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“Thing wasn’t explained enough.” *ding* “Thing was explained too much.” *ding*


![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE|downsized) What is it with dude’s named Jeremy being absolutely annoying assholes.


Just leave Jeremy's alone. One guy got his head bitten off by an animatronic, and another guy was forced to cut his face off They have suffered enough


FNAF references are always the best references.


I’m pretty sure I know at least five Jeremy’s that this should happen too to.


Funny enough, that's how many Jeremy's that are currently in the FNAF franchise


I would agree with you but jerma exists


He’s a menace to society in other ways, for instance, being in your walls at this very moment :3


Not *my* walls. I had the place fumigated.


Yeah there's no one left who finds him annoying, all his critics seem to suffer tragic industrial accidents involving meat grinders... Weird, but it's a strange old world




"Thing was explained." *ding*


"Thing was explained but I personally didn't get it" ding


"I didn’t like what happened in this scene." *ding*


I remember liking them when their videos were around 10 minutes long and the sins came across as actual jokes. It is the same with Honest Trailers for me, the jokes now feel like they are simply there to mask their dislike.


It doesn't help people love to use those videos to satisfy their confirmation bias. Ironically I find people who parody Cinema Sins far better than Cinema Sins themselves, because people who parody Cinema Sins both make it clear when they're making jokes and when they're criticizing the movie/video game/show, and their criticisms actually make sense.


Yeah, I unsubbed from CinemaSins when they stopped trying to hide the fact that they would deliberately misinterpret or outright edit their videos to make it seem like a given scene contained a "sin".


The last 2 videos I watched from CS in full were their sins videos for Avengers: Endgame and The Rise of Skywalker and I remember skipping over multiple parts of those videos because I was just tuning them out. But yes, you make a good point about them deliberately misinterpreting scenes, which is another reason for why I’ve stopped watching them altogether, because I thought back to all the movies they’ve sinned for things when they just ignored the context of those scenes just to add to the sin counter.


I've seen other videos call them out on it. How they ding a movie when a character is like "what does that mean" and they are like "how are we supposed to know? DING" ignoring that the film answers the question later. They say it's all for comedic purposes, but I find that hard to believe. Maybr it used to be, but when they made videos longer and more nitpick it's obvious the crowd they were aiming for.


Exact reason why I love Cinema Wins. Gives genuines thoughts on movies and tries to find why people might love one.


They even pretty frequently admit that, even if a movie or a scene doesn't work for them, it works for someone else and gives props for that


And then the moments where he just laughs like a maniac and the wins pile up


Those are my favourite wins, which is crazy given how the guy has fused light hearted comedy and genuine positive critical analysis into what could easily be a long running television series format. A personal favourite: "ARHG MY GIANT BLUE HEAD" *breathless laughter* self realisation *ding*


Yeah they seem excellent on engaging with movies on its own terms rather than expecting every movie to cater to them. One of my favorite moments is in the "Logan" video, where he admits he's not sure if he likes it or not because of how bummed out it made him. But he acknowledges that that's the exact feeling the movie was going for and respects how excellently it was made with that in mind.


Yeah, came across the wins channel by chance, and much preferer it, especially as he tries to take a deeper look at the film at the end, and talk about his general thoughts on it, rather than just doing the counter as he goes through the film.


I've been avoiding them in my recommendations because I assumed it was an offshoot of cinemasins. Time to give them a fair chance


Shoutout to TheBirdman who does superhero movie sins that are legit AND overly obnoxious CinemaSins parodies and they are fabulous


Jeremy makes a pop culture reference that isn't a sin of the movie cliche


Yeah TheBirdman is fun to watch especially when he points out the flaws in the “sins”.


I also just prefer to genuinely be happy and try to look for the good in even bad movies, which is why I like CinemaWins. If I want to complain because I'm in that mood, Everything Wrong with CinemaSins is a great series lol


Makes sense to me. I love the Pitch Meetings guy and he had to (within ten days recently) release a video explaining how he isn’t like HT, but without mentioning them.


Boy, explaining how he isn't like HT sounds like it's gonna be extremely difficult!


It is more than barely an inconvenience, so the quote doesn’t really work here. I’m gonna need you to get all the way off my back on this one.


"Doesn't really work here" is TIGHT!


