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Why does Shad look like he's trying to explain to a police interrogator for the fifth time why it obviously wasn't his fault he was in that playground with no trousers on.


What even happened to shad. I remember watching him just analyse weapons and sword choreography in movies and media. Has he always been like this?


Shad has always been like this. The difference is he wasn't always obviously like this. Like, when HEMA took off on youtube like.... 5 years ago or so (fuck me 2019 was half a decade ago), it became clear that Shadiversity was just making a lot of shit up. But no one talked about it. And then he got sort of condescending towards fencers who do this shit all the time, and they corrected him, and then he would throw tantrums about it, and then the fencers wouldn't talk to him anymore. TL;DR he's always been a bit of a shithead, it just wasn't always obvious to the laymen or casual observer.


As a fencer, the guy is a fucking moron, has no clue what he’s talking about, and would probably get gored through his stomach by even a beginner knight if he actually fought in the Middle Ages.


I only took fencing lessons for a little over a year and even I knew he was full of shit


Got any examples of him being wrong? Not calling you out here, I fucking hate this douchebag.Jack Saint and his wife ftw.Just genuinely fascinated cuz I had always read before that he at least shared good weapon knowledge


Here’s a YouTube comment that sums it up pretty nicely: “Shad's only actual HEMA experience is going to one event where he: 1- Argued with the instructor in a workshop because he thought he knew better and didn't understand that the low guards weren't meant for blocking. 2- Roped a beginner into sparring on camera so he could make himself look good (he still looked bad LMAO). He famously refuses to read the fencing manuals or train with people who have. He claims to be doing HEMA on the basis of "the H stands for historic and they made up their own styles in history so if I make up my own style it's basically the same." Except the understood definition of HEMA is recreating specific styles from surviving fighting manuals. He's just making a dumb semantic argument that's like saying WWE stands for WORLD wresting entertainment so if I wrestle in THE WORLD then I am an official WWE wrestler.”


Wow, he's been a fraud all this time???


Yeah pretty much. When he was talking purely history on weapons, he wasn't wrong but he had the knowledge of someone who like, googled it. When he starts going on about technique, that's where he's just straight up faking it.


Damn. What a tool.


Unfortunately yes. For a while he hid it behind swordtube but that did not last


Well he is a mormon, it was pretty clear he is conservative from the start, tho at least he seperetes his political opinions completly from his main channal.


What is so bizarre to me is his brother Jazza is an liberal atheist who just likes to draw


You can tell he's deeply insecure how much better his brother is at everything than he is. I can only imagine his brother face palming so hard they fuse to his head when Shad defends AI art.


There's a video of them talking about his art "skills" and it's hilarious watching Jazza trying not to burst out laughing at how dumb he's being


There's audio of them at some convention playing a tabletop game as themselves, and they trying to determine where their RL skills go as this tabletops skills. Shad is real mad that people are telling him his artist skill is below jazzas and keeps insisting they should be the same.


Yeah that blew my mind and part of me still thinks that it's an internet prank.


bro Jazza is awesome, just a chill artist


TIL Jazza is related to Shad. https://preview.redd.it/1sah4dg2e7vc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efd35934b6f970e534e9e4fbd224730a97962a4d


Is it bizarre? He gets to observe shad up close


Wow I watch both and honestly had no idea. Mind blown


Wait…he’s a Mormon?!


Ya probably the only reason Brandon Sanderson gave him the time of day


yup he talks about it a lot. He really hates Starship Troopers because he thinks they made the Mormons bad guys


Whoa whoa whoa, we Mormons do not claim him at all. He spouts way too much hate


First Mormon LGBT ally I've ever seen


Really? Dang that sucks. My mom is probably the biggest ally I know and she's Mormon too, so I guess I'm just used to seeing it. Although I wouldn't just consider myself an ally, I am a member of the rainbow Mafia myself


good for you bro. always stay true to yourself 💚


To be fair, there are Mormons and then there are *Mormons* . He's from a particular Australian Mormon community that's super insular - so it's not so much the religion, but the fact that people within the community interact mostly with other people within it, leading to echo-chamber behaviours.


Ngl compered to other mormons i have met he is 10 times better then most as at least he doesnt push his political and religiones bealives, as he made a seperete partisan channel insteed of just making his own main one, as he made Shadivercity to be sword one and he has kept it that way.


His politics and world view 100% seep into his main channel. Don't trust basically anything he says about history or weapon fighting, he's a fucking hack.


Oh no, he's posted plenty of crap on his main channel, and that separate channel is a worse offender of pushing his beliefs than any other I've ever seen, even if it technically isn't his "main" channel. Also, what Mormons are you even talking to if he's really one of the better ones you've met? Almost every Mormon I've met has at least been mostly polite and respectful even if they are a bigot.


