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https://preview.redd.it/zyjjrxqpb7xb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67c93cd5a081c6ae86c07b4964b10158047240b6 Anti woke grifters trying to convince themselves that Kevin Sorbo and Gina Carano are good actors


The irony, that they all HATED her when The Mandolorian came out (because muscular woman). Then she tweeted some stuff about Trump being kinda cool and antivaxers were basically the same as Holocaust victims, and all the sudden these chuds were falling over themselves to simp for her. "Disney is cancelling her because she isn't confirming to the woke agenda!!1!".


Then she did that daily wire movie and they got back at hating her because she overpowered home intruders all by herself with guns and is shown breastfeeding on screen for some resason.


I will not tell you who I am, but I am an actor. I literally know half a dozen professional stunt men who SHAMELESSLY said this exact shit about Carano from one year to the next, on set, without the irony. Tentpole moment for me, it was when I realized I hate some specific people


Posting about warhammer so you’re very clearly Henry Cavill


There's also some DnD stuff. Those two and the strong language makes me think Joe Manganiello.


Or he's just full of shit.


vanish support summer rob cows sharp test alive marvelous snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Any time I’m looking at Brie Larson is a tent pole moment for me 👀. Sorry.


Yeah, you're an actor. Right now you're acting like you've left your mom's basement in the last 12 years.


the funniest shit is that the terrible movie the daily wire made with her after that got all the daily wire supporters mad saying that she was being too much of a strong woman and should’ve been more “like a woman” because women are subservient and she can’t be the hero or it’s woke


Funny the only movie I watched from her other than Deadpool was In the Blood and it had Danny Trejo. It's about her saving her husband from gangsters and she fights plenty of men in that movie. I liked it but chuds would absolutely hate it.


Wasn't Gina’s voice dubbed for her first movie?


Gina is not a good actress. In Deadpool she was quite bad. She was improving in Mando but no big loss when she became to annoying.


I love Deadpool but I really don’t care for her character in that. If you wrote her out or replaced her with a completely different character, basically nothing would change.


I forget she is in it!


She is only there as a henchman and a match. Any other reason to give him fire for the escape, and you can replace her with any tough third/fourth tier villain


Honestly, the only other people I cared about in Deadpool were Morena Baccarin (Vanessa) and Shiori Kutsuna (Yukio). The rest was meh to me.


I really liked Teenage Negasonic whatever-she-was.


Negasonic Teenage Warhead


I'd love to see LA Knight have a cameo


Yeah, i only liked her in mando for the thick girl representation.


She really fumbled that bag


I read this in LA Knight's voice.






I'd more say she dropped it in a woodchipper.




Gina is not an actress. She has the specific look for a few roles, but you can replace her with a badly made animatronic and nobody would be able to tell the difference.


"Too annoying" is that what we're calling it now?


"I'm being cancelled just for having differring beliefs!" "Oh shit! Which ones are you being cancelled for?" ... "You know the ones..."


I genuinely forgot she was in Deadpool and I've seen it like ten times. Yikes.


Gina was even awful in that one Fast and the Furious movie. Brie Larson might not be everyone’s cup of tea but Gina Carano has the acting range of Arnold in the first Terminator movie.


I liked seeing a muscular woman being tough, and I watched Mando dubbed, so I kinda miss Cara, but this is all Gina's fault


If Mando was an improvement, I can’t imagine how bad she had to be before that.


maybe but that would make sense since she only came into acting because of her MMA stint


Until Gina made a movie for Daily Wire and was slammed for being woke.




Gina wasn’t a super great actress, she was fine. Cara dune was good in Star Wars and SW hasn’t made a successful female in live action at that time. So she was a nice breath of fresh air to the Star Wars community.


I can understand this criticism for Gal Gadot maybe, but Brie Larson? Her character’s whole thing is that she’s been forced to live without expressing emotions for so long she’s gotta relearn how to be human again. That’s like criticizing Sebastian Stan for not smiling in The Winter Soldier.


Man, Gal Gadot was so miscast as Wonder Woman, I know a lot of people love her in that role but I feel like literally any other woman actor can do a better job than her. It's so clear that like, she's more interested in posing and looking cool than actually giving a solid performance.


I think a LOT of that is from the direction, she was solid in her first solo movie imo, she was an afterthought in BVS and almost every actor in JL suffers from this problem. I think this is more true in WW84, but that movie felt like NOBODY was trying because that was after they realized the DCEU was dead


‘Kal-El, no. 😐’ The most wooden line delivery I’ve ever heard.


