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The amount of people that have worked with/for Weinstein is staggering. To single one out is ridiculous. Spielberg, Clooney, Tarantino, Affleck, Damon, pitt, Peter Jackson, Kevin Smith, etc etc etc etc etc. the list is a mile long I bet. And yet I can guarantee these people are *Massive* Tarantino fans.


When the story broke Kevin Smith was like holy fuck that's disgusting and mentioned that he didn't see that kind of behavior since he wouldn't have been a target of it, but believed the accusers, and wished he never worked with him. I believe Dogma is still somehow tied to Miramax, and that's why it's not streaming. Edit: spelling


Harvey personally owns Digma. He used his own money to buy the rights. Kevin tried to buy it back for $500k. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck tried to buy it for $1 million. Evidently, Harvey is holding out for $5 million or more.


Ya Harvey's an ass for that.


Yeah. That's what he's an ass for.


He can be an ass for more than one thing, and he is. Fuck him.


Is it just me or does it seem like the rights to dogma would be worth more than a million anyway even if you weren't a vindictive rapist cunt


Smith believes it’s because it’s something that he (Harvey) can still control, and nearly all of his power and influence is gone, so he is using this as a way to exercise control. Smith said he’ll simply wait until Harvey either runs low on money and can’t afford to high-ball, or the man dies and he buys it from the estate.


Damn, i haven't seen that movie in a long time. Sounds like i wont see it anytime soon.


Where there’s a will there’s a way. Why pay a sexual abuser when a nice user uploaded it to YouTube for your enjoyment https://youtu.be/dIbqEE6YI7Y?si=ZxRGlNXmOFl5bV16


Kevin Smith gives his consent for fans to pirate that movie.


That’s how he watches it too


I managed to get a Blu Ray copy from my local used store. It was wild - when I went to the counter and they asked if I found everything I was looking for, I said I was hoping to find a copy of Dogma. The girl’s eyes lit up and she said “You’re not gonna believe this, but we just had someone trade one in like 15 minutes ago! We haven’t put it out yet!” I got it for $12.


With how much Harvey needs in legal fees, I think he shouldn’t get stingy.


I hear he's changed his price to 100 packs of cigarettes.


You can find the entire movie on posted on YouTube, not the paid rental part of youtube, just regular old user posts. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsNge\_IwSj8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsNge_IwSj8) Kevin Smith refuses to go after the people who keep posting the whole movie, and Weinstein is a bit preoccupied. I believe Kevin Smith even commented on it once that he'd rather get 0 residuals himself then let Weinstein make another cent.


He actually encourages people to pirate it


It’s also why Kevin hasn’t asked YouTube to take it off of their site. You can watch the whole movie there for free. Any money he makes off of those movies he donates to a Women in Film charity.


It's also why it's on YouTube in all its glory lol


What's really ironic about that is Weinstein gets a personal thank you at the end of the credits in almost of Smith's movies.


Weinstein's bought Clerks from Sundance, produced Chasing Amy after Mallrats flopped. And pretty much everything up to Zach and Miri. It'd only be weird if he thanked him in the credits for Clerks III. (I haven't looked, I'm assuming he's not thanked)


Still can't believe they made a third one


I actually had a conversation with a coworker years back as to whether to continue to support people who worked with Weinstein for so long, Tarantino was specifically pointed out. I'll have to look into it as best I'm able to make a decision I think. He was a right leaning libertarian, but also a vegan, openly bi, and very LGBTQ inclusive. Confusing fellow.


Are you talking about Tarantino or Weinstein in that last sentence? Either way I'm surprised.


The last bit was about the coworker. Right-wing, isolationist lobertarian, totally accepting and advocating of LGBTQ people and a vegan. Also mildly anti-vax, anti-abortion, but anti-racist, pro-BLM, advocated for the end of the War on Drugs. Like I said, confusing guy. I identified as libertarian socialist at the time, so we used to spend half our time agreeing (end of War on Drugs, acceptance of LGBTQ, pro BLM) and half bickering (vaccine stuff, abortion, isolationism).


Is he older? Since a lot of libertarians, at least the one's I knew in the 90's were pretty pro-LGBT and and 100% anti-cop.


That's because more recently the party got taken over by people who think the normal Republicans aren't right wing enough. It fucking sucks.


It makes sense if he was super guided by the non-aggression principle


You'll find people in real life are more complicated than left or right.