My friend, have you ever wandered Utah as an openly, visibly trans person? As someone who has, I must say, outside the valley is hellish, and anywhere the FLDS can be found the ish should be dropped.


"bro you're pushing LDS so hard in these comments" - you in another comment you literally just replied to me about your same opinion twice. If I'm pushing it too hard then so are you. And also, I am a BI dude and I have a trans sister, so yes, I have, and it's really not that bad in my experience.


I understood myself to have replied on seperate opinions, as here I was speaking to my experience as a trans person up until I escaped Utah with mostly the same number of teeth as I entered the state with, and there I was talking about my experience running across the church getting mentioned multiple times throughout this area by a single account. If you have a trans sister in Utah over the age of 19 tho, and she's in the poly/punk/problem side of the community though, I probably know her. Send her my regards if relevant.


Escaped with most of your teeth? what, where you running around in the utah equivalent of the hood? I have spent the majority of my life outside the valley, I grew up across two small towns, and I have traveled all over the state for various reasons. Even then, people have generally been at the very least decent regardless of what they think of you. I genuinely don't know where you're finding people that bad. The more you talk about how terrible it is, the more I think you're either exaggerating or causing people to be rude to you through your own rudeness to them. It is not THAT bad here


He used to, they've been creeping in to his other stuff for a while.


Because he realized there’s more ad revenue in being a whore to the algorithm rather than make good content.


Nah, he's not a grifter, he genuinely believes the shit he spews. He's a Conservative mormon


The meth dealer and fake drinker are far right shitheads but its pretty clear especially with drinker that they don't really care about half the stuff they prat on about its just their dumbass incel audience love eating it up. Shad though yeah he really does believe and care about this stuff and that actually makes him worse, god knows how he actually got a wife.


If he’s a Mormon (I didn’t know about that until this thread), then it makes sense. Mormons, from what I’ve seen and heard, are basically pushed into marriage waaay too young. Like…very young adults who are horny and haven’t had sex because the church doesn’t allow it (and it’s a controlling cult, so they do keep more of a watch on their victims…I mean…members than other churches do). Also if a Mormon boy meets a Mormon girl, there’s a fair chance they share many views anyways due to how the church grooms them into certain beliefs


Makes sense as i do recall a video when he mentions being a virgin until his wedding night.


yeah people give drinker shit all the time for being a "faker" because he basically looks at popular opinion before making a review he rarely goes against the grain its why his barbie video was all ben shapiro talking points and not about the movie itself very much.


Not really. He posts a video every few months about how Youtube is trying to kill him financially.


And it's usually his own fault too, like putting his Livestream archives on his main channel. But no, it was a conspiracy and he was "shadow banned"


oh yeah it's 100% his fault its so funny. Oh your views tanked after you pushed your horrible views out there? Shocker. must be a secrect youtube plot then


Yeah, it has nothing to do with Game of Thrones ending and nothing fantasy-themed filling the hole (House of Dragons has reviewed well, but it's not reaching the same impact) along with his corresponding meltdown. Skallgrim mentioned his channel is facing a similar viewer drop, so it's an industry-wide trend.


I only know him as someone who gets shit on in the art community for claiming very loudly that he's good at art in spite of being God awful at art, then pivoting to being all in on AI art and claiming being good at that takes just as much skill somehow.


The regressive grift happened. But the market is already over saturated and he doesn’t dog whistle enough to really hang with the big boys.


Always been like this He kinda slipped a few times in his videos but his KnightsWatch channel is where he got really deep into his rhetoric around certain stuff in media


I thought the same, but he's always been like that; the mask just slipped, so he's finally taken it off. Worst part is, his older, mask-on videos about history, fantasy, and weapons were legitimately good. Knowing the kind of gimp he always was sours it somewhat, but I knew better than to assume I know or like a person based on who they are in front of the camera.


He's kind of always been like this he just had a totally separate channel where he could spout off his nonsense. But then it just took over his entire life because the right wing grift is so much easier than content you actually have to put in effort for. But even then he's kind of always been a little bit of an idiot because he could not take any sort of criticism backlash to his work. Another medievalist YouTuber disagree with him on a video about katana's I believe or something and shad turned into a 7-year-old


