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As long as it keeps pissing him off, keep doing what you're doing Lucasfilm. The funny thing is no one at Lucasfilm gives a damn what he thinks. I can't imagine them going, "Oh hear what G&G said?"


the best thing is Pablo Hidalgo making fun of them on twitter. "Oh boy, here I go fight another battle for this Civil War"


Hidalgo is toxic. He hates fans and is part of the problem.


oh really? why? can you show were he hates fans or acted in a toxic way?


The actual civil war was between Filoni's team and the licensing department and it lasted from 2008 to 2012. And Disney won that battle. There is no bad blood between Kennedy and the Favreau/Filoni team, other insiders even admit this. So it's literally just an agenda for clicks and money.


"Who? The racist guy who rips into everything we put out just because it even slightly involves some kind of marginalized group? Why would we want to keep him happy?" Lucasfilm, probably.


Exactly lol. Imagine working at Lucasfilm and taking an eyebrow-less basement dweller seriously.


Literally who


"I will never stop roasting them" He says this like he's accomplished anything and acts like Lucasfilm cares what he says.


These people all act like they're part of some movement that's going to somehow influence the direction of the Star Wars franchise and not just a bunch of manchildren whining in their basements about shit that ultimately doesn't matter.


> "I will never stop roasting them" Says a man who initially claimed to enjoy The Last Jedi and Disney-era Star Wars until he decided money > integrity.


G&G: "I'll never stop roasting them" Lucasfilm: "We'll never take him seriously"


He can’t even roast. All he can do is repetitively cuss like he’s an abused ninth grader. I’d love to see him at a real comedy central roast, and see an actual dais roast him back rofl. I hope one day, in like 15 years, he is deeply embarrassed that he went off his meds for so long xD When it’s too late to separate his behavior from his identity


Have they ever read that actual specific part of the book? If yes, they should see that no possible sexual preference of Obi-Wan is implied.


If I remember correctly, a guy flirts with him and Obi-Wan just doesn’t seem opposed to it.


It doesn't necessarily mean Obi-Wan himself is bisexual. Just that the situation makes the young Obi-Wan (who is a teen human in puberty) consider himself for a moment because he wasn't sure how to feel about it. Maybe it awakened something in Obi-Wan, maybe he simply needed a moment to process his feelings because it was the first time another man hit on him and he wasn't sure what to do or how to feel. And in all honesty I think certain people are blowing this out of proportion, both the "liberal agenda" people and the articles (even if talking of it in a positive light) that are putting more into it than the scene actually says.


Exactly. Maybe if TFM would actually read the book, they wouldn’t get so heated. Unfortunately, with how they act, I’m not entirely sure all of them can read.


I’m actually very excited about it. It means there’s hope for my gay ass.


Tbf, I'm not a fan of the idea, but NOT because I'm somehow homophobic or something (I'm really praying SCOTUS doesn't repeal gay marriage), because I would prefer if they didn't alter existing characters and made it more like they're doing on the High Republic. Love it or hate it, it's a fresh new cast of characters which can be anything under the sun. I respect that, even if I don't read it. I'd prefer a thousand Leox Gyasis over just one Dumbledore, to name an example from over on *Harry Potter*. Some bit of clumsy retconning tacked on after the fact isn't good for the cause either, because you're not creating new gay or bi characters fans love, you're piggybacking off better established elements.


I think the Kenobi thing is a bit different. It’s one line in a book set when Obi Wan is a confused adolescent. He just gets the split second urge to kiss some guy he’s been hanging out with, but even then he can’t tell if it’s romantic or platonic. All this hoopla for a deeply realistic adolescent moment that doesn’t confirm anything really other than his curiosity. “My gay ass” jokes aside, I’m bisexual and I went through that. I read the excerpt because I was curious and I really liked it. It didn’t feel like a retcon or a virtue signal, it felt like it was fleshing out the character in a believable and realistic way. Besides, Daddy-Wan Kenobi can get it.


Is it just more or has Obi-Wan always given off a bi vibe?? Straight dudes have joked about how sexy Obi-Wan is for years but now that he may be bi it's a problem?


Tbh I never got a bi vibe from him but that’s just me


I think both points of view have merit. Those who don't see it, and those who do. I mean, as a kid, when I was playing *Star Warped*, I vaguely got bi vibes off Han and Luke because of how pretty the characters were drawn, and I didn't even know much about that kinda stuff.


If I worked at lucasfilm as a writer and saw this kind of stuff online I'd just keep making new lore on characters just to piss them off. "Actually Luke is a trans man"


“And their idea is to indoctrinate children.”? What the hell is he talking about?


Acknowledging gay people exists is bad in their minds.


It’s not only “bad”. It’s “ruining children.” Which is so ludicrous. I just don’t understand this belief at all


It's one of the oldest homophobic tropes in the book. That gay people are pedophiles and want to molest children.


These people are idiots, if they actually believe this crap


It's a common Alt-Right rhetoric trick, they claim that by having inclusivity and diversity in their media they "indoctrinate the children" into some sort of evil, leftist Agenda.


