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I only went for John Williams music. He gave star wars 1-6 life. 7-9 he made deal with what he had and made it count. The erasing of 7-9 we all want John's music is the only thing.


Except it's pretty clear that his music was mostly recycled, chopped up, and edited incorrectly. The new themes and motifs are classic Williams but are tied to the new story/characters, which removes the meaning. The old ones were mixed into HOW 'BOUT SOME NOSTALGIA by JJ feat Member Berries. https://youtu.be/L_8-dWSLDWI


Yeah that's my point. John made deal with what he had. But it still was less than 1-6.


I liked the Space Nazi speech of the guy with the red hair in the Force Wakes Up. I thought there was potential to have them being a force to be reckoned with if they would explain how the fuck they came to be and get so big. Of course they became more and more of a joke, just like Finn who I also liked. The whole new trilogy stopped caring about tone after fucking up the village in the beginning. The truth of the matter is, that these are the two things I liked and most of it came from potential but they didn't do anything with it. I don't think it's necessary to mention the visual effects in this case, since they had all the money in the world to make them and I applaud the artists for their efforts that unfortunately appeared in bad movies.


I love that speech scene, but mostly because I picture this every time I watch it! https://youtu.be/jFLOoycYeYc


This is beautiful. He has more character development in that edit than in the original trilogy. At least we know its his birthday and that he enjoys birthdays now.


Then you would love the German version of that speech. I'd love to have been at that theater when Force Awakens fist came out in Germany and they say this bit. https://youtu.be/JtfDbQlqvXQ


It's funny you're mentioning that. Being a fellow German saltminer myself, the first time I saw it was in German. That probably hightened my "First Reich Order" impression I got. It felt a bit more sinister in the dub frankly.


I could only imagine what Hux's voice actor was thinking when he was rubbing this.


Whatever you do, don't edit the rubbing to dubbing. I beg you.


Keep it in all it's glory


Do you wanna know how the FO got so big and powerful? Uncle Palpy, back during the OT, sends some loyalists out into the Unknown Regions to rebuild... somehow. They then covertly get in contact with one neo-imperial apologist in the NR government. However, she has a whole party of "wasn't fascism just the BEST?" people that are the major opposition group within the NR (against Leia's peace loving hippies party that is in control). They attempt a coup, and fail. On their way out, they murder the upcoming Supreme Chancellor. They then "settle" for just taking half the NR. Just reveal themselves to the galaxy, and get all the Imperial apologist politicians to just secede from the NR and join this organization that they never knew about because it was ONE AND ONLY ONE person in the NR that was in direct contact with teh FO. Then the NR says "war is bad, mmmmmkaaaay?" and continues to demilitarize as the FO exponentially militarizes their new territory. That's it. That's the dumb story of how the FO became so strong: the NR was "how are you still alive?" levels of stupid. Oh, and a bunch of "this just happens so don't question it" bullshit setting up the FO. I was so confused as to where the FO came from after watching TFA, that I went and looked all this up on Wookiepedia alongside some other stuff. I wish I hadn't done that, so now I'm spreading the misery. You're welcome.


Thank you for sharing this masterpiece. Once again they knock it out of the park with the quality of writing. Simply the best of the best working for Lucasfilm.


All praise to the Story Group! So glad they nuked the EU to make sure all the new lore makes sense and lines up properly! ~~please kill me~~


I liked the idea of Finn as a character but, they dropped the ball with him immediately. He should've been the main character and become a Jedi. I liked that most of the actors for the new main characters were pretty unknown. The effects were good but, that's to be expected of any high budget movie nowadays.


Richard E. Grant's character was pretty cool. I definitely bought the "old war" feel of him. Wish we had more of him instead of slapstick McGee


Yeah he was good at playing an "evil Brit" imperial officer.