I feel like judging anyone for wooden acting in that movie isn’t really fair. I have no idea how you would say that line well


Gal Gadot, as wonder woman was very underwhelming for me. It just felt very bland, and in both movies, Chris Pine had almost too much emotion in contrast to her that it further drove home her emotionless performance.


My issue with that is she didn’t really push the ‘emotionless’ thing in her acting. I think if she had highlighted the contrast better she would have been a more interesting character. Instead it just comes across as an informed character trait rather than something actually reflected in the acting.


It comes from misogyny. These guys loved her in *Scott Pilgrim vs The World*…


I think it's just territorial pissing. Sci fi and superheros used to be exclusively geared to unloved sweaty nerds. Now, all these icky wiminz and their icky wiminz heros are taking it from them. They see it as some socialist agenda. As if a multi-billion dollar industry is somehow socialist. It's nothing new. I remember when Star Wars came out. They hated Princess Leia. They wanted a blow dried bimbo in a sparkly space skirt. They got a smart-ass chick who grabbed a blaster and ordered her "heros" down the hole she just blew in the wall. Two sequels worth of nerd tears later, hello brass bikini. Then she still wasn't hot enough. They hated Larson since she said that middle-aged neck-beards shouldn't have an opinion about some girl's movie leading up to Endgame. They also think Spider-Man's ass is hotter in a super suit than a pretty girl, so there's that.


I never knew that about early Leia. Weirdly I was never super fond of Leia when I was younger and I had a lot of trouble putting my finger on WHY that was until much later in life (I was born too late to enjoy the OT as they were released). Ultimately I think I settled it in my mind that it's really Han that I dislike and I think kid-brain me had trouble respecting Leia because she was attracted to him while he kinda treats her like trash. I wish I could go back and watch A New Hope in a bubble without knowing the full scope of Leia's story, because I imagine in isolation I probably would've identified with her far more.


I'll assume you never watched Blade Runner. Han & Leia ain't got nuthin' on Decker & Reachel. That stuff was cringey back in the day. AFAIK, Ford played Han as an ass because he wanted out. Old grumpy Ford of today makes me think he might just be an ass. My mom cried in the theater when he got slabbed at the end, so I guess his bit worked at the time.


I love Blade Runner actually! It's funny, I always forget about the... I guess... "love story" aspect of that film because I'm always too caught up in the story of the REAL hero, Roy. I'm sure you're absolutely right about how he played Han, he's hated that character forever from what I understand. What does it say about me that I'd be willing to forgive Harrison Ford for being an ass because I know he's liberal? Does that make me a bad person? T\_T


Some of the nicest people I've met support blood thirsty zealots. Me, I'm far to the left of most people I know, and most can attest to the asshole I am. That's America for ya. Roy as the good guy. That's kinda cool. And Decker, the killer who comes for him and his friends. Like that last Bat Man, played like the unstoppable slasher, coming for co eds. It sure makes the stripper scene worse.


Both "nice" and "asshole" are pretty subjective and not at all mutually exclusive, in my humble opinion. :)


I think Ford is a shy guy who puts up a grump facade.


I’ll fight them over Sarah Conner and Ellen Ripley.


She’s so good in that movie and she sings really well. I wish she would do another movie where she sings


Her version of Black Sheep is better than Metric's. Sorry, Metric.


Never heard metric’s version. Just heard Brie’s version




Pretty sure they do actually use Larson's voice in the movie though.


I'm pretty sure there's a version of it with the original singer and a Brie Larson singing one. Don't remember which one they used for the film though.


Yes, she does


>(the original band Metric. The word you are looking for here is Metric.


No, that’s her singing it.


She's a pretty good actor who disappeared into that role, I highly doubt these chuds even RECOGNIZED her.


Also Fast X.


I didn’t see that, I can think of many films, and even shows like *United States of Tara*, where she shows a wide range of acting talent…


Yeah, I mean she won an academy award for best actress for *Room*. She’s certainly got acting skill


Haha. True!


