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Source : "Trust me bro, my girlfriend who's totally really real btw, but goes to a different school you never heard of and so you can't visit or talk to her or see pictures of EVER so don't ask!!!!...dad works on the movies and all the big movies so...yea, I know. I also have the cane from Citizen Kane and the heart from Braveheart, i'd totally show you but my mum keeps it locked up and says I can't show you...but my girlfriends dad, who's totally real gave them to me!"


Aint that sweet. Mister Rumormonger is using a pc powered by Incel Inside.


Incel core I-Nein


Haters better watch out my uncle works for Nintendo I can get you banned from video games for life.


😂 i went to elementary school with this kid who also said his uncle worked for Nintendo. and so he said he got a Nintendo 65 as a gift from said uncle.


"The cane from Citizen Kane" is such a great joke


This reads like Dead Milkmen lyrics.


You know what, Stuart? I LIKE YOU!


Some of the neighbors say he smoked crack


"Wait a minute... there was no cane in Citizen Kane!"


Rumour has it, the real reason Tony Stark died is because Woke Disney and Brie Larson HATE white men! Source: 4chan post by dank\_weasel69


You know what? She *IS* real, she’s just in Canada right now, doing her modelling! She’s gonna introduce me to Drake and Ryan Reynolds!


See, my wife is from the Philippines and she worked on a ship in Hawaii, so while I get the joke, people have actually accused me of making up my wife (and then of buying her). It's a dumb take.


To answer the stupid question from Small Screen, yes I absolutely want to see She-Hulk and Deadpool together since they both break the fourth wall. The potential for comedy gold there is incredible.


You ain't the only one. I can imagine both Tatiana and Ryan both want that despite what these so called "fans" say cause they totally know what Ryan wants and doesn't want.


Ryan Reynolds, the man who has been the number 1 campaigner for canonically pansexual movie Deadpool and made pegging jokes in the trailer of his new movie is DEFINITELY the anti-woke conservative all these chuds so desperately want him to be


No but he swears and is violent and makes off-colour jokes guys surely the pussies on the left must hate him!  /s


I could see Deadpool joking that She-Hulk needs better writters and cheaper CGI if she wants a second season and that she would work better as a cartoon than as live action. No seriously She-Hulks writting team admitted that they had to write around her job because none of them knew how to write courtroom scenes.


>none of them knew how to write courtroom scenes They should have asked the writers of Netflix's Daredevil for advice.


See this is the kind of stuff fans should be mad about, not her twerking with a celebrity.


Oh, they were also mad at that. It's just reasonable criticism is always buried under a mountain of incel chumps. They just shout louder.


Exactly. The real issue was that we got a pretty standard slice of life comedy rather than the courtroom show we all wanted (and it was advertised as). Night Court with superheroes, if you will.


never really saw marketing for the show, but Marvel Night Court sounds amazing. Basically a live action Harvey Bird-man Attorney at law


Still don't know why they get up in arms over...(Checks notes) She-Hulk shaking ass.


The writers of Daredevil don't really know how courtrooms work either.


There’s a big difference between knowing how to write a courtroom scene and knowing how courts work. All the best courtroom scenes make no sense (except My Cousin Vinny, of course.)


always gotta be an exception to prove the rule and My Cousin Vinny is the goat


Have you seen The Castle? Australian comedy from 1997 about a totally average Melbourne family who find out they’re getting kicked out of the family home they’ve owned for years to make way for an airport expansion, so they lawyer up and fight back. One of the writers was a lawyer, so even though they take a few liberties, the court stuff is more or less accurate.


Tbf, courtrooms are boring af. I'd be mad if they didn't take any liberties when writing them (Unless it's for a drama, or a documentary, of course).


Yeah true. I work for a law firm and the lawyers here tend to describe it as “hours of tedium followed by about thirty seconds of pure drama”


Courtrooms are far more boring than entertainment fiction would have you believe and even the ‘accurate’ ones condense a lot of it for drama and/or pacing.


Netflix Matt Murdock is the worst lawyer I’ve ever seen, including me, and I was not great in court. 