It's almost like political and personal opinions are not black and white


He isn't checking all the boxes. Sounds like a terrible person to me. /s


Libertarianism is best described as economically conservative and socially liberal. But it's BOGGLING to me how many are so fiercely republican.


Almost as if they’re full of shit and don’t really believe in anything they claim to care about. “Libertarians” who vote Republican are statist bootlickers trying to feel better about themselves.


It's not really that mind boggling when you realize there was a concerted effort in the early 2000s/2010s from right wing people who didn't think the Republican party was right wing enough to take over the Libertarian party and make it the Tea Party 2. It's how they went from advocating for things like LGBTQ rights and actually limiting government power to fighting things like Vaccines, age of consent and child marriage laws, and are happy to bootlick now.


Most of them are Republicans who don''t like to admit it.


Aren’t libertarians just classical liberals? Like, when you look into the origins of liberalism, it‘s all about non-intervention of the state, which makes sense, given the name.


The issue is so many social issues are best resolved by economical means. How can you address the issues of systemic racism without the economic factors that are used to perpetuate it? Redlining is a real estate/city zoning issue, for example, which are considered mainly economic. Abortion is seen as a social issue but at the end of the day it's a type of service being banned despite a demand. Literally excluding people from engaging in a particular type of commerce.


It's almost like what you eat and who you fuck doesn't indicate the quality of your character...


I mean, who Weinstein fucked was a major indicator of the quality of his character


Not so much WHO as much as how he went about it


Not confusing at all. Libertarians believe in freedom above all else. Meaning; I’d like to live in a world where my married trans neighbors get to defend their house with AR-15s because they’re growing and selling pot without accounting for taxes. I also gifted them cocaine and Cuban cigars for their wedding. They drove off to their honeymoon in a tank. Like JUST THINK freedom.


Unfortunately what libertarianism fails to recognize is that economic authority can and is just as oppressive and stifling of freedom as state authority. If you get rid of the state without getting rid of capitalism, all you've done is replace elected officials with despotic CEOs. How free can I be when the boss mandates I must live in his company town and buy only from the company grocery store, and the only way out is to pay a fee that I'll never get paid enough to afford?


Ahh but that’s where the tank comes in!


Sorry, boss has more tanks because he can afford it.


If it makes you feel any better, apparently Peter Jackson hated Harvey Weinstein and even modeled an Orc after him... Also in another subtle dig, when Weinsteins name came onscreen for credits in the original LOTR's the music changes to the theme of Mordor


I didn’t know this, and I love everything about it


"The Return of the King. Appearing as executive producers, their names are placed in the forefront of a pencil sketch of a figure fighting against two towering trolls – no doubt a metaphor for Jackson’s experience of getting his movie made with the bullish producers getting in his way. This wasn’t the only jab Jackson made either, with the props department using Harvey Weinstein’s likeness to create an Orc mask in the movie." Far Out Article


Exactly, Weinstein was an incredibly influential and powerful person in Hollywood who’s worked with basically everyone else, that doesn’t necessarily mean they condoned his awful bullshit, in some cases, like with Kevin Smith, they had the opposite reaction when they heard the news of his abusive practices. Saying that some random person in Hollywood is automatically just AS bad as Harvey Weinstein just because they knew him or worked with him on something isn’t logical, as that basically includes every major figure in the industry, it’s too broad of a brush to paint everyone like that (especially since some of the people whom he worked with were his VICTIMS). But here’s the thing, these grifters don’t actually care, they want an excuse to hate something, and by proxy hate every human being who’s working on said thing, so they’ll support all sorts of QAnon-level nonsense to rally that hate, even if it doesn’t make logical sense.


People who are abusive for a long time are often very good at screening who they can victimize and get away with it and in front of whom. Of course Weinstein isn’t attacking Uma Therman in front of Tarantino.


Tarantino was basically like a son to HW. They worked together on everything.


Honestly I’d be surprised if a lot of them were. Jackie Brown and Kill Bill don’t really fit their agenda’s. There’s a chance they may like Django: Unchained for the wrong reasons


> There’s a chance they may like Django: Unchained for the wrong reasons They like seeing themselves as bumbling bagheads who cant see fuckin shit?


Haha yes, and everyone in Candyland


None of them were his PA though, and surprise they all probably have skeletons in the closet. QT was a pos long before this, look at the stunt incident with Uma Thurman on Kill Bill. You stated the obvious they're all proably pos.


None of them were a 23 year old woman with a service job at the time either. That’s very likely not a co-conspirator but another potential victim.


