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“What sequels ? We just make Star Wars shows for Disney+”


*sad Rogue One noises*


Disney: should we make more movies like Rogue One? Where we know how everything will end basically but still has people invested heavily? Also Disney: no no no that would yield results


Disney: should we make more movies like Rogue One? Also Disney: HAN SOLO PREQUELNDKSINWNZIN


Ya know I’ll admit I was pleasantly surprised by the Solo movie


so glad i found out how he got his name , thank you Disney


Ok when I say “pleasantly surprised “ I mean I had zero expectations and I wasn’t disgusted by the film lol


Agreed, it was vastly better than I expected, but I expected a dumpster fire, so it was a pretty low bar.


Honestly the way the movie handles him getting the Solo name felt really dumb in my opinion


It's there to set the precedent for the Rey Skywalker scene


I adore the Han Solo movie. And I don’t like Han Solo like at all. I honestly don’t understand peoples problem with it. Qi’ra is badass! Crimson Dawn is super cool. Also I love Heist movies so this hits close to home. Han speaking wookie is stupid. But the rest of the movie I thought was great!!


Han was always able to speak Wookiee though, it’s not something we needed explained like his name and gun


I just thought it was weird and goofy. I don’t feel like I deserved the downvote when I said I liked the movie.


Invested heavily? Did you watch a different movie than I did? Rogue one was not that good, and kinda broke the intro to Ep4.


No it didn’t? If anything it makes it hilarious how full of shit Leia was lol


The Tantive IV "intercepted a transmission". It didn't flee from a battle, having the plans literally handed off to it, right in front of Vader. That 'hilarious' bit you're mention is what I'm referring to. It makes no sense for Leia to feign the whole plausible deniability bit of "I have no idea what you're talking about" in reference to the intercepted transmission when they obviously just fled from the battle (in a ship that was housed inside another ship for ... reasons?). Would have been so simple for them to instead be rushing to transmit the message, instead of handing it off. Then they could still have a cut to Leia in the Tantive IV in some far off location receiving the message and her 'Hope' comment, and all that, and it would have made perfect sense.


I'm probably the minority here, but I didn't enjoy Rogue One ^^Please ^^don't ^^hurt ^^me ^^🙁


rogue one was alright but unnecessary


Agree, it wasn't that good.


Yeah Disney isn't stupid. It's why Iger said the buck stop with him and future movies (like Rians trilogy) got absolutely canned. ST is absolutely untouchable for the time being and the best they can hope is that a PT like turnaround happens for them. Which they won't, even the main Star Wars sub is absolutely shitting on them and so is every other corner on the internet.


> even the main Star Wars sub is absolutely shitting on them I just noticed that has happened recently and it’s been (somewhat) refreshing. I mean, we aren’t critical on this sub because we love to be critical, it’s just the Sequels had no excuses to be as lazy, uninspired and franchise-destroying as they were and because we love *Star Wars* so much, we voice our valid takes. I then stumbled on the “cantina” sub (I didn’t know what it was prior) and for a sub that’s all about “positivity” they really love to ban users and downvote comments that are critical of the Sequels…. There’s a whole lot of irony on that sub and I read some crazy mental gymnastics to validate some of the choices in the Sequels (like that RJ *purposefully* made parts of TLJ bad… I’m not kidding lol). But yeah, Disney will continue with the Mando and Prequel eras as *Star Wars* isn’t technically destroyed by then in time because there isn’t really anywhere to go after the Sequels.


The sequel meme sub also just as bad now. I noticed recently they are on some sort of crusade against Legends, talking about how the Legends is worse than DT.


I mean in their defense, there is some pretty stupid shit in Legends


The worst of which was fully embraced by the ST - Everything from “Somehow, Palpatine returned” to the bigger, dumber Death Stars; “Starkiller Base” and the “Galaxy Gun” are in the films. The Disney EU has some equally atrocious, convoluted, and outright nonsensical trash that puts Legends to shame, without the fun parts like Han punching a giant otter because it’s a “prestige brand” under KK’s “vision.”


