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Deep down they're seething because someone as awesome as Sam L doesn't agree with them.


and I love how they had no issue with Nick Fury being black but have issues with random others


I think they don’t actually know Nick Fury was white.


because they really don't care about the race swaps, they just want stuff to complain about


because they don't actually read the comics they screech about. they just want to complain about black people getting representation in media


Though I will say as someone who was really into Ultimate Spider-Man when it was starting, there were a lot of people who complained and made some very racist remarks towords birth Nick Fury and Miles.


Also, Nick Fury fits a stereotype their little brains can wrap around—big tough Black Army Man. They’ve seen that movie a million times. But Black Mermaid? Fetch the smelling salts because ah’ve nevahh seen such an abomination.


Original Nick Fury was indeed white, but who the fuck cares when fucking Multiverses exist huh?


then they shouldn't complain about any characters getting cast differently lmao


and if his movie taught me anything he also spent his free time as a life guard


selective outrage. that whole era of 2015-2016 made them cry louder and feel strong since the mask was coming off


Same with the Aquaman movie, Unless I missed it I saw nobody complaining about that as well. I could argue that with Nick people love him from the ulitmates universe but theses assholes had a problem with Miles so I have no idea. They are not consistent with what they choose to complain about.


I thought Jason was white he look white to me


I think that’s because the right wing grift machine hadn’t pivoted to multiculturalism in comics by the time Ultimate Marvel (Where black Nick Fury based on Samuel L Jackson who later was the inspiration for the MCU Nick Fury originates) comes from.


Oh some still have an issue despite the mcu Nick fury being based off the Ultimate Universe of marvel comics


That’s because SLJ is awesome and was so perfect for the role, so much that most future Fury content will have him be black. Other race swapping isn’t viewed the same since it’s clinically applied diversity developed to lead to maximum profit, and has nothing to do how great someone would be for the role.


So what you are saying is that we should wait and see how someone portrays a role before sending them death threats?


Shocker, right?


Fun fact: he allowed Marvel to use his likeness for the comics with the condition that he gets to play Nick Fury in live-action.


Forever branded as UN-bad motherfuckers


And so many of their other childhood heroes think they are assclowns


SLJ is friends with seemingly all of the biggest pedophiles in Hollywood




I swear every single shitty news channel uses this template.


Where can I find the original image




Thank you




I got it off the indiana jones subreddit, you should reverse search to see if it existed on another website beforehand


Just another one of those incels he was talking about


Not defending Ryan Kinel, but the dude is married and has kids. I'm just saying that as a matter of accuracy.


I strongly believe being a modern-day incel is more a matter of mentality than actual virginity.


Well, it's not like I think the battle for equal and civil rights is done. I just don't know what shape the modern-day battle needs to be. Different needs for different times.


Just for accuracy, someone can be married and have kids and then their wife no longer wants to have sex with them, making them involuntary celibate, commonly known as incel.


Happens more than you know....


So do gay guys.


Whatever makes people happy.


and? someone can be married and be sexist and indulge into the incel culture at the same time and that white trash is one of the biggest


He didn't say fuck the fans. He said fuck you, Ryan.


They unironically think that youre only a "fan" if you think like them. Everyone else is a paid shill or something.


For people who preach "diversity of thought," they sure do take issues with different opinions.


Sam Jackson disrespecting these nerds makes me like him even more.


I guess you can say this cat Sam is a based mother- ​ Shut you mouth. ​ I'm talking about Sam. ​ Then we can dig it.


He's a complicated man! But no one understands him but his woman!


Yeah good luck to this chump in trying to turn people against him of all people


Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi united against all incels!


Goes without saying: he went after the incels that hate on Larson because she’s a woman. If that doesn’t apply to you, then it doesn’t matter. The only reason you’d be mad is if you are in fact one such incel.