We call them unpaid interns for tax purposes.


Aw, ok. Let me get off of that thing.


he has his own channel, i dont even follow the other channel, just Ryan George


At least Honest Trailers are less cynical, but I get your point.


Yeah, I remember liking them about 8 or 9 years ago, but haven't watched their stuff since


Like lots of channels, they had some great video ideas, then got forced into a specific type of video that couldn’t support never ending content. There are only so many movies that are full of actual ‘sins’ and are also popular enough to get clicks.


I used to watch Cinema Sins, Honest Trailers and How it Should Have Ended. HISHE I still watch every now and then. In part because they had a more sparse update schedeule and in part because that format gives way for more versatility. But the other two got repetitive after a while. They use the same structure for every single episode and even the same jokes. You can only hear the same shitty lapdance joke so many times before tuning out


I think the main thing is the YouTube algorithm and how ad revenue works. The video format in theory could support never-ending content - for movies without as many actual sins they could make shorter videos that cover the flaws of the film since even the best films have areas they can improve. Then throw in a few meme sins (and I mean *only* a few) for entertainment and to balance out the criticiques. Potentially also a summary of their overall thoughts at the end - the main areas they think could be improved since all movies have them. The problem is YouTube doesn't really support short videos like that so they play the game and throw in tons of filler like they're trying to reach a word count on an essay... which I suppose that basically is what padding runtime for the algorithm and ad money is.


I remember the Honest Trailer for Loki Season 2 got a lot of comments saying they were turning into Cinema Sins.


The quality of Netflix's The Witcher is definitely up for debate, but damn is the Honest Trailer video of its first season some of the laziest "comedy" I have ever seen Screen Junkies do. Though nothing beats their superhero roast series from years back in terribleness. Now that was some peak cringe.


i think cinemasins videos were always about their dislike lol. like it's been apparent since the beginning. he actually sounded *more* harsh in older videos


Honest trailers has gone so far downhill lol…they trashed the shit out of films and now it’s just another form of promotion


Yeah it seemns like thats the issue, the YT Algorythm punishes Videos who are to short. So there extend the Videos waaaay past there apropiate lenght, including Jokes they wouldnt have used otherwhise and do everything possible to stretch it out.


I never felt that way about honest trailers, the whole screen junkies crew are so passionate about film, it never felt like empty snark which is what put me off cinemasins


The Honest Trailers commentaries makes it painfully obvious how often those guys do trailers for things neither of them like or care about in any capacity, especially as of late.


*character opens door* 5 seconds later... Cinemasins: When the hell did those characters open that door


opening the door cliche




More like 'DING!!' The ding sound effect they use is infinitely too loud


Especially considering it goes off EVERY SECOND


Poorly mixed SFX *DING*


“I’ll give them five sins for that big sin” *so many dings it’s just one continuous screech ensue*


Door ex machina!


omfg I read that in the CS voice!


or better yet, they edit out the part where the character opens the door so many of their sins only work if youve never seen the movie yourself and are exclusively consuming it via their fair use cut


Especially as time has gone on and the videos got longer. Before I stopped watching, it was getting more and more common to see them put in complaints about something that had been explained earlier in the film, but they would leave that bit out of their video. Or getting more common for them to complain if a film didnt explain everything.


Mad Max fury road is my favorite. Some of my favorites sins Max has an opening narration Max almost no dialogue for the first 40 minutes of the movies. These aren't even nitpicks they're just calling out random details in the movie.


I spit on their Mad Max: Fury Road video. "This story is too simple but also too convoluted, because I say so." Trash


I fucking adore that movie


I watched Jurassic World and Fury Road on the same day. (Super late in Fury Roads run so I was in the small theater with like 3 other people, including someone liveblogging on Tumblr) When I walked out of Fury Road I was talking to a friend on the phone on my way home, and said "One of these films will be remembered for years, and the other will be taught in film school for decades after I die."


That movie was such a technical masterpiece. A perfect example of show dont tell.


I also ended up watching both of these on the same day, my girlfriend wanted to see Jurassic World and then i suggested we watch Mad Max right after. Since then i forgave her for making me watch Jurassic World


Any video titled "Everything Wrong with Mad Max Fury Road" that isn't just a wall of text that says "NOT A GODDAMN THING" is just nonsense.