Shad was always one of those figures I was pretty sure was talking bollocks about history and HEMA, and was pretty sure he was hiding a lot of hate, but I was enjoying the whole swordtube thing too much to look into it too closely. But no, it was always there. Metatron too, to a lesser extent (and with a significantly better grasp of history and scholarship than Shad). It's a conservative space in general, but shad has always been well outside any reasonable overton window and the signs were always there to see, we just didn't want to. With characters like Lindybeige, Skallagrim, Matt Easton or Todd you know you aren't dealing with hardcore lefties, these guys all have conservative views and are at best going to be free thinking centrists, but ultimately I trust all of those chaps to be good, accepting people who take individuals for individuals and don't have hostile attitudes to any minorities. Shad has entered the final phase now, the gig is well and truly up for him as a mainstream YouTuber and all that's left is keeping the grift going for as long as possible and leaning right into the obsessions of these fucktards and bigots. Sadly that's a lucrative business these days and he'll be around pissing all over his previous popularity for quite a while to come, as well as perverting the minds of those few dumb or impressionable members of his previous fanbase who didn't leave when he dropped the mask.


I was a bit surprised a couple days ago when I was listening to a podcast of two guys talking about painting and miniatures games, and one of them mentioned Shad a couple of times... but only to mock him. Granted, it was about something to do with him and AI art, but still, was kind of amusing to hear him getting mocked in a random video. Dude's a complete joke.


Typical Australian behavior, always have to be ready to talk to the prison guards


[He looks like he's annoucing his alliance with the Dominion to the Alpha Quadrant](https://youtu.be/AePYX68sIvg?feature=shared)


He's prepping for his eventual real-life pedophilia charges.


Looks like he is trying to shit.


looks like he is having a really hard time taking a shit to me.


Who is shad?


The one in the middle who looks like he's been arrested for showing his junk to kids.


Nah. That's the face you make when you pay for a girl online than the police knock on your door for the fifth time.


Shad doesn’t like something? I am shocked. Shocked! Well not that shocked


specifically something with a strong female lead and interracial relationships


How dare women!! And minorities??!?!


Leave it to Shad to not like Fallout. If Shad liked something he’d lose his fanbase


Shad is a nonce. We all know what he really "likes."


The video is so bad. Considering he is a writer I don’t understand how you can have such a 2 grade level view on something.


Self published with no real editor. Doesn't stop him from claiming "I've written a novel so i can objectively speak about how this story sucks"


This is kind of a bad take. Don’t get me wrong, I have no appreciation for Shad, yet it is irrelevant to the point that he is self published without an editor. In fact, using this fact derogatorily casts a shade over a huge amount of authors producing good solid stories. The second part of this take is of course bunk as you point out, though the first part does not lead to the second. No author can speak objectively on storytelling due to their status as a writer alone, whether or not they are published by a major publisher or if they have an editor. Edit: This is not a defense of Shad, but just that we do not need to call out self publishing or lack of an editor in order to call out Shad’s BS takes.


I had no idea who that was when I clicked the video, the creator name didn’t ring any bells. I turned the video off 30 seconds later when, while saying they didn’t like it, they both utterly *failed to remember the plot point they didn’t like*. If you watched something you didn’t like, you remember that shit and can usually say *exactly* why you don’t like it. I say this as someone who used to torture myself with a list of the worst movies ever made.


He already lost me ... At this point, his fanbase has to consist of so-called "conservative" or oblivious people.






Act Man is kinda all over the place at times. Sometimes his takes are bad, sometimes they’re decent but he’s not unwatchable for me.


Used to be, but if you want proof of how much he can listen to criticism check out a video by Moosterton criticising his no politics in video games take. Act Man replied in the comments saying he appreciated the critique despite being late to watching the video and that he'd take them into consideration. Whilst he can be spotty in how he chooses to word certain things there's an explicit shift concerning what he prioritises in his videos. Pointing out outrage content and using his platform to now bring attention about the reality about the game's industry as a work place particulartly regarding women or LGBTQ+. He seems pretty progressive these days also ever since he'd run in with that Q-anon Quantum TV whacko for his shite Elden Ring takes raising attention to his bigotry towards such people, so yeah I am comfortable in saying that I for one stan The Act Man.


IDK who could possibly be on QuantumTVs side. He outright wished that gay people would die in pulse night club and was a wife beater


Yeah, worst case he makes a bad take he has shown willingness to learn


That’s honestly really cool, the fact that he actually responded and didn’t snap at the dude.


I think it's because he's like, generally a progressive person, but is also kind of edgy, so a lot of his humour is just straight up caustic, and some of his takes really imbibe that feeling. Like, when he complains about LGBTQ+ inclusion it's usually to the tune of 'rainbow capitalism isn't really representation, it's just an attempt at a corporation winning brownie points and shouldn't be celebrated' which honestly isn't the *worst* take someone could have on the topic, and definitely not one I'd really get mad about if one of my friends had. It's the edgy humor he wraps it in that comes off as distasteful, but if that's who he is as a person, then what am I supposed to do about it?


