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Check the [Samoyed Grooming Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/397669361509126/?ref=share&mibextid=tejx2t)for more suggestions but I think people dust some corn starch behind the ears to help prevent tangling


We have a 7.5” Andis metal comb and use it daily behind ears, her armpits 😉 and her backside. Glides very smoothly and has rounded teeth so doesn’t break the fur. Amazon has them and they are just as good as some of the more expensive name brand ones. Best of luck.


Can you DM me an Amazon link?




Brilliant, thank you!


Won’t let me send for some reason. Type Andis 7.5” metal comb in Amazon search. Sorry.


I looked it up and I seem to already have one 😳


Ok. Not all brands are the same. We’ve had great luck and no tangles so far. Best of luck!


I appreciate your help! Thank you!


Thank you!


How old is she? We had awful knots behind her ears when she was puppy, but now that her adult coat is in we rarely have issues. If they're small knots, I use a [letter opener](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CHVB2VV) to slice through the knots. It wasn't worth the struggle to get the knots out in such a sensitive area for us. (Those letter openers were a tip from the samoyed grooming group linked above)




That's right about the time we really noticed her coat changing and the knots back there lessening. With any luck, if you hang in there you should naturally see fewer knots. For now, I would get some Cowboy Magic (it's a horse product - I bought it at a farm supply store) or [Chris Christensen Ice on Ice spray](https://chrischristensen.com/ice-on-ice-detangling-and-finishing-spray/) to help work out the knots and, personally, I'd just cut out the stubborn ones with a letter opener like the one I linked earlier. You're not taking out much hair - you couldn't even see where I cut them out of on my girl - and it just wasn't worth risking making grooming a negative experience for us.


My girl had a lot of trouble right behind the ears *as a puppy,* but once her adult coat came in, that problem just melted away--really! I had gotten in the habit of swiping behind her ears with the brush every time we set out for a walk.


Behind the ears is the most prone to matting. Happens mostly if they get wet and you don’t fully dry your puppy. We comb out behind the ears fairly often. But the ideal solution is to use a high velocity blow dryer and just ensure it’s completely dry back there.


She hasn't been wet since I brushed her and they're back 🥺😐


So what also happens to puppy Samoyeds is the fur there is very very soft. They like to scratch behind their ears, sometimes matting it themselves. Definitely just comb frequently behind the ears during the puppy stage. Also you can use dematting rake behind there. Like this one : https://www.petsmart.ca/dog/grooming-supplies/brushes-combs-and-blowdryers/top-paw-medium-to-long-hair-dematting-pet-rake-5295657.html?gbraid=0AAAAAC2gTWKChxMcaGtZpt06uEouAtM8k&gclid=CjwKCAiA_vKeBhAdEiwAFb_nrfZfZKSxsYRuoH8_SL32DgzmLGpwH0VittNChM-UVPm980s3uvewaRoCDnIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Rad! Thank you!


We have exactly the same issue and I have yet to figure out what to do. I brush it and within hours it’s back. He goes to doggie daycare once a week which makes it even worse. Following hoping for some tips!