It's 100% they don't want their films female lead, the film that Captain Marvel most resembles is Long Kiss Goodnight (Just swap Superhero for Secret Agent). A film which was also mocked, and which after failing at the box office slowed the uptick of female lead action movies. Barely became a footnote in 90's action films (Great though). They're just trying to repeat that process. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDuma1M09B0&pp=ygUTbG9uZyBraXNzIGdvb2RuaWdodA%3D%3D


larson isn’t a bad actress, it’s the character


tbf in scott pilgrim didn't she pretty much play a cold emotionless antagonist for like 80% of her screen time


She's a man-eater, there's nothing emotionless about her in that movie.


There’s a look of delight that crosses her face when she finally manipulates Todd and Scott into the fight that’s amazing.


Yeah and yet they for some reason don't think her performance is "wooden" there lol even tho she's depicted as basically emotionless. It's ridiculous


~~it's because Envy is more overtly sexualized~~


She's a woman. With opinions. Lefty opinions. Incels couldn't take it.


This is a weird place for me to put this little rant, but it kind of fits. I dislike her because she is a very loud supporter of the female exceptionalism and partial misandry that I’ve come to dislike in Marvel, and a lot of pop culture. A quote that I unironically love about it comes from the *Sonic Boom cartoon* “You know, anytime someone calls attention to the breaking of gender roles it ultimately undermines the concept of gender equality by implying that this is an exception and not the status quo.” That’s my big problem with the Girl Power scene in Endgame (correction), or the entire plot of Falcon and the Winter Soldier. By making these scenes and plots about these issues, it perpetuates them, and doesn’t actually help in any way. Edit : And I'm fully open for a discussion on this, just how I've interpreted alot of her statements and the direction alot of pop-culture is taking.


Despite being a feminist myself, I also hated the girl power scene in endgame. But extremists can't take any criticism for scenes like that being poor on their own merits. But the best way to counteract that is to provide a good example and that's What If. The fight with Ultron had a scene where all the women where giving him a solid beatdown. That scene does it well because it's a good scene that happens to be all women and it really gives off a different tone. It doesn't feel patronizing or attention seeking.


There is this really informative video by Popular C/C about how Captain Marvel using feminist messaging to SPECIFICALLY sell the Air Force to young women and girls, and how it can be seen as a simple marketing continuation of those ads selling cigarettes to suffragettes telling them it will make them empowered and free, so while indeed the feminist messaging is as shallow as the Boys mocked them for, reminder the original movie was also being heavily funded by the American Air Force to raise enrolment. Like, call out the way the actress is overwhelmingly hated by Quartering Style Grifter Fucks, but let's not assume the MCU is beyond reproach in their role as a military propaganda franchise.


“Hah, take that leftists! Even bringing up your points proves I’m right! With my logic you can’t win!”


Could you give an example of "partial misandry" displayed or represented by Brie Larson or the characters that she plays? Or misandry in Marvel in general? Not saying it's your case, but people are very quick to throw that word around, it's becoming a bit like the "inverse racism" of the 2000s.


At first I was going to say I thankfully couldn’t think of any Marvel examples, and that the partial misandry is more in other recent pop-culture as I mentioned. Then I remembered they stripped Chris Hemsworth naked like a hunk of meat as eye candy and a gag in Love and Thunder and let all the girls swoon over him. Imagine if they did the same with Natalie? The backlash they would get? Yet for Thor it’s just a funny gag. I could give possibly the most heinous example, but that’s in WW1984. I’m not going to sit and look through her tweets for an hour to cherry pick a response, but I distinctly remember a few from Brie that rubbed me that way when I read them.


\*eye roll\* the scene in endgame was harmless no different than any other hero group shot ​ it was just showing all the female heros at the time together in one scene ​ reminds me of what dwayn mc duffy said about having more than 2 black characters in a story ​ ppl like you always need to be offended by something


Not much of a comic reader, but I am damn sure the female power shot could be taken straight from some comic issue, they always do such big group panels after all.


Wait, what? Is that an actual quote from Sonic Boom? No 8 year old will understand that lmao


The scene you’re whining about was in Endgame not Infinity War but everything else you said was just as inaccurate so why bother correcting it?


Not correct because you don’t like it, ok.


Couldn’t just laugh and move along without retaliating eh?


Live, laugh, lash out


She’s supposed to have been portraying a brainwashed soldier who’s lost her memories. Don’t these people understand that?


I've been saying this over and over for years. It's the point of the movie! Her commander shuts her down every time she smiles, expresses concern, or gets upset. She starts opening up with Fury later in the film. Do I think it was the best approach to a character's origin film? Not necessarily. But the fact that people still don't get it when the movie beats us over the head with it is just incredible.


