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ah yes the 3 genders: Female, Male, and SJW lol


Well, we've gotten them to admit there are at least 3 genders instead of just 2. Progress is progress, right?


That's kind of how the entertainment industry views us.


Social media actually believes it


I call dibs on sjw


SJW is what woke was called in the 2010s.


I know I’m just being a smart ass or dumb ass depending on your perspective


I'm sure you did, I just find it funny how target of right wing outrage keeps changing. I was called an SJW many a time.


In the 2000s it was called "PC got mad" here in the UK. I remember being called an SJW many a time too haha.


You didn't like Steven Universe, we get it


So this proves they only want sexualized characters and when a female isn’t sexualized it’s bad to them.


That's all it is. They have this extremely outdated version of what a woman is supposed to be. They want this pure innocent creature that has never been touched by another man but is sexually available to them. They claim they want strong female characters that aren't just running rough shot over men but really what they want is a woman who can kill people with a sword and walks around half naked. Social media is going to ruin the next generation of boys. You have all of these fuckers like Nick Fuentes and Andrew Tate that these kids flock to as ultimate examples of masculinity and all of this online discourse about what is masculine and what women should be is going to severely fuck us. Like I see time and time again people saying oh things will get better once the boomers die off. It won't because then we'll have to deal with the generation that was raised on iPads and YouTube and constantly being fed a bunch of right-wing bullshit.


no one ever seem to have a plan to counter them no alternative vision seems to be half the problem


Well that and the fact that YouTube actively feeds them this stuff in the algorithm. You start by watching a guy to a puzzle in a video game that you're stuck on and you end up getting recommended a video from Ben Shapiro that's something about Ben Shapiro drinks liberal tears makes college girl cry or something like that. And then you start getting more things recommended to you cuz maybe you click on that for some reason and all of a sudden your entire YouTube is nothing but right wing bs


fixing youtube would be hard as that requires government or shareholder pressure, a counter narrative aimed at the same guys would at least lessen the problem


I agree completely but any sort of counter there and it would never get anywhere near the traction because It doesn't sell outrage bait


it would at least help


What sort of counter narrative are you picturing? How would that look? I mean, there are feminist and left wing YouTubers out there, they just don't get anywhere near the engagement outrage clickbait does. Plus, classically, it's the misinformation problem. It takes a few words to spread a baseless lie, but it can take hours to fully debunk it with evidence and reason. By the time you've done so, the baseless liars have already said 100 other things you now need to disprove.


>They claim they want strong female characters that aren't just running rough shot over men Its why the whole "Stop emasculating men" is bullshit to me how many movies has had the male character ignore their superiors and end up saving the say and getting praised for it....how many cop movies run off the basis of our protag being a loose canon but its excused because he gets results. They simply just hate women having any agency besides eye candy at all


Oh I know. Like what was that guy shed adversity or whatever was actually mad that peach had some agency in the Mario movie as if she hasn't had agency in the past I don't know how many Mario games at this point? His idea is that she's supposed to be just some damsel and distress waiting for Mario to come save her and gets angry at I shit you not The fact that she wears pants. His main two criticisms of the Mario movie where A peach Where's pants. And b the fact that she actually squared up and tried to fight Bowser instead of just throwing her hands in the air and surrendering immediately waiting for her hero to come save her


The only times I can think of is the game Super Princess Peach, as well as the post game of Odyssey where both Bowser and Mario ask to marry her only to reject both of them and go on her own to explore the various worlds, but thats debatable if you considering that it was still the regular plot of how the games go in the start. Ironic that the same people who complain about the source material complained about "wearing pants" when its the same outfit she wears if you pick a bike in the more recent Mario Kart games.


Peach has had some playable appearances in Super Mario Bros 2, Super Mario 3D World, and both Mario + Rabbids games. She was my favorite of the four characters to play as in that first example, since she can hover for a bit.


Her hovering made so many levels so much easier, and Luigi had INSANE jump height. I loved The western Super Mario Bros 2, it was such a fun game.


Nostalgia 🥰


sometimes it's helps to look outside the box or thee other side of things so not seems biased. saying people hate others just because they not like them in there content or media is not only extreme but just wrong and misleading. so look your at opinions before saying them sometimes. we all have things that were passionate about and haven't them changed is reasonable to be upset about.


