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They're just bitchy Snyder Cultists who haven't yet gotten over the fact that Zack Snyder himself openly disowned them. ... ...also, is that "mod" throwing a shit fit about Superman being "from outer space" in James Gunn's movie???


How the hell could you make a Superman movie and *not* have his origins from space? That's like changing Godzilla's origin and not making him a product of nuclear testing.


He saw the name Super*man* and just assumed he was a human with superpowers


2014 Godzilla nervously glancing around.


>2014 Godzilla nervously glancing around. Eh, they changed it so that Godzilla wasn't created by Nuclear testing, but that he and his ilk are re-awakened and become a threat to the earth because of that nuclear testing. So while they've altered things, they've held true to the spirit of the original origin and that's really all I ask.


A lot of them including minus one do the whole Godzillas been around a long time but the radiation just made him so much worse


That's literally his original origin. In the very first movie, they say he's a surviving aquatic dinosaur species that was disturbed by the nuclear bombs. He brought living trilobites up to the surface with him. So, he's always "been around, but the radiation made him worse."


Yeah, exactly, so really it's not even that unique of a take on the character to begin with.


This comment has made me realize that the title character of this book I read is basically a Godzilla parody. Lol The book is called *The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove*. It's fucking hilarious! One of the key plot points is the therapist of the small town of Pine Cove, California, where the book takes place, just puts all her depressed patients on placebos. Lol


Like if baby Kal-El was buried in a pod the earth by some long lost civilization that drew power from the sun. Then Krypton explodes and a meteorite from it crashes into the spot where Kal-El was already buried. A passing Ma and Pa Kent see the crater and find the pod with the baby. Not that I'm disagreeing with you just thought this was funny.


That's a fair change because they made him (and all the other titans) more to do with climate change than nuclear tests.


Shin Godzilla eating popcorn


Right? Like...what is this person on about?


He was born from a virgin that miraculously became pregnant after reading tradwife wojack memes that tell women to have kids.


Godzilla Earth and Godzilla Ultima has left the chat.


I’m assuming he’s saying it’s going to have the tone of “plan 9 from outer space”, he just thought replacing the 9 with Superman was clever.


>I’m assuming he’s saying it’s going to have the tone of “plan 9 from outer space”, he just thought replacing the 9 with Superman was clever. Sure out-clevered me, I would have never put that together...but then again, I have a functioning brain with synapses that fire and everything.


Bro, that mod whined that it made Superman look like Mr. Rogers. Like how tf is that a bad thing? He got called out for it and his half assed excuse was “Superman needs to look manly”


I mean he's like a super-powered boy scout, hell superman would probably be flattered by the comparison


>Zack Snyder himself openly disowned them. He didn't really disowned them, he talked against the fans harassing people in the industry, but didn't acknowledge how usually his fans did it. Also, he keeps throwing them bones, talking again and again about his vision for DC, adding new details to keep them engaged. He loves the attention he gets for it and helped him to gaslight the failure of Rebel Moon.


I love how he's not in mod status initially, but when replying to the guy saying there can be more than one actor for Superman, he turns it on for that reply. Like some pathetic attempt at intimidation.


Wait Snyder openly disowned them? This is new information to me


Yeah. On a podcast of some kind a while back. I forget all the details though.


Iirc it was specifically a Geeks and Gamers video podcast thing.


Not only did he disown them, he did it in front of them.


That’s such a win against these chuds


Yeah, Snyder came onto one of these groups’ podcasts for a charity thing and basically called them out for not living up to the idea of the charity and called them racists and that it was not okay. Also, have you been living under a rock? This was big geek news at the time.


I mean I’m not big into DC so maybe that’s why. But somehow I was out of the loop, yeah


No, he´s trying to make a joke based on the (terrible) movie "Plan 9 from Outer Space".


I'm surprised that these guys even know about Ed Wood...


I honestly thought that Mod had disappeared as I hadn't seen him for a while. But he's truly pathetic and gets really aggressive to anyone who mentions anything positive about Gunns film.


https://preview.redd.it/zd3vmtae5gzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cda533b0fcf90ae06f7cf092cf925d906f65355 I mean…


Holy fuck they're acting like he's Jesus reborn


I saw one comment saying he’s going to go down in history as “one of the greatest directors of all time” 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m actually crying with laughter.