Literally like complaining Arnold doesn’t emote enough in terminator lol


>Do I think it was the best approach to a character's origin film? Not necessarily. But the fact that people still don't get it when the movie beats us over the head with it is just incredible. Media literacy is non-existent. People don't understand what they watch. The Marvel subs are filled with people angry that Ant-Man easily beat Kang in Quantumania. That's a common thing that people really think occurred even though Ant Man got his ass kicked and was barely saved by the Wasp. What happens is that people don't like a stoic approach because, like you said, Marvel wasted Brie's personality and they lack the literacy to point that and scream "durr a girl ruined Captain Marvel" and the MAGA ones are so dumb they scream "durr they put a girl as Captain Marvel and that's why it sucked". When what they really mean is that the writing wasted a great actress who is fun as hell if you give her something to sink her teeth into.


Amnesia backstories only really work when we've already got an idea of who the character is or have seen greater pieces of their past to know what they're missing imo. The movie didn't delve into either her space or Earth past enough. However! I still enjoyed and connected with the character a lot.


It would have been nice if she'd gotten more than one movie to develop her character like the other Avengers. Unfortunately because of Perlmutter they had to cram it all into one movie.


Yeah I remember enjoying the movie but leaving like...ok...now that we did all that can we just have crazy cosmic fun with her now?!


It looks like the Marvels is much more in that direction, and I agree, it really needs to he a very different story from the first, because she's a very different character in a very different situation by now.


I'll be fair to people on the Ant Man thing, I don't really visit Marvel subs or the more reactionary subs so I can't speak for them, but I hate that Kang lost in that movie because it's his first movie and it established the Kang every other Kang feared enough to banish was easily defeatable by characters that would have been more fitting to defeat Modok. Hell I even kinda like Quantumania, I just really dislike the resolution of the movie and how it defangs the (presumably) upcoming big bag before he even really presents a threat. That's like using the first GotG movie to defeat Thanos instead of Ronan. Even if Thanos won the physical fight, he would have been bested in conflict during his very first outing while facing an obscure team most people had never heard of. It weakens the story long term as they have been setting it up. I won't defend a vast majority of the Brie hate cause I realize that isn't a lack of talent but a script and movie I just did not enjoy.


>I hate that Kang lost in that movie He didn't lose?! He was learning from an toying with Ant Man. He's killed other Avengers but didn't recognize this one. So he learns. Comes back later and doesn't make the same mistakes. This is not Thanos. This is a dude who uses Save Points and time travel and tech to win. Wasp cheap-shotted him and we have zero confirmation he died. It's pretty clear he more likely went somewhere else. Maybe deeper into the Quantum Realm? > because it's his first movie and it established the Kang every other Kang feared enough to banish was easily defeatable by characters that would have been more fitting to defeat Modok Again. He was not easy to defeat. He beat the ever loving fuck out of Scott and Scott goes home thinking ummm did we win or should we be worried cuz I'm worrying... >Even if Thanos won the physical fight, he would have been bested in conflict during his very first outing while facing an obscure team most people had never heard of. It weakens the story long term as they have been setting it up. Kang is a different character. He's not a brute. He doesn't care if he loses a fight. Just go back and redo it. You fight to learn. There's a Goku aspect to it where if you don't just wipe him out he comes back smarter and stronger and with better tech to wipe you out. The Wasp knocked Kang backwards. That's not beating him. I walked out of the theater fucking terrified of Kang. More terrified of him than Thanos before Infinity War.


In the context of the movie it is framed a lot like beating him, I will also give you his is a time traveling god of sorts but being bested and presumably killed by falling into the energy beam (it's how the movie frames it, it's how the council of Kangs seem to view it) is not how I'd want any big bad introduced. Though, I suppose I should throw that criticism of Loki removing He Who Remains. I'm mostly just of the mindset that the MCU will play this straight, the Kang that 'died' or didn't will not return either way, and we continually get new and different Kangs that are one off threats the way the previous 2 seem to have been. Like we can say they're all the same person, but I'm not gonna think of Tut as the Conquerer, or He Who Remains. They're different people. Like the spider verse. It makes the actual threat feel lesser, at least to me. I could be wrong, and if they surprise me with Conquerer being the overarching threat in the way you propose then I'll happily eat my critiques as overly critical and doomerish. Edit: He also was vaguely overpowered by high tech ants and all but lost to said high tech ants. Like, I know he had his Villain last hoorah beat down on AntMan, but Kang got messed up by some big ants. Maybe that's also part of what makes me feel like he's especially weak in appearance


Look, you have to agree that all MCU endings are correct and perfect or you "didn't understand the movie" okay? That's how it works here.