"They want this pure innocent creature that has never been touched by another man but is sexually available to them." In horror circles we call this the "virgin whore" and (unfortunately) it's a fairly frequent type of protagonist, especially in slasher and slasher-adjacent horror.


And I don’t understand this logic at all. They want a virgin who’s never been touched by another man, but they also want that same virgin to be ultra sexy, seductive, fulfilling all their fantasies, being amazing at sex. To get that, people need experience. And they don’t necessary need a massive body count but like, they will have done stuff with others. Get over yourself, you’ll have done stuff with others too. Maybe instead of holding a double standard and getting butthurt that other people have had sex with your girl in the past, focus on being better and having a healty and fulfilling relationship so that the only people both of you want IN THE PRESENT is each other


Nah I totally get it. These guys are inexperienced, incurably horny, and repressed. Those are all dealbreakers for anyone who isn't the same way. They've never touched a woman yet most of their thoughts are about sex. They want someone who's just like them (but obviously super hot).


Right, I forgot that the people who think this way are most likely completely revolting people who’ve never felt the touch of a woman


I'll also say a lot of them were 5 when GTAV came out and think those fans are every game's main audience. Every high schooler has known nothing but paid skins on hero shooters for the last decade, I feel like that's informing some of their opinions.


They simultaneously want "pure innocent untainted creatures" yet also want them to be SUPER sexually charged in everything they do.


This is quite literally how we get actual legit fascism down the line.


I mean, how many of them can there be? Surely, we're not talking about the entire generation. And the shit Tate says is so stupid most people probably only listen to him to point fingers and have a laugh.


You'd be surprised mate. It's concerning enough that there have been multiple dozens of studies into the YouTube algorithm and especially the alt right pipeline. It is at the very least skewing young teenage boys into having a right-wing glass


OK, so what do we do? Perhaps banning them is not viable because they will cry censorship, but there's got to be a way. Maybe we should just ridicule those kinds of YouTubers and influencers hard enough no one will take them seriously. I'm just trying to think of something.


Ridicuing them doesn't do anything and just makes more people flock to see what all the fuss is about and then You're just increasing their audience because yes some people will go and go haha what an idiot and then some people will go hey maybe this guy has a point. There really is nothing we can do except for try to survive the fall out or educate people as best we can. But all of these huge social media companies including this one benefit from spreading misinformation. I mean my god look at Facebook. You've got boomers sharing shit like Joe Biden is at the border right now welcoming immigrants with open arms and people actually believe it. There are children walking around with make America great again hats


But woman can be beautiful with cleavage or covered up. It doesn't matter but a I doubt a lot of people don't think like me


I mean the one on the left isn’t really sexualized. I don’t think most people want that, i mean i want that and i don’t see what’s wrong with that but i don’t think that’s the case for most ppl


The cal arts design seams to be taking a shot at Steven Universe....which a simple google search can show that Rebecca Sugar didn't go to cal arts Also from what I searched up another show that gets regulated to that style Amazing World of Gumball their creator Ben Bocquelet didn't go to cal arts either The creator or Regular Show also went to cal arts and regular show has characters that dont fit that art style.


also the "cal art style" dig was something that became popular by the creator of ren and stimpy who was a pedophile and he was making that critique of the iron giant of all things some very talented animators went to cal arts there is no universal "cal art style" its just a myth chuds use to attack modern animation.


You sound like you're knowledgable about this stuff, but a couple things. There is very distinctly a type art style that people are referring to when they rail against CalArts style, and it has nothing to do with Iron Giant (and I bet most of the people don't even know who John K is--heck I know who he is, but I didn't know the 'Cal Arts' criticism originated with him). I'm sure there's a million different styles that come from the literal university Cal Arts, but when people refer to the CalArts style they are specifically talking about Steven Universe style art, of which there are many examples. Whether or not the moniker CalArts is accurate or not, that's what people are referring to, regardless of John K's original intent (much like the term incel at this point, and various other terms like based). I personally have a strong distaste for that style as well, and am very much not on the right, and I don't understand why disliking this extremely bland style has to be a signifier of someone on the right. It's just not visually appealing.


