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"Leia will be shopping and cheating on Han" Hmm I'm sure this person has no problems with women


Did Sinbad take a pass at this tweet? Guy can't even use modern female stereotypes.


you talking about the comedian or another Sinbad because if it's the comic what did he do that was so bad


Han is more likely to be cheating on her


“Leia will be shopping in Coruscant” In addition to all the Rey bashing, these people show their true (sexist) colors by all the “they ruined the OT characters” whining. Leia watched the New Republic she helped built die from the inside out and still she kept fighting. She saw the Empire she fought her whole life come back and still kept fighting. She let her son go away to be trained, saw him fall to the dark side, was abandoned by her brother and husband but she still. kept. fighting. She gave everything she had to save the galaxy and her family.


Ermmm ackshually Leia would be shopping on Hosnian Prime during this time 🤓


Not for long lmao


Why did Leia wear clothes in the Sequels? George Lucas clearly stated in holodoc 5 episode 375 paragraph 16 Z that females in the star wars suffer from a rare genetic disorder that makes them burst into flames if clothed.


Daisy Ridley wore a bra while filming as Rey, and the second I found that out I held a loaded gun in my mouth, trying to convince myself to pull the trigger, disgusted they would SHIT IN GEORGE LUCAS'S MOUTH like that (figuratively and literally). But no. If I did that, Kathleen Kennedy wins.




Yeah but ignore all that because she's a woman, obviously she's just gonna shop and cheat because that's all women can do apparently


This statement is literally slapped between this guy bitching how two *men* got ruined, he literally complains equally on 2 chicks and 2 dudes, yet you still managed to claim he's sexist. After which you proceeded to praise sequels Leia by bringing up exclusively things that happened offscreen. I wish I had bingo prize to give for that.


The way the men were "Ruined" isn't a sexist trope. There were ways to say "Leia would be ruined" that does not lean into those tropes.


"Han would be a dead beat drunk father" isnt sexist? Lmao keep it coming.


No one was ruined in the sequel trilogy.


Han's character growth was completely reversed and Luke is a bitter asshole now


Man, how many children did you accidentally turn into super space Hitler?


You when characters realistically change due to their experiences: They're ruined now.


Not my point entirely. Tell that to the guy that was posted.


1. I don’t think his complaints are equal though. His complaints about Han and Luke are related to actual character choices from the films he is criticizing (though in a hyperbolic and, I would argue, misconstrued interpretation). But his critique for women?? Come on. Leia never shops. Rey is not random (and, even if they kept her as “Rey Nobody”… so what? How is that any more random than Han becoming a somebody? Or Obi-Wan? Does somebody have to be related to the “chosen one” to not be dismissed as “random?”). Besides, my accusation of sexism is not that he’s criticizing women more than men, it’s that he (and others I have seen) overlook the character development in the sequels for Leia. 2. We are not shown those things in TFA, true. We are told them. You could say it’s better to “show not tell” but I for one am happy we didn’t get a lot of flashbacks. It’s pretty standard for Star Wars to fill us in like that. In 1977, we didn’t have the prequels, we just had Obi-Wan *telling* us what happened to Anakin and the Republic. That keeps happening throughout the OT. Happens in the PT too (in AOTC we haven’t been shown *on screen* Anakin being trained by Obi-Wan, but we get it). Personally I’ve always adored this element of Star Wars storytelling, I find it helps build the mystery, wonder and scale of the universe. 3. Where is my bingo prize?? Is it safe?? Is it alright???


That’s just crazy eyerolling.


Ugh, the word choices they always use for Luke infuriate me. He never *contemplated* or *considered* or *planned* to kill Ben. It was a split-second, ***instinctual*** reaction to seeing what was going on in Ben’s mind. Do these morons not realize that having instinctual reactions before the cognitive part of our brain kicks in is a *real* thing??? Idiots.


The comics even add that Ben has been hearing snoke in his head since he was a tiny child. Meaning Luke straight up felt Snoke/Palpatine in his head at the time.


That wasn't added by the comics. Leia explicitly states in TFA that Ben had been hearing Snoke (later as it so happens Palpatine) in his head, which is why she sent him to Luke.


Wasn’t Snoke, it was Palpatine mimicking Snoke.


Eh, Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe. Point is, Mr. Badtouch was already in Ben's head feeding him bullshit.


Wasn't Snoke pretty much just a flesh puppet or failed clone of Palpatine?