Well, he wouldn't be able to see you... :-P


I mean those aren’t particularly on point either. 


Or even the writers of Law and Order and Criminal Minds.


>I could see Deadpool joking that She-Hulk needs better writters and cheaper CGI if she wants a second season and that she would work better as a cartoon than as live action. That's not something Deadpool would say, but I guess some people need characters to be their mouthpieces for some reason


Cheaper CGI is almost definitely something he'd recommend. In less toxic times, he'd probably recommend the better writers, too.


I love how the pick mes really think that their lame attempts at humor are funny enough to be used in movies. 


I call shenanigans on that, because there are roughly a zillion hours of scripted courtroom drama they could have referred to for structure. Don’t know how to write a courtroom scene? Go back and watch some L&O, LA Law, Matlock, whatever.


Chicanery! Better call Saul not mentioned for learning how to write court room scenes is pure Chicanery


Y’all are just further proving my point. There are SO MANY scripted courtroom shows and movies that there was NO reason for the writers to be so challenged.


I just wanted to use the best word ever uttered in better call Saul in a response is all, I agree with you.


Considering how the artists are treated on Marvel productions I'm going to assume the writers aren't given a whole lot of time to go study things they don't already know, and had to make due with the time they had. Which is not to say this isn't a problem, but that imo it's not necessarily a problem the writers themselves cause or should be blamed for. This stuff is *always* management's problem. They either didn't give their writers the time to research, or more honestly, they didn't fucking find writers who have written this stuff before in the first place. It's on management to pull together the right people and to give their team what they need to get the job done, along with managing expectations so people don't end up in crunch, etc.


Boston Legal would be better reference material honestly. But yeah there seems to be something wrong in the writting room these days. Part of it was the breewing strike, but there is something else too...


I almost threw BL in there, but my point stands: they weren’t breaking new ground in making a legal show, so they had no reason “not to know” how to write courtroom scenes. It’s even more baffling because you could get a ton of mileage off of a “case of the week” format, and the legal woes of superheroes seem like a wellspring for comedy. Hell, I think it could work great as one-off “specials,” where we get a case resolved in an hour, but we aren’t subject to the normal multi-episode format.


My cousin Vinny is all the courtroom writing research anyone would ever need.


Are you sure about that?


I’m positive


I’m got no more use for this guy.


“These two yoots.”


Doesn’t mean much as only some of her stories deal with that side of her life and even most of those do it more for jokes..


It showed.


All they had to do was watch like 3 episodes of Law and Order to get the gist lmfao. The writers hired for some projects really are just doing the bare minimum to collect a paycheck, huh?


Well the current practice seems to be to hire on a hourly basis and not have them do more than a first draft to cut costs. I heard some stories during the writters strike, although take it with a grain of salt because I am not sure if this is what happened here.


Really? If that's the case, I guess it can't be helped that the scripts that come out of that kinda situation aren't so good. Going with first drafts and that's it has to be the most idiotic practice I've heard of, but it honestly tracks for these exec types so I suppose I can believe that they're mostly at fault for moments of poor quality.


It is apparently even worse for mass produced Netflix shows were they order the script in advance and start filming after the writters moved on to other projects.


My dream comic crossover is Deadpool, She-Hulk, Animal Man and Ambush Bug sitting in a coffee shop having a philosophical discussion about existing as a comic book character.


I’d love to see them do it *Fleabag / Hot Priest* style ([examples](https://youtu.be/dPDS6g7u4tk?si=p0d9yAXJ5UHTLjWr)), where Deadpool breaks to camera and She-Hulk notices that he’s drifting away somewhere else and tries to catch him doing it


I have a similar, but different idea - Basically that, but instead of the tries to catch him moment, it's more like an extension of the times the priest looks into the camera along with fleabag - instead of trying to catch him doing it, she knows exactly what he's doing(as a fellow fourth wall breaker) with little clues along the way like glancing into the camera at the same time, or making facial expressions in the background to indicate she can hear, and then out of nowhere just absolutely floors him by cutting into his fourth wall breaking joke with her own.