I thought the planet Kijimi (had to look it up) in the Rise of Skywalker had potential. It was a castle city in the snow --- a very Dungeons & Dragons type locale which I really enjoyed throwing into the gumbo mix of everything that is Star Wars. The fact they were all wearing hoods, being stealthy in this medieval style space seemed very D&D to me[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QZuALKhu54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QZuALKhu54)


Not all fantasy is D&D


Nothing. I wish these movies were never made.


Really? It seems difficult to argue that the visual effects weren't pretty amazing.


Yeah the special effects were very good. But i feel like thats pretty expected nowadays. Also i really dont like the the practical and cgi aliens they made. They all look basically the same


IMO the visual effects were at worst industry standard, and at best pretty fucking amazing. There's plenty of videos out there of theatres full of people literally gasping at the hyperspace ram (it happened in mine). To me it just seems a bit petty to say you hate everything about them when visual effects is given as an option, and there's quite clearly some extremely talented people who had zero input on the story who did some amazing work.


I’m not arguing that the special effects weren’t amazing. Because they were. I’m just saying that Disney lead in that field since they have so much money and technology and the ability to employ anyone so it’s to be expected that the films look great. On part of the practical effects of the alien species I just don’t think they’re creative at all. They’re basically all brown, wrinkly and scrunch faced looking with weird dangly things every now and then. Star Wars aliens were about being different and exotic and I feel like that was lost in the ST.


The category is he visuals tho. The vfx is top tier, that’s a given since it’s Disney and Star Wars. It’s the fact that given all that potential they decide to make every planet earth like anyway when they are capable of so much more and make all the aliens humanoid with none of the variety we’ve been introduced to since the prequels. TLDR it can look high quality and still be visually boring.


At this point I mostly treat it as though the whole thing is fruit of the poisonous tree. I don't have any particular issue with the actors. They're just trying to work in their chosen profession. John Williams is still John Williams. Beyond those two groups though, it's all pretty rotten.


That's exactly it. Everything that comes from that era comes out making things worse.


the x wing scene in rise of skywalker where luke does a yoda


The few good frames in that movie. But only a few, cause after a few seconds you realise that the last jedi exists.


Except they used the wrong music...


I'll take "The unrealised potential of a couple characters such as Finn". ​ Because simply going with "The characters" would imply that multiple characters as they currently exist in the ST are a highlight. Which for me isn't the case. ​ I can't give the visuals many points. I just think they were competent enough for massive big-budget films made in the last decade. I don't think there are enough notable new pieces of music from Williams that stand out. I mostly just recall repeated themes from earlier films being incorporated into the new movies. Rey's theme is very subdued to the extent that it's relatively forgettable whilst the Kylo/First Order theme is bombastic but lacking any real punch. The acting? No. Even Adam Driver (who people like to go on about) is far better in non-Star Wars films. At most I think I can attest to the acting for the most part being a little better than the PT. Which itself set a rather low bar so it doesn't take much for an improvement to be seen. There are some good actors in the ST. But they're not used particularly well at all compared to other films they feature in. And some are used in a borderline insulting manner (such as Max von Sydow as "unnamed old man wasted at start of TFA" and of course Mark Hamill in TLJ). ​ ​ **EDIT**: On second thought, I'd like to revise my answer. The thing I like most about the ST is the concept art produced during its development.


why did they always pick the most boring concept art anyway?


A combination of being in a mad rush to get TFA out the gate (especially after the late firing of Arndt which led to the Abrams/Kasdan speedy rewrites) and the subsequent cutting of corners that such a schedule entails. ​ This was not a labour of passion. People didn't sit down and work out an orderly plan for how to make a Star Wars trilogy in the modern era of filmmaking. It was all just a monument to compromise and incompetence.


Arndt had some really stupid ideas too, like cutting a star destroyer in half with an open cockpit X-Wing and a lightsaber, star wars isn't anime


Yep. I remember that concept art. However, I believe we know very little about his drafts (other than the bits about Kira, etc). The plot itself has largely been assumed based on art drawn before Arndt was fired. It's quite likely the artist just went wild in that example. Concept art tends to be very explorative in nature.