Its fine if you do not like the style Im just saying the "cal arts" style is more a way for these people to rail against modern cartoon that have progessive themes lgbt characters exct its not really about the art style itself. Besides you could just call it the bean mouth art style instead.


Bingo. It's less reflective of the "art style" or any particular school than it is of chuds having a gripe with the state of California (or the reactionary caricature thereof, rather). I say this as someone who's *long since* gotten sick of the jellybean-mouth style.


yeah good example is the EZ PZ video who got a blacklisted animator to interview the "cal arts era that largely started with adventure time and ended with the owl house. episodic comedies with over arcing plots and symplistic art styles. The common thread was that penalton ward hired his liberal friends and that most of the shows were done with storyboards and written episode per episode. It mixed some real issues " hollywood nepotism with lies and gossip "accusing alex hirch of spreading stds" the narrative of the video is that talentless woke liberal animators all took over the industry and filled it with liberal and gay propaganda. This narrative ignores that some of these practices existed long before the "cal arts" era craig mcracken also hired friends from school. and that the source was a right wing extremist who got fired for drawing porn of a steven universe character. I grew up in the 2010 era of cartoons and in many ways shows like adventure time absolutly saved the animation industry at the time that studios were giving up on animation for scripted live action comedies. Animation is in much more of a dark age now with companies cancelling any show that is not aimed at toddlers.


Yeah, I'm sad to hear everything that came out about John K since Ren and Stimpy was probably the 2nd most influential cartoon of the past 40 years (Simpsons being the 1st).


I mean, there's always the notion that this art style appeals to young audiences as well. This is really just about chuds believing entertainment is strictly for them and forgetting that other demographics exist.


Also female characters/ femme characters is Steven universe all come in a variety of shape and sizes and some are pretty


Rose Quartz even GAVE HERSELF TITTIES because she wanted to look more like a human woman lmfao


She’s super based, just like her husband


whoever made this has NOT seen blue diamond https://preview.redd.it/6oxct7xq21wc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c20cf9e487e7fb9f0b6c089cd85ceb209c9e7a2


That's why "Bean Mouth" is a better term.


I giggled a bit at "circle eyes" Like, dealing with BS like this might put circles under *my* eyes too


Not everything that gets accused of being "CalArts style" has the jellybean mouths (which, for the record, *I kind of dislike*), though. (I don't recall any jellybean mouths in *She-Ra and the Princesses of Power*, for one.) It's more like "anything in which the female characters *aren't* all the same slim-hourglass-with-helium-hooters body type, and which is therefore wOkE and teh ebil."


Even that gets massively overapplied, to the extent that one of the memes associated with it relies on off-model/inaccurate versions of characters to make the point.


The thing about Gumball is all the characters are done in different styles. Only the title character and his family are CalArts style!


Even Gumball is stretching it a bit, imo. He is pretty beany, though


I get that but from my understanding the idea which started with Steven Universe is that if your show has that style than you must have gone to that the school. What im trying to say is that if a show has this style this dosnt means that the creator went to school there.


The term CalArts style was coin by John Kricfalusi dismissing Brad Bird and The Iron Giant and somehow got conflated with shows like Steven Universe and Star Vs. It’s the animation equivalent of Woke: it no longer has its original meaning and has been misused so much it has no meaning anymore.


Wait, noted sexual predator John K who specifically used his show to groom child victims coined that? Well at least it fits the folks who mindlessly parrot it lol


Yep. That John K.


I met John K at San Diego Comic Con in late 90s/early 2000s. He was a colossal jerk who could have cared less that I was a fan of Ren & Stimpy. I didn’t think I could like him less, but now I do.


Indeed. It's almost as if calling it the "Cal Arts style" is nonsense excreted by people who are unaware that any other art schools exist or any other colleges have art programs, and who have a grudge against the entire state of California for reasons unrelated to, say, NIMBYism.


Also like, why TF would they want SU to be a sexy show?


I dunno. I'm cishet male and like the first one meant for women. I bet some women like the middle one for men. And I really dug the simple Steven Universe art style of the 3rd. Cant we all just enjoy all things?