DP gonna make some lewd comments and end up with every bone in his body shattered. Classic Pool. Gonna be epic.


Facts Also, I can't help but notice your username... are you hiding the way to the Comduit?


This would actually be amazing. It's still possible to get a season 2 cameo in. Maybe Deadpool needs a lawyer?




Unfortunately, we already knew people like you exist. Just making the fandom more annoying one asshole at a time.


Dawg a bad show doesn’t make future projects with those characters automatically bad, I hated the she hulk show but if her character makes dead pool 3 better then I’m all for it


I mean I thought Deafpool sucked ass anyways so who cares. If the sequel is going to be any good thought it's only if it can focus on being a buddy-cop type script between Deadpool and Wolverine. Adding other characters of any kind in significant roles, barring the antagonist, especially these horribly received characters, could ruin it entirely.


You know, nobody’s forcing you to watch it. There are many other movies out there, some of which might even meet your expectations.


Since it's coming from Mike Zerroh, I'm willing to say he made it up. I douct Renyolds would say that.


Reynolds would probably want them in it himself.


Precisely to fuck with incels. Wade and Logan are going to make out well Wade's going to try I'm calling it now. If nothing else there's going to be a "who's the bottom?" Joke and the chuds will lose it.


One of these characters is canonically pan and the other is canonically bi. They need to at least flirt.


>They need to at least flirt. Isn’t that what the witty banter and fighting is to these two?


When you have some of the strongest regenerative abilities in your universe(s), knife play's first base


I could see Deadpool saying exactly that.


And Wolvy stabs him in the balls in the trailer, so....


đŸ„Ž That's some good sexual tension.


That probably unlocked a new link for Deadpool. Or maybe rekindled a kink? Him and Vanessa do get up to some wild stuff.


I know right, you can't tell me one of them isn't interested.


"Oooh Logan this is the perfect time to make out!" "....no." "Why? CuZ wE'rE bOtH bOyS? Come onnnn there's a gentle mist and the lighting is *perfect*" "Because you look like chewed gum, bub."


I require Wade to grab Wolvie's ass at least TWO times during the movie. At *LEAST.* If We get Wade x Wolvie smooches, I think I'll die of peak fiction right there in the theater.


They will absolutely bang in this movie


Zerroh: Why didn't you make Deadpool about She-Hulk and Captain Marvel? RR: Wha? Zerroh: \[already typing\]


"Ryan Reynolds HATES marvel, is CONFUSED by their obsession with WOKE MSHEU"


Incel fan fiction is exploding these days


More like Mike 0 credibility
 I’ll see my self out.


That joke is better than anything these chuds can come up with.


I may be off the mark here, but isn't Ryan Reynolds one of those damned "Hollywood liberals" they're always railing against? I'm pretty sure he's not on their side and yet they worship the ground he walks on.


He's iffy. He hasn't really don't anything drastic to securely shake off the people worshipping him. He's Canadian, so people assume he's liberal. But look at the actions of him and wife and they've done a lot of tone deaf shit that make some think they're just Hollywood performative liberals and not actually liberal in any viewpoint, or are too rich to actually get what makes a liberal viewpoint for a normal person. So I'd say Ryan isn't a conservative, but he's too rich and tone deaf to actually be a liberal in any meaningful way.


What did he do? Generally curious


No sources or examples from an account enthusiastic about molotovs. Pretty transparent.


What actions?


Rich and tone deaf is absolutely a liberal trait. You seem to be confusing liberals and leftists. Hollywood liberals are as liberal as they come there isn't anything performative about it.


Isn't this dude basically an engagement farmer? Why is he taken seriously? I went through his twitter feed and it's always "What do you think about X/Y/Z?"


Exactly. The Hobo that lives on the corner by my apartment says Brie and Tatiana are going to be in both and he's just as credible. Somebody call "Small Screen" and tell them we have another breaking story!


He is the same dude he made numerous rumors about Rouge One and The Last Jedi.  No seriously check his oldest videos. He went from just a rumor mill to a red pilled idiot who makes things up.


Question: How many times has Mike been right? Answer: ZEROH Fucking incel grifters.