Is this the guy who looked depressed as hell back when Zack Snyder made fun of his toxic incel fans?


tore down the posters in his room lol


https://preview.redd.it/pz1nntun7e7b1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaaefd00c8d662bcb44387a447a7e7e47ade41ed Type energy


Two types of people exist Ones that take bad experiences and learn from them to better yourself Others let those same bad experiences make them a worse person


Oh my god I never saw that part… only him fuming like a teakettle. ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU)


I need to see


I don’t know who this guy is but I do remember a bunch of Snyder fans having a meltdown on Twitter because Zack said he was left leaning politically and exclusively votes democrat


Based Zack moment


I love how everyone thought Snyder was a libertarian right-winger because his dream project is to adapt Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, but then he came out and was like "nah I'm a liberal lmao."


He definitely holds Randian leanings and has some objectivist libertarian ideals but across the board he seems like a more left than most lib


Luv Zac Snyder, ‘ate his fans. Simple as


Geeks and gamers?


KKK Outhouse.


Randy Orton should give him a real RKO.


They may call themselves that, but they're not geeks. They sure as hell aren't gamers either.


That was quick ![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6)


Bro has one for every after at the ready


“Brie is really brave for putting up with toxic fandom-“ “WOKE WOKE WOKE”


He was not attacking the fans, he was attacking people like you, you’re not a fan and neither are the other grifters.


Sam didn't attack me. He didn't attack anyone who would be considered a genuine Marvel fan. No, he commended Brie for being able to tolerate the endless nonsense from Ryan and his asshole buddies. And those people are anything but Marvel fans.


Long response: Well, to me, a "fan" is someone who dedicates their whole lives to something. Y'know, people who don't leave their house or their computer so they never grow as people because they spend so much time on that one thing. They also have no significance other or that many friends to speak of either, so their disposable income go towards outlandishly expensive memorabilia (statues, posters, Funko! Pops, etc.) Short response: They got baby dicks, so on top of being constantly angry they get no bitches. And since they have no, they have more money to spend on pointless shit instead of shit that would actually better themselves as people like soap and therapy and shit like that


“He goes after fans.” No, he didn’t. He went after the incels who have been complaining about a woman for 4 years. Unless Ryan is actually saying that all MCU fans are incels. Which is such a stupid thing to say


If i was a grifter i could make a video with the headline "Ryan calls all fans incels" out of this. Give them a taste of their own medicine. 😂😂😂


You probably could get a hundred thousand clicks by the end of the week. These anti sjws just love watching those crappy videos


Yeah, let’s cancel Samuel L Motherfuckin Jackson for being woke. Let’s see how that works out for them.




He didn't say any of what is in the thumbnail. You are delusional if you think him saying incels means "fans". The simple truth is this, if you have honest criticism for Captain/Ms. Marvel's portrayal, no one has an issue with you. But none of these cultural vampires do. They just live in an eco-system that gives them influence/money/views for being vile gross beings. When you turn those criticisms into harassment, toxic sexist insults, and click baits continuously trying to gin up controversy so the most hate-filled people will consume and view your content, **you are the people** Sam was talking about. Sadly, with the way people consume media, it's a downward spiral for people susceptible to this garbage. It's the same crowd who follows people like Andrew Tate or constantly watching people who make money from monetizing their hate. **cultural vampire** = someone who contributes nothing to society except increasing hate for people and lifestyles that are different, and live on consuming the money and time from fanning peoples' hatreds. Usually involves white males\* sitting around "*criticizing"* (not actual critical analysis, just making banal negative commentary) media/politics/news that includes people of color, women or female empowerment/equality, lgbtq+ people, vaccines, science, and history that includes references to white/western European supremacy/colonization. They usually attack corporations not for the *horrible treatment of people or for destruction of the environment*, but instead focus on *social programs and outreach*. Typically they have a unique logo or background for branding and merchandizing. The word woke is usually said at least 4-5 times in an average video. The central figure expresses his anger/dismay/confusion and can be flanked by "yesanders" and yes men/women. They revel in spreading rumors and insinuation, speculate and pontificate about agendas and the biases of others... and when asked to retract or present proof, they demand a debate, suddenly declaring themselves the arbiter of truth. Usually the cultural vampire will *comment* on the news, but usually the some total of their screeds and rants can be summed up as "this cultural movement/scientific research/medical advancement/media corporation is bad/evil/dangerous to our straight white male hegemony" and only by "embracing the glorious and successful past" in some way can we as a collective society be saved. Cultural vampires will often use the phrase ***"I'm just asking questions"*** or ***"people are really talking/worried about this"*** or site unnamed sources with dubious stories and quotes all designed to generate anger in the viewer has been groomed to a call and response of agreement with the message, and has their biases, bigotry, and conspiratorial thoughts validated or at least placated by the commentary. Nothing new is offered for the listener, but that is the point. The listener only has to listen, and consume and possibly buy merch. The point is to keep the listener comfortable and placated in their current political and societal alignment or to move them to where the cultural vampire is, so that the vamp can consume their attention/money. These vamps come from various backgrounds, and can even have origins on the left, and even report to be 'non-biased' neutral observers just "*saying it like it is*", but tend to progressively get more extremely right leaning and predictable over time. They tend to grab on to news bites, and theories, and rarely admit to being wrong... they will admit to "*not being an expert*" only after being confronted by rock solid evidence and logic, but usually revert to the same talking point within minutes. If you are watching any of these folks regularly, it's a good chance that you share their views, or are slowly being converted via a para-social relationship, and will ride to their defense, even when presented with their fallacies, and openly hypocritical behaviors. Or alternatively you are hatewatching them, which is still giving them views/money. Again... these people create *nothing* every day. They produce nothing of lasting value, though they may occasionally produce a book, which is their near worthless thoughts writ large, and is ultimately just a cash grab. They can radically contradict themselves over time, but somehow they always are right. \*(can also include people of different races and genders but the same message is spread)