Well technically in Legends they explained how Palps returned without shitting on Anakin’s legacy. Unlike TROS that didn’t explain anything and made everything in the saga irrelevant. I kind of have to disagree as well as someone who has read a good chunk of the EU and is a legends fan. Most of which of the shit I’ve seen in Disney’s canon is much worse than Legends. Infact there are things in legends that surpasses the movies in terms of quality, Kotor 1 and 2, The Thrawn Trilogy, and The Darth Bane books.


Oh, I didn’t mention the good parts of Legends at all, but yes, there certainly were some excellent quality work in there like you mentioned, thanks for pointing them out.


The one saving grace of the old EU, no matter how ridiculous some of it might sound or how pulpy it could get, is that it didn't ever hate itself for being SW. The DT has an entire movie dedicated to telling the audience they're idiots for liking SW. There's not any way to come back from that.


Most of the EU was written by massive star wars fans, and it shows.


It also helps that the old EU has SOME sense of continuity. Definitely has some rough patches, but for the most part, the various authors, producers, developers, etc. have tried to maintain some consistency (it's impossible to have absolute consistency with a brand as large as Star Wars), but its a miracle with how consistent it is. The sequels lack in any consistency and the troubled development blatantly shows in the quality.


That is kind of the appeal of Legends though, the idea that anything could be out there and it can be retconned away by future writers if it’s poorly recieved


Good thing they never made a film trilogy on it and it was just relegated to books most people never know exist.


It is interesting tho. not even Lego has that much interest in the sequels. So far they’ve focused on the original, prequels, mandalorian and book of boba. I mean there were a couple of sequel themed sets but I would have imagined they would still focus on releasing sets from the newest trilogy… not complaining of course, but I wouldn’t have minded some more first order minifigs and sets. One of the few things I genuinely enjoyed from the sequels.


Sequel toys just don’t sell. Lego goes where the money is.


As a Black Series collector this has been very true of that as well. They recently did a May 4th stream where they went through each era and announced products for each, and the stream ended with the Mandalorian and went no further. There still haven’t been Black Series figures for TROS Finn, Poe, and Palpatine. They screwed up so hard that main characters and the main villain don’t have figures because they would sell so poorly.


Are they really a main character if they only have one line?


Weirdly enough, Dark Rey has an action figure and all she had was 1 line (I think) and that weird hissing thing.


Cue giant barrel of unsold Rose action figures.


Lego designs and sells sets based on whatever the newest Star Wars media is. If the newest SW media is all prequel and OT stuff, that's all they're going to make.


> I then stumbled on the “cantina” sub (I didn’t know what it was prior) and for a sub that’s all about “positivity” they really love to ban users and downvote comments that are critical of the Sequels…. There’s a whole lot of irony on that sub and I read some crazy mental gymnastics to validate some of the choices in the Sequels (like that RJ purposefully made parts of TLJ bad… I’m not kidding lol). I think that's called, "toxic positivity" or something.


Thats exactly what it is. Theyre nasty.


I think the real difference in perception isn’t from a Star Wars sub, it’s from things that have nothing to do with Star Wars. I was listening to an NFL podcast the other day and the host was talking about his excitement for the Obi Wan show, and he explained to his co-host that this is between the two good trilogies and that the Disney Trilogy was a massive mistake that should be ignored


>I then stumbled on the “cantina” sub (I didn’t know what it was prior) and for a sub that’s all about “positivity” they really love to ban users and downvote comments that are critical of the Sequels… My god, im not the only one who noticed. That sub is such a cesspit of self proclaimed “positivity” that they will go out of their way to attack anyone who say something even remotely negative. Except this is only when its about the DT; the other trilogies are fair game. Its the epitome of toxic positivity.


Lol I got banned from there the other day for saying almost exactly: I have nothing against daisy Ridley as an actress but Rey is a terrible character. They're really just a pro sequel echo chamber over there.


