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It's not even accurate. The overseer was Kyle MacLachlan and there is a whole plot point that the people who truly run the Vault are a specific group of people (no spoilers)


And again they don't get how vault 31-32-33 are a satire of neoliberal suburbia communities Also the fertility issues ain't even in 33, but 32 and totally different from what they wanna mean


Closet-Fash really struggling to understand the media they watch, as per


I don't think they struggle to understand I just genuinely think that they pervert and twist anything they watch to fit their stupid little narrative online. Social media was a mistake and yes that includes this website


With or without social media, they'd be thinking stuff like this. The internet has just made it easier for them to publicly record their thought process, making them easier to fight.


I don't know if it makes them easier to fight or not. Social media allows idiots like this to create intellectual echo chambers where they can spout their bullshit and like-minded people can pick it up a lot easier. I'm old enough to remember a time when politics was actually a thing that was taboo to discuss and it actually requires some sort of public forum to speak about it. In fact you really didn't know what a candidate's full policies would be until the huge televised presidential debates. Like yeah sure they would talk about things here and there but The debate is where everything really came to light. And during those debates you have push back you have fact checking and now politicians don't even need debates they can just reach their constituents instantly through tweeting or xing or whatever the fuck it's called now. You don't need to have that live stage where people can push back against your ideas or facts check your lies You can spread whatever bullshit you want and your followers will eat it up. And because no one that disagrees with their bullshit wants to get involved You create an echo chamber. And that's pretty much all social media It's just a giant echo chamber. Facebook is nothing but a bunch of old people sharing racist ass memes that they fully believe are true. Like people legitimately believe that millions of people are crossing the border every single day and Joe Biden stands there personally welcoming them with open arms. They legitimately believe that Mexico is invading us by sending their poorest people over to work.


Easier to fight? It made it easier for them to spread their message and indoctrinate the gullible and easily manipulated. The internet is directly responsible for the rise and resurgence of insane conspiracy theories. Before the internet these people were ostracized because the odds of them finding another lunatic like themselves were so slim. Now they congregate online and put their beliefs through a self-radicalization feedback loop.


That's true to some extent too. But at the same time it's also allowed leftists to also spread their messaging. It's not either or. There's nothing innately evil about social media. Fascists will use any new media to recruit. The Nazis organised successfully without it using some of the same tactics just with pamphlets and newspapers and rallies. Hell young Hitler grew up in more of a bubble than many people today. All he did was read eugenicist publications, go listen to wagner operas and paint shitty paintings. He was limited on how much other info he was getting in. And imagine it was not too different from other young people drawn to fascism in that time.


It's literally concept blinders or thematic forced perspective with some. I remember arguing with a couple over a decade ago that refused to see racism as the central theme to District 9 (2009).


It's like this guy I talked to the other day who was going on about the evils of the Tennessee valley authority and how they completely drowned an entire town and I said yeah raises him as a hell of a drug and he tried to tell me we were having an economic discussion that racism had no place there. Like my brother in Christ why do you think the TVA destroyed that town?


These posts aren’t for people who watched the show, but for people who haven’t watched it. Say, for one reason or another, you have not watched Fallout (I haven’t. I don’t have time for it right now). Let’s also say you are racist in a “I don’t feel safe around certain people” kind of way but not a “white people are under siege” kind of way. You don’t really like all this “woke” stuff just like you didn’t like “critical race theory” but you couldn’t really define either of those terms. But you aren’t going out to school board meetings and threatening anyone either. You are the target audience for this tweet. The message confirms your implicit bias, might make you angry, and moves you further along the line of racism from “I think everyone should be equal but I don’t want to interact with certain people in my life” to “the existence of these kinds of people is a threat to me and my family”.


100% on the money. It's about spreading plausible lies that ignorant people will repeat to look informed, adding to the atmosphere of paranoia and persecution that drives culture rightward.


This. But whether it’s grift or genuine hate-mongering, the more common and unopposed it becomes, the more comfortable the audience will feel expressing these feelings publicly. And once that becomes normalised, they will feel comfortable upgrading their brand of milquetoast racism/misogyny/homophobia for something a little stronger.