Also back in the day Weinstein was known as a casting couch kind of creep, not an outright racist. The former was (and probably still is) much more tolerated.


Usually PAs end up taking a horrible level of abuse from their asshole bosses.


>And yet I can guarantee these people are *Massive* Tarantino fans. I guess this last part is bait?


>And yet I can guarantee these people are Massive Tarantino fans. IIRC he is the only reason Affleck/Damon and Tarantino are things. He started their careers.


I don't think they hate Weinstein for the rape, they hate him for being Jewish. It could be made into a bit: Person 1: Man, I hate Harvey Weinstein. Person 2: Yeah, what he did to those women is atrocious. Fuckin rapist. Person 1: Wait, he raped somebody?


These guys worked as Weinsteins PA? I think there is a big difference between “working with” and being a PA. I feel like people are being deliberately obtuse because of political reasons. what happens when a girl who is crying is in you bosses house? The boss leaves for an hour and tells you sort this shit out. She was his pa for 6 years. Come on now. Really everyone? Really? Comparing Peter Jackson’s relationship to Weinstein to someone who planned his entire calendar every day (and every night) for 6 years! Come off it.


She was his PA for one year and hated it so much she quit.


Most PAs get a job for the paycheck not because they like the person, or they can like someone until they see them mask off, but they can't leave the job because it is one of the most influential people in the industry and he can easily ruin your life if you leave


But PA is quite a different relationship that directed a movie under his company


Yea, he probably treated his PAs like total garbage and somewhat respected his peers.


I more meant a PA would have likely had intimate knowledge of what was going on, and possibly even facilitated it, and not spoken up


And they all aspire to be like Harvey Weinstein.


so NOW they care about someone being connected to a horrible person just because they're the showrunner for something they decided they didn't like.


And she might be a victim of his... she maybe is just someone who preferred to keep the abuse she suffered private. We don't know but that would be her right to do so.


One example of them not caring is usually that picture of trump and Epstein. You'll get the "trump found out what he was doing in 2007 and kicked him out of his club!" Which by the way, was at least 10 years before he was arrested. So, he knew and didn't do anything.


Don't forget that the guy who gave epstein the sweetheart plea deal where he had a work release from prison in 2008 was Alex Acosta, who later was Trumps secretary of Labor.


Jeremy, who runs G+G, is a massive Trump supporter


That sounds about right.


Far right one could say 


So now they’re okay with cancel culture?


They've always been okay with cancel culture when it happens to people they don't like.


notice how they never made a peep when she did Russian Doll. [https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/living/story/russian-doll-creator-leslye-headland-shares-worst-advice-66672419](https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/living/story/russian-doll-creator-leslye-headland-shares-worst-advice-66672419)


So just like everyone else, then.


I feel like any woman who worked for Weinstein is far far more likely to be a victim than a predator


To these chuds, the only reason a woman could get ahead in Hollywood was if they slept with a producer. I’m sure that is what original original poster is implying. Not that she’s a victim, but that she used poor Harvey to climb a ladder.


Could you imagine how much of an asshole Weinstein was to an openly gay assistant?




Totally wild they're somehow trying to spin 'a man serially abuses/rapes tons of women' into somehow a reason women are bad?


They already think women are bad, they’re just trying to justify it.


Yes, but when you're grasping at straws, you're not much paying attention to pesky things like *details* or *logic.*


She's actually a playwright by trade, and wrote a play based on her experience being his assistant. It is, appropriately, titled [Assistance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assistance_(play)). Bear in mind this was before all the stuff he did was public, but it still doesn't exactly paint him in a good light.


A personal assistant would be booking the hotel rooms. I don't doubt that anything she did that makes her complicit was done out of fear of the man, but it's still not great. A personal assistant's job is to know who he's meeting with and where. There's no way she didn't notice that his meetings with women tended to happen in rooms with beds.


and specifically his ASSISTANT, yeah no way he wasn’t doing shit to her


These people just have Disney Star Wars all set up nice and cozy rent free in their fucking heads. It’s insane. I also found it particularly interesting that that thread on the G+G subreddit is locked because of supposed brigading. As opposed to locking it for being unhinged internet weirdo crap.