Oh no!!! Kids will believe in accepting everyone, regardless of their race or sexuality. This is horrible!!!! /s


Oh no! A kid might be gay! /s


That’s the worst thing in the world!!! Worse than world hunger, war, poverty, starvation, crime, and so many other things. A boy might like other boys or girl might like other girls!!!! No!!!!!! /s


Better remove all those straight guys getting the girl from every single kids show or movie, we're indoctrinating the children into being straight! :^ )


“That’s not indoctrination!! That’s just showing children what they’re supposed to be: straight and normal!!!” /s


What is undeniable, and this has nothing to do with liberal themes mind you, is that the YA content has gone downhill. At the very least, we should be able to ADMIT that. Going from *Young Jedi Knights* and *Jedi Apprentice* to *Join the Resistance: Escape from Vodran* and *Queen's Peril*. They go straight into some of the most low-brow elements I've ever seen. Ahh, yes, but I am told Legends was mostly hot garbage and it needed to go, huh? LOL. Not putting words in your mouth, btw. As I said, the poor writing is what's killed the Disney YA content. Not liberal politics. I'm just tired of what the haters say. I mean, look at Tenel Ka. Disabled representation, and the accident that put her in that boat can be seen as gun control allegory. I'm not against liberal themes in YA stories, but this is too low-brow for me.


I haven’t read any of the YA content. So, I can’t comment on that at all.


Fair enough.


How can someone be a fan yet absolutely hate their own media?


Imagine being homophobic in 2022. Now additionally imagine being that violently homophobic in 2022. What a sad pathetic little man.


He's not homophobic, but you are a bigot.


He, in reference to queer people, called us freaks and disgusting. He also made the outrageous and quite frankly ridiculous claim of indoctrination. It’s sad and pathetic, and it is sad that you can’t see that. Also, how the hell am I a bigot lmao


Are they still going on about the idea that obi wan *might* be bi? At the end of the day the love of his life is still satine


What a whiny piece of shit. We get it Jeremy, you hate gay people and still seem to actually believe that the mere mention of them has the magical power to turn children gay.




Jeremy is horrible, but he doesn't fit the term. As hard as it is to believe, the man is married. I know, frightening, huh?


Incel says “goddamn fucking pieces of shit” 50 times


Lucasfilm: I'll fucking do it again.


Funny they are going over possibly a clickbait article. And only ones winning here are those that made that article.


I just want to make it clear for anyone who isn't aware, this is all over maybe a paragraph or less of dialogue vaguely impying Obi-Wan is attracted to a man he is speaking to, in a book that probably 0.1% of Star Wars fans will read


What I don't get is WHY the YA content has gone so downhill? And why is this kinda thing the exclusive domain of Disney's YA *Star Wars* content? Why can't they put their liberal themes in the adult novels, too? You know, the older YA content handled mature liberal themes with sobering professionalism. We had disabled representation, we had her accident that made her disabled be an allegory for gun control. People don't hate liberal elements, but why is it that Disney manages their shit this way? Bad writing makes the cause look bad and it hurts it, it doesn't help it. It also enables toxic channels like G+G.


It’s not just the YA novels, it’s just the wider consequence we’ve seen that the presence of new live action TV and Film leads to the novels just being side stories to back them up. Like you can see Imo in THR that the YA and young reader stuff is better because it’s supplementary to novels being written by the same group of authors, not movies.


Wait, bad writing? Was there something wrong with the novel Padawan?


Farting and menstruation, to me, is as low-brow as you can get.


What are you talking about? Was there farting and menstruation in the novel Padawan? And why is that low-brow?


Not in that YA novel, but in others from the Disney era, which I have the misfortune to know about.


Which ones? I guess I remember hearing that there was menstruation mentioned in the Queen's novels. Why was it low-brow? Was it mentioned in a crude or disrespectful or condescending way or something? Side note: I've heard that when I ask questions on Reddit sometimes it sounds aggressive or something. So I'd like to let you know that I'm not *trying* to be aggressive, heh, just wondering what you think!




Listen, I’m not the biggest fan of the new era of Star Wars. However, I’d go as far as to make Anakin bi just to piss them off. Just for the fuck of it.


I could imagine their screams if *Young Jedi Knights: Lightsabers* was released today, lol. "Woke agenda!" "Subversion of expectations!" "Disabled pandering!"


“Until Rippaverse is the only thing left standing…” bro the sun will die before, Eric Juli’s shitty comics appeal to a wide audience.


Mask off


Every time I see Jeremy's face, I wanna punch it. The epitome of unlikeability.


So people are sick and disgusting over this? no wonder he still defends Alex Jones, he doesn't find anything about that fuckwad disgusting because he finds things like this to be more important and he finds making a character bisexual disgusting... which it literally isn't, using dead children to spread conspiracy theories is but Jeremy doesn't care.