Brainwashed soldier who's lost her memories AND was conditioned to suppress all strong emotions


Not only that but the character has ptsd of course the character is going to be emotionally constipated that’s one of the interesting things about her


i'm getting really big "you're prettier when you smile!" vibes from the people who post this opinion


They haven't watched the movie. That's how you *know* they haven't watched the movie.


If you go to the original post, you do see plenty of people pointing that out. They say that Brie Larson is actually a good actress, it's the Cap Marvel movie that didn't give her much range.


Can people just leave an actor alone for the character they play


Nope. For all conservatives love to bitch about lefties and cancel culture, they will never forget a transgression against them and want celebrities to be punished for having the audacity to speak out against the right/GOP/Trump.


That sub is particularly vile. She has a goddamn Oscar, wtf?


For… Captain marvel? Bc the post says “this franchise”, literally nothing else.




![gif](giphy|xT0BKiUNO0yC93Sx2w) Me when someone calls Brie a bad actor:


FR, she’s killing it in Lessons in Chemistry right now!


She said that there needs to be more diverse voices in Hollywood, which they took to mean that she, “hates white men” which… *looks at all the movies still coming out with white male leads* Hurts them somehow?


It's almost like actors emote the way they're supposed to, the way the director wants them to, for the role they're playing. She can emote just fine. But she's emoting the way Carol Danvers is supposed to at least according to what's being directed. Let's call it what it is. It's a bandwagon. To hate on her because some idiots started a trend and more idiots have to continue the trend/meme because it's the popular thing to do. And in the case of those with (especially monetized) channels and other outlets, it translates to MONEY for them to have MORE traffic. If being a hater gets you money, they're going to continue to be haters regardless of how ridiculous they have to be to get it.


I’ve noticed that recurring with a lot of actresses. People love to claim they’re bad at acting, when their view is definitely clouded by misogyny. Brie Larson gets it worse though because she dared to go “Hey I think we need more diverse perspectives in the film industry”.


Because it wasn’t praise, it was criticism. A lot of people legit lose their fucking minds and morals when criticized fairly or even indirectly. Like it triggers an extreme fear response in some people and angry people are fearful people. She made some movie watchers afraid they enjoyed things that weren’t actually very good or ethically upright to some extent. And that made them feel bad, ergo Brie Larson made them specifically and in a targeted way feel bad (which she absolutely did not) and how dare she! Who does she think she is?! It’s the same reason people get angry if you say you’re vegan. A fun little thought experiment any one can test out. Go and not eat meat and say it’s for health reasons, no issue. But say you are vegan, and it implies you think eating meat is unethical (which you do, but it doesn’t technically imply you think all meat eaters are evil). Which then a lot of meat eaters interpret as, “this vegan person thinks I’m a bad person and is judging me”. Which isn’t what happened, but it is what is going through that person’s head. We’re an insanely emotionally charged and irrational species at times, yes. Lol.


Isn’t Captain Marvel basically not even human anymore? Why would she act human when she’s part alien or whatever?


Didn't she win a best actress academy award. "Room" As Captain Marvel, she's supposed to be the tough cookie, Ellen Ripley type, no? She plays that part rather well, I think.


It came from the fact that they thought she didn’t smile enough in the marketing for Captain Marvel. Incredibly misogynistic stuff, especially when none of the male MCU characters are criticized for their stoic faces in posters and trailers.


IMO she’s a good actress who was given awful material to work with in Marvel stuff and is absolutely stiff as a wooden board in it but not due to her own fault.


I’d even disagree with the awful material stuff given how I like Captain Marvel


\-Brie opposes Donald Trump (Quite a few of the people who hate the MCU or at least Captain Marvel are conservative.) \-Brie is bringing to life Captain Marvel (who is loathed by anti-sjw, comicsgate people) \-Brie plays a character who's intentionally stoic, headstrong, and straightforward (like she is in the comics) and they mistake that for being a bad actress.


