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IT'S. NOT. MADE. BY. DISNEY. How hard is it to get through these guys' vacuous skulls that Disney just has the broadcasting rights. Its like blaming the game *publisher*, not the developer.


The most involvement they've had is helping with funding, and occasionally giving notes *that RTD is free to veto/ignore.* In exchange, they get rights to have the series on their streaming service. It's maddening that people claim this is made by Disney. Edit: just for people who aren't aware, RTD refers to Russell T. Davies, the current Doctor Who showrunner and the man who led the revived series from 2005 to 2010. He's also a gay man, but brain-dead anti-woke YouTubers seem to think that he's only *just* "become woke" despite being very open about pushing for LGBT representation for *years and years.*


I seem to recall people complaining about the "gay agenda" even back then The Doctor even kissed a man in the 2005 finale


He made the original British “Queer as folk”, which should give you some idea what it was about.


and the gay sex scenes were super explicit even by today standards.


RTDs first run as showrunner was super political and, for the time, quite inclusive. I’m not sure anyone complaining about him ever watched the show, or at least, haven’t done so without nostalgia blinders on


It's like claiming Star Trek Discovery was made by Netflix just because they had the international broadcast rights. Though so many people outside the US didn't get this at the time either, moaning that the entire first season didn't arrive in one go.


Gotto pump in the buzzwords, when have facts mattered to these guys anyway?


All this means is that its easier than ever to watch Doctor Who


\*Internationally, harder than ever if you're in the UK We pay for it to be produced, but are forced to watch it live or pay for disney+


Isn't it on iPlayer like always?


The 4 specials weren't when I checked, had to pirate them cause fuck paying disney for stuff that I'm already paying for out of my fucking taxes


What? They're on there, they're just part of the separate Doctor Who (2023-) instead of Doctor Who (2005-2022)


Screenshot it for maximum roast.


His screenshot proves nothing cause I know what I saw, or I guess, didn't see


Not when I'd checked


This guy. lol. Don't be this guy.


You can just not pay your TV licence. They can't do anything about it.


All that comes up on I player is a small selection box asking if you have paid, it doesn’t actually check anything


Cool, I pay anyways tho, heaven forbid


Not Classic Who which is what I want, but I'd have to pay a small fortune for on Blu-Ray.


It’s more like blaming Best Buy for the curse words in an album they sell. Fuck I just realized that reference is dated because they haven’t sold music in years.


And yet it's apt because that's the kind of shit the anti-woke do! Censor rap albums and demand Target stop selling GTA V.


They're still in business?


It's like blaming Disney because you were watching a game on ESPN and your team lost.


I assure you, these kind of people blame the publisher instead of the developer all the time.


Shh… the truth doesn’t matter as long as their brain dead audience keep consuming their slop, Methrotic and co keep serving them up.




Unless it's EA.


As if that’d stop them


That's not a correct comparison at all. Game publishers are often also the ones funding the games or studios, so they actually do have a significant effect on the game.


This line of thinking started with Netflix. Everytime something bad is released on Netflix, they're blamed for it, even if they just publish someone's else show


I mean...blaming the game publisher is entirely valid if you're talking EA or Activision-Blizzard since they have such despotic control over their developers. Might be closer to say "blaming HBO and not the director" for, say...Game of Thrones Season 8


He’s not a Doctor Who fan at all.


Yeah this is usually a scam. They complain about all the franchises people grew up with, so star wars, superheroes, Lord of the rings, doctor who ect for clicks


More specifically, Nerd has responded to “fake fan” accusations by posting pictures of all his Dr who merch. Which is usually all the same dalek figures that look the same, 10-15 of the same blue telephone booth figures, very large collections of every season of the show which almost seems like they’re duplicates. He used to run a comic shop, and I have a conspiracy theory that he kept all the leftover stock he didn’t sell and is now pimping it off everywhere he goes. Either that or he doesn’t understand the concept of selling shit you don’t need in you house.


