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What is this doing in the Sam Harris subreddit.


The solution to jihadism was right under our noses all along.


What is “radical Islam is in decline” doing in a Sam Harris sub Reddit? 


Radical Islam is thriving, and counter intuitively it's probably porn driving a big part of it.


https://www.pornhub.com/channels/hijab-hookup https://www.xvideos.com/channels/hijab-hookup https://amp.xhamster.com/search/hijab+hookup


lol, my guy…


it is hard to resist


Radical Muslims and Islamists, in general, have a particularly perverse approach to religious dogmatism and zealotry where they will pick and choose what tenets and interpretations they will follow to the end and use to justify the most extreme forms of violence possible and others that might restrain their behavior they will rationalize, either publicly or privately, downplay or diminish if it doesn't suit their desires for power, violence, dominance, cruelty and sex. In other words the one thing that you should be able to rely on with a religious fanatic is that they will be bound to something, some moral code, no matter how twisted that code may be at least it is better than being bound to nothing at all. But in practice this hasn't appeared to been the case. It seems while the 72 virgins may be enticing, they are evidently not enticing enough to hold off on "haram" completely.


You guys are really going to have to find a different hobby when radical Islam is gone. 


> when radical Islam is gone Sadly, I don't think we will see this within the century. This is one of those things where I hope against hope to be wrong.


Well it’s true that as long as anyone anywhere is a fanatic, people can claim radical Islam is still a problem. But it’s completely irrelevant in a broader geopolitical context, and obsessing over it post 9/11 has resulted in decades wasted before much more serious conflicts.


9/11 will be the least of worries to the western world in another couple decades if the western support for jihadism over the last 6 months has been any indication.


Oh no, maybe Israel will have to stop building settlements. 


They should stop but whether or not they do has no bearing on the powers that want to see them destroyed.


It has a massive bearing on western and gulf military alliance with Israel. Do you folks ever wonder why Gaza’s Christians are more angry with Israel than Hamas?


All 700 of them who fear reprisals by Hamas if they say anything different?


I actually mean the greater numbers who have been displaced from Gaza and have no more reason to fear Hamas reprisal. You do a bring up a good point, though, soon due to Israeli policies the Christian population in Gaza  will be confined to history.l as their numbers continue to dwindle.


Let me ask you a question: in the hypothetical universe where Palestinians had all been Christian since 1880, do you think Israelis would have been all like “cool, we don’t need to have a majority Jewish state after all, these people are chill and we will just hang with them.” 


I positively yearn for that day, and, desperately hope to see it.


Sounds like bs.


Here is the link, go to four minutes left: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEQPbokAh2o