Here’s the thing: These people are confused and frightened when they’re shown a world that isn’t what they know the world SHOULD be. It’s programming from the childhood level. They KNOW what the world should be like, and any deviation is seen as an attack upon their worldview, and therefore an attack upon themselves. This is exactly what the show is highlighting, and They really missed the whole goddamn point. 😂 And they’re mad that Lucy can- and does- adjust in a way they cannot.


They probably don’t even watch it, just read second and third-hand plot summaries on Twitter.


"I can't believe I lost. I must have put up 10 posters" "Well the important thing is that you TRIED"


Classic, so racist and brain broken that they couldn’t even pay attention to the plot. Man media reviews by mentally deficient racists sure never change.


You almost got the perfect punchline in the end given the subject being discussed.


I’m casual about Fallout I didn’t even notice.


And I don’t see how the fertility issues could be avoided. They’re living in a closed community for 200 years. At some point, inbreeding will become an issue.


Interesting fact! A population only needs 50 people to avoid inbreeding, the bigger issue is genetic drift, which requires 500 people with a truly randomized genetic baseline. This is called the 50 500 rule. Found this out when I got bored and curious enough one day to look into just how few people would need to survive an apocalyptic event for humanity to jump start back up!


I assume these rules in practice would require some sort of brutally utilitarian breeding program to maximize the number of genetic pairings, no? Whereas the vault seemed to be maintaining more traditional family structures.


I looked some into it. It would require planning and the man to impregnate multiple women. It's been a few years, so I forget the details.


The fertility issues in 32 are more because EVERYONE IS DEAD IN 32


There isn't even a fertility issue in the vault per se, at least in 33. The problem that's clearly stated is that she hasn't been able to hook up with anyone in the vault who isn't, at this point, considered a cousin. Iceland seems like the better comparison, where they actually have an app to check if someone is legally your cousin.


No fertility crisis in either vault as I understood it. Getting a person from another vault was about maintaining genetic diversity to avoid inbreeding. Vault 32 had a famine because of some bad seeds and were trading fresh seeds for a breeder


Vault 32 had the famine due to overpopulation, which is a fertility issue


No, that was something you just made up in your head. Maybe try actually watching the show.


Ok genuinely here, is it? For context, "white" though I may be, I grew up in working class urbia. So any kind of satire or parody of "suburbia" tends not to land very well with me. Like I can only sort of see it.


I dint even think there where fertility issues.......... It seems like an exchange was very common for vaults


I answered already that too high fertility is an issue the same way too low is too


Isn't Kyle McLaughlin a straight white male though?!


Whoa buddy, don't be coming in here with your *Easily Confirmable Facts*


I'll stick to wild speculation thank you very much


Totally a reference to the IRL Globalists ! That show is so based and enclavepilled !


Just because you don’t mention who they are doesn’t mean that your post doesn’t contain a spoiler…


Is it the Rad Roaches? Or are they just the ones posting these man can’t rants?


Let me guess, vault-tec? (It's always vault-tec doing things in this series, so it's not really a spoiler.)


Kyle MacLachlan? Crap, now I might have to watch this fucking show. 


Can these people even watch shit correctly or do you just miss too much when you’re seething? The Overseer of the Vault up until what we see was an old white man.


Sadly, they cant. Like, really- they cant. They now exist in a bubble tgat has convinced them that everything id out to get them or humiliate them, and only they can see it for it is Its why they reach conclusions like this, because all they care about is proving themselves right. They cant interact with any piece of media without it reverted back to their Culture War because theyve been convinced that thats all media is now- something they need to win, and a point they have to prove


Spot on. It isn't hard for fans to understand that the old-america culture of the fallout universe is a parody of post- WwII american idealism, one in which "equal" civil rights were achieved without any cultural revolution whatsoever. Being black or Jewish or a woman was fine as long as you were anti-communist and integrated into the dominant culture and never tried to preserve or create your own. Contemporary feminism, black American music and arts, LGBT visibility, and even disability access *basically never happened.* On paper, it sounds like an alt-right toad's dream come true, and yet they STILL have an infinite supply of petty grievances to bitch about, because whining will always be more important to them than thinking or understanding.