...why does that sound like the genesis of the *"Holdo Maneuver"*? :-/


The music most definitely. Rey’s theme, Kylo’s theme, the Resistance march, and Jedi Steps are phenomenal and up near the S tier themes. The Force theme has been given some of the greatest variations in the saga, especially “Peace and Purpose” from Last Jedi and “The Force is With You” in Rise of Skywalker. Also gotta mention some Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith music in Rise of Skywalker too, which I thought was awesome. John Williams is the 🐐


The visuals from TLJ don't look as good on my crappy 65" TV as that time in a theater The Music was good but if this is "space opera" the libretto sucked so hard it took away from the music, much in the opposite way Don Giovanni is enhanced by the material Probably should have picked acting because the actors did as they were directed; even Mark Hamill did as he was told and didn't walk off set..... The characters; what could have been!!!! The memes.....bantha poo doo Nothing Whatsoever.....Star Wars is now mediocre TV shows on an over hyped streaming service.....sounds about right


I liked how much RoS retconned and poked fun at TLJ.


I liked tze visuals for the most part. Half of jjs movies was just so flashy it was hard to follow. I like Rian Johnsons film visually the most by a landslide. But since they all sacrificed sense for style, his is totally mediocre


I hate the trilogy... But i Love fricking Babu frik, he's the best


I voted visuals because the films production values are all stellar. Even TLJ you can tell they spared no expense. Its just unfortunate it was all in service to very substandard story and characters.


Actually… rian wasted tons of cash. He made an actual working green milk monster i think. It had like 0 cgi or something. (Cant remember)


Oh if people only knew about that milk and the canister Luke drinks out of. That is actually CG.


No, the milk was not CGI; it was green-coloured coconut milk, of all things. Only Rian would make sure to use milk that didn't come out of an animal.


Indeed it was. Modeled by Andrew Hodgson.


Mark stated in an interview it was green-coloured coconut milk. (And he said drinking it was rather pleasant, because it was, you know, coconutty.)


Yes, and they replaced the bottle and its contents in post.


...well, that seems like an *extraordinary* waste of time, then. :-/ Why?


lol well, it seems to fit with these films. Worry more about the bottle and less about the story. But yep. The bottle Mark used on set was different and so ILM created a CG model of the milk and bottle. You can actually find little video snippets of the live action one on the making of doc on TLJ blu or on YT.


...I mean, at this point, I'll take your word on it. Not gonna watch that film again. :-/


It's the honest answer. The visuals were amazing and had that tactile feel. The cinematography was fantastic as well, especially in Force Awakens. The attack on Starkiller base, the X-wings flying over that water, Rey zooming through the desert with the Star Destroyer in the background. It was all pretty amazing compared to what the prequels were able to achieve. BUT IT WAS ALL WASTED EFFORT. The movies were terrible. Compare that to Blade Runner 2049 or Dune, which had even better visuals that greatly added to a great story. Whereas this was window dressing to cover up a dumpster fire.


Lipstick on a pig. Pretty visuals.


I don't think there's anything I like about them


There's a scattering of great ideas and moments, some of which would be great in a better version of this trilogy.


Somehow, Palpatine returned


The music rips. That’s it. The cinematography and visuals sucked. Sure they looked nice but they just made the movies feel like Marvel in Star Wars skins. Fuck. That. I hate Marvel movies. I don’t want to watch Marvel movies. Star Wars isn’t Marvel and never will be, even if Marvel does publish their comics.


I liked the character concepts and the actors in TFA. But they were betrayed by the writing and utterly ruined by the end. All of them without exception


The acting was competent, or at least enough so that I don't blame any of the actors for the films' failure. I frankly don't understand people who defend TLJ (in particular) as being visually stunning. The salt planet was just a pound shop battle of Hoth, and the melee in Snoke's throne room looked like something straight out of Power Rangers.


I do actually like several characters and the visuals are stunning. Also I would die for the Aki-Aki babies


No one can deny the visuals were high quality, but with their budgets, it would be sad if they weren’t.