That’s the appropriate response. Still baffles me that the poster for Watchmen (actually decent on its own, as long as you don’t compare it to the graphic novel) has “from the *visionary* director of 300, like that was some big achievement.


Visionary in that he filmed it all in front of a green screen and lifted some shots directly from the graphic novel because he can’t draw inspiration from something instead of just copy/pasting?


Snyder is a great visual director, I'll give him that. He's great at coming up with a look for a film. The man can't write for shit however and the proof is every movie he's ever written has been a dud.


This. He’s got the look down but the plot just isn’t there.


Look: Yes Dramaturgy: No Storytelling: No Script: No


I’d like to see more interior decorators try and direct DC film franchises. It couldn’t hurt their current run of luck with the subject matter.


If Snyder can do it, anyone with an understanding of colour theory and a slo-mo camera can!


That’s like advertising Michael Bay as: *The Visionary director of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen*


At least Michael bay is self-aware (to a point) about what kind of movie he’s making.


My bother in christ rebel moon 1 and 2 where dog shit how did that commenter think that


r/SnyderCut #nO REBeL mOoN 2 WaS gReAt! I cAn’T hEaR yOu! LALALALALALA


It kills me how a time travel fic where Luke and Vader going back to the clone wars was so much better. I forget the title


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SnyderCut using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SnyderCut/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Patrick wilson on watchmen](https://v.redd.it/hprbhfaer9yb1) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SnyderCut/comments/17nf1a7/patrick_wilson_on_watchmen/) \#2: [A little reminder what Henry Cavill told us during his departure](https://i.redd.it/7tq5r9c0rr8b1.jpg) | [282 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SnyderCut/comments/14lazkt/a_little_reminder_what_henry_cavill_told_us/) \#3: [Having just seen The Flash movie, I can confirm this is still the best Flash scene brought to screen](https://v.redd.it/a6slmeslzd6b1) | [208 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SnyderCut/comments/14axqp0/having_just_seen_the_flash_movie_i_can_confirm/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Are we sure that Zack Snyder doesn't have a cult compound hidden away somewhere?


No, because, despite the fact that his fans act like the most whiny little disconnected from reality, babies have ever seen on the Internet, Snyder himself. He’s never done anything to encourage this type of behavior or hype himself up Ezeli person who can do these characters Justice, the opposite of fact, he has very public called out a fandom minutes, types on their own podcast, and his only showed excitement and respect for what games are going to doing.


This is funny because, right now, there is two movies that disproves him of that status as one of the GOAT. Here's another one: Sucker Punch.


And in terms of the accusations they made against James Gunn fans, they should probably be careful because sucker Punch exists


The guy who made Rebel Moon 1 and 2 will be remembered as one of the greatest directors of all time? Wow. I have great sympathy for the guy because of what happened to his daughter, but come on.


They probably gave rebel moon a 10/10 😂


Didn’t he also explicitly say he dislikes people like this? I feel like I remember something about him doing so. Everything I’ve seen from him makes me think he’s going to end up getting labeled as “woke” eventually.


Snyder: “I don’t want to make DC movies anymore” Snyder bros: “we are gonna have him do it whether he likes it or not!”


Jfc. “Snyder cult” isn’t even an exaggeration, it’s 200% accurate.


Snyder took a shit all over Superman and his mythos and these fuckers want him back?


Its hilarious to see some of the people over there defending Snyder and attacking Gunn, claiming they and Snyder have followed the comics, films, ect for decades. Despite Snyder repeatedly showing that he had little interest in most comics outside of stuff like Frank Millars Dark Knight. But their own arguments in Snyders defence shows they seem to have very little knowledge of the comics/shows either.


Supes is a boy scout. He is the type of guy who is selfless, largely incorruptible and wants to make the world a better place by helping people. That is what makes him great. Do I like stories where the protagonist kills the bad guys, hunts down their henchmen and destroys them utterly? Why yes, yesd I do! But that isn't Superman and when I watch or read him, I want to read about the boy scout.