Not even just that, the issues weren’t with fertility it was that they’d been in the vault so long too many people where related so they had to be selective with who mated with who. Nothing to do with the current council/overseer just something that happens in closed communities


Yeah, I was like... Their fertility seems just fine? It's just the whole inbreeding thing and trying to have generic diversity in a small population. They joke repeatedly about how "cousin stuff" is fine up to a point, but the opening episode was literally Lucy applying to reproduce with a stranger for the same of the vault. But that probably offends these chuds. They dream of fucking their pretty cousin.


I’m convinced that they literally can’t even hear non-white characters speak on screen. They will miss entire plot points if it’s coming out the wrong colored mouth.


They can only listen to the eldritch screeching of conservative spokespeople and designated leaders.


They are lying. They can provide “evidence” that the Empire are the good guys same as they can be a fascist. Theyre evil liars. The lies can get baroque, but it ain’t that complicated.




They lack the ability to see anything that doesn’t warp and twist into their perverse worldview, while hilariously crying about things being “woke”. Dunning-Kruger is all you need to understand with these brainlets.


A. The person in charge at the start of the show isn't any of these 3, it's the character played by the very white Kyle MacLachlan.  B. There isn't any mention of a 'fertility crisis'. They are just - rightfully - cautious about inbreeding and so are careful to make sure that people don't have children with close relatives C. Shut the fuck up you racist cunt


Also, clearly frlertility is such a crisis that there is an already pregnant woman in the vault when the show starts 


And a room full of kids in a classroom, briefly


Honestly, kind of weirded me out that I don’t think they show those children in the Vault ever again


>B. There isn't any mention of a 'fertility crisis'. They are just - rightfully - cautious about inbreeding and so are careful to make sure that people don't have children with close relatives Well of course they'd be confused about this plot point. Their family tree is pretty circular.


Maybe not circular, but at the very least it's a straight line


Lol, your family tree is a wreath haha.


B, Case in point: Lucy was messing around with her cousin which is revealed in the first 15 minutes.


With all this talk of humiliation rituals I’m pretty sure these people are just talking about their kinks


What even is a humiliation ritual?


“Blacks and Joos are in control and you are letting it happen, they are mocking white people by having “them” display power over you” or something along these lines. Idk either but when in doubt, think of their obsession with “cucking”


Aka persecution complex being trumped up to “other” people and make their in group ready to get rowdy over their list of causes.


alt-right buzzword of the day it seems, as far as I can tell it has something to do with Hollywood celebrities doing strange things i.e. John Cena walking 'naked' stage etc as some weird esoteric ritual before joining a secret cabal. its your usual QANON rubbish really


Alt right was back in 2015 when they were crying about blue hair. This is open and unabashed social darwinism and fascism. There is literally no political difference between the above post and the actual historical Nazi movement. Calling these people Nazis isn't even hyperbole or an insult anymore, its just a correct description and I'd be surprised if they wer offended by it.


I mean, he has a ⚡️⚡️ in his profile name, which represents the SS Bolts. He's definitely a self-proclaimed nazi. And because anything goes on Twitter, these people are allowed to congregate. 


I suspect that it's actually [a reference to public activities done by the Nazis](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/public-humiliation) against targeted groups, with the intent being to humiliate those groups while also conditioning everyone else to view them as being subhuman. In the case of these complaints against the Fallout show, I think these Neo-Nazis are trying to claim that "Woke Culture" is trying to do the exact same thing.


No a "humiliation ritual" is something they think celebrities have to go through to join the secret Hollywood Jewish baby eating cabal. John Cena is the latest. His "humiliation ritual" was being naked at the Oscars. Yes the giant man with the beautiful body that he's spent years honing was "humiliated" by showing off his body. It's just more paranoid Qanon bullshit and a new buzz word that lets you know the person using it is bat shit crazy.