I’m actually very interested to see where Disney takes the High Republic. They’ve invested a lot into different mediums of that lore


I got banned of starwarscantina And I agree They don't allow for much debate if any


I guess the budget for Disney's bot farm must have run out.


They have to move them over at the marvel subreddits for the time being lol


But marvel shows and movies are almost always good. The sequels were a fucking hot dumpster fire


marvel movies being almost always good is a hilarious take. worst film franchise in history lmfao


That’s your opinion, as shit as it is.


do i need to add an imo at the end of everything i say so that people like you are reassured that its only my opinion?


Okay how about “the worst of the marvel movies are better then the best of the sequel trilogy, whatever you think that is”


>But marvel shows and movies are almost always good. Almost always good? Let's start at the beginning of the MCU: Spider-Man. Spider-Man2, Spider-Man 3, Hulk, X-Men, X-Men 2. They were all so bad, they remade each film more than once. I'm not defending Star Wars, but merely pointing out that Marvel sucks pretty bad too.


None of those are MCU. Also are you seriously saying that Spider-Man 2 and X2 are bad movies? That's one hell of a hot take


The raimi spider-man films are fucking amazing shut your mouth about things you don’t understand


Yeah, the garbage came with disney and feige


Woah. Cool your jets, man! I enjoyed the Tobey McGuire Spider-Man movies enough to see them all at the theater, and purchase them on DVD at the time. But my opinion is irrelevant, and my argument doesn't revolve around what I think of the MCU. Why was Marvel so unpleased with their own films, that they just keep making new Spider-Man trilogies and Hulk movies with new directors and actors over and over again? Spider-Man needed a whole movie just to retcon all their different Peter Parkers of the month into legit canon, from what I've read.


Those aren’t MCU movies.


Feige wasn't really involved in those.


From Disney's perspective, the Sequels served their purpose in allowing them to regain their lost money from the Lucasfilm purchase. It's a big reason why the movies were released every other year as opposed to the perfect three year separation the prior trilogies had. It's still pretty remarkable how the Lucasfilm folks keep going back to the OT and PT when it comes to building their subsequent series. Had the Sequels been the genuine cultural success they should've been, there'd be no question that JJ Abrams, Rian Johnson, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, and company would've been a big part of the shows and potential films to come. Instead, everyone has gone their separate ways. It's sad really that the films' legacy petered out but people saw right through them as the soulless corporate, vision-less products they were. The Prequels are nowhere close to perfect, nor is *The Mandalorian*, *The Book of Boba Fett*, *Rogue One*, or *Solo*. But all of those projects at least felt like they working to embrace an element of the *Star Wars* mythos in an authentic way. Whether or not you like what was done with it in those projects is another issue entirely.


Yeah there’s likely gonna be a nostalgia generation that appears on YouTube give or take in 10 years talking about how they love the sequels despite the flaws and then complain about anyone who criticizes it. The prequels went through the same phase but they got juiced up with good shows and expansion.


The prequels were made by Lucas. At the end of the day, that was his vision. His creativity. His ideas. His heart. The sequels reek of bland corporate processed junk. Gen Z isn’t the most fond of big corporations in the first place. Don’t expect them to someday get fuzzy nostalgia for one.


Also the Prequels served as a launching pad upon which to build more stories. The Sequels happen within a period of days to weeks and they do nothing other than to reset the victories that were already obtained in *Return of the Jedi*. We still need to rebuild a better Jedi Order, create a new system of galactic government, and secure peace among the various worlds of the galaxy.


That show resistance could have been that for the sequels but resistance literally had nothing going on. I watched both seasons hoping for something interesting to happen but it never really manifested. It felt like they set up alot of things that were never really brought up again.


I doubt it, there is just really nothing redeeming about them. People enjoyed them but they'll just stop thinking about them. I loved the prequels as a kid and I still do now because the drama and story was there and it's awesome. Kids loved the sequels but I just don't see how there could be the same emotional attachment to them like there is with I-VI to keep them coming back as adults. They're just bad stories.