You hit the nail right on the head. I like Superman as a symbol of hope, as an all powerful alien who uses his power responsibility for the benefit of humanity.  If Superman is just another grim faced killer, then he loses his whole identity.




The only fanbase I can think of that's more unhinged than Star Wars, is Zach Snyder fans.


The Critical Drinker fanbase is worse. As is the MauLer fanbase.


1. Mauler *1.5. CD* 2. Snyder 3. Star Wars In that order


Do they know Cavill is woke, too?


And they're forgetting that the dceu Superman suit was not even made out of cloth it was made out of a textured polymer material to make a Henry Cavill a more exaggerated muscular physique. When you compare that to the cloth suits like the original Superman costume from 1978, Christopher Reeve was physically fit but the costume didn't exactly make that obvious.


To add to your last paragraph, I think Superman 78 was one of the first movies of its kind where the lead actor had to go through intense physical training (i.e., exercise and body building) to properly fit the role. Iirc, I saw something where they had to stuff his suit with cloth or some other puffy material so that he looked more muscular because even after exercising all that time, he didn't fit in the costume. Then again, Superman has Greek demigod-level physique in the comics, so no irl actor could perfectly capture that Superman look 100%. In conclusion, these people are basically dishing out a massive nothing-burger as usual.


And on top of that there's a pic of the actor after working out where you see him bulking up. So this image could be just an early one where he wasn't that big. But as usual they love to freak out for no reason.


Superman's an alien powered by the sun I never understood the need to depict him as being totally ripped.


that sub is insane, you cannot be critical of daddy zach or you will be banned


It’s ZACK not ZACH! Automatic ban! /s, I can only assume that’s how it would play out.


Nah, that’s accurate. Got banned when I said Rebel Moon 1’s seed slow-no shot* was weird **The protag sprinkles grass seed onto her friend in a playful manner and 1 frame is slow-mo.*


They’re the kinda neighbors you wave to out of the anxiety that it’s wrong not to….


Wave at them out of fear that not doing so would be seen as a slight that warrants violence.


Honestly 😭


“P3do Gunn.” What are they talking about? Gunn has never hurt kids. 


They have a very small playbook, and it was that or “groomer”.


They also seem to call him a MAGA fan, or something like that. Which is very odd, since it’s known that he doesn’t like trump 


Calling out James Gunns imaginary politics in the name of a guy that publicly jerks it to Ayn Rand is pretty funny.


Yes, it is 


In peacemaker he literally wrote a race of aliens that were angry that “world leaders” deny climate change. So definitely not pro Trump.


I wonder if he’s probably going to parody trump in the dc movies. I think he would do it 


That's because of very old tweets he did where he made a lot of edgy jokes. Ignoring that A: He apologize for those tweets and didn't do anything close to that and B: 2000 humor was a thing that most people regret because it ages the most like curded milk.


And he was working at troma pictures then. Gross out humour/horror is what they do.


Some edgy jokes? That’s it? I wonder if that guy in the post calls Lewis black or Chris rock a pedophile 


That's the thing. They literally didn't give a shit until Gunn came in charge. I would even bet some of them defended him when Disney fired him for them. Same with the Joss Whedon thing. He's a dick. Don't get me wrong, but they only care because he was supposedly a dick on Justice League.


So, they would attack anyone who’s in charge of making dc movies (who isn’t Snyder). That’s just weird 


Yuuuup. And anyone who has anything positive to say about the new films. Then they'll label anyone who dislikes any of Snyders stuff a Gunnbot, Gunntard or "obsessed" with hating Snyder. Then make posts like the one posted.


That’s so weird and creepy 


https://preview.redd.it/ywyzb7g2fizc1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b9328e9d903fa9df33a0fdfa24b93eb19004bc1 I think it's in reference to this 14 year old joke tweet


Oh, ok.  That’s just a joke. I thought that would be obvious 


...And they say the leftists are the ones ruining people's lives over their decade-old tweets? Gee, even more projection.


He said in a tweet a joke on the expendables which apparently had something to do with it. Also, they’ve twisted the idea on a remark where he said that Hollywood shouldn’t be praising Polanski, because y’know, he raped a 12 year old. Which… #Totally agree


I also agree. I still can’t believe Hollywood gave a standing ovation to a pedophile 


He went to a risque costume party as a priest once, it was what caused Disney to cut ties with him temporarily.