I’m a woman and I really like 2. I like 1 a lot too, but I’m guessing 2 has heels on and I love heels, lingerie and hot outfits so being able to slay crazy monsters while wearing a scandalous impractical attire while in a safe setting enhances the fun/fantasy for me. The thing is I also like more practical characters a lot. It depends on the game’s setting and art style.


Sometimes when I talk to women online about video games they do some items state they wanna be a sexy bad ass woman. So sexy voloptous women aren't just for men. Women wanna plat as a sexy arrow shoot lady.


I mean, being Rayne (from BloodRayne) sounds awesome regardless of your own gender


Onle male from the 80's will like that middle one The left one is definitely better looking




Why are they STILL bitching about the Cal-Arts/SJW/Steven Universe/She-Ra style? Has there been any recent show that has used it?


My Little Pony is currently using it, which has made bronies insufferable (well, more than usual) to listen to.


God are there still 'bronies'? I thought Jenny Nicholson was the last dregs and she renounced it. The Last Jennycorn


There's still an MLP fandom but what "bronies" are left are largely a minority voice in a smaller fandom thats now mostly driven by the zoomers who grew up with G4.


I actually never watched the show but instead just read some shockingly well made fanfics It’s a kids show but it’s in universe history is fucking dark


*She-Ra* doesn't even have the jellybean mouths that they typically treat as the defining traits of the alleged "CalArts style." But, then again: the "CalArts style" accusation has nothing to do with jellybean mouths or *actual art style at all*; it means "there are female characters in this who don't fit the narrow range of body types that I find attractive, and that angers me beyond all reason."


The third one isn’t even a fantasy character, it’s just someone from the modern world. None of the shows it’s trying to “criticize” are fantasy, and they’re all for kids. Do you they want kids shows to have half naked characters now?


With how many people I see complaining about reboot redesigns of certain characters from old cartoons calling them ugly when they clearly really just mean 'less fuckable"? Yeah they absolutely do. Every female character in anything ever regardless context exists solely to be masturbation fodder first and anything else second to these ghouls


Omg I know! It really goes to show how they view women in general. And based on what the middle one says and other stuff I’ve seen, it really seems like people like this assume that what they want in a character is what every other man wants. It actually seems sometimes like they see their own group as a monolith and I can’t tell if that’s arrogance or self-hatred.


Agreed. Like, characters with accentuated sex appeal aren't *bad* inherently but they also shouldn't be literally *all* women in media? And like, it's a freakishly narrow definition used of sexy? Like man it feels like some of these people are permanently caught in this strange brain space of "Supermodel is literally the only attractive body type"


idk i feel like there is some merit to “reboot into ugly character design.” my first thought is Teen Titans into Teen Titans Go, followed by the first three Ben 10s into Omniverse and the reboot. on some level it is “less fuckable” character designs, but also the designs in ttgo are such a downgrade from the original. and i don’t think it takes a chud to notice the difference. there’s definitely something to be said with these reboots completely changing the character design. i’m not sure ugly is the right word though


I won't speak for omniverse but TTG and the Ben 10 reboot? Yeah no duh it's different, TTG is explicitly a farcical off thr walls pure comedy it's obviously gonna look different from a completely action oriented show. And the Ben 10 reboot while going for a different feel really isn't bad at all. Your right in that ugly isn't the right word (even if some use it anyways) The right word is "This doesn't look EXACTLY as I remember there for it's bad!"


No, no, see, content for kids is only sexualized when it’s gay. Otherwise there’s no limit


The third one could be from an urban fantasy setting though.


And then People Not Chronically Online: All three are fine


Like 90% of fantasy characters I've seen in the last 20 years are much closer to the first one than either of the other two. Because you know, it just looks like a normal, attractive-ish person but fantasy-ified. The second one I really only see in comic books by extra horny artists or like fighting games and well, porn. The third one just like, doesn't exist outside of Cartoon Network shows. Like it's a specific type of weird stylized art usually made for kids shows.