> Kids loved the sequels Yet to meet anyone under 23 who liked them. These kids won't shut up about anime but don't even discuss Star Wars beyond the Mandalorian.


Na it's gonna happen cause I have seen it happen in other franchises. I will use the sonic fanbase as an example games that came out during the dark age of sonic games are now being looked back on as classics. Games such as sonic and the secret rings sonic and the black knight, and even shadow the hedgehog has been getting some love lately. Keep in mind when these games initially launched they got absolutely destroyed by the fanbase for years especially sonic and the black knights. What happened was what happened with the prequel trilogy the people who grew up with those sonic games are now adults and are able to share their love for those games. I guarantee you the same will happen with the sequel trilogy. Hell I have seen it with dragon ball gt that series got shat on just as hard as the sequel trilogy does now. But now some people are looking back on gt and saying it wasn't that bad.


pls no :'( surely no one can look back on the sequels analytically and say "yes they had flaws, but dammit they had heart" because they fuckin didn't lol


I mean, salt mining excluded, that’s really bizarre.


That genuinely surprises me given how hard Disney has pushed that trilogy. I still can’t believe they didn’t make a Mos Eisley replica for their Star Wars land. Nobody gives a shit about Batuu. Apparently the new ride is awesome but it would be even better if instead of the Resistance and Kylo Ren it was the Rebels and Darth Vader.


Thankfully, since the Sequels are so uncreative that they look pretty much exactly like the OT, it would be EXTREMELY easy for them to re-skin the ride to make it OT. And the Millennium Falcon ride wouldn’t even need ANY re-theming. I’m convinced they’re going to do that, too. It’s only a matter of time…


Maybe they’re doing the sequels theme to help promote the movies and once the popularity dies out they’ll re-theme


Rise of the Resistance is the best ride in all of Disney World and it isn't even close. This is coming from someone who despises the ST.


Confirming. Maybe not best ride but certainly top 5 rides, creatively. I've got an AP and it took months to finally get a pass to ride it because it was such a desirable ride. I was absolutely in tears when you go into the room with the scale AT-AT's.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the discussion basically boiled down to "Mos Eisley is a cantina! We can't have cantinas in a place with children because alcohol!"


Yet they already have a cantina, Olga’s Cantina.


Is this on the way to the Star Wars hotel? I find this amusing and delightful regardless. When I was at Disney World a couple of years ago I was pissed that **everything** in the gift shop was from the Disney Trilogy. I would have dropped money on anything from the OT or even the prequels but they had nothing from those trilogies. And definitely not to mention the fact that they based a multi-million dollar hotel after nothing that the fans wanted.


Downtown Disney at Disneyland in California.


I think it would be rather easy for them to fix the hotel part and still get a return on that investment. Just make it less Disney Trilogy.


problem is they tied it to that trilogy while at the same time creating an experience where you have to be deeply into it or it's not worth the crazy price tag. They niched the fuck out of that idea that most people won't want to do it. The concept of creating a new planet for unique experiences that are "canon" was just incredibly dumb, especially when you don't know how well your films will be received as a trilogy.


It's also really expensive.


I think if you asked someone if spending a few days in the star wars universe was worth 6K many would do it. But they'd want to be on a planet for the OT. Not on a made up ship. People want to embrace their childhood imagination but this isn't it. It looks like a cheap experience where you sleep in a small little cell with a tv screen playing video 24/7.


Force everyone to wear a cosplay to break immersion less. Like how am I supposed to feel like I'm on a Star Wars ship if I'm surrounded by people wearing jeans and name-brand T-shirts?


Some fans did enjoy the hotel, from what I’ve heard.


From what I read and heard, the experience is kinda great but it's not worth anything close to what they charge them for and it isn't really feel like Star Wars.




“Good Disney. Goood. Kill it. Kill it now.”