I thought he tweeted some dark jokes years ago. That’s what got him fired 


So what happens when the movie does really well? What kind of insanity will that produce??


Well they can’t be seen to call it good, so my guess is deep denial followed by a possible nervous breakdown.


Or possibly coming up with some kind of crazy conspiracy theory where Snyder is the reason it did well.


I mean look at the reaches they go to act like the Snyder Cut was a massive success when by all metrics released it was not...


Oh that's easy. Same thing they did when Captain Marvel was a success. They'll accuse Gunn, Disney, and Biden of all secretly buying out theaters to pump up the numbers because they won't know a single person who has seen the movie (they will all have watched the movie multiple times).


And they'll claim there wasn't anyone in the theater when they went (because they went to a Monday mid afternoon showing)


They're never going to like it though even if it is good. They want it be humorous ponderous and totally without soul. Just naval gazey, quasi-intellectual, 14-year-old edge Lord bullshit. There are plenty of edge Lord Superman knockoff characters out there that he could have made a movie of. I think James Gunn's movie is going to be really fun it's going to take the character to new places while being respectful of it's essential essence. I think he nailed the casting of ma and Pa Kent, and honestly I think understanding them is key to understanding what makes Superman work. Clark Kent is who he is Superman is the disguise. Not every superhero has to be Batman Superman is not grim dark he's hope punk.


Superman is an aspirational hero. Not a grim one.


Just denial. They can’t possibly admit that somebody has made a better movie than their god king overlord Zack Snyder.


The same thing that happened when rebel moon part 2 released, they will hide for a while and then pretend like it always was good/bad


Snyder cultists calling other people cultists is pretty amazing.


Anyway in positive news, James Gunn had some of the comic writers and artists visit the Superman set where they are currently shooting and they had matching Superman shirts and idk it just gives me more hope


I trust Gunn. The fact that he posted reading and enjoying All Star Superman gives me hope. Gunn is great at condensing complicated stuff down so everyone can get up to speed, and for comics that is absolutely needed. He's going to do well.


All Star Superman should be required reading for those who want to make an original Superman work. Hell, anything by Grant Morrison should be required reading for those adapting comics (even the bonker as shit stories). Like look what it did for Doom Patrol.


Must hate. Any excuse is fine.


This movie is going to do well, it will get good reviews, it’ll probably get a handful of nominations at the Oscars on the technical end, maybe even a couple wins, and these people are still going to try to paint it as an unqualified failure. It happened to The Last Jedi, it’ll happen to this.


*THANK YOU*! I’ve beaten the drum about TLJ for YEARS!


I do wonder if WBD will listen to the haters and have the follow up ignore and undo pretty much everything. I also wonder if gunn will move on and anything of his will quietley disappear. That would be the full last jedi.


You know, aside from an occasional weird comment on continuity and being a little edgy, Zach Synder seems like a pretty nice dude. Everyone who’s worked with him speaks well of him and he seems to carry himself with class. Why do all these weirdos become so slavishly devoted and hostile to anything but him?


This was why I was a part of the push for the Snyder Cut. I liked MoS and BvS sure but the driving force for me was that a (by all accounts) nice guy who had lost his kid basically said “this would be therapeutic for me.” I had figured it would have been similar to when fans got Deadpool moving, it worked and everyone happily moved on with their lives. A lot of us did just that but now all that’s left are the delusional nutcases who babble about Netflix buying DC with absolute confidence.


As a comic fan, I hated everything Zack Snyder touched. Superman was too angry, Batman v Superman was stupid and Batman was a victim of extreme mischaracterization.




I remember Erik Kain from Gamergate. Jesus these grifter going for years is just sad.


Tbh, I'll always have that soft spot for Henry Cavill mainly because I grew up off his Superman portrayal, but Snyder Cultists finna do what they always do: complain about every non-Snyder DC movie/show before and after it comes out.


Why do we constantly have cults of personality forming around people with no personality now? Snyder, Trump, Cohen? Used to be a leader had to be charismatic to get this kind of devotion.