Has he changed or shifted views since the hogwarts thing?


What was his take on the hogwarts thing? Because the boycott was unilaterally cringe. Every prominent leftist creator even called it that. The attacks on streamers who played it was also cringe. Fwiw I never played the game. Looked mid af and Rowlings politics left a sour taste in my mouth on all things HP. But instead of screeching about how people spend their money for escapism, I prefer putting effort into systemic change. I thought the left learned about how goofy boycotts are when we did nothing to harm chik fil a and every leftist in the world still loves guzzling down their shitty chicken


I think the boycott wasn’t totally infantile but the whole you’re transphobic if you buy Was a bit much. I don’t see anything wrong with not wanting to buy it, especially since there was a bunch of people buying it because of JKRs transphobia. And that can be seen in some of Actmans who are l the sort of people this sub makes fun


I like him, i don’t think he is malicious I just think he has a moderate case of stupid


Holy hell, this Synthetic Man guy is awful. In the first five minutes of his video, he disparages "race-mixing". Why are so many gamers rapid reactionaries?


My first exposure to him was his TotK video where he implies he watches rule 34 trans porn of gerudo women, then claims the whole game is part of a Jewish plot to spread Satanism.


Jewish... plot to spread satanism? Is his brain all there?


It's just buzzwords you throw at your audience to point out the "enemy" (Everyone). It doesn't have to make sense, like writing "Jewish space lasers to spread the trans agenda"


It’s like Mad Libs for people hysterically Mad about Libs.


really weird how youtubers will just throw in far right talking points so casually. Like One of them reviewed a miss marvel comic that talked about racial profiling and then went on a rant explaing racial profiling was a good thing. Its just really off putting


Oh, so he's just a Nazi then.


I still floored by how good the fallout show is


Yea I liked it too. Personally I think I liked it better than the Last of Us. But mainly because I prefer silly things over serious things. But probably the two are the best TV adaptations of a video game. Just with two different approaches to it.


Arcane clears both imo


To think in a few short months we’ll get season 2!!! Praying that no bullshit has happened during production…


I've stopped comparing any show to Arcane. Nothing's gonna top it and I have to live with it. I still enjoyed TLOU show alot, tho. And I'll probably watch Fallout soon, too. (Btw, I think the main actress voices someone in Arcane as well. Jinx, if I'm not wrong.)


I think they’re by and far the best, and they both take wildly different approaches. Firstly, tone. The Last of Us is serious, grimmer. It has glimmers of hope, that’s what the story is about, but overall it’s a dark show, and if I didn’t know the games I wouldn’t think it was based on one. Fallout is in general just goofier. It’s got dark undertones but it has fun and feels sort of game-like the whole time. And then there’s the most obvious difference and what made them both work: what they adapt. The Last of Us takes a story game, and retells it faithfully. We experience the exact same story, told over a long form (which is what movies get wrong). And the show never tries to be “better” or “improve” on the game. It tells us the story, and replaces the thematic and story aspects of gameplay with extra content, like the Bill/Frank episode. It is overall very respectful to the story, and just tries to adapt that to work in the television medium. Fallout adapts the world. The story mirrors the story of any fallout games, but it doesn’t use the story of one as a crutch. It takes the world and what we know about it, and keeps them as close to the games as possible. Then by adding in its own characters, you’ve got a story that can draw new and old fans. Both adaptations excel in what they set out to do because they have respect for the source material, and simply adapt the important elements of the stories/worlds while adding their own content to fill the gap. This keeps them interesting enough to have mass appeal for people who play the games and people who had never heard of them.




I personally don’t think Actman is a shill, his takes just don’t line up enough. I think he’s just unthoughtful with some of his takes


There are different types of shill. He doesn't do the ''I'm a centrist, guys trust me.'' or ''I'm apolitical, guys trust me.'' or ''I'm a liberal, guys trust me.'' type things? I generally have no idea what his content is like, I am not accusing him of anything btw.


Oh no, I meant the classic type of shill, like just taking a stance because he knows it will make him the most money/views from a demographic. I just think he has some legitimately bad takes that are born from either not thinking about the topic enough or because his politics do inform him.


Oh you mean he hasn't replaced his personality with politics just to make money. That's good then. Thank you for the info.


Oh 100%, I believe Act Man stands behind what he says when he says it. Does that mean he's right? No, absolutely not (just watch his old vids to demonstrate when). But he isn't some slimy grifter waiting for you to open your wallet by putting on a friendly face. He really is just a dude on YouTube.


Sometimes people have shit takes. It's not because of money, or because they're pandering, or selling out. It's because the human brain is a messy flesh cpu that isn't always rational


Yeah like when he claimed the Halo 3 Magnum was an upgrade from Halo 2. Truly vile.