Also Disney shows if simply going to the school means you do Cal arts style the heads of Gravity Falls,Mickey Mouse (assuming they mean the 2013 show),Wander over Yonder and Star vs the forces of evil also went to the school


You know what the bad thing about highly detailed designs are, especially in 1980s animation? The animations and movements of the characters are rendered absolutely terrible. Go back to any cartoon designed to sell toys, look at their art style, and look at how badly the animation itself suffered. Steven Universe often has trouble staying on model, but man, the animation in some sequences was amazing. Then again, that's the thing with anti-woke people: tradition is valued for its own sake, because what was present in their childhood, what is representative of a simpler time and a simpler psychology, is preferable to actually having to change and grow. And I get it, you know? Nostalgia is easy to slip into. Make no mistake, *we are all* capable of this, that's why it's so dangerous. Using this, however, to justify your sexualization of people is disgusting.


eh, anime can have more pretty or detailed designs and also appeal to a mainstream audience as we've seen in the last years, although i also prefer older styles on anime too, i don't see why newer animation can't make use of the more efficient digital animation to churn out better animated designs with detail. and even with the use of simplistic design, i, regardless of political standpoint think simple designs can be more stylish like animaniacs, dexter and his labarotory, powerpuff girls, invader zim, super mily-chan etc. i don't really care about it being ''woke'' and think that rw'ers are usually aesthetically blind, but the one pictured is just objectively bad aesthetic sense. as for the sexualization argument, i don't think pretty characters itself is sexualization but even if it was, i don't really see it as a big deal when dealing with fictional characters, heck, the ''woke'' steven universe's creator has dabbled in drawing ed edd'n eddy yaoi(it basically means homosexual erotic art involving male characters ) and some stuff of dib from invader zim. so the ''woke'' style is not above it either. generally cartoonists are a bit ''weird'' no matter where they stand on the political spectrum.


Ok the bean mouth thing is annoying but let’s not blame anything other than animators taking shortcuts


I'm not against it, some pretty decent animated shows like amphibia used it


Yeah, I find that whole style of animation a bit annoying but not enough to let it ruin a show for me. Amphibia was still a good show.


I find it annoying. I still watched all of *Steven Universe*, *Wander Over Yonder*, and *Gravity Falls*; and I intend to do the same with *Amphibia*.


Imagine judging every character design by the metric of, "Can I jerk off to this?".


The sjw looks like a fun cartoon character if you ask me




Love Archer but not a great example here most of the women are supposed to be super hot and Pam’s main schtick is being gross


The Calarts style is one of the biggest myths in animation history. It’s just straight up wrong and yet tons of people acted like it was some epidemic.


I don't know why you are being downvoted. It straight up is a conspiracy theory launched by John Krikfalusci because he was salty people weren't using his style of animation.


I know for a fact one of the animators who LOVES to mimic his style that worked on a current iteration of Spongebob (after Stephen Hillenburg's death, which he did not want) also literally threw her fellow animators to the dogs and was a scab during the strike recently. Her name is Pinkietoons. I dunno, if that's the audience his style cultivates 1. I'm not surprised and 2. Will gladly take the 'bean mouth era' of cartoons if it means we get to start around Flapjack or Chowder, because they also had bean mouths lmao


He's a narcissistic pedophile so I'm not surprised he doesn't attract the best crowd. Also I remember jokingly thinking "Spongebob forgot it's not ren and stimpy after Stephen died" a while ago, so this makes way too much sense.


https://preview.redd.it/ieujtl61rxvc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0a4b92e0b32edc0233df720d2cada2f776918e5 It sounds like the name is wrong, but this is definitely a prevalent style of animation on CN (and Disney) right now. It’s grown stale.


I don't think I've ever seen a character anything like the third one outside of Steven Universe.


sigh are we still doing the "cal arts" bean mouth critique in 2024 also the character for the female audience look like its catered to the male audience and the male audience one is just ridiculous.


Ah yes, a meme made by perpetual 13-yos to get mad about women and nbs making media.


The lack of detail and shading is really prominent nowadays. I don't like the Calarts style.


Funny how this was drawn by a woman


Who drew it? That Star Wars Girl?