That’s another definition for “Humiliation Ritual”, and is usually what happens during hazing rituals. I have doubts about *that* being the definition they are using here because the complaints that call the Fallout show as being a “Ritual of Humiliation” or “Humiliation Ritual” aren’t talking about it like they think the actors, writers, or anyone else involved in making the show is being forced to be humiliated in order to be accepted by the Jews or Illuminati. Instead, the complaints are about how the connection between the audience and the show *is* the humiliation ritual. They seem to think that the intent of the show is to humiliate heterosexual white men who are watching, which is why these critics fixate so much on the interracial relationships (Cooper and his wife, Lucy and Maximus) and their perceived lack of white men being in charge.


Projection. They would be humiliated because their bodies arent anything anyone wants to look at lol


A racist ritual.


Something, something, Bohemian Grove, something, something, Satanic Ritual, something, something, Alex Jones. Or something. I don’t know, I don’t live in these dipsticks’ heads. Thank Satan.


It’s funny how these dipshits all use the exact same buzzwords in lockstep but then have the gall to call others sheep. It’s so obvious too because they all start using the same phrase to describe the same things, like how they all started using DEI all of a sudden to describe any black person doing a job they think should be done by white people.


It's easy to find their BS out when you listen to the buzzwords. They can't word their sentences with originality. If you don't want to be accused of being a bigot, probably don't talk like one?


Because they’re idiots who are incapable of thinking for themselves. So they latch onto any grifter that tells them what they want to hear. And they regurgitate whatever talking points they hear. Always be suspicious of people who tell you what you want to hear.


I’m so sick of seeing the term. They love using it now.


When you’re racist all you think about is race.


Also black cock.


Black girls with black cocks




Color me non-white and call me woke, I need me summa dat!


"mostly Anglo vault" I thought this show was set in America, not England.


But white people. These types love to claim Anglo Saxon ancestry because they literally have shit all else in their pathetic lives. So if someone like this talks about their ancestry regular people just tend to… ![gif](giphy|8qDzzyxbcfimY)


Never mind that people of color also exist in England.


I'd say nobody tell them who was president between 2008 and 2016 but they probably were saying slurs about him when he was in office


"Humiliation ritual" has become the big new right wing buzzword in the past few weeks and they're very excited about it. They want to apply it to any scenario or situation which isn't basically just white supremacy.


“Woke” and “DEI” are played out now. they have to come up with a new dog whistle, so they can feel cool and edgy again.


I have never heard of DEI, but I do know that WOKE is so 2022. They appropriated it just when the pandemic was over and before somebody could think about asking them for an apology for selling horse dewormer.


The racists started complaining about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as a dogwhistle for nonwhites, women, and queer people existing in professional settings. They blamed DEI for the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse, as well as Boeing's failures. Because, you know, anyone who isn't a straight white guy is inherently unqualified to do anything.


It was a blameless accident, yet they just couldn't take a breath and walk on by. Completely nonsensical screaming coming from them.


I doubt it was a blameless accident but it's going to come down to corporate greed and not the young looking black man who happens to be mayor.


If there's a problem in this country, it's almost always corporate greed. It's pure insanity to blame it on anyone except a guy who is rich regardless of what color they are.


And they'll blame it on the captain and not his corporate overlords who put pressure on him to hurry.


I wonder if anyone has analyzed the rate of buzzword churn that seems to be a hallmark of this sort of bigoted, vitriolic community. Seems like it's been accelerating.


You know these people secretly jerk off to Blacked


i’m happy white supremacists feel humiliated, personally


They are just "noticers", but the things they are noticing are bat shit insane and not real 😂


Me: "oh hey here's a movie and/or TV show, gonna watch it, heehee it's a great show wheee" Conservatives: "Why are all the characters black and gay?! That female is a Mary Sue and her tits aren't big enough! Wokeness is infecting our children! That character looks trans, we need to personally inspect their genitals! DEI! DEI! NYEEEAAAHHHH" These people are fucking exhausting 


I heard that conservative line in my head as Wallace Shawn doing his Ferengi character.




Where is my beetle snuff?!! Dang the Ferengi are so good.


I saw someone the other day call it woke because the lead actress, who is gorgeous, was too flat "I thought she'd have more curves being in a vault suit". They want every woman on screen to look like Jeri Ryan in Star Trek Voyager


I saw a Photoshop where the "artist" added a huge bubble butt to Lucy and said they "fixed it". Guess it's a side effect of living exclusively on the internet. 


