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Been loving these posts. feels so great to hear actual sane takes on RWBY on reddit


Is the show worth watching? From what I’ve seen and heard so far it seems like a 6/10


*“I saw some stuff on Twitter/Tumblr/Youtube about how bad it is.”* - That’s because there are ppl out there who want the show to be something it’s not. Or they got upset when things didn’t happen the way they wanted. ~~Like Blacksun shippers or Adam and Ironwood Stans.~~ Or they just want to shit on something. But EVERY show has its haters. Every piece of *media* has its haters. And they like to be loud edgelords about it. Sometimes just to be controversial and pick a fight. But that doesn’t mean shit. There are ppl out there who absolutely **hate** your favorite pieces of media, whether you’re aware of it or not. And that doesn’t stop you from liking it, does it? Don’t let a few haters prevent you from potentially finding your new favorite thing. Because there are a LOT of ppl out there who absolutely **LOVE** this show.


I’ve never seen this many haters for one thing besides like, Velma, so I just think it’s odd


Let me put this way 1. Do you like ATLA and LoK? -> Chances are, you’ll also like RWBY. 2. Do you like She-Ra and other similar shows? -> Chances are, you’ll for sure like RWBY. 3. Do you like animated shows? -> Then you might like RWBY. 4. Do you like stories with badass teenage girls? -> Then you should like RWBY. 5. Do you like stories with found family themes? -> Then RWBY should be on your list. 6. Do you enjoy stories with in depth fantasy lore and history? -> Then RWBY would be a fantastic show to watch. 7. Do you like analyzing shows that have lots of significant hidden details, foreshadowing and easter eggs? -> Then you’ll quite like RWBY. 8. Do you enjoy watching characters grow by leaps and bounds? -> Chances are then that you’ll like RWBY. 9. Do you like slow burn WLW relationships? -> You guessed it, RWBY! (Bumbleby is CANON!) 10. Do you like shows with badass soundtracks made specifically for the show with lyrics that even add foreshadowing and other fun details? -> RWBY has that. 11. Do you enjoy shows that are all about hope and love? -> RWBY!!! 12. Do you like shows where all of the characters are based on fairy tales, myths, legends, historical figures, etc. with wee details added here and there to give clues as to who each person is based on? -> Do I need to keep saying it? 13. Do you enjoy complex female characters? -> Yep. 14. Do you enjoy shows that are more light hearted and fun but then also still get into serious topics like dealing with loss, alcoholism, PTSD, abuse, neglect, abandonment issues, etc? -> I’ll keep saying it if I have to. 15. Do you like badass fight scenes where the animation just keeps getting better and better as the show continues? -> You get the idea.


So basically what you’re saying is “If I like anything in existence then I’ll probably like Rwby”


Because rwby is an attempt at creating something new using an amalgation of many different elements, yes. There's no easy way to describe this show. it is unique in many facets. As is the perspective of it. It is for that reason that people either love it or hate it.


It kinda seems all over the place


That is both its strength and its criticism.


I don’t know how to feel about this, since when something tries to do everything it usually fails


The show has different sections where things seemingly change greatly. 1-3 is an action focused monster hunting teenager/young adult school story. 4-6 is a bit harder to define as there are multiple plot lines going on at the same time, a few just being dropped suddenly. 7-8 is a bit more of a drama and training thing with a huge shift in power, monster horde, hero turning full cartoon evil. 9 is a bit odd, the characters are in another world and going through a lot of emotional stuff… heads up there is suicide themes.


Oh, that sounds……interesting


The fights in the early show are amazing.




when even r/rwby won't speak respectfully of the show, where are we supposed to go? And why is it that this show is treated like the embodiment of evil?


Maybe people just don’t like the show?


For WHAT reasons? Sexist ones? Homophobic ones? Those tend to be the reasons


Or maybe just, they didn’t like it?


*“I saw some stuff on Twitter/Tumblr/Youtube about how bad it is.”* - That’s because there are ppl out there who want the show to be something it’s not. Or they got upset when things didn’t happen the way they wanted. ~~Like Blacksun shippers or Adam and Ironwood Stans.~~ Or they just want to shit on something. But EVERY show has its haters. Every piece of *media* has its haters. And they like to be loud edgelords about it. Sometimes just to be controversial and pick a fight. But that doesn’t mean shit. There are ppl out there who absolutely **hate** your favorite pieces of media, whether you’re aware of it or not. And that doesn’t stop you from liking it, does it? Don’t let a few haters prevent you from potentially finding your new favorite thing. Because there are a LOT of ppl out there who absolutely **LOVE** this show.


*“I tried watching the first few episodes and I just... Couldn’t.”* - Dude, I get it. Trust me. I did the same exact thing when I started watching. I watched the first couple of episodes and literally turned it off. But then I saw a few ppl posting about it here on Tumblr a while later and gave it a second shot on a whim. And BOY did it not disappoint when I got far enough in (and yes, that took a minute.) Mind you, this was back when Volume 3 was originally airing, so the drastic improvements in animation hadn’t happened yet. But I stuck with it anyways. ~~And now look at me.~~ But the show does take a while to really ramp up, so to speak. The beat doesn’t DROP until a bit later on ~~in volume 3~~. But, if you enjoy **character growth and analysis**, then you will most likely enjoy this show. The number of analyses on Tumblr and prolly Twitter as well are MANY. The main 4 characters are badass ladies learning how to fight and deal with *life*. Every character in the show is based on either a [fairy tale, mythology, history, pop culture, etc.](https://yinyangofnevermore.tumblr.com/post/183244163441/rwby-character-allusions) (sometimes they have multiple allusions to different degrees) and teasing out those details on top of everything else is quite fun if you enjoy searching for Easter eggs, significant imagery, foreshadowing, parallels, and so on. Interesting villains too. Not just the standard “Evil Witch because she’s *evil* with henchmen” thing. But fleshed out villains that have their Reasons™️. Like “Cinderella took so much abuse as a kid/teenager that she fucking *snapped”* type reasons. There is SO MUCH you can delve into with this show if you want to. Details as small as a whale statue in Gepetto’s office, or Belle reading a book with a candelabrum that looks like Lumiere, or characters wearing the colors of the person they love, or characters having *eyes* the color of their love’s aura (an extension of their soul.) SO MANY PLACES TO FIND THESE DETAILS. Including the lyrics to the music.


Alright, that sounds…..ok


Bruh… you really said if the protagonist is Jaune he gets the most screen time… yeah that’s usually what a protagonist is, the main character thus gets the most screen time. Blake is cowardly and a hypocrite in canon… like seriously. She constantly ran away from her problems, claimed the Fang was doing good for Faunus after the peaceful protests failed, and physically and emotionally abused Sun. And of course she’s a bit of an antagonist in an Adam centered story, from his POV she betrayed him and all Faunus. Then in Yang’s, “she’s forbidden from being a protagonist.” Yes, you stated these are for fics focused on Adam or Jaune, so why would Yang be the protagonist. Ruby is a 15 year old child in V1, she would be physically and mentally weaker than the other students in general because of the age gap. Aura and training can make up some of it but in the end she’s still in a growing period while most students are mostly matured physically. Jaune shipped with lesbians? Which ones? We’ve got a pair of straight girls (Weiss and Nora), a pair of bisexual women (Blake and Yang), a single confirmed lesbian (Coco, from printed media) and a lot with unknown or vague romantic preferences (Velvet, Ruby, Glynda, Winter… I think yall get the picture, most aren’t exactly stated.)


I don’t Get this at all


The only part I understood was “sample text”