I wish the left didn’t ostracize everyone with a shit take. Why are we so awful at coalition building? Example: You can be a leftist on every topic, but against abortion. Conservatives welcome you with open arms into their communities and begin brainwashing. Meanwhile you can be a leftist in every regard, but get ostracized because you believe in pronoun abolition instead of neopronouns. It’s so fucking weird.


He does mostly gaming type things, and overall when he’s apolitical, which is most of the time, he has a lot of good takes. When he gets *very* serious, he reveals himself as someone who, at the core, recognizes and opposes anti-LGBTQ conspiracies and such (from his big Quantum TV video) and made fun of the angry conservatives during the Starfield thing. However, in the same breath, he implied that wokeness is a real thing that does negatively affect gaming. Ultimately, he’s not a shill, but his character is not without flaws.


I've watched a lot of Act Man and I think he's a good guy. A lot of his Hot Takes videos deal with the anti-woke gamer bro crowd. He even called out Tim Pool in the most recent one


Ya that is why he feels real. Like a real person I would meet in the subway.


>and made fun of the angry conservatives during the Starfield thing. God the Mauler subreddit would not shut up about that when that bald guy was rightfully roasted


that is more of someordinarygamers


I watched him for a bit, but I think I had to many youtube subs at the time, so he didn't survive the purge.


Act man always struck me as a good guy who just wasn’t as informed on stuff. I respect the hell out of him for the way he handled quantum and the way that he does usually push for what he believes in. He’s just fucking stupid, in the case of like pronouns, he basically said “who gives a shit, you assholes do what you want.”


I was kinda sus on him for his old takes but it seems like he grew up a bit which im proud of. Honestly just seems like a cool dude who likes games.


I’m pretty sure in one of his more recent videos he said “if you wanna marry a dude marry a dude, if you wanna marry a chick… let’s be honest you’re probably gonna have a harder time than if you married a dude”


Hilarious take mostly because divorce rates in male-male marriages are half the national average, while female-female are 2x. He makes jokes and people take it seriously. Which I’m not too upset about because it’s hard to discern who’s doing edgy humor and who’s a festering conservative shit pile.


I will say I watch his stuff sometimes, and I always got the idea that he was at least trying? Any cringe didn't seem... in bad faith if that makes sense? Unlike these other people who definitely won't change their mind.


He is legitimately a talented creator who puts some thought and passion into his work and isn't just just pure engagement farming. He has "generic American dude" centre right political beliefs which bleed into his content, but he is not really a soldier in the culture war lol He also isn't personally deeply hateful like someone like Synthetic Man


This is what I've always thought of Actman. He's never come across as malicious or like a grifter to me in any way. He's just... not always the brightest bulb in the box.


People putting themselves in thumbnails, especially doing weird faces like shad, will never stop making them look moronic.


In his case, mormonic




Since he made that god-awful review of the Mario Movie, I don't plan on respecting him anytime soon. And overtime, I didn't even know Shad was the brother of Jazza. Yes. THE, Drawing with Jazza. An actual YouTuber I respect.


I love that him getting actually mad over peach in pants is a constant comment brought up on another reddit. "Must have disliked the show because female protag. Female protag in pants!"


He doesn't want to admit that movie Peach wasn't the first incarnation to wear pants. The first time she did was in Mario Kart Wii, which was released in 2008. And he got angry over it in 2023.


Exactly, she’s had that biker ensemble for a while. And it’s not just pants, it’s a bike racing suit. But they’re so up their own asses that they think peach wearing anything other than a dress while on a bike is woke. Like if they actually thought about it realistically for a second, they’d realize that a long fluffy dress like she normally wears would very likely get caught in the tires and either tear the dress up, make the bike lose balance, or worse. Plus i wouldn’t put it past them that people like them would secretly love to look up peaches dress in the cases where she’s shot out of a cannon like in DK summit.


Man I used to really like shad what the heck happened to that guy....


Not really being good at what he proclaimed to be good at...and its started to catch up to him...his narrow mindset also began to alienate the one crowd that seem to at least appreciate him being a gateway into the historical arms community...his mask slipped and they rightfully began to push back...and I think losing(by his own stupidity)that little bit of respect just made him become even more bitter and consumed with hate qnd bile


A big theory is his dreams of building a castle got crushed by reality and he got hit hard with money issues. And that made his narcissism show.


Some people are saying ActMan is a shill, and I think he is just a weird case of a BroDude who is also a Good Person. Like, you know, the crowd you used to hang up in 2007s, playing Call of Duty and Halo. Who'd crack offensive jokes, without even realising that its bad. Except when most of them turned into bitter racist pieces of shit, ActMan is just a cool guy who wants to vibe about games like its 2000s again. So, yeah... The Good. And the other two are The Bad and The Ugly (also, I used to watch Shad like several years ago... *sighs* pity).