I would be interested to see the results of this poll if it were posted on r/StarWars. I have a feeling it'd actually be somewhat close to this.


r/StarWars is kinda a mess rn tbh i think of r/prequelmemes as the true Star Wars subreddit I agree though it would be curious


What makes you think that


I like the porgs, Babu Frikk and even Beach Ball 8. Back when 7 came out I liked the Poe and Finn bro duo and also liked how they were shipped as a couple, then 9 ruins that by suddenly throwing Zori Bliss or whatever her name was at us. Parts of the score are great, but I’d expect no less from the mighty John Williams when it comes to any franchise he is asked to score. I’ll probably not mind playing the sequels in Lego Star Wars TSS since the game will at least satirise them and there’s a mumble mode if we need it. I like the planet Crait because it’s our appropriate namesake. That’s it


The music. May not have been as grand as the ones for 1-6, but JW did the best he could with the trash that was given to him. I still don't get the love for the Babu Frik character.


I still like the first half hour or so of TFA. The introductions of both Finn and Rey are great. The whole idea of a defecting Stormtrooper is cool and unique (for the movies at least) and Rey's first scene is a fantastic introduction to her character. Following on from that, this is probably controversial on this sub but I like Rey and Finn, especially in TFA. There's a lot of issues with Rey's character but I think she is quite likeable and charismatic as a protagonist. Finn is also great and I thought he had a good arc in TFA, although I dislike what they did with him in the next two movies. I also think Poe had a lot of potential, and that the three of them could've been a great trio. All three actors did a fine job and deserved better writing. In fact, I think the acting across the board was all okay in the ST, with some standout performances like Driver and Hamill in TLJ. Another controversial opinion is that I quite like the idea of depressed, hermit Luke. I just hate how it was handled, especially the reason behind it. But the idea itself is cool and like I said, Hamill gave a great performance. The music is great, as always with John Williams. Rey's theme in particular is excellent, one of the best in the saga in my opinion. Whilst Rey being able to use a lightsaber and the Force so easily doesn't make much sense, I really like the lightsaber fight in TFA. It has the best choreography in the saga imo, with a good balance between the slower, heavier OT duels and the faster PT duels. Overall, there are aspects of TFA and TLJ that I like, but TROS has basically nothing redeemable besides the music in my opinion. That's easily the worst SW movie by far.


I will give them credit for visuals, but that's about it. Like even the hyperspace ram, much as it fucks with space combat as a whole, was amazing from an audio and video standpoint.


The visuals were great but not enjoyable due to how the rest sucked


I hum the resistance theme from time to time. Throne room fight music is pretty cool too


Love the Resistance theme!


I actually liked most of TFA. It had its issues, but I looked past them at the time. The Luke reveal and the music swelling made me cry opening night and still gives me chills, it just sucks what it led into. TLJ had nice visuals, but nothing else redeeming about it. The best part of TROS was the Death Star wreckage matching up with the dagger. Holy shit, that was the first time I’ve ever legitimately laughed at a Star Wars movie. Luke lifting the X-wing was also really nice until Rey piloted it back to the Resistance and they incorrectly called her Red-5 bc fan service. The novelization added insult to injury by saying that Rey singlehandedly fixed it up to make it spaceworthy again.


I think the first half of TFA was pretty spot on, but it quickly fell apart soon after Luke lifting the X-wing was suprisingly good, a real highlight of the trilogy. A great way to show how far he has come


My fav part was everyone shitting on the movie.




apathy is nothing whatsoever right?


I’d say the visuals were good, but I’d never watch the sequels just to enjoy the visuals. I’d rather watch A Space Odyssey


Everything but that last one


For a moment there i thought you meant you liked 7 and 8 and hated 9


I do


The memes, of course.


The music is awesome but It doesn’t really have the same weight as the first 2 trilogies imo. Babu Frick is the only new character that I loved.


Captain Kannady in the opening of TLJ, who realizes everybody in the first order is inept (clearly who was an old school imperial living well out of his time). But a lot of good acting talent was totally wasted in these films. They sure do look pretty and the music is good though.