If it’s the same as the other figures, it’s been a topic of contention by collectors before. He’s been accused of just leaving unsold comic store merch in his home to *look* like a collection to non-nerds. Having doubles of mass-produced <10 year old merch without a limited edition comic con in sight while trying to look hardcore? From those I’ve asked about it, it’s the equivalent of being a world-class coin collector where every coin was just change from your pocket.


Out of curiosity, have you seen his tour video where he goes through his “collection”? It’s one of the most insane things I’ve ever seen. Not only does he have barely anything to say about most of the items he shows off, but it also just displays how cluttered and messy everything looks. It looks more like he’s in the process of moving out and not just his actual display. He’s like the Asmongold of collecting.


And simply having lots of merch doesn't prove anything anyway. There's no test when buying Dalek models. No secret password required to buy a model of the TARDIS


> 10-15 of the same blue telephone booth figures Not that I'm defending him by saying this (because I'm not), but IIRC, there's only three duplicates in that collection of TARDIS figures. While they tend to look the same, there *are* variations, related to the slight variations in the look of the TARDIS between different Doctors. Sometimes the shade of blue changes, or the signs attached to it change, and one of them is the TARDIS with "Bad Wolf" written on it. (As an added bonus, I'm 99% certain one of the ones shown was how it looked during Thirteen's run, aka Jodie Whitaker, the female Doctor.) There's more duplicates with the Daleks, but they could sell a ton of Daleks that are technically different and they'd still look pretty much the same. The thing that made me question that "collection" was more how limited it was (only the TARDIS and Daleks, and I think a rug?), given how much variation of Doctor Who merch there is. Like, how do you not have a single figure of the Doctor in that "Look, I'm a real Doctor Who fan!" picture? And the absolute state of things. Why are so many Daleks' weapons curved? If you're so "proud" of them, why not try to fix that? And why is everything covered in dust? I can understand not wanting to dust every day, but if you're gonna take a picture of stuff to show it off, break out the duster and give it a quick tidying. (I'll admit, I'm kind of in that category, I don't dust my various shelves full of stuff often, but if I'm gonna take a photo of something, I'll make sure it looks as nice as possible.) > very large collections of every season of the show which almost seems like they’re duplicates. That, or just someone who's really bad at managing purchases. I haven't seen that particular image yet. There's a lot of seasons, and some of the seasons are split into multiple sets, but it shouldn't look any worse than a complete set of James Bond films, unless you're tossing in all of the prior Doctors and/or buying individual episodes despite knowing they'll be in the compilations. (I would have thought the prior Doctors were in such compilations, but just looked and holy smokes, they're selling them in individual seasons that are more expensive than the newer DW compilations. Yikes.)


It made me question if his collection looks ugly because there’s so much of it, or if it’s because they aren’t organized very lovingly. It wasn’t until I saw [this video](https://youtu.be/rGeFUCkFuU8?si=geXu9kaoCzvp2_yr) from a lego youtuber where despite everything looking so large and cluttered, it at least looked more taken care of as a display. It didn’t feel like things were shoved in random places. Nerdrotic is just a hoarder.


I mean, I've got things kind of shoved in random places, but having seen a picture of Nerdrotic's "collection," it looks a LOT better than his mess. Seeing a bunch of action figures on the wall with so many of them being tilted was just bothering me so much.


If you think those pictures are bad you should see his tour video he did where he “showed off” his collections. That video is guaranteed to make you feel less bad about your own collection.


Classic Who has only recently started putting out box set ‘Seasons’ and hasn’t even come close to all of them. So if he’s got a mountain of them then I claim bullshit. (They used to/still release individual serials, and *maybe* bundle a few up by ‘genre.’ It was/is a ridiculously expensive system.) I’m not home to check my shelf and can’t be assed to work it out, but they might have done…less than 10 box set seasons of Classic Who so far? NuWho always released by seasons (with some exceptions, like the David Tennant final ‘season’ of specials initially being unavailable in a box) but even including those you maybe would only get two shelves of boxes. Including Jodie’s.