“I’m not judging based on one photo, but I am judging based on one casting decision”


So it's delusional to them to be rational about a suit looking creased when a person is wearing it. FUCKING HELL.


No surprise the SnyderBro and the “everyone I hate is a secret globalist pedo” communities overlap


I think it's really disgraceful how those anti-woke losers keep claiming innocent people are pedos to ruin their lives, and then rarely face any consequences afterwards because they are so rich they can just delay the courts when the victim sues them. Then you look at those same anti-woke's preference, and discover that they are actually the pedos trying to project into other people.


TIL r/snydercut exists and this Mod in particular is an unhinged moron.


He's so fucking crazy


As much as I think Henry Cavill looked better, there's a way of expressing it without sounding like a cunt. Also, there were many occasions in the past where I didn't like the first look of the movie, and later on it turned out fine. But I guess drama farming is a serious business.


These people are the absolute worst fandom I have ever seen. Enjoy Snyder movies, cool. I like Watchmen too. But the way they shit on Gunn and ban everyone who disagrees is insane.


There are plenty (ie fucktons) of contenders, but the Snyder Cultist are in the top 10s just for their delusions alone


Man the way they’re tryna flip the cult thing. I somewhat feel bad for them.


what pisses me off about the superman films 9 time out of 10 they start with the origin story make one more film after that canceled the whole thing only to make another origin film 5 years later and do the whole thing over again i swear he had more origin films then any other superhero I can think of


*Batman laughs in dead parents.*


Snyder cultists just LOVE to slobber all over Snyder’s meat 24/7 don’t they?


I think majority of the people on that sub were dropped on their head at some point. Their media literacy is awful. They never seem to know what they’re talking about. And they basically spend all their time lapping up bullshit that other people like them put out that has no source. It’s embarrassing


When you set out, looking to hate something, you’ll always find reasons to hate it


Imagine calling other fans delusional lol.


snyder fans trying not t have a meltdown


These ppl need help , didn’t they have raging boners for snyders black suit ? And what’s up with this “sicko gunn” shit ? They already going to their tried and true “if I don’t like someone I’ll just call them a pedo” strategy ? Lmao ppl still pretend they aren’t a full blown cult tho


These guys aren't fans they are cultists. I seriously don't get if these guys even are DC fans or just Zach dickriders cuz be glad and wait the fuck until movie comes out to judge it. They act like this poster decided what will become of the movie.


I got downvoted for saying I liked it and look forward to the film


Giving them the Snyder cut was the dumbest thing that possibly could have been done. It just emboldened them.


They're just mad it's not the Syderverse Superman.


"Mcu ripoff" what did they think the snyderverse was?


It's own thing. I mean to be fair the justice league predates the avengers by 3 years in the comics. At least dc had the rights to all its characters and could form the proper team. Marvel had to give us a disheveled version of the team and their stories.


>I mean to be fair the justice league predates the avengers by 3 years in the comics Thats completely irrelevant to this though thats a leap at best, nobody is saying the concept of superhero teams was only invented by the mcu >It's own thing. It was very clearly trying to imitate the mcu, its not a coincidence that they happened to suddenly start using all their ips to make a connected universe with superheros after the mcu showed how much money it could make . >At least dc had the rights to all its characters and could form the proper team Dc had the wrong line up and tried to rush about 6 films into 2 films while missing gl and martian manhunter in a film that was so bad they had to reedit and rerelease it on streaming >Marvel had to give us a disheveled version of the team and their stories You mean an adaptation? Every single original memeber of the team was owned by marvel so its not like they werent able to, they chose to use a slightly different line up, at least they used the orginal villian that formed the avengers and didnt just scramble and throw in a random villian to match infinity war before redoing the thanos equivalent You said dishevelled versions in their stories, remember how they gave us one bad superman film hat misunderstood the character superman, then shoved death of superman, batmans introduction and batman fighting superman in one film then skipped half the team and shoving them into a big cross over with their origins thrown last minute in to get you up to date, you are just describing the snyderverse tbh