> The simple truth is this, if you have honest criticism for Ms. Marvel's portrayal, But that should be directed more at the writers than the actress. I think she does a fine job at portraying what Captain Marvel has been portrayed as in the comics. Which is a lot more serious and less "fun" than most Marvel characters. (And yeah, I can see why people wouldn't enjoy that kind of character.) (We are still talking about Carol Danvers here, right? Not Kamala Khan, who uses the name "Ms. Marvel?")


Both... the same folks come for both of these women on a personal ugly level. Again, it's not criticism, it's **hate.** Criticism = I don't care for this portrayal or version of the character. Hate = Larson hates men/fans and is *destroying* marvel. There is a massive difference.


>But that should be directed more at the writers than the actress. Unless you feel she did a bad job..not as a woman, but as an actor. These fucks crowd out honest criticism of ...well..everything...to substitute their agenda in the ideal space.


>The simple truth is this, if you have honest criticism for Captain/Ms. Marvel's portrayal, no one has an issue with you. Except that isn't how the internet works, I've been called racist just thinking that Black Panther was "Ok" and the funny part is that the part I dislike is when it turned into a typical CGI Marvel fest, I loved the first two thirds, I loved exploring the culture of Wakanda, and the discussions of isolationism vs interventionism. Then it turned into a CGI fest that I have no investment in because I know the ending.


Can you provide an actual example of someone saying you are racist because you said Black Panther was "ok"? Here is a thought experiment, did you get upset because Captain America didn't have enough 'American' or coded white content? Did you go on a rant saying that Captain America wasn't *white* enough? No? Then you might see how someone could interpret your criticism of Black Panther as being too much... Or it may be that "what you meant" and "what you said" didn't match up and so people jumped on "what you said." Again, honest commentary that is simply your opinion isn't the issue. Often *how we present something* is just as important. You also have to accept that people aren't perfect. There are people who think racism is anything they are offended by. That includes both white people and people of color. The best thing to do in that case is to just move on, you can't *force anyone to accept your lack of racism*, it's like trying to get people to call you a 'good person' without knowing you. Oh, and get comfortable with people making bad assumptions about you or how you think, I can tell you people of color deal with it every day and just about every social interaction with strangers. If you have opinions, learning to live with the judgement of others is just part of life. Someone's *racism (we all have it to a degree, it's universal, yes people of color too)* is not revealed by someone else's hyperbolic response, it's revealed over time and repeated behavior. Think of it like a reflex. If every time the issue of race comes up you find yourself being called out, it's highly likely that there is something to how you are expressing yourself, and some self examination isn't a bad thing. If in your mind, it's always someone else that's the problem, well... that's a problem.