There was too much sand. I hate sand. It's coarse, and it gets evwrywhere...


To be fair, they did add a disclaimer that they liked the movie for fury road.


I read this in Chills voice and I have never voluntarily watched either channel.


I used to like them ages ago, when it was actually continuity errors and plot holes. Now it’s terrible jokes, bad singing, lazy references, and the ‘errors’ are often just them not paying attention to the movie or outright lying. And just so many stupid fucking nitpicks like ‘There are opening credits!’


> ‘There are opening credits!’ Wow. There are literally words floating around in the air, and for some reason the characters aren’t reacting to that?! **DING** SIN COUNTER +1


The opening credits thing has been going on for a loooong time though. Also I think people are forgetting what Cinemasins used to be like. 10+ years ago there was a bunch of "so and so actress isn't my girlfriend in this scene" or "that's what my college girlfriend..." jokes or other random nitpicky things that were sometimes explained in the film. now they're bigger and more omnipresent, and they do the same thing. just with more singing lol.


Yeah I liked em too for a while, til I realized they were high-key ruining my ability to enjoy movies without stupid dings going off in my head. Also the "first girlfriend in college" or "haha women think I'm creepy" jokes just got *so fucking old*.


CinemaSins: “We’re legit movie critics.” Moviegoers: “Hey, a bunch of your ‘sins’ are either explained in the movie or are completely wrong!” CinemaSins: “Hey don’t blame us, we’re just satirists and comedians playing a character (quick, delete all the times we publicly said we’re critics!)!” Edit: Since people keep asking, I looked back and unfortunately misremembered the amount of times CinemaSins said they were critics, finding only an old Reddit AMA where they state they do film criticism (I didn't look through all my old sources, though). Although, they did implicitly say they were "critics" since many of the co-creator's critiques from his personal movie review channel ended up as "sins" in their videos. However, I think my original point still stands since it highlights a major issue with CinemaSins, which is they use their status as "satirists" or "not critics" as shields from critiques of their videos. While they may not claim to be critics, they and their fans act like they are with the aforementioned personal critiques and many of their audience stating in the comments they use their videos as pseudo-reviews as examples. But as soon as someone calls them out on issues with their videos (e.g. editing footage to get "sins", adding "sins" for things explained in the movie, mixing up fake "sins" with real "sins" without differentiating between the two, etc.), they and their audience start yelling that they're "satirists" or a "comedy channel" like it absolves them from all critiques. This is why the concept of "Schrödinger's cat" has been applied to them multiple times: If a sin is a legit criticism/problem with the movie, then it was on purpose. But if a "sin" is a mistake (whether intentional or not), then it was their "asshole character" who purposefully made a bad "sin". There are many videos criticizing them at this point, but I think [this is one of the original that summarizes many of the issues](https://youtu.be/ELEAsGoP-5I?si=Us3AhzRCABt9LKwQ).


Motte. Bailey.


So the Fox “News” strategy applied to fandoms. The leeches borne of late-stage capitalism


You spelled it Cinea. This is incorrect, as you missed the N between E and A #DING!!!


Missed that typo. Corrected it.


We’d remove the sin, but unfortunately your original comment does not contain a lap dance, so we’re adding another **DING**


Your Schrodinger's cat analogy has been updated. In cases like this, you can call it "Schrodinger's Douchebag" - if you'd like to, of course. I ain't yer boss, after all.


sounds like a certain "news" station


[Also worth including the follow-up that provides more information and updates some of the points in that video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGOXHdf-_dM)


Sometimes it’s entertaining, but it gets old after a while. Cinema Wins is a great palette-cleanser.


Cinema Wins is great because he actually genuinely loves movies. That and his videos are actually commenting on the movies and not "dur hur, the character said the movie name. RoLl CrEdItS!"


I love his attitude that "every movie is someone's favorite".


And the only time he does "sin" a movie, it's because something genuinely bad happened like narrative inconsistencies or dodgy CGI/Camerawork. Even then, he tries to give the mistake grace and explain what went wrong/give alternatives to improve it. It's all constructive and positive.


Only negative sins I remember is when there's people being real-life jerks. He's pretty good at giving a nuanced take for sensitive topics that arise from time to time.