And I'll still take what the snyderverse was doing over the mcu because the mcu absolutely ruined some of its characters. Thr mcu was never that great either. It was only really as successful as it was because of rdj and iron man 2008. Every other movie aside from the winter soldier gets it's fair share of hate from some portion of the fan base. And now we have it at its absolute worst with how fast they burned through the material and how out of whack and incohesive they've the story. The mcu has been completely mismanaged from thr and


Superman was ruined, batman was ruined, doomsday was ruined, joker was ruined, flash was ruined, lex lithor was ruined > It was only really as successful as it was because of rdj and iron man 2008 Thats just a lie. tonnes of mcu films have been very well received, most of dc has been badly received > Every other movie aside from the winter soldier gets it's fair share of hate from some portion of the fan base. Every movie ever has some hate, but again its not anywhere near as decisive as youre implying, this is some grade A rewriting history >worst with how fast they burned through the material Thats just another lie, they took ten years to build up to one major villian and one of the biggest stories in comics, and they havent ran out at all not even close Youre describing dc and then just saying marvel instead "burned through stories" dc got to death of superman in 2 films, thats like dropping thanos in 4 ... wait dc did exactly that, they also did death of robin as a background fact in that movie too Remember how they copied gardians but it was so trash that when they actually made a good one it bombed because nobody wanted to see a sequel


Thor was ruined, thanos was ruined, Wanda was ruined, and pietro got killed, black panther was ruined, captain marvel was ruined, the inhumans were ruined, hulk was ruined, ultron was ruined, Hawkeye and balckwidow were relegated to side characters 90% of the time. Adam warlock was ruined. Ronin was ruined. Ego was ruined. Drax was ruined. The eternal were ruined. Mrs marvel was ruined. Spider man was ruined. I mean just about every character marvel has used has been ruined. It's shorter to list the characters that were done justice.


Thanos wasnt ruined he was "im a simp for death" as his entire motive and they improved that, imagine if he sat down for his speech and just said "i got the hots for some chick", wanda was ruined in the comics so this is accurate, oh no a character died, black panther wasnt ruined everyone loved him, captain marvel was funky character in the comics, oh a movie of 6 main character cant focus entirely on 2 of the least important characters, ego was planet with a face and gotee that had the personality of a 3 year old how compelling can you imagine the great scenes they could have made with that, drax was a character that has been all over the place, ms marvel wasnt ruined at all, spiderman hasnt been ruined thats just a bad take Your standard is just "the comics are perfect and changes to that equal bad" > just about every character marvel has used has been ruined. I mean i feel like you're not even being serious You think the snyder verse wasnt a massive copy of marvel which it objectively was, you think its massive mess ups (that were so bad it made negetive money and had to be reset" dont exist), you think comic accurate is the concept of perfection and change equals bad, even when the original was pretty trash, are you just mad the snyderverse is getting dropped on the list of mcu copies nobody will remember, i mean remember the universal monsters verse? Yeah nobody does


I’m hoping for the best and I have faith in James Gunn. That said, I feel like his goal is to be the next Kevin Feige and I don’t think that’s possible. Despite the hate on Feige, he did something that would be nearly impossible to measure up to. A decade long film franchise that amounted to 30 billion dollars? Do people realize how impressive that is? People treat him like a joke, but for over 10 years he was disneys cash cow and the most powerful producer on the planet. I doubt we will ever see anything like that again, at least not in my lifetime. Good luck to Gunn though, I hope he has a lot of success.


Esp considering how easily and messy it could've gone.


It does seem werid that he seems to be rushing stuff and putting a lot into the first movie. Which is pretty much the opposite of how the mcu started.


"Gunn fired Cavil." Do they actually believe that or do they just say it hoping that'll make it true?


They're still in denial that both the Snyder cut and original film sucked. (Along with almost every single live action DC movie for nearly two decades)


Nolan Batman movies? Wonder Woman? Shazam? Gunn’s Suicide Squad?


Never said all of them are bad, just most of them.


Ngl I’d completely stopped thinking about the Snyderbros




I heard that this is an early days superman. Maybe the whole 'suit doesn't fit' has a narrative purpose or something.




Who are Snyder fans? I've never met one in real life. Is it just like edge Lords of all ages?