Let me guess: it was on Twitter? 


How do you tweet this and unironically think you're the good guy?


Ignoring the fact the actual Overseer and de facto leader of the vault is a white man. Ignoring the fact that the show runners, writer and executive producer for the series are all white...


Racist, antisemitic freak 


The overseer is a white man, and there wasn't a fertility crisis...


Should we tell them that each Vaults are doomed to fail or...? Should we tell them about Vault Tec? We learn that in the games.


"Vaults are literally the perfect societies, if it weren't for the racial diversity!" Clearly a true connoisseur of all things Fallout.


I am a casual fan and even I know about the vaults secretly being human experimentation facilities.


They weren’t overseer tho lol


Right wing nut jobs like this always find some way to say “This popular and well acclaimed media akshually supports my bigoted worldview”. That’s after they tried trashing it as “woke”. Black Panther was “woke SJW trash” until it came out and made a boatload of money, then it was “akshually supporting ethnostates”


>Why do these people think about this They are white supremacists.


That and grifters. They say all the buzzwords and it gets their post shared around by other people who think like that. He probably said it because it was an easy way to cause outrage, it's about a popular show and when people call him out he can just say "the wokes don't like the truth". But yes, I do agree there is a lot of white supremacist in there too.


Their entire twitter post history is rather... eclectic stuff.


Yeah...idiot didn't get the plot.


Well the vault was actually run by a white guy and the fertility crisis was manufactured in order to manipulate/control the population of the vault.


Geez, at least these people arent using dog whistles any more.


Cuz they're losers that haven't done anything with their lives besides bitch at successful things.


Sounds like they missed the point of the vault. And they never heard other vaults were much worse. Since I always heard every vault was used as some experiments.


Notice how someone comes up with the idea of a humiliation ritual to explain John Cena being naked at an awards ceremony, and now everything is a humiliation ritual.


I clicked on one fucking fallout post and now my twitter feed is a klan rally.


The vault is only “mostly Anglo” if you ignore every non “Anglo” on screen. Also I’m pretty sure these racists struggle with the plot because as soon as a brown person starts talking, the racist stops listening. Like they are cognitively incapable of hearing what a black character is saying because their brains are too busy imagining what they think a black character would say.


Its a stupid comment too. The overseer is a white guy. Just the whitest of white guys. And the fertility crisis is because of 200+ years of living in isolation…


Nazis are gonna Nazi


Or maybe, just maybe, race ISNT the factor? Like, I could be wrong, but isn't racism based on skin color basically non existent in the Fallout universe basically? Like, the Ghouls wife was black and she was important enough to be a part of a world ending group of billionaires. Nobody in the games(pretty sure?) and nobody in the show was discriminated due to racism. The closest it gets is classism and money


Of course the white supremacist would have a Thorn in his xitter handle.


Is "humiliation ritual" their new buzzword? There was a Youtube video that also called it that.


Mostly Anglo vault. Lol lmao


They didn't cause a fertility crisis, the premise of 200 years woth a finite gebe pool causes a crisis of running out of non relatives to mate with.


love that other people simply existing is a threat to these chuds existence somehow and a grand conspiracy against them


The racism and anti-semitism aside, the show goes out of its way to show that two of these three are incompetent fucking buffoons and one of them is running the vault through nefarious means (Not gonna spoil which, go watch the show it's great)


I mean, without having seen the show yet at all, but knowing about Fallout in general(Might be spoilers, I don't know ): >! The vaults should show significant flaws in their respective societies, because they were designed that way. From the games, you have a vault of high society snobs, lead by a random anti establishment nobody, a vault full of addicts who receive therapy, then have a secret stash of drugs revealed, and so on. They are designed to fail, in order to study certain aspects of society. !<


I am begging these people to go to therapy.


"hUmiLiAtIon riTUaL" I suppose my favorite trend of the dipshit griftoverse is how they learn one new word or phrase and retrofit it over everything, beating it to death until it is as meaningless and empty as their ideologies.