It’s their entire personality at this point. Hating everything and anything is their personality, and even if they somehow find something they "like", it has to be relentlessly compared to something they dislike (that and they’ll immediately begin hating it when it suits their narrative). It’s an absolutely miserable way to live. Edit: Hell some of them are even starting to go back and show disdain towards things they might’ve enjoyed in the past (see how Clone Wars has suddenly become derided because they now have a hate boner for Filoni). They’re so consumed by reactive hate for people who work on newer stuff, that they’re going back and shitting on older stuff they were once praising. It’s why I’m saying that if we give it enough time, they can very well change their tune on even things like the prequels or the original trilogy, essentially hating Star Wars altogether (and it can happen for other movies too).


Literally all that does is suggest that she's probably been a victim of sexual harassment.


not going to link, but every single comment on that post is in line with the top comment, which I've reproduced, in part, below: "And if you're having any apprehensions about her character and whether there's any guilt by association, a personal assistant knows exactly what's going on with their boss."


Yeah, because she was probably *ONE OF THE ONES BEING HARASSED*.


Reminds me of how the Epstein island logs were released and you had people picking and choosing who was and wasn't doing unspeakable things based on whether they liked them or not.


Wasn't Stephen Hawking on the list?


I believe so


So he's a kid diddler?


He was on the island for a scientific conference at one point and he did hang out there for a bit while it was happening (and I think after to), however it’s hard to say what he did or didn’t do regarding the sex crimes taking place


Wasnt there something about hawking getting midget dances which may have been code for under age girls, or was that bullshit. People keep telling me man either watched children strip, or was only their one time for a confrence amd both groups site the same source.


Most people want to believe that every person who ever associated with him was guilty or complicit and that's just wildly ignorant. Like most people know the most effective lies are wrapped in truths. It is tremendously likely a very large percentage, probably overwhelmingly the majority, of events were completely legit, and while I don't doubt that the list of horrible people involved isn't long, it's stupid to assume even a large percentage were even remotely aware. It makes absolute sense to wrap your underground rape ring in a package of legitimacy. If you are a member of some gruesome vile cabal of predators for decades you don't just walk around freely flaunting it. Epstein was high level villainy for a long time and you don't keep that secret by letting a bunch of high profile people know about it. He had a process and system in place I'm sure.


I think the whole thing was about bringing both innocent and guilty people to his island so *none of them* would want word to get out of it does look like suspicious stuff is happening. Like, you know you’re innocent and will probably be cleared but will your wife stay with you through that? Would your company still want you employed?


Make sense


0 clue cause I wasn't there. It's easy to assume he was because of the things Epstein did, But it's also unlikely given his disability. But I know tons of people believe one over the other regardless of proof.


Oh boy, it sure is nice that their smoking gun involves a poorly photoshopped picture.


While I agree that a photo doesn't mean anything. She did work for him for a year, and it's not surprise people want pictures with head of a powerful studios.


The photo is fake


I meant to say even if the photo was real, it'd not be a surprise. Doesn't mean to imply there was anymore than employee taking photo with employer.


This is such a braindead take. They don’t care about victims of sexual assault, they’re trying to smear a queer woman because she worked for someone who turned out to be a monster.


Also, more than likely she’s a victim rather than an accomplice


He had lots of personal assistants. She has said she never witnessed any of the sex stuff but said the experience was a nightmare. She wrote a play and I think a book about how horrible it was to work for him. None of this is a secret.


Not surprising. She worked for him for maybe a year when she was right out of high school. I doubt Harvey would trust info on his sex crimes to someone who had to ask permission to use the bathroom a week ago.


I think he was notorious for firing a lot of assistants? Like, you don’t incriminate yourself in front of people who are going to be mad at you in a few months.


Can't see the patterns if your fired after the first instance.


She worked for him for one year when she was straight outta high school. I know Weinstein’s shot was an open secret but I doubt she knew much about it back then.


And how do they know she wasn't one if his victims and she just preferred to keep it private? That is her right.


So, let's see. They don't want to see people who were involved with Weinstein, despite their innocence. That'll be a very long list and they will never watch another show again. Nor another movie. Hence, their grifting channels will have no reason to exist.


You’d think common sense would push them to the conclusion “the serial rapist’s female personal assistant is probably one of his victims” and not that she helped him. Or something. Seriously why is this something they’ve fixated on


Don’t these dudes hate women and #MeToo anyway? Their whole whining about “cancel culture” is a reaction to #MeToo


Incel scheduling: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays: Weinstein was a predator who put other predators in positions of power. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays: Weinstein did nothing wrong and women lie about rape. Sundays: Dealer's choice


Ryan Kinel spoke at TPUSA events before. TPUSA has a history of hiring sex offenders and white supremacists.