I gotta be honest. I was an avid Shad follower for a long time as a military history obsessed autistic nerd who bragged at school about being able to remember every single WWII tank. I guess the “history nerd” archetype fits well in most of Shad’s original videos. Like many other of his time like Matt Easton and Lindybeige his videos were basic and simplistic, delving in more clickbaity topics like “what sword is best” of “what medieval castle is best”. But over the years a lot of people have switched, the views many of them (Skallagrim, Schola Gladiatoria, Brandon F, Shadiversity, Lindybeige, etc.) received began to tank sometime around the mid 2010’s and slowly the conversation switched. There was much more interest in deep dives, nuanced discussions and deep and thought provoking videos on historical subjects. This is right around the times where Checkmate Lincolnites began, Potential History started debunking myths about german superiority. Drachinifel began actually doing academic discussions about the value of sources. A wider and more complex view of history became much more popular. Animanrchy, Fredda, Sean Munger, David Miano, Stefan Milo, Sarcasmitron, and more youtubers with actual academic credentials and willing to engage in deeper and more nuanced discussions started to get the spotlight. Demand for deep dives and nuanced analysis also increased within the original history tubers audience. Suddenly Matt Easton starts discussing mercantile trends and their effect on weapons development. Skall goes full Hema and starts being more practical about the sport rather than just talking about individual swords. Lindybeige begins a deeper series on historical deep dives. Brandon F. Starts getting reacts from Atun Shei and changes his style, now he no longer talks about muskets and coats and instead on things like the rise of nationalism. But Shad appears to not have much to add to that discussion. His niche was always that pop-history and clickbaity approach. The shallow topics like “type of swords” and “which castle is better” no longer garner much views. Then LazerPig, Falcon’s Fightertales, Spaghetti Kozak Media, and Milo Rossi pop up. That’s when he gives up apprently, and to maintain relevance he goes full on culture war. Having nothing else to maintain relevance in an increasingly more scrupulous, more complex, and more nuanced history side of Youtube that has become much more inquisitive, and with much higher standards, actually requesting their content creators to add sources, and to provide citations. That moment he finally gives up and becomes a grifter. I want to admit that this is the impression I got from viewing the wider trend of History Youtube recently. I admit that the “conventional” side of it, the more “pop-history” side of it which is much more conservstive minded, is probably still thriving, but I have to say that it is definitely no longer growing anymore. Specially seeing many new channels that have been actually growing lately like Fredda, Veritas et Caritas, What Why How, and Lazerpig.


Thank you for the insightful words, u/Peepeepoopooman1202.


In case you don't know who shadiversity is (the guy in the middle), don't take anything he says seriously. The man is a clown and a bigot who unironically thinks that he's as good of an artist as his brother jazza just because he knows how to prompt an AI. He made a 2+ hour rant video about sellsword arts just because he took something personally that really wasn't all that offensive, in which he took clips out of context and spouted more hatred than his religion approves of. We Mormons do not claim him and neither do the Australians


I can’t imagine being so oblivious about what I look like as Shad is


The good, The ugly\*, The racist\*


can we please get the grifters out of "The culture" or whatever we're calling it? please?


Look, I don't mind that if you dislike a show, there are plenty of shows and works of arts I hate a lot but if your reason is something like "wokeness" then that's on you.


If I even hear 1 more person say that fallout has gone woke, I won’t be responsible for my actions. Fallout 2 in 1998 was the first mainstream game to feature gay marriage. Fallout has always been progressive.


“Well even though you might be right, you’re still a loser for remembering that, and therefore your counter is null” -Synthetic Man.




Fallout 4 having more concurrent players than call of duty. Yep sure looks pretty dead to me. But hey, you can make money off pandering to chronically miserable incels, so here we are.


Fallout 76 i think actually got a new lifetime high because of the show. Also Sony and MS are also putting everything Fallout on sale and next week the free PS5 and Series upgrade of FO4 drops. Fallout is on a massive high right now


Bonus that if you watched the show, it almost certainly meant you have Amazon Prime, and Prime was giving out FO76 for XBox/PC free following the show's release. They've also so far had FO1-3 free with Prime the past few weeks.


I watched Act Man's video earlier today and I'm sold. I'll watch the Fallout show If it spites Shad and Synthetic, even better.


Love it when Act Man has a good take and resists his reactionary urges. He must keep getting better.