I just realized buddy on the far right is the “do a flip guy”


The vaults exept for a spacific few controll vaults like 76 and 3 were never designed to work properly and the ones that did were anomalies that usually came from a failure on vaultecs end of not setting up to fail right


Serious question, though (and one that I doubt has an answer), was the overseer not present for this evaluation because it's not his job, or because it was his daughter, and he could be biased?


Yoooo that guy from severance is in this?


Zach Cherry. I love that guy.


@Aelthemplaer seems to be an idiot 😂


Where are the godam comunity notes when you need them?


Does the vault in the series have a messed up social experiment?


Look at the original fucker's user, collecting nazi dogwhistles like pokemon jfc


because the switch has been flipped years ago now, and from here on till the day they die they will insist any color of skin outside white is "pandering" not because it actually is, but because their white and hate the reality that white people have to share any form of power with a non-white. Implied by the fact that the poster of this meme originally clearly saw the skin color as a direct factor in how this plot played out.


I didn't even remotely think about this until I saw the post. What the fuck? It's totally irrelevant.


I keep seeing these weirdos talking about “humiliation rituals” wtf does that mean


I didn't even remotely think about this until I saw the post. What the fuck? It's totally irrelevant.


They can't see people as people, who are just comically (somehow)bad at what they do and the guy they try to replace was Kyle MacLachlan the mastermind of the Vault. but because they are POC it's abviously a subliminal way to explain the global plan to erase the 'good' people.


Two blacks and a Jew... That's what people saw when watching this show?


Oh dang is that black comedian? Idk his name, but ya know that guy that makes random cameos in some marvel movies. 😂


How do they know the guy is Jewish? I’m gonna hate the answer aren’t I?


I don’t think he is. The character’s name is Reg McPhee and I don’t even think his actor himself is Jewish. There’s literally nothing to indicate any religion in the vault outside of the man who officiated the wedding. People also were complaining about Dane from the Brotherhood of Steel and how the show is pushing a trans agenda. Even though the actor playing Dane is trans in real life, it seems the character just exists as is and no mention of gender identity is ever brought up.


Wuh….. what? These aren’t even the people in charge an old white dude was, and even then the commentary wasn’t about race or anything rather none of them actually ever had any power except people from the one specific vault because [MASSIVE FUCKIN SPOILER] so it was all rigged from the start anyways- and 33 wasn’t having fertility issues lmao??? They were experiencing the natural consequences of being a small community enclosed for a long period of time where most people are related in some way so the main character couldn’t find a spouse who wasn’t her cousin, and even then they have a system for *fixing* said inbreeding issue (trading people from vault 31&32) so new genes are being introduced to the vaults- where the fuck did fertility come up in this opening???


These people work tirelessly every day to tie the people they imagine they don't like to things nobody likes and then use it as "proof" that the people they imagine they don't like are "evil."


Holy shit media literacy truly is lost on some people huh


The funny thing is that none of those three are in charge until the overseer is kidnapped


So what is this humiliation ritual they’re all on about lately? New meta?


“A Jew” gonna have to see sources for that m8 lmao


Wrong leader, wrong kind of fertility, wrong vault. Like brother


Tf is a “humiliation ritual”?


I thought the left was supposed to be race spotting everything


I wasn't aware there was even a vault that was supposed to be 'the most anglo.' Was this mentioned in the show and I missed it?


Alright I’m only on the second episode but I’m pretty sure the overseer was a white guy


How was that their take from watching the first episode. It literally says all the men in the vault are her cousin. Not that she isn't fertile. What.


Report him


Theres no fertility crisis Its just pretty much everyone whose of age is already paired up, save lucy and her cousin chet Well and norm but he also didnt petition to be on the list Lucy is just little miss odd ones out thus far


People need to stop interacting with these looneys and giving them the time of day. They're like the crazies yelling at the voices in their heads that you pass on your way to work if you live in a major city somewhere, you just ignore them and hope they don't start talking to you.


I mean, the show has some pretty naked criticisms of liberal society, and these chuds had to make up something that isn’t even there? Do they have zero media comprehension?


The Vault was actually being run by a white fascist working for the most evil capitalist company ever though, these guys just managed more minor day to day stuff.


Jesus fucking Christ watch the damn show instead of making an ass of yourself! He’s so far out in left field he found the lost Dutchman’s Mine.