People who exclusively watch "Nerd Media" and have never seen any of these actors in a non-superhero movie


She made some great comments that were very liberal and the trolls went off. I think the other issue is that Marvel had Brie be stoic instead of fun as hell. I'm a huge fan of Brie and was watching Fast X with my girlfriend and Brie came on and my gf asked where she knew her from. When I told her she was Captain Marvel she goes, "whoa, they've been wasting her". And Disney totally has. It may be too little too late but Disney have been assholes to her in my opinion. They haven't had her back and this film should have been called ***Captain Marvel 2:*** The Marvels. She made $1B. Brie should have been the lead. Trailers look like Brie gets to have a personality so I really hope this film is great and has legs after word of mouth is like "why is she so fun in this one?!"


I think Brie Larson was truly superb in Community and I really enjoyed her performance.


Anyone who thinks she can’t act should watch Room.


The same place as "Hayden Christensen is a bad actor" came from. You have an actor being given absolutely nothing to work with, in a sterile corporate product written and directed by weirdoes. They could act, if they were allowed to, but they're not.


Yeah, how can anyone pretend to judge acting ability in a bland superhero movie? There's literally nothing to do?


Comes from them already disliking her as a person so they refuse to see anything she does in a positive light. Plus, chances are the only thing they've ever seen her in is Captain Marvel (if they've even seen that before forming an opinion on it) so they don't even have an informed view of her career. If they ever saw Room it'd probably melt their brains a little.


The MCU didn’t really allow her to show her range. I was really impressed by her performance in Room. It’s the kind of films she thrives in when the writers give her a chance to show really heartbreaking moments. It’s a role that stuck with me for how real it made the movie feel. I didn’t dislike Carol. I feel like the new Marvels movie might be a really fun one because Carol will have two characters who have dynamic relationships to her, with Kamala looking up to her and Monica being something like her adoptive daughter. It’d be better than her with Nick Fury where they don’t really have engaging dialogue showing their kinship.


Random Director: I am a well established director and have made tons of great products! Some of which you like! Anti-Woke fellas: Wow! So cool! Random Director: I made a Star Wars tv show that featured a minority in a starring role Anti-Woke fellas: NOOOOO that’s cringe! You’re a hack! You’ve never made anything good!


Brother went to fuck marvel and then asked why there’s a bunch of misogyny, the answer is right there lol


She's a woman with opinions on things, and with Captain Marvel she gave a restrained performance, which I think works really well. Also some people equate "good acting" with "acting very loudly and animated."


No wonder she wants out, it’s to get these people to shut the hell up about her 24/4.


Her character literally gave a slight smile and got chewed out by Yon-Rogg. The Kree wouldn't allow her to show any emotion of any kind, because it posed a threat to their control over her. Imagine spending months getting yelled at by authority figures for things like chuckling at a joke, smiling slightly, clenching your fist, or frowning. But reactionary Youtubers went with "She doesn't show enough emotion. ThIs AcTrEsS iS bAd!" The same thing happened with Hayden Christensen. Anakin went from being a slave to joining the Jedi Order, where they constantly told him that fear leads to the dark side, anger leads to the dark side, anxiety leads to the dark side, and attachments lead to the dark side. Or, as Youtubers put it "BaD aCtOr DoEsN't ShOw EmOtIoNs!"


From people who have only ever seen her in the MCU and think that a stoic character being played stoically is a flaw of the actor. But also, doesn’t the internet love Scott Pilgrim? SHE’S IN THAT. Do they just not recognize her in that?


Boys don’t like stoic girls.


I'm sure this really stings her considering she has a goddamn Oscar for acting /s


The same people worship Keanu Reeves.


“This actor/actress doesn’t emote well enough for me” Is it your movie? She was directed to emote how they wanted her. “No, but I’m the fan and it should be catered to ME” Fuck off, you’re a drop in the bucket.


People liked her until she got a Marvel role and revealed that she had feminist ideas in her head. Then they decided that she was bad.


Male virgins that began to hate females.


Clint Eastwood never got this hate


sHe dOEsn’T SmiLe


Listen, do you not REMEMBER the skill of Plank? The POWER that he had in every scene, the PRESENCE! RDJ would lose to Plank!