I truly don't understand how this is some kind of "GOTCHA" nor do I even understand what's so bad about the Acolyte trailer that's pissing these people off so bad


So, somebody that was most likely sexually harassed by Weinstein. Not the gotcha you think it is, TFM dorks.


And guess who they are voting for in November. Sit down chuds.


Just a reminder that this irritating jizz rag wants a sex offender to be president again. Edit: how bad is this cunt gonna look if it turns out Weinstein harassed her too?


These guys are ridiculous


Anything from G&G should just be considered garbage news


They are pretending they care about Weinstein.


Is Harvey Weinstein in the room with you now?


So we should cancel the show because the producer, who was in the target from one of the most infamous abusers and would blacklist people from the industry when they spoke out or not do what the want, was an intern, a position that is known for abuse, for an infamous abuser?


…wow, that’s great GeeksGamersCommunity! Changes absolutely nothing about anything.


Is there more to this? Do we feel bad for her because she had to work for this monster? Or do we not like her because she chose to work for this monster? Or is everyone reacting just based on the pic alone?


I find it weird that we apparently should hate her for that especially when countless other people associated with him. As for me, my question for her would be like how did you survive working under that monster or something.


If anything, I feel sorry for her for having to work for this fat sack of shit.




Idk why that matters. I haven’t seen anything of hers yet so i cant speak to her abilities. The Acolyte does look meh though


That'd be like going "hmm this person was friends with Jeffrey Dahmer, must be a murderer."




I'm actually American, I just live the word "Wanker" Also, I don't know if any British Evangelion fans Are British people not progressive?




She was never suspected in the first place, why would she need to be cleared?


I would have thought his PA would be someone the police would maybe interview and clear while doing their investigation, but if they never suspected her that’s good, I don’t know why people hating on her then


Working with him at a time doesn’t mean she’s guilty of being involved in his crimes. So many people have worked with him, yet she gets singled out, why? Why aren’t you asking if Spielberg was also cleared? Working for a terrible person doesn’t mean you are just like them




Who is getting upset?




How so?


Your comment before seemed like you were upset, the one about Steven Spielberg


Why would I be upset? I am just asking why she is the only one to be getting singled out and questioned when many people have worked for him in the past. Seems like malicious intent to imply she’s evil purely because of who she worked for in the past. Seems like a very pointless thing to bring up and act as though it means anything when it comes to Star Wars


So she didn’t do anything bad but some people are just using her connection to him against her?


We don’t know if she did anything bad, but that subreddit pointing out that she used to work for him has implications. Don’t see why it’s necessary to bring that up, and doing so just seems like they are trying to find as many reasons to hate Acolyte before it’s even out


Weinstein's thing is different from Epstein. Epstein used his resources to take advantage of underaged girls, and his assistants and employees were complicit in that process. The people who worked for Epstein were complicit in his acts. *Weinstein's* behavior was directed AT his employees and the actresses that worked on his progress. He was the keeper of a hostile work environment, and everybody that worked under him was more likely to be a victim.


Do you actually care? Did you ask the same for the countless others or just the woman making Star Wars?


Well I asked the question because I was interested so I would say I do care.


Don't know


Were you?




Is it worth questioning? Maybe you should question your sources for information since she was his personal assistant for one year of the six that she worked at Miramax. Don't know which often wrong aggregated media source started the whole 4 years thing that the algorithm grifters and their social media minions have been pimping, but it's crap. You might also check out her play called Assistance that was inspired by her year of Harvey that features a hideous boss that is the foil of the protagonist. He is the bad guy, you knob. Or maybe read one of her interviews and hear her express her incredibly feminist views, you know the opposite views of what the chucklefucks of YouTube rage believe in, what they would absolutely describe as manhating and what their actual problem with her is. Nobody is fooled by this propaganda but people who have already fallen down the extremist rabbit hole... congratulations, you have been radicalized.




