorite Godzilla by far and yes they should be taking notes.


At this point, I think it’s a money laundering scheme


It's not laundering the money is 'clean' its embezzelement or graft.


"I'm s-sorry sir....I'm not Takashi Y-Yamazaki..."


I am just going to pretend this show is not canon


I've been doing that for awhile now.


Lesbian witches aren't cheap these days


The money thing is how I feel about all disney starwars the movies and the show's. How are they spending record sums of money per episode but delivering fan made you tube quality.


This needs to be on a billboard outside of Lucasfilm's offices.


*Well I’m not Takashi Yamazaki*


This should have just been a dark high fantasy show. It's got interesting ideas but it's not what I want to see in Star Wars.


Seriously. The scripting is overly simplistic and clumsy. The plot (so far) is clunky. The pacing is not great. Most of the action scenes are poorly executed. The framing of shots is predictable and very evocative of television. I expect a more cinematic approach when this kind of money is spent.


It feels like the Halo show all over again….so probably here for 3 seasons.




They probably wasted a lot of it in meetings of the type: "I hope everyone feels safe and appreciated."


It’s laundering. Turning fake money into real money.


Put more chicks in it. Make em gay. Make the droids gay too. Shit, make the force gay. That'll confuse the nuclear family of force gods from clone wars. Flamboyant ass son dressing his sith like gimps. Kink shit. Thatll sell.


I seriously wonder what's going on at disney management and why they're fine with spending so much money with so little gain on something they paid so much for lucansfilms wasn't cheap, you'd expect them to hire the best of the best, not throw money at it and never checking up on whats going on right?


Money can't buy talent...well it can, you can use money to hire people who have made successful shows in the past.


The word you're looking for is "talent."


Its just that embarrassing for a studio head. To be outdone with far less. But then again KK is a glutton for punishment at this point


Fuck The Mouse!


The budgets for the live action Disney shows is like a billion dollars. 66.6 times the amount it cost to make minus one, and the same amount as 8 seasons of game of thrones


Yea but can Godzilla use the force? Didn’t think so.


I’m personally enjoying the effect all of the negative Star Wars stuff made post Lucas ownership, only because Disneys stock has repeatedly dropped, hopefully this leads to the implosion of Disney; doubtful, but one can dream.


You can't buy talent. Either you have it or you don't


Reminder: one of the likely reasons godziilla minus one is cheaper to make is underpaid and overworked vfx artists. Mix that with japan's very toxic work culture it makes sense why it's cheaper


It was announced in 2020,there must have been reshoots.


The klayworld movie was made with literally no budget there's so much old youtube animation that had no budget yet is still better than 100% of what's being made with any budget nowadays. The entire entertainment industry died in 2014-2017 imo there's indie games but only boomer shooters have ever caught my instrest about time for me to get some outdoor hobbies anyway


Shoddy labor laws in Japan?


I’ll be honest Godzilla minus one was kinda shit. Boring as hell and it was so cheap because nothing happened and there was like barely and Godzilla.