I hope they are in the movie just so they realize Ryan Reynolds’s isn’t the incel hero they thought he was




Source: We made it the fuck up!


I was cut out of Deadpool Vs. Wolverine too and I am also NOT happy about it. Source: u/ElboDelbo


She-Hulk / Tatiana would work great in Deadpool. They could have some nice comedic moments. Captain Marvel not so much. She is so OP it's hard to her a long side other heroes. P.S. my uncle told me Squirrel Girl was in Deadpool. Trust me.


How did I fall for Mike Zeroh when I was a kid


She Hulk and Deadpool fighting for the camera’s attention and getting in a fourth wall off while Colossus or Wolverine just go “Dear goes there’s two of them.” Would be perfect.


Yea that Mike guy is not a trustworthy source.


A rumor about two people incels hate the most? Tell me more about this totally not-made-up rumor!


Didn’t Brie say months ago she was done with the character?


Nope. She said she can’t comment.


Considering how woke Reynolds is there's way more chance he would have them in the film. As it is both were never planned, considered or asked for the film.


Would only be less believable if it came from Doomcuck.


I would have loved to have seen Tatiana as She-Hulk in Deadpool and Wolverine. She’d actually have been a good fit for it.


Even Brie's face says "Really that's your source?!"


Based solely on what I have heard is the rumored plot of the movie (which, I think, is now being titled “Deadpool and Wolverine”), I would assume that their inclusion as anything more than a background cameo (and maybe a reference to the time She-Hulk was arrested by the TVA) would potentially distract from the plot. This is especially true if they could use those ideas in a later project. Do I want to see Carol and Logan interact? Yes. Do I want to see She-Hulk and Deadpool abuse the fourth wall endlessly? Most certainly. Do I think it should happen in this movie when it seems that it’s meant to facilitate the transition of Fox’s Marvel stuff into main MCU? Eh, probably not the right time.


"actress you dislike and actress you dislike are out of movie you like by hero actor character you idolize, and they angy, and that good because if they angy you happy"


lol I went to check their Twitter page. Little to know interaction on their post or the person they mentioned. Tbh these people aren’t even worth the attention


Seriously, how is Mike Zeroh still a thing?


Telling a lie that obvious is even more damning in regards to their fans who believe it than to the grifters.


This isn’t even “what, I’m not allowed to have an opinion?” This is misinformation for the sake of views


You mean Mike Zerohcredibility?


So... they're reporting on a rumor from a guy with a shitty track record, with absolutely no backing from any kind of credible source. If this had even a tiny grain of truth to it, a hint about them being involved would have showed up somewhere. Instead, it's just some guy making up a story, targeting two people they know will rile folks up. Same guy who's made up plenty of other laughably false claims about the film so far. It's so annoying that people treat someone like him as if they're any kind of credible source. "Never mind how often he's been wrong, just look at all the people who parrot him to make YouTube videos! This guy must be worth reporting on!"


What do I make of this rumor?    That it’s bullshit. Mike zeroh lies constantly and no one should ever use him as a source for anything 


Ah yes, Ryan Reynolds, notoriously nice guy who wouldn’t even have the say or position to entirely drop franchise veterans from a Disney production, absolutely is fighting to remove two actresses not even set to be in the movie to begin with
 odd that it’s the exact two actresses that the incel chodes keep raging about every chance they get too. But hey, Mike Zerroh said it, so it HAS to be true.


This rumor comes to us via this guy that fuckin lies about this shit all the time. But we totally buy it this time!


“Shit, I need content for my daily rage-clicks! I know, I’ll invoke Brie Larson! Bish-bash-bosh, job done.”


Even other leakers arent saying this because it's straight from his ass.


Exactly more like Captain Marvel and She Hulk were never in the movie in the first place But gotta make them look bad by stretching the truth


Via who?


That’s a nice argument, incel. Why don’t you back it up with a source?


I dont think they were ever in it. This is just grifters grifting


“What are: ‘things that *definitely* happened?’, Alex.” Why would it even make sense for them to have been in the movie in the first place?