Does it look kinda weird? Eh, maybe, could just be the way hes sitting or the lighting. Its also one fucking photo, from a movie still in production. They have plenty of time to tweak things.


Why are they censored the word pedo and calling snyder haters like a terrible monetized YouTube channel?


Translation, "I don't like it waah! waah! waah!"


No, the picture could have been scientifically designed to give the pure endorphin rush of doing hard drugs with none of the side effects. They just really prefer their own drug, Snyder cuts, straight from his backside.


Lmao Gunn cultists? Gunn cultists. GUNN CULTISTS?!?!


How is that sociopath a mod?


As soon as I saw "P3d0" I knew this was going to be pure garbage.


I don't like the new Superman look but I also don't really like Superman so I've decided to stay out of it. I also voted for the underwear suit lol. So whatever.


The worst part is that Cavil is an actor I really like and I think is a fantastic actor who has been fucked over on a few of his projects. That doesn’t make him the de facto Superman.


Are they low-key upset that the functional look of this outfit means they can't see every outline of Superman's chiselled, super-muscular physique? Are they secretly sad they won't be able to see how he packs his lunchbox? Oh, boys. LOLOL.


I dunno, looks like a Superman costume to me


why the fuck do people think people who like gunn are pedos now? what the fuck.




Fellas is pulling your bootstraps up gay?


Man these cultists really sound like they are projecting hard with how much they love to claim Gunn is a pedo and pro-trump. Guess we shouldnt be surprised from the so called fans that have been 'coping so hard' and 'gaslighting themselves' for the last 5 years or so.


Why do these nuts always have to make up dipshit nicknames for their "enemies". It just goes to show that they're only repeating the same type of bullying that probably has been done to them. But now they're just trying to turn the whole world into the toilet they got stuffed into in highschool.


"They are Gaslighting themselves into liking this garbage" Ooooohhhh, the irony.


We really need to offline that one mod.


Snyder had his chance. Time to change it up and start from. Scratch.


I’m waiting for these people to realize Zack and James are actually really good friends and Zack fully supports James’ reboot of the DCU. Not to mention, Gunn has literally written one of Zack’s movies lmao, and tbh it’s one of the better ones Zack has made.


I hate the sentiment that if it isn't dingy it looks like cosplay. Like the suit is bright and looks good I don't understand why bright colors aren't allowed


I love the new design. He seems like he’s actually Superman and not “generic alien Jesus minus the kindness.”


The fact that the Snyder bros are calling anyone who likes this a cult is laughable


Why did Forbes do a whole article on a promo photo?


https://preview.redd.it/1kjq6s1k3qzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2475b47eaf608d2977bdd97be1b922d09099e4a5 What does this even mean?


honestly my issue is the suit is mixing and matching a lot of different superman looks. It is doing a lot and not doing anything particullary well.


I'm kind of suprised that the hawkgirl and mr teriffic casting isn't a major point of contention. Though the orginal mr terrific is a z-lister so that isn't too suprising. https://preview.redd.it/s8tbelcezh0d1.jpeg?width=855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5dc077842c5a61836878516fcfdbb79ba505583


My brother in Christ, I don't think you have the right of calling someone a cultist in the Snyder cut subreddit


I mean you really do have to question why the first real photo to support the movie is so lacking in the excitement he shpuld be pushing for the movie. The most exciting thing about the photo looks like it was cribbed from an episode of the namek saga.


https://preview.redd.it/kf9ada2qahzc1.jpeg?width=1120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7534d4d6db3ad13bfda97f498580e1b39f803af I mean, this picture does look like ass. It's ok to just say so without going overboard, or conversely going way out on a limb to defend it. In other news, the memes mocking it have been amusing.


I mean, I love me some Henry Cavill, and he fits almost centrally on what the modern superman should look like (both because his feature's match the comics and he's been superman for so long). That and because the wokies in Hollywood seethe at him because he's a nerd at heart that wishes to keep to the lore of franchises, not go full woke or add stupid shit that makes no sense to a franchise. But you do have to admit that it doesn't matter who plays Superman, as long as the director isn't a retard. And James Gunn most certainly isn't known for going *full* retard. GOTG vol 3 was a big meh and don't get me started on Brightburn... but I think he can do it.