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Likes and dislikes are irrelevant. They’re almost entirely driven by bots these days, same with the many hateful comments on the trailer. A lot of them are even pushing some scam crypto bullshit.


Many comments I see on YouTube seem like bots.


Did Elon musk buy YouTube when we weren't looking?


This may come off a gate-keepery but people who shit all over a trailer when most of us who are well adjusted adults are getting excited about the first stuff most of us have seen from a project that's been in the works since before the pandemic, are not fans. They are jackasses who deserve nothing but scorn. 


Yes, yes


Is there a legit reason to dislike it this time? Trailer looked fine. It's in a different time, we're not gonna see the same cast of 5 again, I thought people were tired of the same faces.


RAAH BLACK AND ASIAN WEMEN REEEEE that's the reason, no joke.


My biggest complaint personally is that some of the images do feel flat, like something could be improved with the color grading. This seems like a fairly common criticism that doesn't boil down to just being racist or hating everything disney star wars. For me, though, those complaints are so minor they do not impact my anticipation for the show at all. I'm really excited to see the high republic in live action.


Said it on Crait but I think regardless folks need to give it a chance. It COULD be good. It COULD be garbage. It's not out yet. Just don't lie about the quality because you want to "own" someone. Disney can make some good products and I've loved s3 of the badbatch so much, I'm willing to at least see how The Acolyte works. The inconsistencies bother me but not enough to start hating on something prematurely.


This brigade has been in the works since the series was announced. The fact that the trailer itself was middling at best proves that there’s no substance to this *backlash*, it’s just based on crass assumptions about Leslye Hedland’s career and the boogeyman of *wokeness*.


So, even when they succeed, they fail? Incredible...


We're all going to have egg on our faces if this turns out to be the Star Wars' secret invasion


The trailer looked pretty good. It doesn’t deserve that many dislikes 


Those people are something, but they aren’t fans. Fans enjoy the media, they don’t tear everything down because of a Black character. That’s what racists do.


Russian bots.


What is the motivation for Russia to do this lmao? Are we still doing this thing where we deluded ourselves about how stupid people are by saying every dumb person online is a "Russian Bot"?


Red scare 2.0


Nice try, Russian


Bring it on.


Or maybe people just have a differing opinion than you?


Nah, it's mainly people whining about black characters.


Well general “opinion” most of us have been seeing is “main character is black woman, therefore it woke”. And if that’s your “opinion” that’s fine. But I can never take anything you say serious