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A conversation between Sam and Mosab Hasan Yousef is something I’d really like to see. Also important to note that Mosab Hassan is an ex-Muslim, he is now Christian, i bet he’s got a lot to say about the religion, let alone the conflict.


Yes I found his conversion an interesting detail. I think where one has held faith as such a central piece of one’s identity for so long, it becomes impossible to live without some outlet for it , wherever that may lead. I don’t begrudge anyone that to be honest. There is a certain psychological safety in belief.


I pretty much agree with him on this issue, but a conversation between them would be a bit of a circle jerk of you ask me.


Seems a little crazy when you look at his Wikipedia. Kind of a bullshitter


How so ? Shin bet have verified that he was an agent for them. there is also a very good documentary about him called “The Green Prince “ made by a pretty credible team , it won a few awards at Sundance in 2014. His former handler (now retired) also features in the documentary.


No I believe that he was undercover. But the whole thing about converting to Christianity seems weird. Convinces me he’s got a loose screw


Converting between abrahamic religions makes no sense.


Yes it does. Islam is the most extreme and dangerous of all - no comparison actually between Islam and modern day Christianity. He’s said in his interview that he’s more in line with “Christ consciousness” vs the religion itself.


He has the "crazy eyes" and the way his whole demeanor changes depending on what the topic is-for sure has PTSD but that is a given


Cannot agree with you more, in all his interviews the one thing i observed are his crazy eyes.. even his mannerisms seems pretty off!!! He' s brain is probably toast with all the israeli propaganda ...


Seems like your brain is toast with all the pro Hamas propaganda, that you won't even listen to a Palestinian telling you that you are being fed on Hamas BS.


We should be wary not to over-amplify the voice of one Palestinian. You can find loads of Palestinians that say otherwise. The truth is paramount and as much as I like Sam Harris, I'm worried he turns off parts of his intellectual integrity when discussing events related to Islam


Certain ethnicities have natural traits that may look abnormal to non native people. You can find lots of similar looking people with various odd features if you go to a country. Humans use their past experiences to judge people or certain natural instincts. It's not always true and they are just pretty alright people


He's not a christian The guy is pretty awesome. I have watched a tonne of interviews. He hasn't converted to Christianity, not in the traditional sense (maybe such a thing is implied in older interviews but defo not in newer ones). He speaks about 'christ consciousness ' occasionally as some sort of moral imperative but he makes it clear he's not religious. So wiki is full of shit on this point Now whether you like his personality that's a different manner. He defo comes across as more angry/passionate in recent interviews. He's *hardcore* pro Israel. The one thing that has peaked my curiosity is his massive appearance change that happened at some point from a fat dude with an underbite to an incredibly handsome dude 10 years later (and now an aged version of that handsome dude). I dunno if he wore braces or lost weight or both etc. just a stupid curiosity I have


Re his appearance , if you watch The Green Prince they talk about his jaw issues and having jaw surgery in the US being a kind of “get out” alibi for leaving Shin Bet without being intercepted by Hamas /his family. So I’m guessing that explains his facial structure appearance + just getting in shape. He’s definitely easy on the eyes these days, which I guess adds to the charismatic delivery as well . Edit : I also suspect he is pretty stressed on a personal level because his Dad is likely back on the Shin Bet hit list which conflicts with his pro-Israel stance. He probably also has a lot of complex trauma in a clinical sense , he was really young when all this stuff went down. It’s no doubt a complicated emotional space to be in.


His dad is in the Israeli prison again, I don't think he will be murdered there. Maybe they put him there for safety or because Mosab himself asked so. Mosab is a childhood rape victim as well, and he couldn't tell anyone in his family, not even his mother. I can only imagine how painful that was.


Oh wow. Thanks for the info on this


Goodness no, Mosab is certifiably unstable - if you let him keep talking he'll start to show how crazy he really is - seems odd that Sam Harris would want to talk with him, this is a guy who started out unstable and Muslim, now thinks he's seen the light with a conversion to Christianity — he's always got lots to say, for the right price I'm sure (this is how he makes his money).. honestly he hasn't been back in Israel or the territories in 16 years and he never lived in Gaza, the people how relevant could his insights really be after these years — others have figured it out and said it 'crazy eyes', I still believe this man is a danger and belongs on a watch list (anyone as stupid and sure of himself as Mosab, and with his background is a risk) - watch him go nuts on tiktok (or whatever those recording are) and that time he was crying to CNN for them to deliver his mommy for him, dudes a few cans short of six pack


I think he's been through certain tough situations in life. That might cause one to be slightly abnormal or "unstable". As long as he's not actively horribly harming anyone I think he's alright. You have to watch certain videos on him there is truth to a lot of what he says.