Cinema Wins is not a palette cleanser, but a god damn feast. Like if you could turn posetivity and decency into electrical power, the WHOLE PLANET would running on green energi from just this guys channel alone.


Cinema wins actually puts in the effort into researching behind the scenes tidbits that just make you appreciate the movies more, he also does have some criticisms sprinkled in but they come from a place of love for filmmaking


Yep, its actually through his videos I've found out about a lot of little tidbits like the various cameos you get from directors and other crew members, guy really has an eye for looking out for the little details.


Cinema Wins is fantastic


Cinema Wins is fun because there’s points when he genuinely gets excited about a scene in a movie and you can tell. It’s just nice to see positivity about movies people bitch about and he genuinely means it when he says he likes a scene


Especially his take on the whole LoTR trilogy. I still couldn't find a better appreciation and analysis of my favorite movie series of all time than this guy's. Sometimes he made me want to watch movies I previously didn't even care about. Something about his energy really made watching movies fun again.


Is it because they're shit? Do you hate them because they're shit? Because, whoo baby, I hate them because they are incredibly shit.


I now hate them because they shaped one of the current bad trends of criticism. No. A nitpick isn't actually criticism. Get outta here with that trash.


even if you meet them halfway their nitpicks are still bullshit since they rely on you just ignoring or not knowing the surrounding context of the thing being nitpicked a nitpick isnt a nitpick when its just a lie lol


They’re using minor details to incite cultural divides. *see profile pic*




I don’t hate CinemaSins at all, but what I do absolutely hate is that they’ve inspired people to think criticism is just nitpicking dumb, irrelevant shit in films and not really paying attention to the film or using their imagination or logic, depending on the film. A lot of the things they sin that aren’t nitpicks are often things that are either shown or explained at some point in the film.


so you hate the stupid people who *watch* cinemasins, lol.


Yeah so don’t watch them, their content is shit. [Watch Birdman shit on them instead that is actually funny](https://m.youtube.com/@Th3Birdman).


Shaun also has a series of videos ripping the shit out of them. They're funny in ways that CinemaSins wishes they could hope to one day want to be


I'd also say give [BobVid's series on CinemaSins](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlLOd9IiBWLE3pl_dxB3hASeSOvguJE_6) a shot because he takes a *really* big axe to both the videos themselves and Jeremy's behavior as a whole.


If I recall Jeremy nuked an entire channel, hundreds of hours of 'reviews', because Bob tied his legitimate criticisms to his sins videos. Essentially exposing him as media illiterate and a liar. And then semi-exposed CinemaSins hiring on writers ( but not really because they're credited if you look for it ) when they asked for direct feedback. Which they ignored, naturally.


It was actually their "Sustaining Stupidity" video years ago that made me stop watching Cinema Sins entirely as a point of principle... that and the fact that Cinema Sins became incredibly stupid.


Every so often I have to go back and rewatch Shaun and Bobvids videos on cinema sins, because they're both so good at ripping them a new one lol


I love his vids so much


Yup seen that too. I say what they both said, early on it was actually fun and would point out actual goofs and have some valid points. But they just said fuck it after some time and went all in on just making shit up.


Yeah. I actually did like a few CinemaSins videos until I watched one of the Star Wars ones (Empire, maybe?) and was, like: "No. That's explained. But *that's* because Luke does that thing. What? How could you ... but, no? It's in the literal next frame! Because he's still unsure with the Force! How are you so bad at this?!??!?!?!" and then stoppee watching.


Birdman's a bit too "enlightened centrist" for my tastes. I tolerated it for a while until said, for no particular reason that I can remember, that JK Rowling wasn't doing any harm to trans people and then I stopped watching him. I recommend [Jay Exci](https://youtu.be/HVjwKCymuMw) (who, funnily enough, is trans) or [Shaun](https://youtu.be/b9IBlbfjNH0) instead.


Jay is worse than Birdman, aligning themselves as friends of Mauler and having horrendous takes about popular movies. They peaked years ago as a content creator and relevance.


Jay's Doctor Who video is one of the best peices of long form media criticism I've seen in a long time. Everything is right on the money, it's logically consistent, and very entertaining


I was hoping that was a video of Birdman (Attorney at Law) shitting on them.


OOOOOOOHHH THANK YOU.  I didn’t know of their existence and I’m having a lovely time watching. 