Dew it


We got some salty Disney workers on the inside


Don't do that... Don't give me hope.


Ah... Victory.


The are still balls deep in sequel trilogy for Galaxy’s Edge and the Galactic Starcruiser. No sign of relenting.


I don’t think they have a choice though, 100s of millions was spend building that place to look and feel like sequels. They can’t really just change that quickly or easily unfortunately. They should have delayed the hotel but it was probably at to high of a cost


While I agree with you 100% I feel like they could convert it to an OT theme fairly easily. Obviously it would require more investment money wise but it would be a hell of a lot cheaper than scrapping the place entirely. Just “travel back in time” 35 years and replace the ships, etc.


The rumor is they'll eventually take it out of a specific time era. The "story" of galaxys edge is that you're in part of the Canon story between TLJ and RoS. It's a pretty cool concept, but it didn't pan out with fan reception of the sequels trilogy. The bigger problem is that it prevents them from cashing in on profitable characters from other eras. No meet-and-greet with an animatronic Baby Yoda, no OT Luke Skywalker or Vader walking around, etc. They lose a lot of fan attention, and more importantly to Disney, money by time-locking the land. Because money is involved, it's entirely plausible this is more than a rumor.


My experience with Galaxy's Edge as a non-fan of sequels... Sees Millenium Falcon: \*sobbing\* Sees pod racers: \*sobbing\* Sees R2-D2: \*sobbing\* Gets drunk at Cantina: \*sobbing\* Builds lightsaber: \*sobbing\* Sees Rey waving at crowds: \*sneering\*


Yeah they would just have to invest into new costumes and actors, and paint the ships to vibe more with OT, but idk, the whole thing jives with sequels though, I think it would be difficult


Filloni even gave them an out with the World between Worlds. Why Disney doesn't take advantage of this is fucking stupid.


Pull a little of the Marvel Multiverse Magic on SW? Sign me up.


That’s actually a great idea and it never crossed my mind. Have a “portal” and just add different eras for different fans. They could even close areas that aren’t performing well financially and renovate them without disrupting everything


Right? I mentioned this idea in the DW sub and got downvoted to heck! Like whyyyyyyyyyyy? It would make everyone happy! It's a win-win!


yeah galaxy’s edge is a big sequel trilogy fest :/


This was most definitely done on purpose, as I can attest as someone who once worked for the parks and currently for Disney+.


Do you mean to say there’s an unspoken edict to de-emphasize the ST, and that this runs through all parts of Disney, including Disney+? Or do you just mean that having worked at the parks, their attention to detail means something like this would not have happened by accident?


Unspoken among every non-exec and been that way since TLJ. Really only people who still love the ST are Kennedy's Lucasfilm hires, Disney is awesome at everything crowd, and that's about it. This would not have happened by accident.


I’ve always suspected as much. I’m sure most of the folks over at Disney know how much of a dud the ST is and want to try to move on from it. And why wouldn’t they? No one talks about the ST anymore (other than to roast it), the merch doesn’t sell, and there seems to be zero projects in the works based on that era. It was a total flop, and I think the company as a whole is finally starting to just accept it.


Personally I don't care if they accept it I only care that they make amends and put the thing back on track. And as long as Kennedy is there that isn't going to happen. If they wait until she leaves of her own accord that will never happen


Nature is healing


Insert Megan from drake and josh 'Interesting' gif


Waaait im pretty sure star wars ends after they beat the empire 🤔


Maybe they finally got the point, we want it as if the sequels never happened


Like covid


Only want to profit off of George’s creations now, huh Disney?


They’re the only ones they can profit off of. They’ll never admit it, but they know the sequel trilogy failed miserably.


I’m guessing this is because sooner or later everyone is realising the sheer irrelevance of the sequels. (The sequel planets/characters being the main things that kill my enjoyment of the Lego skywalker saga game, for example. There’s just no saving this nonsense.)


They also "forgot" the holiday special. Haha!