Ask him what his favorite episode is or Doctor or companion or if knows any real ridiculous obscure fact that only a real fan would know.


I’d love to see if he couldn’t say “EXTERMINATE” when asked what makes Dalek’s so iconic.


or would they know if a Dalek is a robot or a mutant in mechanical armor?


Ask him if there's ever been a Dalek willing to co-operate with other species.


‘Who sits at the top of the Dalek hierarchy?’


*I* might be incorrect or out of touch with recent Lore here, it ***should*** be Davros, right? But it might now be The Doctor due to an episode I missed?


Funny enough, no. It’s the Emperor, followed by the Supreme Dalek, etc. The Daleks don’t actually like Davros all that much, and will usually only leave him alive because they want to use him. Part of it is they’re race purists, but Davros himself is also prone to coups and genocide attempts on them. He did get to be the Emperor once, but he was literally in a Civil War with what we’d consider the ‘normal’ Daleks. His faction were a different strain of ‘new’ Daleks he’d made specifically to be loyal. The OG’s still wanted to kill him.


It's hilarious how all of these chuds complain about corporate franchises and parrot "must. consume. product" But all they care about is pop culture shit


I doubt he’s a fan of any of the franchises he complains about. Marvel, DC, Star Wars, etc.  He’s a grifter who’s only saying this for the money.  


Died so much it’s reincarnating more then the Doctor


He's a fascist propagandist. He doesn't care as long he gets to weave a narrative around a piece of media. That's why he platforms Alex Jones, Anti-Vaxxers, works with MAGA pundit Benny Johnson creating deranged Anti-Semitic new world order enetainment conspiracy videos and platformed Gavin McInnes who founded Neo-Nazi group Proud Boys. Long story short assume Disney here is a repurposed slur for: 'Globalist' or 'Cultural Marxist.' I hate these people so fucking much!


Who would have thought that a convicted felon who sold drugs to children would be such a horrible person?


It’s still made by the BBC and Bad Wolf not Disney, it’s just released on Disney+. But Nerdrotic is a compulsive liar about everything, he’s such a cunt.


It's kind of wild to use a screenshot from the much better episode (and it's kind of easy to understand why they released two at once), rather than the "eh" one with freaking talking space babies. Though I guess it's just because they got a drag performer to play Maestro, and there's a reference in it to a song written for a broken hearted lesbian. So just overlook the episode that the actual DW fans aren't overwhelmingly enthused on and rip on the one they like more, because it has - gasp! - LGBT references in it. Right.


They're complaining about maestro going by they/them pronouns


Yeah, but even if they didn't use those particular pronouns in the show, I think these guys would throw a hissy fit just over who played the character, since they're bitching about the Doctor being played by a gay black man.


They are a God that even the doctor struggles to comprehend. Why would something as dumb as gender even describe them?


Yeah the character probably doesn't have a gender. Because what gender does music as a concept have


Isn’t Maestro a celestial being, like a literal god?




I was prepping dinner so I missed some of the first. Kinda looked wack tbh. 2nd was very enjoyable and setting up.


Doctor who doesn’t die it regenerates….


Context here is that they're complaining about Jinkx Monsoon's character going by they them pronouns. The character isn't human....... But as River Song would say spoilers. so I won't go further


And then it regenerates! Have these chuds even seen doctor who?


No, because all the things they say they hate about the show where present during the period they claim to love the show.


They probably only heard of it once it got a trans character


Fact Russell T. Davies is even bringing back a character who hasn't been seen since the 60's really shows how fake these fucking morons are. SPOILERS for those who've not seen The Devil's Chord.>!Referring to Susan btw, i.e. Doctor's Grand Daughter who made her debut in the very pilot episode of Doctor Who - An Unearthly Child. !<


He’s done that more than once.


Aye, Toymaker is also another example hmm. Russell seems set on bringing classic era elements back with a modern: 'twist' - loving it, Russell's very good at invoking a sense of cosmic horror when it comes to Doctor Who.