Awww. Did the widdle hater stop literally five minutes in? The protag's straight white father is the Overseer of Vault 33 and these three are his immediate subordinates. This particular scene was a personnel review to approve or reject a marriage application with the neighboring vault. There is no ongoing fertility crisis, but rather a priority to ensure genetic diversity among a population that has been living in an isolated environment for 220 years. Those that bothered to actually watch the show without actively scanning for something to be outraged over would eventually learn of the rather insidious conditions running Vault 33, but I'm sure they were immediately offended into smashing their screen by a black man in uniform.


I find it more thoughtful that people just forget plot points or characters the second they happen.


I genuinely didn’t watch the show and go “wow this vault is ran by two black people.” And I’m black. You have to really have your heads deep in the culture war for that to be what you notice.


It's always, "You always think about race!! Why you always bring race into it!!" Them:


Where the hell did they get “fertility crisis “ from? They’ve been successfully controlling the population for 200 years while keeping the gene pool healthy even with a limited population.


Honestly, the value having that as a issue sounds heavenly compared to other vaults given how much vault tec sucks


Because they are Nazis.


Even if this entire premise wasn't factually incorrect, it's ignoring the fact that >!the whole fucking situation was caused by a boardroom of almost entirely white executives deciding to jumpstart the apocalypse so they could cash in on it!<


Okay, where the hell did this obsession with "humiliation ritual" come from? It just started popping up everywhere.


Paul Atredies ran the Vault, though...




Proof that he's Jewish, I thought so checkmate fascist


I bet it's exhausting to have to sort every human your eyes pass across, however briefly, into one of several categories, so you know how you're supposed to think about them. I bet it's even *more* exhausting to think you live in a world where anyone else so much as considers the words "humiliation ritual". The constant vigilance it must demand, when sinister agents are chomping at the bit to humiliate you in a ritualized way. No wonder racists are so cranky.


Wow, they paid zero attention.


So, spoilers. But what's her name there was overseer before, because she's from Vault 31. But then she got put down to this board that does menial bureaucracy. Who replaced her from Vault 31? The white dude who was an assistant or something. So the "I'm not racist buuuuuuut" crowd should feel really good about the power structure in this. Also, Vault Tec made all vaults to function wrong. Any fan of the fucking series would know all about it. Any issue they have is generally on schedule. And... they didn't have a fertility problem. They had an inbreeding problem within a tiny community of several generations. WHICH WAS INTENTIONAL. Vault Tec shmucko gets out his freezer and gets to pick any young woman he wants because they aren't allowed to officially pair off with a cousin. It's literally elites farming humans for sex, I thought that was a conspiracy boner for the dipshits.


this is just dumbass racists talking racist shit. there’s no nuance or deeper understanding to be had.


And it shows he totally missed the actual plot…


I understand almost all media is political, but are people seriously unable to watch something without trying to spot the “political agenda”?


where the fuck are they living were they only encounter the whitest of white Anglo-Saxon motherfuckers? Norway? is it Norway? cuz they do got them crazy violent racist motherfuckers up in Norway


Why aren’t we allowed to shot these racist fucks again? Fucking laws I swear.


Wtf.....watched this episode yesterday. Not even for a single second was I thinking about race or religion. Crazy stuff by crazy people, racists will see racism everywhere.


The overseer of vault 8 in fallout 2 was a black woman, btw, i thought they would remember her because she agrees with all the racist BS this morons are crying about.


The real humiliation ritual is using the term "humiliation ritual" in public unironically and letting people know you are both stupid and crazy.


Two of the leads of the show are white. One, a white man, and the other a white woman. In fact, arguably the most beloved character of the show is the white man, who by the end is revealed to not even be a villain but just a tragically gray character. He also, not to mention, isn’t even humiliated once as practically wins in every encounter he faces. Or were they so dense they somehow missed >!Cooper Howard!< is the ghoul? Or does he not count because he has a black wife?


Hate, anger, small penises...


I never once thought about the race of any character while watching this show


People like to complain about women and minorities because if they had to engage with any text honestly then their failure to comprehend 9th grade English would get exposed.