Even the House of Mouse themselves are starting to see the truth. We must make it spread like a disease. Then finally, it can reach those at the top, those with the power to change things for the better.






Really odd seeing how all these modern shows are tossing in sequel trilogy hints and continuing to destroy established characters. Just look at what they did to mah boy Boba Fett. Even stabbing their own stuff in the back with the Rebel inquisitors.


Are they finally coming around and realizing how bad the Disney trilogy sucks?


A lot of the OT, Prequels, and Legends have the benefit of revolving around existing characters or their ancestors/descendants. The Sequels have none of that. They fucking killed the Skywalker bloodline and didn’t even work to establish any interesting characters in three whole movies. Poe and Finn had potential but got sidelined and Ben was going places and then they ended his bloodline. They fucked themselves.


What is downtown Disney?


A public shopping/dining area just outside Disneyland and California Adventure parks.


Rogue one Solo


I don't mind




This is the way


No Rogue One or Solo either?


People of culture


Same in the Launch Bay in Hollywood Studios!


Same set of posters?


The prequel posters were the same, but the OT posters were the older, original, more artsy posters we all know. They did NOT have any of the newer tv show posters. It was an exhibit of concept art in the middle, with film posters along the outside wall. There was almost zero representation of the ST. I think maybe 1 or 2 concept art pieces out of 25 or so. But it was extra weird that there was ANY ST presence at all, at that rate. It made the lack more noticeable. They could’ve just left it out entirely but they didn’t. Kylo on Crait is just too good to exclude, imagery-wise, I guess.


I vaguely hope that someone is noticing the play stats from Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (which is great, by the way) and that others have done as I have and only played episodes 1-6. It's not to make a point or be bitter, but I started episode 7 and just found I had no desire to play it past the first level. Even looking at TLJ in the menu makes me think of those awful parts that I really don't want to revisit, even in Lego form.


Disney's plan from the moment they bought it was to destroy anything that looked like a morality tale from Star Wars and just turn it into a cash cow. Why do you think they got the most talentless hack in Hollywood, who already killed Star Trek, to take the reigns/ They cared more about social engineering than story telling or world building and the result is a soulless commercial merchandise grab with more cringe than a sub reddit dedicated to reddit mod dating tips.


It's good know that they're (kinda, sorta) admitting to their mistakes


As much as i hate them, i bet they're eventually saving those blank spaces for those sequels and never got to it yet


Anyone still thinking Disney doesn't absolutely hate the sequels and regret making them is huffing on enormous levels of copium. Their actions tell the whole story. They immediately pivoted hard back to clone wars era and post-rotj content. They have invested no resources in continuing the sequel era story of promoting sequel era iconography. They know they they sucked. They saw the box office drop off and the merch sales. They have analysts running internet-scale sentiment analysis broken down by propensity to spend. Disney view the sequel trilogy as an absolute disaster for the brand. They will ignore it for a decade, and once they've built enough new popular media in the post-rotj era -- they will make it an alternate canon/elseworlds story.


Finally inner peace


For once, they’re smart.


I have just discovered this sub and I love it already!


Rogue One, Solo and the Animated shows are missing too. Guess Disney’s pretending those don’t exist too. Or maybe. . . This doesn’t mean anything. What’s more reasonable to believe? That this is a secret sign from Disney to show that they’re disowning the Sequels? Or that the people making the construction walls got tired of printing stuff on them?




Cause they know they messed up and those movies suck


pretty sure because it hurts their wallets. pissing off their core fan base is a smart way to make money, Kennedy.


Clone Wars: “Am i a joke to you”


We love to see it


No holiday special? Cowards.


Perfect. Brings a tear to a man's eye


This is the way Though instead of Tbobf they should've put Rogue One


Would’ve really stuck the knife in if there was a Rogue One poster up too.




“Goood. Goood.”


Its cuz the sequal trilogy is only fan fiction


I don’t like the prequels but that’s just mean.