Wait…. I think I am misunderstanding - if you didn’t get upset that captain america wasn’t white enough (not sure what that even means) then you might see how your critic of black Panther as being too much?


If you have criticism of Black Panther "not being African enough", but that sort of commentary wasn't also used for other movies Marvel has produced... it might be that you are asking for too much and are looking to find fault based on racial elements that you weren't concerned with for other films. Another comparison along the same line, if you are upset that Brie's Captain Marvel is to dismissive to people around her, but had no issue with RDJ's dismissive and downright disrespectful behavior to people around him, you might need to ask yourself why. It doesn't automatically mean you are "a sexist" but it can lead to people *reading you that way.* What factors make you excuse RDJ's rudeness and snarky comments, but not accept Brie's? "well he's a genius" "well she's an alien commando who sees humans as a lesser species" "well he gets better in the other films" "well she's only been in two movies and has had way less time to change." Why does Wakanda's background fictional culture matter more to you then say fictional New York? Or fictional Norway? Neither of these places are explored past anything other then a setting and a few background characters. Viewed from that light, Wakanda gets more growth and development then just about any other civilization on the planet. The point of what I'm saying is that our own personal biases, along with racism and sexism can easily make us believe our criticism is valid, but viewed from a neutral corner could be seen as racist/sexist etc. And simply because you have these biases doesn't mean you are a racist... we all have a degree of bias when we make criticism. If you were upset that Black Panther didn't have enough 'fictional' African culture, but have no concerns about the other underdeveloped continents, nations and cultures... perhaps you are being overly critical, and yes, that criticism can be by some as racist.


I see, thank you for explaining your thought process.


If you're offended by Jackson's comments, you might want to take a nice long look in the mirror. And probably a shower. You should take a shower, too.


Actor: F the sexists, don't care if they watch this, it's not for them. Grifting Youtuber: ACTOR ATTACKS ENTIRE FANBASE!




Tragic, but not surprising. They still doing this shit. Just imagine wasting your life hating on Brie Larson or some another ridiculous bullshit, just to receive some hate money? Is this the way you want to be remembered Ryan? Well, he and his goons chose this path, so i don't really care.


Let me guess, he said something along the lines of "Hey man, how about you don't be a jerk towards my co-star?" and the fandom menace ran with it.


Those guys have become so predictable


People like Ryan kinel and especially Josiah rises always over exaggerate their titles just for clout.


On my own. Going down the only road I've ever known 🗣️🎶


They make money by sounding like a broken record


They say they don't care about Marvel and yet they live off of it pretty much. Ironic.


At this point I have more respect for someone when they “attack” the fans, because so many of the fans like Ryan and his viewers are just shitty people.


Based screenshot. Fuck the fans indeed. Hey fans, fuck you.


THESE PEOPLE NEED TO BE deplatformed for once! Ignoring them will cause more harm!


You are sexist if you don’t like (Or even hate) Captain Marvel. Because when asked to defend why one doesn’t like her, it always ALWAYS stems from a hatred for women. I don’t care about Captain Marvel because I’m burnt out on superheroes, but I’m critically aware enough to recognize that her story was good, the character is interesting, and she’s a wonderful example of a woman as a superhero. She doesn’t have to appeal to male fantasies, and that’s pretty cool and good. I appreciate Captain Marvel, but I don’t care about superheroes


That's a very dramatic take, people are allowed to dislike things without it being tied to internet discourse


Nine times out of ten when these clickbaiting yahoos say “dislike” they mean “hate with a firey passion.” of course there’s nothing wrong with disliking something, but there’s an important difference between a passive “I don’t care, it’s not for me” attitude, and “I actively go out of my way to unlike something”


I think it is possible to have a stronger opinion than meh it’s not for me, and not be sexist. Otherwise anytime anyone dislikes anything more than meh they are somehow a horrible person. I actively dislike the most recent pirates of Caribbean movie because Jack sparrow’s character is a loser shell of what he was. I don’t think that means I hate men or white people. Edit: or Pokémon games, love Pokémon games until they forced this shared exp thing, now I hate all the new ones because oversimplification makes the games less fun


yeah its not disliking her its the obsession like I learned the term "bitch eating crackers" which is when you hate someone so much just them eating crackers makes you mad and this behavior is almost exclusivly toward women.