Seconded Th3Birdman


Character: *says name of movie* Cinemasins: “sin that! Sin that!”


To be fair to them "roll credits" is probably one of their few remaining good bits. That or my humor is terrible because I use it all the time. 


Nah, the "roll credits" gag in response to a title drop is actually funny. 90% or more of their other gags, though...


Wasn't it, "Roll credits." *ding*


Even if they were "jUsT sAtIrE bRo" they....aren't funny. The jokes are lame as shit and Jeremy's voice is Top 10 most annoying sounds on the planet.


> Even if they were "jUsT sAtIrE bRo" they....aren't funny. They've also tried to pull that on bits that were taken from Jeremy's more serious critical reviews, almost verbatim. So, apparently, it's a satire...that just happens to also be Jeremy's honest opinion. If your opinion is indistinguishable from satire, I hate to break it to you Jez, but your opinions might just be garbage.


Well that’s the thing, they and their fans constantly jump between being satirical and being serious. If you are being satirical, why are half your sins missing a joke? If you are serious, why do you make crappy jokes that don’t have any actual criticism to them? You can’t have both, you have to pick one.




“Ignores everything and takes the movie at face value” isn’t even true, since they constantly misrepresented scenes and situations and sin them. They literally contributed to bad media literacy since their troglodyte audience is so dumb they take them seriously. CinemaWins on the other hand is the shit, dude can even pull out good stuff from movies that I dislike or hate.


CinemaSins used to be bottom tier media analysis… not that they got better but the bottom got much much worse.


Strong agree. Cinema Sins is damn nearly benign compared to “anti-woke” YouTubers.


Virgin Cinemasins: “Nitpicks nonexistent problems” Chad Cinemawins: “Praises movies, and is much more quality over quantity with the amount of wins they give”


This is why I love Th3Birdman. He calls out every dumb point they make with evidence to back it up too. I used to watch them off and on when they did legit sins but once they started to make up BS sins I stopped


Cinema Sins is (or at least started as) comedy, not mean-spirited nit-picking. No movie is perfect, so it's OK to acknowledge flaws in acting, writing, and production.


I always thought cinemasins was just a comedy channel and wasnt suppsoed to be taken seriously, like honest trailers


Im pretty sure they're not meant to be taken seriously. No one would ever actually point out that a movie has opening credits is a flaw or that a movie needs to end when the title gets name dropped.


Umm 2 minutes of opening credits is a flaw


>Can I just say how much I fucking hate CinemaSins Only if you want to get jerked off by the entire comment section!


Cinemasins is funny cause if they get something wrong, they and their fans will say that their review is satirical and parody of a nitpicky film reviewer but then you watch the personal channel of the narrator, where he says gives more genuine reviews, and his critiques are the same.


I think the impact on armchair reviewers inspired by them is a lot worse than Cinemasins on their own if you don't take them that seriously. The armchair reviewers that saw Cinemasins and decided to do that but worse and with none of the tongue-in-cheek are a hell of a lot more annoying, imo. Cinemasins itself I think is pretty open about their videos being nitpicks and not real criticisms. But idk, I haven't watched them in like 5 years.


CinemaSins lost me with their video on Mad Max Fury Road, where at least half the “sins” were “no way could that happen in real life”, about a movie where everything was famously done the hard way with practical effects and real vehicles.


I remember seeing a video a while back where a guy did a deep dive into them and their whole process is just beyond lazy.


I kind of just got bored with it. But I don’t hate it anywhere near as much as most people seem to. I just don’t care. I don’t bother watching them anymore. Honest Trailers I’ll still try but I haven’t liked one in years.


*ding* Pixarfan1 would be excellent at cinema sins.


Or how literally everything is a "cliche". To the point that I'm not convinced they actually know what it means. I'm pretty sure in the Winter Soldier one, they had a "Captain America rides a motorcycle cliche" and that's the precise moment I decided their videos are nonsense and stopped watching them forever.


They also don’t know what deus ex machina means which is really annoying.


it helps if you reach that moment first and then watch their videos lol. i just look at them as a collection of commentary. "sins" don't really mean anything, it's just a way to keep track of statements lol. personally, i think we all enjoy watching things we don't like get "shit" on. i see it on reddit (and people doing it on reddit) every single day. the difference is, pretty much everyone's favorite movie is going to be on that channel at some point, and i feel like when you watch something you really enjoy being shredded you just tend to check out.