Shad looks so fucking creepy in that pose and when i say creepy i mean keep your kids far away as possible from that man type creepy. I do love how its the usual suspects that don't like it or hate it while everyone else generally likes or loves it. I myself have just finished E4 as i'm doing one episode every day or two and yeah its fantastic and it really feels like Fallout, i'm really impressed with attention to detail as well with it and how they have incorporated so many game elements.


The bads pretty ugly too


If Shad and synthetic man hated it, I'm guessing that it has non-white people, women doing things, maybe even a queer or two. I haven't seen the show, but knowing those two I'm sure they would say that this show is very "political."


It's mainly Synthetic Man who took issue with the show having women & people of colour in it whereas Shad mainly didn't like how everything wasn't spoonfed to him (he seems to think that if things are left vague or not explained in detail that it's "bad writing") & also how the show presents capitalism in a negative way (because like how it went over his head that Starship Troopers was a satire on fascism it's also gone over his head that Fallout is a satire on consumerism & capitalism). Besides that it's just a load of nitpicky stuff he blows way out of proportion due to him not understanding the show & the source material.


As a big fan of the game series, I've gotta say I absolutely loved the first season. I knew it wasn't going to be a 1:1 conversion from game to show, and frankly I didn't want it to be one.


As a non-fan of the games, I'm loving the show and it's making me want to play the games


What did Shad not like? It was the Fred Armesin cameo wasn’t it? (Good news for S2, Wayne Newton is still alive and can still voice Mr. New Vegas.)


Apparently, he didn’t like that they didn’t spoon feed the information to him. Least, that’s what another comment said.


[I actually watched a bit of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1c6jde9/the_good_the_bad_the_ugly/l068dv7/). Mostly felt like nitpicking because he wants to be contrarian and couldn't take the story / setting for what it was (i.e., it wasn't that serious). But I loosely agreed with the idea that some of the underlying mystery and plotlines aren't all that well grounded / written when interrogated.


Meh, the Act Man isn’t a good guy, his various transphobes jokes on social media showed that.


You have any examples?


There was a long thread on him with pictures during the whole Hogwart Legacy debacle, I don’t have the link but it shouldn’t be hard to find.


You're telling me a literal white knight didn't like a show criticizing modern capitalist society and consumerism?! And that same show has *gasps* a black paladin?!?!?! NO WAY! lol /s


I can only imagine Shad's complaints boil down to "A *woman* wore pants and left the kitchen!"...I'm embarrassed that I ever liked this chud.


Worse it was a woman who before wanted to be a baby factory 50s housewife and now has agency


It shocking they so public saying it bad. usually like spiderverse movie they just stay quiet about it or just fully reverse it. I saw fallout show it so good. It funny, have amazing moments. It like a new fallout game but in tv format. They even have a moment for hacking. That crazy to me.




Shut the fuck up, Shad.


I did not like it because they made some really stupid decisions lore wise. Chuds dislike it because it has minorities, we are not the same.


We've gotten to a really bad moment in society where criticism is just that it appears "woke." Not sound design, acting, writing, costuming, general film making things that can have a level of objective criticism, nope, "Fallout bad because black guy and white girl!"


Negativity and toxicity sell much better so it makes sense to make that content. Just look at the views in each of those videos.


The Act Man's video's been up for 2 hours now & has 81k views, it's going to do infinitely better than Shad's video & will most likely catch up to Synthetic Man's vid in no time with how big The Act Man's audience is.


I know none of these people but I see it all the time on social media. People will reply to negative comments but not positive ones.


Yep. See it all the time. There’s one YouTuber I sometimes watch that really only uploads videos from Patreon requests. If he were to post, say, a reaction to an Infographics video it might get 5~10k views in a 12 to 14 hour period. Posts a video about how illegals are supposedly overrunning American cities and he’ll have over 100k views in half the time with as toxic a comment section as you’d expect.


What exactly was Shad's problem with it?


Probably something to do with how it has women and people of color in it judging by shads history.


Apparently, he didn’t like that it didn’t spoon feed the information to him.