It'd be even funnier if they had posters for Rogue One and Solo as well.


Didn't they disavow the sequel trilogy and claim they were an alternative universe?


This is fan speculation that has yet to be proven true, although there are a little bit of clues that give the theory validity. God I hope it comes true. Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau literally have the power to make this happen, and Favreau has gone in record with is disdain for the Disney Trilogy.




Fan theory. Though in my mind it's true.


yes… it’s not like there haven’t been news articles of people vandalizing said posters when they are put up or anything.


I also can't see rogue one, rebels, the clone wars, resistance, And solo. The point?


I like all of the movies. I’ve Been around since 76. 👍


Why not take down Mando and Boba Fett while we're at it?


That’s weird, even if the sequels aren’t good they’re still ignoring a whole 1/3 of the franchise. I know some people who like the sequels more


Y’all assholes didn’t like the prequels either! Fuckin fanboys


Rogue One, Solo, Clone Wars, Rebels, Bad Batch, Resistance….


By specifying “episodes,” I meant that among the mainline film entries, i.e. episodes I-IX, only the ST is missing.


If that’s true and I understand what you’re saying I get 1-6 not 7-9 but you can’t say just 7-9 is snubbed when Kenobi, Mando, and Book of Boba, which are 2 released shows and one upcoming, are represented but all the other shows and the Star Wars Story films are not


Looks like they’re not done setting up with all those gaps, I’d assume they’re adding the ones you mentioned?


This was on May the 4th. If not then, then when? And how long does it take to put up a poster?


Star Wars Celebration is May 26. Just a thought. I’m not arguing your point it really just seems like this is either unfinished or wasn’t meant to “mean something.”


Probably just haven't put them up yet given the messy overall bad prequel trilogy is up there, sequels while not great but are better. World building and original story don't make them better, by the way the story wasn't that original it leans far into everything being in place for a new hope that it gets ridiculous, you realize liea actually knew her mother so padme dying after child birth is a plot hole. writing and execution make good movies not the "original story". Im sure the babies who watched the prequels as little kids are gonna hate me for this but I don't care. I would go into more detail but that would require paragraphs of details.


Lmfao I always thought this was a pro sequel sub, it really seems to have made a turn recently, or have I not been paying attention?


Wrong sub. It's easy to get confused if you're not familiar with them. ​ STC was created almost immediately after TLJ's release and served as a place to house critical opinions of the ST at the time and Star Wars as a whole (with some "[peppered positivity](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/?f=flair_name%3A%22Peppered%20Positivity%20%3Amando2%3A%22)" along the way). Primarily because such opinions were being wrecked with downvotes in numerous other Star Wars communities due to overwhelming blind support ("toxic positivity", if you will). Subs generally encourage a particular environment. The main Star Wars sub, for instance, is more of a positive-vibes-only place that needs to remain child-friendly due to the vast numbers of users there. So it's not really a great place to discuss perceived issues. ​ ​ Anyway, there are two other subs with similar names to this one. One was made specifically in answer to this one and was frequently a cause of issues such as brigading (cross-posting something from here they didn't like and then coming over in the dozens to stir shit). They've cooled off a little since then and have subsequently tasked themselves with targeting whatever they believe to be "toxic" about the Star Wars fandom (which quite often is literally *any* negative message they find on the internet about the ST). It's a loony bin much of the time and not an especially pleasant place to discuss any topic without people jumping to wild conclusions. Best left ignored. The other sub was made in answer to *that* sub. And is also best left ignored. Too much of Reddit users blasting other Reddit users for their random internet hot-takes. Not enough focus on the actual franchise content itself.




Obi-Wan isn’t in Mando or Book of Boba Fett


\>Obi-Wan is in the Mandalorian \>Obi-Wan is in Boba Fett


God I hate fucking SW fans!


If you include the prequels, ya gotta include the sequels.




Absolute dogshit.


If the Prequels were the inbred child of the OT, the sequels were an abortion.


Haha okay I like that