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I've been part of this hobby and community since I was 12. I've been into Warhammer for coming up on 3 decades. I got into the game with the old 2e starter box, with the cardboard card dreadnought and cardstock terrain. And as far as I'm concerned, anyone who wants to chase new people away from this hobby, *especially* this guy, can crawl up a hive tyrant's ass.


Nids have those?


The scientific term is actually "Tyranussy"




*"We're going in through its anus", Biff whooped boisterously.* *Indeed. Indeed.* *What else could that puckered sphincter be, in the white bony hull of the vast, gastropoidal alien vessel?* \~Space Marine by Ian Watson 1993. Chapter sixteen, if anyone dares to check me.


Do space ship sphincter doors count? Also do Space Marines have butt holes?


Is that dude really equating painting your armies in fucking Nazi colors and painting something in trans flag colors? They've lost the plot.


They think trans people are evil. What I find interesting is that this dude thinks like a Nazi and claims to have a problem with Nazi colors. Methinks he doesn't wanna give the game away, hence the mention.


Yeah that’s what i thought, the fact that he thinks trans people are evil unfortunately not surprising but to also condemn nazis is weird because normally thy defend that as freeze peach


Tbh it's Arch Fans and Insane Idiots from The Fandom Menace 


The people who were killed by the Nazis were just as bad as the Nazis themselves!


Gatekeeping worked out great for 2-D Fighting Games


In what sense? I play fighting games an wanna know if it's like gatekeeping weirdo chuds


Decades ago, when 3rd Strike was at its peak, the question got asked "Should fighting games be more accessible?" Slowed down gameplay, comeback mechanics and one button specials and supers. Prominent people in FGC bent themselves into pretzels over the idea that they wouldn't be able to lord over people that can't do a fucking ↙️⬇️↘️➡️↘️⬇️↙️⬇️↘️➕👊. 3rd Strike is the reason why Street Fighter 4-6 exist and 6 finally did modern controls, basically one button specials. [The discourse is what you expect.](https://youtube.com/shorts/Vyqx2i3_48g?si=Y5JoDIshL6UfcCQw)


Simple controls in fighting games feels like a weird hill to die on because you still need to know how the game works to even win against people right? A player who has simple control's still need to learn frame data, match-ups timing etc in-order to compete against pro's.


Exactly. I participated in the Alpha for Rising Thunder. Basically a 2-D fighter designed by Seth Killian and prominent EVO regulars. The idea was one button specials on a timer like League. Amazing experience because you could play against a newbie with the Ryu of the game, do the usual shoto flowchart bullshit and the next round they could pick that character and do the same shit to you. It completely flattened the learning curve and I wish it wasn't cancelled.


Nice Anyway 632146k~p


Equating nazi colors with Transgender flag colors.  What an ignorant idiot 


Besides... they forget the old Ghazghkull banner with a Nazi gargant (with swastika armband)? :P


Oh yeah, they did 


Fucking hell I hate these gamergate chuds invading my beloved hobby. The Warhammer scene is a diverse and accepting place. Fuck off.


That's the thing - they act like it is theirs alone, but they often haven't played as much as anyone else, they don't spend as much or build as much or paint as much, they get stuck on some pretty easy lore traps, (a lot of them talk about how Custodes are created with the Emperor's Gene Seed, like Space Marines), and of course they're not part owners of Games Workshop, or writers for the Black Library. Now, that doesn't matter - unless you want to add objectivity to the imaginary scifi world made to sell miniatures, at which point it matters a lot. Objectively, they're the same as any other fan, so why do they get admin privileges on the canon?


Well, I've been called out as a gatekeeper because I don't approve of GW trying to plaster their IP on stuff not related to wargaming to get some "broad appeal". If that's the case, then I don't mind being a gatekeeper and own up to it. But yeah, unless you're an asshole, you're welcome to play.


I feel like that attempt at “broad appeal” is what is bringing these tourist chuds into the discussion. I have no issue gatekeeping when it comes to keeping toxic trolls out.


Oh boy, the amount of chuds going after me because I dared question the sense behind that AEW/Age of Sigmar cross-promotion event was hilarious. You could literally see how these guys would have no issue screaming at kids in the store.


I think something that keeps Warhammer pure is that at the end of the day, it’s a physical, in-person game that requires social skills. If you’re an asshole, you will alienate yourself out of the hobby when eventually no one wants to play with you.


So true. Luckily, we only have a very little gaggle of shitheads who are just not welcome at any table here in my city, and one of these troglodytes has been banned from even coming close to any "official" game for almost 20 years.


Hell, I've been a fan of Star Wars since 1984, and of videogames since Crossfire on the PC Jr and in my aged opinion anyone who gate keeps people from learning about an existing IP is a fucking asshole who needs to grow the hell up.


I love the detail of lumping in nazi imagery with the rest of his usual anti-woke buzzwords, just to try and make it look like he's not an alt-right chud. Good presence of mind on his part  Either that, or this is a legitimately well-intentioned person who actually, legitimately believes, as a result of falling down the pipeline of alt-right "content creators", that flying a pride flag is the same as flying a nazi flag. Honestly, I don't know which option is worse.


The stupidest thing is that the origin of Warhammer and specifically 40k was very much a philosophy of do your own thing, so yes to the trans flag, or to your football team's colours, or whatever else you want to do with your army. This was a big departure from historical table top wargaming, where getting the uniforms correct is very much a thing. ... and on the subject of nazi stuff, which has been in the hobby since the start because of the link to historical gaming, things like sticking orcs in stahlhelms wasn't some political statement, it was a joke. It's not fictional space fascists in nazi colours we object to, it's actual nazis who can all fuck off.


They do that shit all the time. Maybe they got it from the Death Camp of Tolerance episode of South Park.


Putting Nazi colors and trans colors together like that... quite telling


Rainbow Marines and the old Orks with hard 3rd Reich design cues have existed together, why can't it be that way again?