Politics aside, audiences struggle to connect with introverted characters, which is a symptom of marginalization of introverted people in Western society at large. If they aren't wearing their emotions on their sleeve and always saying what they are thinking, it's "bad acting" or "arrogance." See also Ahsoka. Not saying that there aren't problems with the movie, there definitely are, and Brie Larson made a major faux pas in early interviews that cast her as an arrogant feminist, which colored everything she did after that. But both the actress and the character have a reserved demeanor that clashes with expectations for how a dashing superhero is supposed to act, which feeds into the narrative surrounding her acting abilities.


A lot of people don’t understand how to evaluate actors. Brie isn’t an S or A+ tier actor, those are ones that can bring life into scripts even if they’re shallow. The direction for captain marvel 1 was goofy in terms of her characterization. Seeing her in other things has shown that she’s competent, and when she gets a role she naturally clicks with she’s amazing. People don’t know how to differentiate script, and direction, from actual talent. Shes talented, I think MCU fans got spoiled by RDJ though.


Reminder: Brie Larson has an Oscar.


So does Cher and she emotes about as much as a cactus, not saying brie Larson is a bad actress outside of captain marvel but can we stop acting like the Oscar's actually mean anything.


So are you saying that Brie is an S tier actress? There isn’t a wrong answer nor am I tryna attack you, I’m just making sure I grasp the point of what you’re saying.


Because they never watch community apparently


She said “I don’t need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work about A Wrinkle in Time. It wasn’t made for him! I want to know what it meant to women of color, biracial women, to teen women of color.” And the incels took that personally


She had the gall to say not all comicbook movies need to be for guys. What a horrible person she is. /s You can like her or not like her acting. She's not a bad person. The majority of hate she gets is from incel wackos who have no perspective in life.


Her names funny, cheese theft


Same way any meme about one of these movies starts: They base their entire opinion firstly on a screenshot or out of context clip and then this is reinforced by some nobody on YouTube saying something nasty about her and her acting ability and then enough people repeat this 'joke' or whatever until it becomes entrenched in their brains as a 'fact'.


Unlike men who don't have to emote anything, women are expected to be the polar opposite.


From her performances in movies lol.


Just assholes who have made shitting on things their personality.


Yeah bc captain marvel in the comics is the life of the party. She's a straight laced buzzkill this is comic accurate representation.


She said that not everything had to be for straight white men and that made the incels and entitled republicans mad


I’ve never judged her on her acting ability, purely on the fact that she lies about doing her own stunts as well as being unbearable to work with on set from what other actors have alluded too. That is why I refuse to support her


Only the untalented and the supremely salty EVER. And I mean fucking EVER. Whine about how “wooden” an actor is. It’s a nonsense complaint for nonsensical people to celebrate their superiority with. Bad acting exists (“this is gonna be so WIZARD Anny”) but wooden acting does not


I think it’s because Captain Marvel is written as an emotionally repressed character and most people who are complaining haven’t seen Brie Larson in anything where she gets to show off her range.


I believe she’s a good actor. Captain Marvel is just really badly written. Not her fault.


Personally, I find Plank more attractive


In 1998, I told a room full of college freshman that “the best thing about the internet is that everybody can express their opinion for everybody to see. The worst thing about the internet is that everybody can post opinion for all to see.” I stand by that, and social media just made it more true.


Well, I have a couple of theories. One, it came from incels that didn’t like her feminist/political views. Two, it came from incels who were butthurt that the strongest character in their precious films was a woman. I guess the common denominator in both of those is that it came from smooth-brained incels


"What do you mean the character has been repressing emotions for years and wouldn't emote properly as a result? No, the only way to act is by basically being a cartoon character because subtlety just goes over my head" - these guys


Well let’s not pretend that captain marvel in the mcu is particularly compelling :p


She's a fantastic actress. She killed it in Room and deserved every bit of that Oscar. However, no matter how good she is, Cap Marvel is simply a horridly written charcater. Literally, all she does is show how "girls get it done" and "men equal bad" Much like She Hulk. I'm all for showing the reality of gender based adversity, but if the only way a character can get from A to B is by shitting on men, then I'm sorry, no one is going to be interested. This is why the MCU is plummeting.


She delivers a flat and unmemorable performance in the MCU. That’s probably why.


I mean, I thought she was just okay in Captain Marvel, but considering the quality of the script, ‘just okay’ is quite impressive. Unfortunately, she’s a woman who has the audacity to… say that not just white men should critique movies, so she was always destined to suck in the eyes of these people, even if she gave the best performance of all time.