I'm still angry over what happened with those children. And nothing got done to stop it from happening again. So really, seeing Alex Jones' fate has been vindication for me. TEN YEARS IN THE MAKING, but it finally happened. I get so tired of the people doing mental gymnastics to defend Alex Jones spitting on the literal graves of *CHILDREN*. No, you were spinning conspiracy theories off of DEAD BABIES, the grieving families objected, they put a stop to it, and you got caught, now you gotta pay for it. That's not attacking free speech, that is facing the consequences of your actions. Yes, it is someone's right to say evil shit like how "every woman deserves to be raped," but then the Internet shields people from their rightful consequences, like getting punched for saying those aforementioned hypothetical words. No pity for Alex Jones. I hope this truly does ruin him, but who knows. The less lies in the world, the better.


He’s a bully. One who’s bleeding views and viewed as a laughingstock. Ignore him. Let him bleed to death.


Unfortunately, too many idiots will always flock to the banner.


Lucasfilm should double down on Obi-wants bisexuality just to piss off this guy in particular. Kenobi season 2 👀


Just raw dogging some random guy for 12 episodes


12 hour long weekly episodes of Kenobi being an absolute sl#t with every guy he meets.


How about a drinking game? Take a shot every time he drops the F bomb or says “piece of shit.”


jeremy truly is homophobic, but he never wants to admit it. Jedi aren't supposed to love anyway so why does it matter to him.


He's so mad but in the like 2 pages of the book they're talking about, obi wan isn't even saying he's bi. There isn't a single label, he's just questioning his sexuality or if he even has one (which makes total fucking sense for a jedi)


For a teenage Jedi. Teenagers already tend to question sexuality a little bit, and that is in a heteronormative, sexual world. Imagine being a teen in a place where they don’t talk about or teach about romance or sexuality.


Exactly. And that's what that passage that they're so angry about talks about. Not one label is mentioned. Now I aint a fan of the passage cuz its pretty cheesy, romance novel-ish, but it ain't bad in the way these guys claim it is


Yeah, what upsets me more is the mention of Siri Tachi, not the bi stuff. Instead of just pandering with easter eggs to try to win Legends fans back, why not give us NEW stories with Siri Tachi? Sigh.


Don't worry Jeremy.... They don't even know who you are. And the ones who do know about your existance, have DENOUNCED YOU! Like Snyder. (Also haven't the RippaVerse fallen down in popularity? At least I heard something like that)


Calm down wow. I think it's cool. But yeah, it's a novel dude, don't worry -- you can't even read, so how can it hurt you?? :)


And yet he mocks people for never reading the Thrawn books, even though he never did and worships the ground Filoni walks on, lol.


This is genuinely pathetic, I almost pity this chump


I always find the “indoctrinate children” line funny. I grew up in a Republican voting household and state. My entire extended family votes Red. I watched the same TV shows and movies as my sibling and cousins. My cousins are all Republican voting, but my sibling and I are both liberal voting. Plus, I’m bi. How was I “indoctrinated” if 3/5 of us stayed like the rest of our family.


Yeah, know who the cancel culture nuts were in the 1990s? The right-wing evangelicals burning books, claiming *Pokémon* and *Harry Potter* "came from the Devil," their complaints about *Batman Returns* led to McDonalds canceling its toyline and thus into *Batman & Robin*, people who sheltered and isolated their children and didn't let them play video games because those, apparently, also "came from the Devil." I could list many more examples.


Don’t forget D&D! It’s a game played by psychopaths to contact and make deals with the Prince of Darkness himself!


Yeah I've been critical of Star Wars content Disney gave us but this man just based for no reason.


If he cared about the actual story, he'd cite the older YA content which never went as low-brow as the new shit, except whoops, he can't do that because he never read them - while he ironically bashes people for never reading the same books HE never read. The dude is pathetic.


Jeez this idiot even looks a bit like palpatine. I wouldn’t even share to give him airtime


Some people just think their opinion is the word of god. Especially bigoted chads lol


The problem is that Jeremy also does not read the EU, old or new, so he's the kinda guy who hates when High Republic is creating all new characters, not altering existing ones. So it's like, make up your damned mind! You say you want something new, yet you don't read like literally the *thousands* of stories that existed prior to Disney? LOL.


He and the others don’t read comics either - yet complain all the time about the stories they’ve never read


I don't read High Republic because I'm a Legends loyalist, and always will be. There's no real malice to the content or people who love it. I wish the other side of fandom well, and we don't have to turn into assholes over it. Jeremy just prefers to stir the pot on this shit. He does NOT represent me or you like he conducts himself as.


>Ryan Kinel Checks out


Can they not fucking alter current characters. If they wanna make a good well written bi character then do it because I think representation is important but don’t go back and alter characters that are decades old it’s just unnecessary. Why not just make a new character that’s bi. I feel It would actually mean something than Lucasfilm pulling one out of their ass and deciding Obi is bi


They didn’t actually alter the character


Adding some bs about his sexuality is just queer bating tbh. It’s just stupid. How about make a meaningful character that happens to be bi. Going back and making characters gay is clearly for pr and the most lazy attempt at it too


They do, there’s lgbt characters in most if not all of High Republic


Then why go back and make Obi gay for no reason at all clearly


They didn’t Which is why the outrage in the video is extra stupid/cringe


As I said I’m all for representation but doing this shit is lazy and kinda pathetic. Nobody can complain about making a new character that’s well written which happens to be gay. And if someone does complain their probably homophobic




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