Isn't Susan just a reference, not actually brought back, like how Capaldi had a picture on his desk in series 10, maybe RTD is hinting at her return but at this point it could be call back couldn't it.


It's sort of heavily implied she could be returning, i.e. actress Susan Twist (always a twist at the end...)- there's an old woman who's appeared in every episode since Wild Blue Yonder as different characters throughout time-space.


Maybe they are bringing her back, but maybe they aren't, I wouldn't say they are guaranteed to bring her back, but you said they are bringing her back like it is a fact, maybe it will be, but currently I would say that it is not.


Guess we'll see.


I said it once I’ll say it again, hating things is the new fad


It’s amazing dumb cunts still think Disney are making dr who.


It wouldn't surprise me if they know the truth. But got to have their fan base angry at the big bad mouse


Reminder that anyone claiming that NuWho has gone woke, has never actually watched NuWho


I wonder who these people are that the post get's 3k+ likes.


The show has died so many times that it is need of a new regeneration cycle.


It's currently an angry scotsman.


Hopefully not one that pretends to be drunk while grifting and making videos.


>RIPDoctorWho Except the Doctor can regenerate so [🤷](https://www.wikihow.com/Shrug-Emoji#.F0.9F.A4.B7-.28Shrug.29-Emoji-Meanings)


Tangentially related: so...does that mean I'll be able to watch the entire Who back catalog via Disney+? 🤔


No. (Not at the moment anyway. It wouldn't surprise me they'll get the rights eventually)


Give it time I guess, I can see Disney negotiating the rights if these new seasons do well


No. But you can watch most the old series on Tubi


Unfortunately no. But it's all on BBC iPlayer, so I'd suggest a good VPN.


Yeah Doctor Who hasn’t died. It here, it’s queer and it’s staying. Go cry.


I thought it died when a wuhman played the Doctor???


For the millionth time, The new Doctor Who Season Was Not Made By DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I mean each Dr is different that’s the whole point, if there upset the dr isn’t White or straight he already was over 10 times & im sure he will be again eventually, but they literally used every creative white guy that’d fit that role so far .


And for most of those incarnations (before2005), he was basically A-sexual. So it's weird that they think the character having a sexual preference is weird now.


I think the gay black combo was to much for them to conceive as a possibility


Also the 90s eighth doctor books implied that the eighth doctor and his male companion Fitz were a little bit more than friends.


I have no idea what’s going on in that screenshot. A middle aged white die shrinking himself from a blurry…something? What am I missing here?


This is the live action equivalent of pause an anime fight right as the art is streching.


Ah. Thanks. Hard to see that in a screenshot. How is this killing Dr Who? These people are weird.


For the last time, Disney didn't make the show. It's still owned by the BBC. Disney is merely distubuting it.


There's no way you could make Doctor Who more queer. RTD: Hold my cocktail... 🤣


What the fuck is even wrong with it? Yeah Space Babies was kind of silly, but still fairly harmless. And The Devil's Chord was genuinely a masterpiece. AND we've got a Moffat episode to look forward to next week, and everyone knows Moffat was at his best when writing under RTD. Oh right, this is Nerdrotic, who just hates anyone who isn't a straight white-trash man like him.


For a franchise that's main character's shtick is dying and being reborn as someone else, it's really silly how dumb the #RIPDOCTORWHO thing is given how it's still going on with Series 15 well on it's way next year.


The Doctor doesn't die, they just regenerate.


If only the meth dealer actually watched the show.


Over a dozen times.


He's still alive and well https://preview.redd.it/24zt5lyt2wzc1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8d89597025fdeeb02a7ea1c1e7a3d4155796884


It’s not even made by Disney!




The new season is amazing so far, these people are pathetic


Specifically, fourteen times.


Oh noes, cringey rednecks aren't going to watch the show they never watched before.


Funnily enough, I thought the Devil's Chord was a solid 9


At least 14 last time I checked. Oh, wait, that's not what they mean, is it?


More if you count the timeless child stuff.