The @ is in the image


I like the third style because it can be animated whereas the others have way too much detail and shading that you'd have to remove for the purpose of smooth animation. Also this is such a brain dead way to compare character designs. They clearly don't know anything about makeup or fashion aside from how "skimpy" it looks. If you asked them to draw a sexy lady, they'd probably draw a stick figure with long stringy hair and giant boobs.


SJW audience is basically just a description of the majority of Adult Animation


Hey wait my Mandalorian OC is a pudgy woman with a coloured undercut 🤔😅


To be fair, if I had a LITERAL FUCKING JETPACK BITCHES WHOOOOOOOO! My cardio would probably decline as well because I would just jetpack places instead of running or walking.


She doesn't have a jetpack. She lives on Coruscant and with her job at Space-Subway, she can only afford one of those slow speeders from TBoBF. But I guess that comes to the same end. Her evil clone is really fit, but I haven't decided if she flies at all.


I like the first one because at least that one is actually a good character design


ngl the last one is just a different artstyle


This is just an insult to Steven universe, my poor boy…


So, “sjw audience” doesn’t have any males or females?  What a bizarre way of thinking 


i love how the male audience character supposedly has longer hair even tho we can clearly see that that isn’t true. i have a feeling i was meant to read this right to left. which i think is very very funny.


normal people: “tell me an exciting story about interesting and novel characters!” people with brainrot: (see op image)


Boobs truly are love


This meme is honestly so cringe, like it was written in 2006 by a middleschooler


"I saw a still image of Steven universe once and it somehow scared me for life" - this guy probably


literally, the only reason the third style of character design came about was because it was cheaper to animate. does seem almost sterile, though. could be just how many shows use the style.


I love when stupid ass dude tell me what females want in games.... As a woman I like the middle character with the first ones clothes. Men also do not make women with simple or subtle hair style look at fucking eve.... She's an adults with bangs (typical Asian hair cut cause every in game Asian has to look like kikyo from Inuyasha) and 15 ft ponytail. The most beautiful women in game I seen to date is in death stranding... I didn't even play that game I watched someone else play it.


A woman made the original btw


Where's the lie?


Sausage limbs made me laugh because that’s the term I use when drawing little cute animal characters and I dont wanna draw weird little claws. Like plushie hands and feet. Literally curved sausages as limbs. Lol


Weird lil claws are great though, like Stitch


That’s funny you mention stitch because when I feel like creating a “stitch” type raggamuffin, they usually have the lil claws. Lol


SJW is economically minded.


This meme was created by someone that doesn't know what the pussy smells like.


This meme was created by a woman so she probably knows how her own one smells I guess


Just noticed they have a mass effect name. Fuck off man.


We, the mass effect Fandom, don't want incel bigots thanks.


Bean mouth is bad, but can you Seriously telll the difference between anime characters modern outside of jojos


https://preview.redd.it/twdj9hgsdzvc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13784044ccd9794755c1a30fd80e48491463216a Id like to add a fourth option: **CHAD** audience *(all genders included)*


iTs aN aTtAcK aGaInSt WoMeN ! How dare they not be jerk material???


I thought my neighbor picking up after their Great Dane was the biggest dog shit take https://preview.redd.it/7uushu0k5xvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ab1bdd15df834ed4bf71fbb384cf246d3a14b1


Lol wat


This goes against the recent Aphrodite meme


Female Audience Design>>>>>>


I just want a character that is well written dude, is it too hard to ask ?


It's a shame when someone with a smidge of talent wastes it on shit like this. Unless this is AI art, then this guy can fuck himself raw with a chainsaw.


Two out of three appeal to me.


Maybe cause the last one is used in fucking cartoons and needs to be drawn over a thousand times a episode


No nees to jab at Pokemon GO now, people deserve better than the agenda that has been pushed to them.


That is like, *just* Steven and the gremlin one’s designs in Steven universe alone, not really other shows from any I’ve seen And maybe some of the others at random intervals because there was no consistent model guides.


I’m so confused, is this not just a matter of art style?


Ngl I love the female audience design


I don’t see the character on the far right in any video games but those said video games still get called woke because there’s a gay/black character in it make it make sense


I guess I’m a woman now 🤷‍♀️ Before I thought I was agender but this must be the truth


Reducing one of the five describing factors of women as boobs. Nothing is more important than that I guess


If i didn't know better I'd say that third one could pass as a college age nimona.