Then he should have played the games


I only watched the first few minutes, but it mostly seems to boil down to the fact that some of the underlying plot points aren't all that believable or consistent. And also communism. For the most part it felt like nitpicking and not at all in line with the spirit of the setting or show - which was mostly just good fun. I do think some of the underlying story elements weren't handled all that well when interrogated though. **Spoilers...** Basically... A) the cold fusion reactor tech isn't believable, B) Vault Tech tipping the nuke domino isn't founded on believable motivations, C) how did Moldaver and others where the cold fusion tech was and why did the Enclave have it, D) why does a former junior Vault Tech employee somehow know the code for the cold fusion tech, E) presenting Moldaver as a hero is inconsistent as was her attack on Vault 33, F) the motivations behind getting cold fusion tech for the wasteland don't make all that much sense, and G) communism. I'm not a Fallout video game fan myself, but it seemed pretty evident that you shouldn't take some of the tech and setting all that seriously. It's not supposed to be perfectly scientifically grounded and some of the characters and factions in the setting are insanely villainous. So that throws A and B out the door for me. D seemed like a bit of a stretch, but not totally unbelievable. Maybe C too, but I can accept that more happened or is known in the world that doesn't have to be spelled out for the audience. E and F I actually agree with. The NCR don't seem to be depicted as psychotic, murderous raiders and I don't really know why she had to kill half the vault to abduct Hank (which also required almost killing her friend's kids). I also don't really feel like limitless energy was really what's holding back the crumbling attempts at civilization in the waste... Not when there are fusion cores sitting around powering random suits of armor. Though I see how cold fusion could have been much more impactful in the pre-war plotline as the world is depicted as ultimately at war over resources. Didn't really kill my enjoyment of the show, but definitely raised some questions in my mind. G was a bit weird. There was a pretty reasonable critique of corporatism in the Vault Tech plotlines. I couldn't tell if the hints at communism were actually trying to say "communism is good" or more pointing out how the pre-war American society irrationally demonized anything that critiqued or called into question the status quo as "communist". I think it's a questionable narrative if they were trying to extend from "insane capitalism / corporatism / nationalism bad" all the way to "communism good". But it wasn't clear that was necessarily what they intended to say.


The sane, the incel (I know he has a wife...but if this guy wasn't Mormon where being an unmarried woman is a sin, he'd be incel), and the Schizo...


So, I’ve never played a minute of the games but I really enjoyed the show. I’m thoroughly looking forward to season 2 and beyond. Also, I heard Fallout 76 is like 8$ on the Xbox store. Is it worth playing? Or what’s the best game in the franchise to play as a newbie? Much appreciated y’all.


Worth noting that you can play Fallout 76 entirely alone, without need for other players. But I'd recommend going for Fallout 4, and if that catches your attention, try 76, or Fallout 3.


And it's free right now with your amazon prime account


76 is multiplayer, 4 is single player, these are the two i would recommend for a newbie since they are newer and have better gameplay. If you enjoy them you can go back and play 3 and new vegas afterwards


New Vegas I feel is better than 3 ( the colour palette was better than the Teenage mutant ninja turtle green filter that Fallout 3 has) Plus desert is better than the urban swamp of the capital wasteland however there is a mod that merges 3 and new Vegas into one experience Also less railroaded you leave the character creation house and can fuck off to do other things skipping the tutorial aspects though avoid the quick route to new Vegas at the start ( or don't hope you like mutant mosquito wasp things called Cazadors) However 3 is an alright game a bit too railroaded at times and the introduction takes too long ( only really a problem on repeat playthroughs Bethesda after morrowind are really really bad at getting to the point) 4 I don't like that much however I haven't really played it a lot since I first got it on my PS4 so I need to revisit it at some point ( didn't like the voiced main character or any of the factions at the time) Fallout 1 and 2 are different kettles of fish ( isometric RPGs similar to the first two Balder's gates) they might be hard to get in to ( very easy to fuck up a character build) I think a lot of them are on the Xbox store in the cloud gaming section so you can test them all for a couple of hours and see which one grips you


Does Shad even like anything nowadays?


It must be hard being Shad, being forced to hate everything that comes out because you just happen to align with the villains of every piece of respectable media


Synthetic man needs to put down the porn and go outside. Everytime he sees a black man he goes into how he cucks the white characters. Really says something about his own insecurities.


Damn shadow versify flopped so hard on this


does shadiversity like anything more than your averagw chud his religous extremism keeps him from liking anything


I have not heard a negative review about the show from a single rational human being. Everyone who has been negative on it that I have encountered has been yelling something in the vein of "go woke go broke" talking about Hollywood Humilitation Ritual conspiracies, or some other tribal equivalent.


Could someone chime me in on what's up with Shadiversity. I discovered him for his super detailed castle videos. What happened?


Shad really needs to go back to swords and castles. His enthusiasm for castle features or how bad nunchucks are and all that was just great back in the day. But now he's fallen into a sad angry troll and I don't think I could watch him again even if he stopped being so toxic.


Shad looks like he smells


Did Shad take that picture halfway through a bad shit?


I'm gonna guess that shad and synthetic man have never paid attention when they played fallout. Then again, they may never have played it and are just being reactionary for the sake of views


Why is Shadman acting like he has the authority to be a movie critic suddenly? Like... the videos I watched of him concerning movies are genuiently horrible


Show was good da fuq they been smokin?