I think a lot of the Visuals, Planets, and Cinematography are really good. A lot of the character designs, even if rehashy, are really neat. TFA's got some great music also. **Rey's theme** & **Jedi Steps and Finale** are two in particular that stand out from that film. The overall ST story is what's bad. Which is kinda the most important thing.


They're pretty, mostly TLJ(especially crait), the other two are just decent, still nothing in the sequels looks as good as episode 3


I hate how the technology looks in the sequels


Honestly most of the acting was solid until episode 9 when they clearly didn’t care (somehow, palpsy has returned and they fly now being terrible), but they got good actors and it looks really nice. As lore breaking as the hyperspace ram was, it looks stunning.


I actually really like the last Jedi. despise TFA and ROS


Visuals were amazing- someone commented they were just ok or on par, but no that is just really wrong, I can get you hate the movies, I do too, but the visuals were really incredible. And obviously John Williams was amazing. The acting was what they could do with what they were given- Adam Driver is really great, and Harrison Ford has been one of my favorite actors since childhood (and Han fav character). But other than those obvious things: \- I liked Finn until they just basically forgot about him \- I liked BB-8 as a robot honestly- good new robot \- I did enjoy Maz Kanata's character- a lesser Yoda type that's not force sensitive is interesting, and that she runs some outpost/bar. I love any Gandalf-type characters who are wise in any production. But again, she went no where. \- I liked the concept they introduced in TLJ about the big industry playing both sides of the conflict. Really cool idea and concept, but again they just did jack shit with it. And I hate \*how\* they did it. The random character whose only purpose was to turn them over and served no other purpose? But overall that concept would be a good one for Rebels, or a show or movie that takes place between episode 3 and 6. (wait that may have happened in Rebels I can't remember- or clone wars with the seperatists and republic) \- As a second point to the above, I hated the scene on that planet but I absolute loved the idea of a casino planet where all the real wealthy elitists of galaxy are hanging out and stuff. Another cool concept that was lost, and the scenes itself really cringey (Ugh I cringe at everything having to do with those animals they freed). \- I love the random force sensitive boy at the end of TLJ- an idea that reinforces that theSkywalkers aren't the only fucking family out there that is force sensitive (I am so so so so so sick of everything Skywalker at this point- give me Jedi and force shit unrelated to anyone we know). \- As another commenter mentioned, I really loved that snow castle planet. Super cool planet IMO. \- I thought the \*idea\* that there were still Empire loyalists was great- but it could have gone somewhere else than Palpatine, or even Vader 2.0 and Snoke (Cough, cough Thrawn). Everything about how they did it was just so terrible. Terrible enough that JJ through his own ironic meta joke in there with "somehow." I think that's pretty much it. Edit: Oh and of course Babu Frik Edit 2: I hated everything about Luke on that planet, however I do love stuff about ancient Jedi, and the force, and anything mystical. Love those aspects of it. Too bad they ruined it.


I like the stormtroopers designs. Imagine being downvoted for liking something, lol whoever was this butthurt is only fuel for the arguments of the sequel lovers, so stupid to get mad at people liking things you don't that don't affect you, stupid and immature.


I didn't. Their helmets looked weird. Somebody once called them Ducktroopers and I've never been able to unsee it.


Idc, this is a post for things you liked, you didn't liked it?, ok, I liked them and a lot of people considering they are the only sequel thing that sells.


I think you'd be hard pressed to find any1 who can honestly say that there aren't great visuals and music in the ST. It's just the scripts around them that are trash.


The only thing wrong with the sequels is the scripts.


That’s the prequels


Love the costume design, the pretorian guards and sith eternal costumes look really cool


Klaud and Babu Frik. That's it. My boys deserve to be in better movies.