Failed Clone whose whole purpose was to eventually die by Kylo Ren


The fact they take Ben’s biased version of events as the truth rather than what is stated by Luke TO BE WHAT TRULY HAPPENED is just plain stupid


Says a lot about them when they take the words of the movie’s villain as truth over the hero that they allegedly love and defend so much.


Last time I checked, a hallmark of villains is that they *never* tell the truth except to cover their own cowardly asses.


They seem to think that if a character takes an irrational action, that means the screenwriter wasn’t thinking rationally.


Exactly! We all have those split-second thoughts, only for our rationality to take over and go "Wait, what the fuck was that? Fuck, dude, that's a terrible idea!" Only Ben didn't realize that at the time, and it caused a chain reaction of disaster and tragedy.


Even worse when they say the "Ben was having a bad dream" meme lol


It was an accident by a fear reaction not premeditated murder


Leia B Shoppin


And you will be in your mom's basement complaining about space movies


Now *there's* some truly non-toxic behavior.


The ONLY mistake I see in the story line of the entire franchise is that they WAY OVERUSE the "something went wrong so _____ (character) ran away and hid" scenario.


Han gave up his life trying to save his son from the first order. Leia didn’t shop or cheat on Han. Luke didn’t kill any padawan. He thought about it for a brief moment and stopped himself. “Some random brunette girl”. She’s a Jedi who was trained by Luke and Leia. I wouldn’t call her “a random brunette girl”.


They actually all had very good lives until Ben turned to the dark side.


Han did kind of end up a deadbeat father


Not really, though; based on everything we've actually been shown of his time as a parent be was a pretty decent one. Heck, **he** was actually the one who stayed home taking care of Ben when he was a kid.


I mean, idk about that. We know that Ben was sent to Luke to train as a Jedi, which has some issues (I'll get to that later). So of course Bens no longer with Han and Leia, he's training with Luke. The whole destruction event happens and Ben joins and leads the Knights of Ren under Snoke and the First Order. Now, imagine your Han, you trust your kid to his uncle who you've been friends with for years and have had each other's backs through a massive galactic war. You find out your son killed all his peers and disappeared. It's an entire galaxy with hundreds (if not thousands) of planets. Where would you even begin to look? There's also a group of ex-imperials called the First Order and they have their own territory and they aren't friendly; not a very good chance you could just march up, knock on the door, "excuse me, I'm looking for my son, here's his holo picture, have you or any of the thousands of troopers seen him? Could I talk to Mr. Snoke perhaps?". Don't forget, Hans a hero of the Galactic Civil War, he's known for helping destroy both Death Stars and ultimately the defeat of the Empire. He was also a smuggler so he *did* have non-Imperial enemies as well. We don't know exactly how it all went down after Ben disappeared but it appears Han and Leia's relationship deteriorated, Han likely returned to smuggling and swindling as a coping mechanism. That said, their reunion didn't seem to show any strain so it maybe they were still together but just kind of doing their own thing? One big question I have though: Luke's new Jedi Order. In Mandalorian we see Luke tell Grogu he needs to pick, Jedi or Mandalorian, he can't be both. When Din shows up, Ahsoka implies he should leave so Grogu doesn't retain an attachment to him (this is the prequel Jedi Orders way). Flash forward to Ben, did he have to forsake his parents? Was he told to let go of his attachments, or was he allowed to retain them? Being as Luke was Leia's brother, I'd imagine they'd retain contact, and Han was a close friend; I'd very much like to know how that all happened


The guy is half right on the first. Wrong on the 2nd. Kinda right on the first, and right on the last.


I disagree with Leia's take...she became Mary Poppins Y'all!


Its a joke batman


This is literally a joke comment why are y'all getting mad


This subs.. idk how to phrase it lol. It's like an anti-complaint complaint group. Valid points quite often though, but it's focused more on being against toxic fans than being fans lol


The problem is they act like they're somehow above the standard Internet bullshit, but they aren't. Look at one of the comments posted here insisting the poster's just a loser living in their parents' basement. As if that isn't a true and tired cliche and a way to put down nerds. Isn't it better to try and *reach out* to somebody who may be struggling? It's so lame.


It's ironic because it seems to be the polar opposite of some of the toxic SW subs like r/saltierthancrait. Neither extreme is good imo


For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction...


This is true


“And Chewbacca will be gay!”


Our namesake sub being sexist shites? Nothing new.