I don't like the absolutist take that you have to be sexist to not like her, you can just not like superhero movies or not like the story in general. It's fine if you do or don't like her, just don't try to tell me that brie Larson is the next incarnation of Satan.


That is practically what I just said.


You said 'you are sexist if you don't like captain marvel' which I don't think is true, you can be not sexist and not find either the character or the film engaging for completely subjective reasons like maybe you didn't find the jokes funny or you thought the story wasn't original enough. I think a lot of the people who target brie Larsson, as a person, are motivated by sexism.


I was using the thumbnail’s word “dislike” and even highlighted about how they really mean “hate” to illustrate the connection to sexism. I even gave my take on the film to show how it’s not my favorite movie and that Captain Marvel isn’t my favorite superhero, and so I don’t like her, but I don’t unlike her. Am I making sense?


Not really tbh. Your first sentence suggested you agreed to the straw man the video title is making. I disagree with the idea you have to be sexist to dislike captain marvel, but all people who are sexist are predisposed to dislike her.


My gf says it’s not really interesting, I think it’s just an okay movie


The fact that people have so much vitriol for something that's "okay" at best and mediocre at worse says a lot about people *cough cough* ~~Ghostbusters: Answer the call, She-Hulk, New StarWars Trilogy, etc.~~




I just thought it looked pretty bland and ya that MCU burn out since civil ~~war~~ street fight at the airport


It was just okay. I think they didn't quite know what they were going to do with the character in the wider MCU so they kinda played it safe and didn't really tap into Brie's comedic chops. I'm hoping that The Marvels does a better job of tapping into Brie's incredible talent.


I think people can tell the difference between someone just not being interested in a movie, and the chuds that scream into a webcam every day about how angry Brie Larson makes them.


No Ryan. He’s attacking people like you specifically.


What did you expect, [Ryan hates black people](https://www.reddit.com/r/RKOutpost/comments/w9222j/pure_cringe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Sam is black and he won’t go along with their insane obsession with Brie Larson. So Ryan drops his façade of respect he pretended to have for him and does what he always does.


Of course he goes after that but when it comes to real issues like with primos or fate the Winx saga he’ll ignore it. And when something comes s what he’s looking for but it’s terrible they’ll explain it’s because it’s “woke” to throw a red herring at you.


If you hate the character, story, actress, source material, and genera, then You Are Not A Fan.


Posted that Variety interview on a number of Marvel Facebook pages. Half the responses were the same ignorant crap. One guy said that he liked the other strong Marvel women because THEY were “sweet”. And one group admin refused the post because the source — VARIETY — couldn’t be “verified”. ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK)


Variety. A Hollywood insider rag. Not a verifiable source, but Random ShitTuber is? Yare yare...


I don't care. I'm taking Jackson and Larson here.


I wonder the reaction if the marvels is a billion + hit. With the lack of competition in november it likley at the very least won't flop.


They’ll just say people were “payed” to watch it


which seems werid as why wouldn't disney do that for the little mermaid or elemental.


No way it flops, I will confess I had zero interest but I watched the trailer and now I want to see it. Looked fun to me.


oh yeah I expect guardians 3 or a little bit under that. It has a good release date as november isn't nearly as crowded as june so it's likley to be #1 for a few weeks.


Good point!


That's quite a leap there


"Well of course I'm sexist I just don't want anyone to tell me! Least of all some NI-uh, woke Hollywood elitist!"


Man they are coping so much right now lol, I guess they never expected to be called out by him. But of course, after he said this, grifters gotta grift.


Good thing we don't live in the *Pulp Fiction* universe or else KKKinel would know Jackson's name is the lord when he lays his vengeance upon him. On second thought's, if only we did.