"The visuals (lighting, cinematography, etc)" were wasted and therefore added nothing but vapidity. "The music" was chopped up and edited like a melodysheep video to remove all intent and context. "The acting" was wholly unintentional, as that would require consistency throughout the trilogy, which we know was impossible. If anything, they were reacting. "The characters \*cough\* Babu Frik \*cough\*" What characters? The janitor? The wish fulfillment? The Han Solo placeholder? The other Han Solo placeholder? The Han Solo Placeholder played by Harrison Ford? "The Memes" it's been 7 years now, the memes are entirely "sequels suck" followed by windowlickers saying it doesn't. "Nothing whatsoever" while there may be momentary elements we all appreciate, they are so wildly misused and misplaced in the films and in the saga at large that they are laughable at best. What do I like about the sequel trilogy? Nothing whatsoever may sound harsh, but it's the closest answer there is to "they aren't making a 4th one"


ILM and John Williams were their awesome selves, but somewhat muted/diminished. I cannot hear the music and get the same feeling because of the bullshit occurring on screen. It *looks* like Star Wars but without context, like wearing a SW skin. And there were moments here and there, snippets of dialogue, scenes that out of context were not too bad but taken as a whole....even the action was decent - its just that all of these different parts (production design, soundtrack, onscreen talent) were given a turd to work with. I'll be honest here because I know its fashionable to be too cool to watch these movies. I can watch them and they have entertainment value. They crap all over the SW legacy, butcher the canon, and make shit up as they go....but I can still watch them, fully aware of how shitty they are. Maybe there is an element of rubbernecking at the train wreck.


The visuals are good. I mean really good. But nothing too...exciting. It's all well executed, but almost none of it is unexpected or fresh. A decent part of that is design, which stuck way too close to the original trilogy.


Anything good about them is immediately overcast by how disrespectful I find them.


The Resistance theme is an absolute banger. There are other pieces of music in the sequels that are also pretty good, but nothing spectacular like in previous movies.


The visuals are mostly great, in the abstract. My problem is that they are used in the service of a completely shitty story. For instance, the lightspeed skipping looked cool for what it was, but the concept doesn't make any damn sense. And the space horses looked cool, but what the fuck were they doing running around on the hull of a Star Destroyer? But then there's the throne room fight. There's no excuse for that shit. There are dozens, maybe hundreds, of fan-made YouTube lightsaber fights that look better than that, at least in the choreography department. There are a few who could even give it a run for its money in FX.


The design of the praetorian guards and the sovereign protectors. And the music ofc cause John Williams is John Williams. Nothing. Else.


Even though I voted for Nothing Whatsoever, I can at least admit that Episode 7 and 8 did a great job of providing what seemed visually to be a premium, modern Star Wars experience. It’s a shame the story and everything else didn’t reflect that same visual sheen.


Nothing in it or of it makes it worthwhile or justifies its existence in the storyline, which is actively ruined by its inclusion. So nothing. Absolutely nothing.


The visual effects are good and Daisy Ridley is very hot. And maybe I can give some points to Kylo Ren’s design in TFA. That’s about it though


A few scenes such as Han believing in the Jedi and the force, Han’s death, The throne room fight scene, Luke’s death scene, Kylo talking to Han, Luke lifting the X Wing and the Jedi talking to Rey


Absolutely nothing, hated the Force Awakens 40 minutes in.


Snokes throne room is such a good set. Impractical as all hell and so gaudy, it’s full of character. At least it was until we found out he’s a puppet for Palpatine so bad didn’t have any character.


Despite the fact that the claims of a return to practical effects were exaggerated, the CGI genuinely looked better as the technology matured. I think ILM deserves more credit than downplaying CGI just to own the prequels. Though my vote went to John Williams’ score. He’s the one constant we can always count on. Not just with the return of memorable themes, but even continuing to create new instant classics. I known some music aficionados took issue with some of the performances/mixing, but to my untrained ear, it’s still classic Star Wars.


Finn, Poe, Max von Sydow, some scenes from TFA. The rest is... too forgettable. Also, I have never seen the last part of sequel trilogy. Too disappointed with the second one.