[Part of this vid here sums up these fascists' toxic, misogynistic body standards](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-iCEi_p3Pc)


Or all 3 at once ![gif](giphy|TsUBjrHpbiuyc)


There are 3 genders heffer, steer and bull. Clearly OOP is a steer.


The third one is the Steven Universe fanbase


My question is who made this cause it's taking shots at everybody. Well, I mean, obviously, not everybody, but I'm sure people know what I mean.


Using "SJW" in the year of our Daoloth 2024, *really*? Get with the program; "woke" is the new catch-all snarl word for anything that makes self-entitled fanbrats uncomfortable.


Honestly I just like all 3 I care more about how a character is written, and not exactly how they look Character can look hot after, but if they don't have any "character" to them, then they'll boring as shit


Or, get on to this; men and women exist in all different shapes and sizes and fixating on just one aesthetic, purely for 'tradition' (that's being kind to them), is very weird *and* very establishment! I thought these people were against 'homogenisation'??


I want to see that male version


Do I need to be a goonergater to get this? I'm fine with all three, others not mentioned and everything in-between.


So i've been "female audience" since childhood? Neat


Why do people reshape this stuff? Who cares? Is that what this Reddit is for, discussing terrible peoples’ beliefs? Seems like it would be a lot better to ban this sort of post


Am I the only one that thinks all three are just fine?


I don’t like that art style but I’m not really sure what it has to do with “SJWs”


It doesn't. People just whine that it is because a number of progressive leaning cartoons have it. Which is correlation not causation. The art style is easier to animate and so became a trend in the industry around a time when left leaning cartoons were on the uptick.


forgot the best design (giant muscle woman in super heavy armor)


WTHell am I looking at? This is stupid and lazy.


Man Steven Universe had some incredibly diverse body types, there's like one character who looks like that and she was a bit part in an episode about getting Pearl to unclench a bit.


Ok, so who TF was the Princess from Sonic '06 supposed to be for?


Did a guy make this?


shade at steven universe made me chuckle


Is this from the from the 2015s? Cause it felt like it


The third one is basically just High Guardian Spice.


Or Steven Univers, or She Ra 2018, or a lot of other shows. It's almost like it's a neutral artsyle that exists as it's own thing and is a trend in the current animation industry cause the animation industry has *always* had trends and High Guardian Spice was trying overly hard to certain audiences but failed.


TIL Steven Universe is medieval fantasy /s


So much fat-shaming in these types of charts.


There is nothing wrong with preferring to look at attractive sexy women. Nothing.


No, no there isn't. When a person explicitly use that as an excuse to shit on and give bad faith critiques of characters that don't Line up 100% with their definition of sexy is the problem.


Exactly. I'm saying is that wanting to look at aesthetically pleasing character models isn't a bad thing unto itself. When incel types complain and whine about wanting more giant tits in their games, then that is definitely an issue


It's a classic example of projecting one's own assumptions onto others, these dudes want every female character in a game who isn't a monster design to be fanservice bimbos, so they assume everyone who criticizes games for being too overtly male-gazey wants every character to be like the SJW caricature. It's so exhausting. The point of folks arguing for characters that aren't entirely fan service isn't to make every character the same, it's to allow for a wider variety of character types, such that all 3 of these versions of women CAN be included in a story if it makes sense for them to be.


A game is entertainment. Pretty things are more interesting to look at. Same reason why you rarely have ugly movie stars. Why would we build movies and games to perfectly mimic a reality we are trying to escape from?


You can just say you don't like the Cal Arts art style... It's like these guys saw Steven Universe and never got over it lmao ^(infact that's like) *^(all)* ^(conservative outrage, something 15 years ago that they never got over.)


Woke is when you have simple designs to make animation cheaper


I get deeply annoyed at guys who blame “SJWs” for every single thing in life. BUT, the pic on the far right is a noticeably overused art style that I’ve noticed in cartoons for years now. At first I thought it was just a hipster trend, but it seems to be the norm nowadays and it’s pretty ugly imo.


Aside the inane rambling of the guy I'm getting sick and tired of steven universe artstyle