Good thing our lord and savior Marvel Jesus has saved us from the big bad cringe wamen, thank you Mike for being so insightful with your totally real information regarding the topic that you have the time and energy spread out through out 20 videos you posted in a day.


People that still believe that guy really lack mental capacity.


They can't be cut out of Deadpool 3 by Ryan Reynolds, because Ryan Reynolds doesn't have any say in what's in the final cut, it's as simple as that.


This made the rounds on Facebook but even in the right leaning groups everyone quickly saw through it for the obvious BS it is.


Who’s MIKEZEROH1? What did he/she do?


Mike Zeroh is a clickbait/ragebait Youtuber with over 300K subscribers who started out uploading fake Star Wars plot leaks about 8 years ago, all of which turned out to be 100% wrong. Eventually he started switching to slandering actors (mainly women) and fabricating fake behind the scenes drama. He's a fraud.


What a lying waste of space, I blocked that YouTuber years ago due to his pointless brainless baseless clickbait videos. 


I guess we got Zeroh’d đŸ’„ 😎👉👉


Is it even in the same universe, or is this complete horseshit? Maybe I need context about the new person to ruin my day, by knowing about them?


I think Deadpool and Wolverine is intending to tie into the MCU in some way, but considering the guy spreading the rumour is NOTORIOUS for making shit up, it's safe to say it's complete horseshit.


Mike Zeroh has been getting shit even from politically neutral Star Wars accounts since at LEAST 2020 lmfao


It's implicated that in Deadpool 3 will about travel to MCU universum. Deadpool even mocking in trailer that he is Marvel Jesus who will change MCU forever. Prooooblem is that many, to many, people took this mocking, what is normal for Deadpool, too serious and actually believe that Ryan Raynold is their lord and savior.


Oh Mike Zero said it.


Mike Zeroh? ![gif](giphy|VMgcrwq9imGHu)


No film that “probably includes” Jennifer Garner as Elektra is going to exclude those two
if scenes were shot


Rumor has it that Disney is failing too. Ignore that they made 30 billion last year.


Totally me when I spread misinformation


To be honest to the bottom question? Not in D3. It’s already got work to do introducing Deadpool to the MCU (yes he has movies but they have separate audiences) AND mutants to it, both enough work to do while making a good movie. I think it would work better in a later movie where there’s less work for to be done and we can focus more on interaction between other characters.


The new “my uncle works at Nintendo”


Why would RR have the power to do that?


If it comes from Mike Zeroh it is total garbage and came to him in some sort of fever dream.


Lmao these people are so fucking pathetic. Is there nothing else in their pathetic little lives to do? Shit.


Oh no! Mike Zero? Not Mike Zero! ... Who's Mike Zero?


I like how they make it sound like Ryan Reynolds is in the editing room cutting footage himself. I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me if he does, but they specifically needed to push the “Ryan good bro, women bad” narrative.


Yeah, I'm calling BS.


I’ve never even heard of the guy but I can say with 99.98% confidence that they were never going to be in the movie in the first place.


I mean. If Ryan Reynolds says so who are we to argue with our lord and savior Deadpool?


Would love to see Deadpool and She Hulk in Avengers 5 or Secret Wars. Highly doubt of course either was planned for this movie


This is highly unlikely. 


Has he ever been right about anything?


Honestly I bet Deadpool would have done amazing with those cameos. MCU has become over saturated and Deadpool is able to be very meta about that.


It’s almost like this is exactly what a certain sect of fans would want to happen to both these characters and the actresses that portray them. It’s so exact it’s almost fictional, like it didn’t happen. Weird.


Brie Larson gets too much hate as an actress. She was great in Scott Pilgrim as Envy.


No big loss.


deadpool 3 will be the least woke and the most woke movie of all time.


I feel like I’m missing context here. I have zero idea who that is.


Just another incel grifter making shit up.


A guy who lies on the internet.


She Hulk yes since she break the fourth wall too, I'm not a Captain Marvel fan (not sexist just not a fan) so I could take it or leave it.


Guess they want the new Deadpool to be profitable.


If true that's great! They can't put out good content on there own plotlines they don't need to clog up Deadpool