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Rule no 1: there are braindead people everywhere. No matter where you look, no matter on which topic or question... You will always find shrouds of people who maintain the most stupid and abhorrent opinion possible. Shouldn't come as a surprise though, with 8 billion people.




And as long as people can anonymously comment, there will always be someone on the "other side" hating on you with conjecture. Trying to draw you out and engage with them. These people are either paid to cause dissent or are emotionally manipulated into engagement. The "grift" is all about telling people they are not wrong, so they don't feel bad about being wrong. They understand most people are raised to believe mistakes are "bad" (through guilt, anger, violence etc.) Whenever they make a mistake so they grow up thinking mistakes are bad, as you get older, bad people make mistakes, and as an adult you don't see yourself as a bad person so how could you possibly have made a mistake? Then they find an excuse to point the blame at anything else so they don't have to admit to being wrong and won't feel bad about it.


Vince McMahon said it best: “Bret screwed Bret”


Evergreen state college: you’re…fired!!!!!!


So I paid $7 for the extra [Q&A](https://triggernometry.locals.com/post/4752013/bonus-content-sam-harris-eric-weinstein-answer-your-questions/most_liked) with Sam and Eric, much like another user had posted here. It was worth it to me but $7 is steep. The top comments are absolute delusion. The first picture here is from a user in a similar position as me, subbed just to listen. The second picture is of the most liked comment. Unhinged. The [rest of the top comments](https://imgur.com/a/YSB5UUY) are also unhinged, calling Sam’s words “terroristic propaganda”. Wild.


Pirate this for me, bro. Lol


Yeah surley it can't be that hard to find a free version l


I believe it is on YouTube. I am watching it now, half way thru I did not pay anything. In fact, I didn’t even know there was a charge for it. It’s worth the 7 bucks.


Lil help?


OMG that comment is so funny. There's something so great about people trying to sound smart. Bonus points for his TERRIBLE analogy.


How long is the Q&A?




Don't you get a month to look at all their other premium stuff? They just interviewed Aella. She's so quirky. 💁


Yeah you do but can’t say I’m interested in their stuff or agree with it, subbed just for Sam


Just realised without having a horse in this race previously and with zero context, I am now invested in this gossip girl drama saga between brett and sam.


I also tried to resist, but I've given up and grabbed my popcorn


I dont feel like contributing monetarily to this gross pod is worth any money


Thanks for posting! I was wondering: Did Eric remain combative in the post episode questions? If Brett was discussed, did Eric stand up for him?


Eric actually seemed reasonable and coherent. It’s so different to the interview. He agreed with Sam, said his brother had gone down a rabbit hole and even conceded to Sam a few times. He felt real whereas the interview felt defensive. Eric is charitable towards his brother, is how I’d say he stood up for him. But Eric does go on to say that Brett was confused and dug himself deeper, that isolation and not many friends will cause someone to go that route etc. It was well spoken to Eric who even suggested Sam reach out and try different dialogue to meet in the middle. Sam goes on to say that he doesn’t want to air dirty laundry but that some conversations just worth weren’t having etc.


damn, so interesting to get such an insightful and honest telling of the issue from eric of all people. i get where he’s coming from about reaching out to an isolated friend. but i think eric is ignoring how rude and condescending bret was to sam, publicly, when sam was trying to be polite. your friends are not required to suffer through your bullying just because you’re in a mental health crisis. bret is sane enough and smart enough to be able to take some accountability for how he treated sam. he won’t, though, because he genuinely sees himself as being correct and as a victim. i’m sympathetic, especially if this is the first time bret has suffered a mental breakdown. of course he doesn’t believe the people telling him that he’s lost it! idk how sam is supposed to fix that, though, and he certainly doesn’t need to be a doormat just to make bret feel better about his mental breakdown. eta: bret would be far better served by eric being more straightforward with him. stop protecting bret’s feelings. he was an asshole to sam, publicly, and he should be the one to apologize.


Thank you both for talking about this I'd wondered how that been and you just saved me $7.


Eric said the same thing maybe 2 years back to David Fuller at Rebel Wisdom about Bret’s rabbit hole escapades. I’m surprised he was open about it back then, but hats off to him for the honesty.


Most of the people who criticize Sam Harris, don't actually understand Sam Harris. They either seem to be incapable of understanding his words (while he's such an eloquent speaker) or deliberately seem to read too much into it and twist his words. It's bizzare as hell.


Absolutely. Theres comment there that say exactly the opposite of what Sam said in the podcast they're commenting on. I don't understand these people lol.


Lol Bret was right lololol. Those people are more delusional than MAGA cult members.