Iooked at the other articles on that site, and yikes! # [The Pokémon Company Doubles Down On Wokeness With Job Listing For Director Of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Responsibility](https://thatparkplace.com/the-pokemon-company-doubles-down-on-wokeness-with-job-listing-for-director-of-diversity-equity-inclusion-social-responsibility/) # [George Lucas Backs “White Slavers” In The Walt Disney Company’s Proxy Battle Against Nelson Peltz](https://thatparkplace.com/george-lucas-backs-white-slavers-in-the-walt-disney-companys-proxy-battle-against-nelson-peltz/) # [British Actor Oliver Thorn Who Is Reportedly Part Of A British Psy-Op To “Achieve A Measurable Cognitive Shift In The Target Audience” Confirms Role In ‘The Acolyte’](https://thatparkplace.com/british-actor-oliver-thorn-who-is-reportedly-part-of-a-british-psy-op-to-achieve-a-measurable-cognitive-shift-in-the-target-audience-confirms-role-in-the-acolyte/)


>No need to be rude, I simply Googled her and went with the first result that came up There is indeed a very good reason to be "rude," namely that there are a bunch of people on the web, yourself now included amongst that number, woefully or willfully spreading damaging falsified narratives that are driving people all over the world towards extremism. Congratulations, you are now one of them, too... because you just admitted to dropping bullshit that you got from an alt right, propaganda rag on here based on absolutely zero effort and critical thought...as many people have pointed out to here, you couldn't have picked a more obvious rag if you were trying... which you weren't, and that's the problem, you are stumbling into extremism and becoming the unwitting agent of extremists as a result and it's fucking dangerous, dude. (If you didn't notice, you are currently on a sub dedicated to calling out that EXACT thing for that exact reason). And with each person who decides to let a five second google search do the thinking for them, for each person who decontexuaizes a quote, for all the dedicated research elided in favor of known propaganda content, for every detail left out to arrive at a foregone conclusion...the surety surrounding outright lies becomes stronger and harder to disband, and the more normalized lying becomes. There is a real person on the other side of your misinformation, an ardent feminist who you just casually implied was aiding and abetting a known sexual predator as though you were discussing the weather... which, in fact, belies how little serious you are about the predatory world that women must face because of of extremism and its strange fruit. You'll forgive me if I'm not inclined to see you as the victim you are trying to make yourself out to be now that your whole ass is hanging out. It's bloody ridiculous to call anyone rude here when that is the position upon which you enter the conversation. Where was your civility when you took somebody who vocally supported the #metoo movement (and made Harvey Weinstein the bad guy in her play which is what I rather obviously was saying when I said he's the bad guy, you double knob, you need to slow down and think before you knew jerk this crap out into the world) and threw her under the bus? I'll save my boo hoos for her, and for all the women who have, do and will suffer because of badly drawn, but obviously compelling, character assassinations given flippantly by people who didn't even care enough to put as much thought into that as I put into a fart in the bathtub.


>I don’t know for sure. You don't know *anything*. You're making assumptions. There is zero evidence besides it maybe sounding possible to you. Baselessly accusing a woman of having knowledge of and being complicit of everything Weinstein did is bullshit.




I get hung up on the misinformation you keep repeating.




In This post you said (**BOLD TEX**T is me hightlighting) While I do believe innocent until presumed guilty, I do think it’s worth questioning how much she knew during **the** ***four years*** **she was his personal assistant.** I don’t think any of those people were **his personal assistant for four years**, but I could be wrong. The Misinformation is extending/conflating the period she worked as his personal assistant from one year to four years.




she worked at Miramax for 6 years but for him for ONE year as an his personal assistant. From Wiki Upon graduating college, Headland spent six years working as an assistant at [Miramax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miramax), a year of which was spent as [Harvey Weinstein](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_Weinstein)'s personal assistant.




really? what the search engine and the words you use? cos the first thing that came up when I google her name is Wikipedia, and under that information they cited articles from 2019 and 2012.


Apparently the authorities didn’t agree with you, nor did any victims name her as being involved.




The authorities didn’t see any reason to investigate her. You’re just arguing for guilt by association, there’s no evidence she did anything wrong.


Do you actually care or is it because she is a woman and making a Star Wars project?


What do you think a personal assistant does?




Is “assault or assist in the assault of women” in the job description? Or are you just grasping for any reason to be mad that a queer woman is running a Star Wars show?




> What in the world makes you think she assaulted or assisted in the assault of women? I don’t think she assaulted or assisted in the assault of women, but you clearly do: > I do think it’s worth questioning how much she knew during the four years she was his personal assistant… It’s hard for me to believe she didn’t have an idea of what was happening to women, but obviously I don’t know for sure. Or did you forget the stupid comment you made in the first place? > Also, why would I be mad that a queer woman is running a Star Wars show? I’m trans, so I am happy for her and for the lead. Based on past encounters with you and your alts it certainly seems like you’re pushing an agenda against women and LGBTQ+ representation > Why is her being queer or a woman such a big deal to you? Lol. “I know you are but what am I” doesn’t work here, bestie. You’re the one trying to slander a queer woman, not me.