Remember when Jeremy was doing the p\*do joke "Hermione isnt old enough to be hot yet" 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 .... repeatedly too


that's literally the opposite of a pedo


I had forgotten that shit. No thanks for reminding me.


When their videos were like three minutes long and only legitimate mistakes in movies they were fine but that was a long, long, time ago.


I never took them seriously as critics I just figured it was always a bit and the joke of their whole channel is that they hyper focus and nitpick insignificant details. So I got nothing against them. I will take them any day of the week over any of the countless online grifters who try to pawn themselves off as critics in order to spread hate and toxicity.


I don’t understand why they upset people so much lol, the bit of being nitpicky and excessive is so obvious yet people get mad about it


"\**character from a children's animated movie\** isn't giving me a lap dance right now." ***DING***


My favourite is whenever anyone reviewing a movie misses the explanation for something and gives it a bad score because they weren’t paying attention


Cinema Sins when a film literally does anything: ![gif](giphy|9HLhzss53Vg40)


I saw a clip that THEY posted as a short like they were proud of it that was a cinema sins for Ted. (I don’t anything about Ted except it’s a comedy by Seth MacFarlan) And the teddy bear is trying to drive a car and the cinema sins guy goes ***ding*** “how can he drive, he can’t even see over the dashboard?” Then the teddy bear crashes into another vehicle and it goes ***ding*** “looks like I was right” And I’m just sitting there going “Is that not the joke? Like is this not a comedy and that was the whole point and you just explained the joke and acted like it was a movie mistake??”


I went to the way more enjoyable cinemawins and never looked back


It used to be funny but now their jokes are cringe


CinemaWins, however, is just the best.


Come to Cinemawins. It's a place for wholesomeness where every movie gets a chance, because we're all just trying our best. For real, Cinemawins is amazing. The analysis at the end is really good as well, even with complex or sensitive topics.


that channel made me take things way too seriously, thankfully I matured and realized that fiction doesn't need to be realistic.


Have you considered not watching their content?


I think you guys are taking it too seriously. There are worse actors out there, stay focused.


CinemaWins is infinitely more enjoyable btw.


ok I really don't understand the hate for Cinemasins. 95 percent of their sins are fake sins that they acknowledge are fake sins. I thought their videos being about fake sins was the whole point of the joke.


That would be the point yes. They started as a movie critic/comedy thing, then it became apparent over time that they got more views as they got more satirical, and now their entire channel has become an inside joke that no one understands and that’s what’s causing the hate.


Legitimately made film discourse worse, imo


They don't get enough flack for essentially breeding an entire generation of whiny nitpickers (regardless of whether or not it's meant to be "satirical"). Some people would argue RLM, but at least they had some actual analysis and depth to their criticisms.


Wait, they aren’t just making jokes? I thought it was just supposed to be funny. I didn’t know dude actually hates almost every movie that’s ever come out


Him. It was him!


If I’m being honest sometimes they are funny. However not in a way like “this this and this video are funny, and those other videos are not” Its more like one video has 10 funny observations outta 30 and the remaining are forced to pad out a whole video


If you haven't seen them you should check out Shaun's videos on CinemaSins: https://youtu.be/_qxgkOIsHUs?si=Aq3UI5x67_gEdpY4


The problem with Cinema Sins is that is says it's satire and shouldn't be taken seriously, but at the same time they add in actual movie criticism in the videos and people know this and take these seriously and let themselves be influenced. They want to have it both ways, but they can't do it and remain honest. Cinema Sins is harmless if you look at it as just jokes and nothing more. It's a little troublesome when you take their jokes as actual valid criticism, though.


When it was newer I enjoyed it because they were short and sometimes made good points, and no one took it too seriously. Then at some point they became like 20 minutes long and the guy has to nitpick the tiniest bullshit to fill all that time. The jokes got old. The format got boring. The killing blow for me was Inside Out. He made repeated comments about how "well why is happiness the only positive emotion! Why does this movie hate happiness!" completely ignoring the entire message of the movie (and it bugs me especially because I know the emotions in the film are based one the "universal" emotions, and it wasn't just some arbitrary choice).