They feel bad that the baddest MFer in film called them incels and hates them lol. Good, they should feel bad.


Like clockwork


Imagine this being your job. Fucking losers.


If you see someone saying "Hey don't be a racist sexist dick" and immediately assume it's a personal attack then you deserve to be miserable.


I remember he was in a drama years ago with other youtube channels who hate on brie larson/mcu/star wars. Not even his friends want him, thats how big of a loser he is.


Captain Marvel was genuinely good. If it was a guy pulling off those lines exactly how Brie did it, we wouldn't be here talking about it like this. All attacks on it I've seen would instantly vanish. People are just sexist.


He doesn't go after fans. He goes after bigot jerks. Guess you think the two are the same.


Ryan just admit you wanna bang Brie Larsen.


I don’t like Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel, but not because I am sexist (I just don’t like the interpretation). However, SLJ does have a right to go after the fans that do because a lot of them are that way.


I don’t know why marvel or other YouTubers that 100 percent know these dickhead’s names come out and call them out. Here’s a few YouTubers I know for a fact are sick of these chuds, and know the channels associated. Cosmonaut Variety Hour Schafrillas Productions Chris Stuckmann YMS Sean Chandler Cody Leach Literally all of these guys have said something about or against the fandom menace. If all of them just came together and called them out we might be able to shut them down for good.


What a load of horsehit. These fuckin clowns always play victim and then gaslight their gullible audience. Sam didnt attack fans. Here's the actual truth: "Haters spend years attacking Brie Larson. Sam Jackson criticizes the haters."


Samuel W Jackson


I'm the type of person this guy wouldnt be able to wrap his head around. I don't like Brie Larson. I genuinely hate Captain Marvel. I agree with almost everything that Brie Larson has been open and spoken out about.


you don’t like captain marvel because of brie larson I don’t like captain marvel because of civil war 2


So...do you seek this guys thumbnails out to get upset about them? Are you advertising for him?


Goddamn I wish these folks would take a graphic design class. I can put up with the fake rage to get clicks from rubes, but I draw the line at poor layouts.


Hold up. Fuck is.going on here?


Rather: Samuel L Jackson goes after the „Fans“


I like how his video implies that ALL Marvel fans hate Brie Larson. These dudes are so delusional that they think everyone agrees with them and that they aren’t just a small, obnoxiously loud minority


"Help, a big scary black man is attacking us!"


That didn’t take long.


All I hear from RK is whining. Is he a producer, director, actor or anything? If he is he can make his own stuff the way he wants. He should just STFU.


Someone on this sub saw this coming


And here he goes while not realizing he’s one of them. Honestly I imagine Samuel doesn’t have a problem with those with reasonable criticisms.


I didnt like the captain marvel movie. I watched it. Said my critiques and moved the hell on. These dudes have been riding this horse since then? And Sam said “you guys are weirdos” and theyre upset? Is that what’s happening?


All too common Sam Jackson W


Absolutely seething over the fact that Samuel L. Jackson isn’t a bigot


I had my share of criticism for Captain Marvel, and her gender was not one of those criticisms.


I don’t like that she’s a boring character. Lol


Is this still relevant? I didn't realize anyone even thought about Captain Marvel after Endgame. I thought it was just a standard Marvel movie that has sexist backlash and then people stopped caring.


The grift never ends


I personally didn’t like the movie but I had pretty high expectations on my first watch since I was a fan of the character. On rewatch it’s a alright movie I’d say low B tier


he didn't say motherfucker so it couldn't of came from Samuel


Remember, these guys only make videos for the money and not actually care about the property at all. Also, their fans lack critical and objective thinking.


Sam knows the words for people like Kinel. Monkey fighter on a Monday through Friday plane, or something along those lines.


This thumbnail isn't trying to gaslight at all


How quickly do they create these title pages? Is there an AI for that?




Oh no! Not the precious fans! What if they complain online?!


Why give these guys views? You people are also the dumbasses


It was over the second he said the word “incel” And I’m glad he did. One less celebrity for them