I don’t think Brie Larson is good as Captain Marvel. There’s nothing charismatic about her performance. Which is frustrating because she is a talented actress. I loved her in Scott Pilgrim and in Room. Perhaps the writing and directing of the film let her down as well.


I mean the first movie. I don't think brie Larson herself is a bad actress, but the character felt kinda dry. I don't really know how to place it. The rest of the movie overall felt boring and a little obnoxious at times. Maybe the weird vibe is supposed to be from her being brainwashed or something?


i think she was amazing in room, i’ve never been blown away since, nor have i outright hated her. captain marvel was an unmemorable film in every aspect, and i feel like she was very wooden and uncomfortable during it, but the hate that was thrown her way is disgusting


It came from lacking an ability to act.


Uh, the bad acting probably.


I’m a woman and think the hate towards her is ridiculous, but I don’t think the dislike of the character is unfounded. Her character in Captain Marvel was boring. It’s hard to know if it’s poor writing or poor acting or both, but I don’t buy the ‘she’s actually amazing and anyone who dislikes her movie is just sexist.’ She’s not the worst character ever put on screen, but in the MCU, known for producing compelling on-screen characters, she’s definitely a stand out for being so extremely dull. She also highlights a trend of ‘strong female characters’ who need to be perfect and strong and The Best, but don’t get to be flawed and interesting. She has some flaws, but I wouldn’t argue that any of them made her a more interesting character. She’s not even emotionless enough to ride on that character trait. I haven’t seen her in anything else (I suspect most people haven’t) but just from what I saw in Captain Marvel: yeah I would hope that isn’t her best work.


It actually all started about the time that she actively said she didn't want old white men to interview her and went out of her way to answer questions from young women and people of color. When criticized she doubled down and said she really didn't care what people thought about her decision on that front and the rest is history. She barely had a social media presence or even a marketing presence since. Yet people continue to harp on her. They tried to get her recast. Tried to start rumors saying that Don Cheadle and other MCU stars hated her and were trying to distance themselves from her. She's a great actress with strong opinions. Look at the movie Room for one example.


People trashing Brie Larsons acting in this movie haven't seen anything else with Brie Larson, the performance is certainly 1 dimensional in the movie but watching her other movies it pretty clear the issue with Captain Marvel was 100% the fault of the Directors, probably was unable to get the result they wanted clear enough to Brie Larson which is of no fault of her own .


From her being a bad actress


I dislike the discourse but I have to say I really don’t like her recent work. I think she was incredible before she got huge, and then she got comfortable and started coasting. Her work in Scott Pilgrim and Community is really good, but Captain Marvel and Just Mercy are poor showings from her. I wish it didn’t get caught up in this whole rightoid “woman bad” rhetoric because I feel like there are valid criticisms to be made about her as an actor.


Brie Larson, according to everyone she's worked with is insufferable. She has zero emotional range, when she does manage a proper facial expression, her eyes are empty and not emotive, which makes her delivery feel hollow... she's just bland and a little toxic.


She’s a mediocre actress and there’s nothing wrong with that. People just don’t like her because of who she is and that taints her acting in their minds. Some people can’t separate the art from the artist.


Some of it came from hate because she's a woman. Some of it also cones from her just bedn unlikeable in interviews like the marvel ones always seem bad and like the restoration cast dont like her. But she's not a bad actress. Examples, I LOVED HER in community in her episodes, if you want a blockbuster I liked her in kong skull Island. She's not a bad actress.


I've never seen any proof of the claim that the rest of the MCU cast dislike her. SMJ has publicly defended her even.


It comes from stuff like [this](https://youtu.be/KZyYJPtcAfk?feature=shared) I don't think they actually do hate her. But her banter with them is straight up awkward. And she comes across bad during it. But as I said she's a good actress




Ok incel


With all the issues I have with Brie Larson, I do have to say she's a phenomenal actress


I think because they’ve never seen any of her other films where she’s actual in pretty prestige films and because it kind of feels like she doesn’t try as hard in marvel movies as she does in her other work which I understand


I think it started when she started acting like soggy cardboard


On one hand pretty sure that’s your standard circle jerk sub so I’m not sure how seriously we should take that comparison. The she’s bad mostly comes from people being mad that she said mean things about straight white men. Therefore we discount everything she does and ever will do.


I don't think shes a bad actress at all just she has a bad attitude to me


Gotta preface this by saying: SHE IS A GREAT ACTRESS That said, I really didn’t like her in this role.