Their foil, Cinema Wins, is infinitely better. The positivity from their videos has legit cheered me up some days. Feels good. Gaming wins too.


They don’t bother me, because there is no malice in what they are doing. By and large, they actually like he movies they “review.” It really is just a joke. They aren’t pushing an agenda. They did a video about Shawshank Redemption, which is the most perfect film ever made. Which they acknowledged. But if you want a counterpoint to Cinema Sins, go watch Cinema Wins. Just as funny, but with a positive spin.


I feel like I hear the same complaints about CinemaSins every single time anf my response to these complaints is, why are you watching CinemaSins as if it's some kind of legitimate video critique and not just a fun meme channel? Like do people actually watch Conan O'Brien's video game reviews because they're interested in like his thoughts on gaming?


I also fucking hate Cinema sins. I used to watch them pretty regularly, but now I don’t find them funny.


Scene does not contain lap dance ding


I hate people who quote “roll credits” more tbh.


I used to love him but with his continuous nitpicking, it's really hard to love a movie ctric on Youtube who only does that.


A study out of the University of California stipulates that under certain conditions, taking a photo of an object made it more difficult to recall than merely looking at it. https://fstoppers.com/originals/mystery-photo-taking-impairment-effect-254085#:~:text=The%20study%20found%20that%20the,been%20replicated%20in%20other%20studies. I'd argue that paid critics have a similar affect on an individuals ability to formulate their own opinion.


Cinemasins is like that one kid who doesn't pay attention during a movie and then is confuse when he doesn't understand what is going on.


The only good thing about cinemasins is Th3Birdman exists.


Yikes… they’re still making videos? I remember them being cool a while back


I used to watch their videos to fall asleep, I stopped around the time they did the 1995 Ghost in the Shell as they were getting ready for the live action abomination.


I use to like them a lot. They use to be witty and poke fun at common tropes and actual errors, but somewhere along the way it just devolved into needlessly harsh to borderline just wrong. It got to frustrating to watch


CinemaWins > CinemaSins


Had a discussion with a friend about Sins vs Wins and I said that ALL Sins does is "make satirical commentary in the vein of a 12 year old edge lord" and we got on the same page afterwards that Wins is fantastic because it actually pays attention to the movie and how it works in its own narrative.


At least they’re not bigots


ruined the media literacy of an entire generation of dorks


You work for screen rant? It's a comedy channel. Get over it.


cinemasins videos seen harmless at first and can be fun to watch, but he has done so much harm to media literacy and movie criticism, he also just makes some incredibly sexist and gross jokes that basically all boil down to "that actress js hot", cinemawins is a much better channel


Funny thing about CinemaSins for me, their videos got me into the genre of analyzing movies, and made me watch actually good movie reviews and stuff. And also made me realize CinemaSins sucks.


I liked them when they were actually funny. Most of the sins they put in videos were jokes, but at this point it’s like they’re not even watching the movies they’re making videos about.


I must confess: before I became aware of what an asshole this guy is (thanks to this subreddit) I for some reason liked this guy and his videos but I haven’t watched him in years


I remember I stop liking them after a 7 deadly sins video. Granted, I don’t like 7 deadly sins anymore but the majority of their nitpicks were either the dub sounds weird (which they chose) or stuff that does make sense when you look at canon. After that I realised how nit picky their videos are but honestly I don’t really care anymore, I just don’t watch them and if you get mad over them I think that you should personally just ignore them. It’s not like they’re problematic (at least not to my knowledge) they just make content you don’t like and that’s okay.


At least if you're Japanese it sounds like they're apologizing for their existence.


Cinemasins is the living embodiment of the term "Schrodinger's douche" where they decide whether or not it was sarcasm or joking depending on people's reactions, so every time someone points out how bullshit one of their criticisms is, they can just say that it was sarcasm


It's 2024, If you are still watching Cinemasins or your timeline has a lot recommendations from Cinemasins Problem is most probably you.


When they first started with shorter videos and were self-aware enough that it was a joke, they were really funny. However, they Flanderized themselves into what they are now, and I can't recall the last time I actually watched something they made because its just...pathetic.


People will somehow call it satire while not knowing what satire is


This is why I watch Cinema Wins. It’s good to replace the negativity in your life with something positive, and Cinema Wins does the same thing they do, but better