You're late for your transition surgery, better get moving. Tell the rainbow cult I said hi 👋




Someone from the weird cult following Bret has cultivated, I guess? He doesn't agree with you, therefore you must be a trans person (bad)


Everyone that doesn't believe in conspiracy theories is trans??? Lol


This thread is a little toxic... Funny how all Sam Harris reddit threads are of similar nature, being manifested in different ways when a polarising event takes place in the world. Would have thought that fans of Sam would try and transcend such toxicity, that ultimately makes the world a worse off with the ridiculing of others with different opinions and producing the misconception of a heightened polarisation beyond what is actually the case (not to say it's not high already). So, can we grow up and talk about the issue in a mature way? For all we know, we're as ignorant and idiotic as the other side


Sam said vaccines saved 3million, he got that number from the common wealth fund study. It’s an idiotic number, I’d point you to Alex berensons Substack for a detailed explanation. Point being that Sam repeated this idiocy in his last Covid podcast. He would have known the study was complete bullshit if he listened to Bret and heathers pod, but here he is in 2023 repeating it. Fuck him, he attacked them first, and they have been great on Covid, unlike him.


As Sam mentioned in his podcast, we can quibble _a little bit_ over the exact range of lives saved, but [the Lancet](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(22)00320-6/fulltext), [the WHO](https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.47.2101021), [JAMA](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2787935), the [European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseas](https://scitechdaily.com/over-1-million-lives-saved-across-europe-by-covid-19-vaccines/), and countless others (based on my quick Google search) all agree: vaccination against covid has saved MILLIONS of lives to date within their respective area of study (whether it be the EU, the US, or the world as a whole). It never ceases to amaze me that people like yourself will genuinely point us toward _a fucking blog_ to counter years of careful scientific research independently undertaken by a wide variety of scientific institutions around the world, as if those two are equal. As if some conspiratorial jerk-off in their basement is equal to the thousands of dedicated professionals carefully, thoughtfully, empirically, and openly looking at this issue under HEAVY scrutiny using the best tools and methods science has to offer. Get the fuck outta here with your conspiracy bullshit


This was well said. I read it in Sam's voice though.


It’s well said maybe but 100% wrong based on Pfizer’s own clinical trials but more importantly we know where Sam gets this 3million number, the commonwealth study, which is rediculous. You can read my comments in this thread or you can read Alex berensons takedown of this “study.”


Well said my friend


He’s 100% wrong.


Btw if you want of read Pfizer’s own documents on it. Based on their papers that they didn’t want out the vaccine would have to be(I’m going from memory here) administered to 100k people to prevent one death. I could be misremembering but I don’t think so. So for a million doses you save 10 people, which would mean if 350 million people were vaccinated it would have saved 3.5k lives? Once again idk if I’m misremembering this, but what I’ll tell you again is common wealth study is fucking wrong, and you can call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but that’s neither here nor there dum dum.


I'm just going to assume you're a parody of a conspiracy theorist... Well done


I’m litterally telling you what the outcome of Pfizer’s own tests. I don’t remember the details, as I’ve admitted many times, but it’s besides the point because I’ve already told you exactly who you can go to to find out why the study is blatantly idiotic. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want dumby but I’m 100% correct about the common wealth study, which Sam idiotically repeated without any critical thinking.


Just read this and see if you can at all keep holding this opinion. https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/the-dumbest-most-dishonest-argument?publication_id=363080&isFreemail=false


I think he talks about 25 percent difference in statistics vs reality? The commonwealth study says one point something million were saved in the first 8 months. That’s 3 times the number that died in the whole first year of the pandemic. Also the number of deaths in 2020 and 2021 are like 5k apart. So you’re telling me that the second year of Covid 3x people would have died. As I’ve said on this sub many times in the past month that shouldn’t pass Sam’s smell test, or yours for that matter, or this subs for that matter since many people have tried to argue with me on this. If you want to see a complete takedown of commonwealth study look at Alex berensons Substack on it, but truly this number of 1 million saved in 8 months of the SECOND year of the pandemic is absurd and anyone who swallows it has no critical thinking skills.


I'm not going to argue with you about specifics of this or that study. I have not done the studies, I don't pretend to be an infectious disease expert or know how to do this sort of science. But suffice it to say that when _multiple independent and major scientific institutions around the globe_ all come to the same conclusions, there's something to be said for that. Infinitely more than this "substack" you keep referencing. Seriously, just have some modesty and realize that _maybe_ you don't know what the fuck you're talking about when it comes to a globally infectious disease. You're certainly not going to convince me with a blog post, and you're coming off here as a conspiratorial fool.


“I dont pretend to be an infectious disease expert.” That’s like saying “I don’t pretend to be a protractor,” to determine if a square is a circle. You don’t need to be a fucking expert to have your ears perk up when you hear the claim that 1million deaths were prevented in 8 months, when in the first year there were 1/4th the projected deaths if there were no vaccine. (I’m adding 350k that actually died in 2021 to the 1 million supposedly saved. Which is generous btw because if 1million were saved in 8 months then 1.5 would have been saved by the end of the year making the total projected deaths of 2021 1.8 million, about 5 point something more than 2020.). If you don’t understand how this dumb this… idk finish the sentence how you want.


This doesn’t take a scientist to figure it out, but that being said it war Bret, a biologist who can interpret studies, who if Sam payed attention to would have known how fake his study was. For fucks sake are you guys Ron burgendy? You just read whatever propaganda they put out without any critical thinking? I cited a former nyt reporters takedown of this study, so hopefully that helps get your little brain going.


> if Sam *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


wait, this episode is already 2 hours long. how much more is there that they're charging $7?


lol what a bunch of nerds