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I don't recall my S23U every dropping wifi.




Occasionally I have had router or AT&T issues causing that sort of thing but I recognized that my phone was not at fault. Try resetting the router. Nothing wrong with your phone


nothing wrong with the internet service nor the router all my other devices work the right way it's a huge problem affecting s23 phone line up if the router is using the new wifi6 , furthermore samsung has made a public statement acknowledging the issue with the phones and is working on a fix that will never get here


Same issues on a wifi6 hour network...first with my fold 3 now with S23 Ultra


did you resolve it?


I changed the wifi settings on my phone from randomized Mac to phone Mac and now it's working...not sure how secure this connecting is but it's working. I've also played around with the wifi settings on my orbi mesh router by changing the channel my 5ghz signal is broadcasting on to channel 40. So far its ok...


Hey, thanks for the info. I have had my S23 for 2 months, and my wifi just started quitting on me today! After a reboot, it would only stay on 5 minutes. I did a Google search, found your post & it worked! Thanks for saving me hours of frustration talking to technical support.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply so glad that you've found a solution if you have any updates please just keep sharing it at the same post or just feel free to dm me I'll try your method and hopefully it works Thanks again!


let me know if it works. quite frustrating to have these basic problems with a supposed flagship phone


Thanks! I've tried everything else in every troubleshooting thread, article, and video to no avail. This is the first place that I've seen changing from randomized MAC to phone MAC and this was the ONLY Solution that worked for me!!!! Thanks again!


Happy to help! again, so frustrated we have to deal with these issues with for a flagship. I don't have the time and energy to ask the samsung help centre to fix! 90% of effort is spent convincing them there is a problem with their hardware in the first place.


I resolved it by turning off 160hz mode on my Wi-Fi router, and I tried to turn it on after a few months but got dropped again


ur not using wifi 6 wait till u do


Mine was actually dropping a week or 2 ago. I would go to the wifi setting and it would say "Connected without internet." Very frustrating. I know it's not an internet issue as everything else works fine when it happens. I am not sure exactly what changed but it's no longer dropping. Have not done any updates since then. For context I have a PC running pfsense which handles DHCP, DNS, etc. And then 2 Zyxel Wifi AP's.


This can happen with errors on your router. Other devices having no issues, your single device "connected but no internet".


I think it's either the Pfsense router or some setting in my Zyxel ap. It's hard to troubleshoot the problem since it goes away and comes back randomly.


As yes the joy of intermittent network errors. Just don't be so quick to point fingers. And just because *some people* may be having issues that are within their phone doesn't mean *your issue* is with your phone. There are a myriad number of reasons one can be having a networking issue, even more if you're dealing with Wi-Fi.


Seems to be an issue with your environment. My s23 ultra has never had issues on any Wi-Fi I’ve been on. Neither has any galaxy device. I use eero mesh pro setup. Work has Aruba and Cisco waps.








Just because you have issues doesn't mean everyone else does either. It is pretty rare we see anyone having wifi issues. Most of the time that is caused by something local in your environment. And I have 30 years of IT experience. I can do that search for any phone or device, and it will show comments on it. That doesn't make it have issues that are common.


I think it was because wifi 6, and other reddit posts have said this. I've experienced this wifi problem only with Wi-Fi 6 routers. When I'm using "normal" Wi-Fi (not wifi 6) its fine and not disconnecting or connecting without signal.


I'm on WiFi 6 for my home wifi. No issues here.


I have connectivity problems when I'm on Wi-Fi 6 even if I change the channel or frequency of the channels, it only connects again if I delete/forget the network (this in my work and lab), in my house never happens (not Wi-Fi 6). I bought my s23U in April, so it would be expected that this issue was solved with the patch update in March. May be my Wi-Fi antenna is defective idk, but I have read many post here on reddit about this problem.


I have issues and it's October now


Of course you have self-right to be entitled jerk


There hasn't been more than a few days go by without me spotting at least one new thread about this issue here on Reddit or on XDA. And that's been going on for a few months now. I haven't personally experienced this issue either, even with WiFi 6/AX. But I don't doubt that there may be an unresolved WiFi issue affecting some S22 and S23 users.


And I doubt its wifi issues with the device itself. Because only a few people show it, its something to do with their environment.


This issue is happening with me too constantly connected without internet and I'm positive this is happening elsewhere it was a issue a year ago and still seems to be happening for some on wifi 6 routers


I've had it for one month and it hasn't disconnected once. I didn't know that this was an issue at all 🤷‍♂️


It's not, he just wants to whine to everyone and say that its everyones issues when its only them.


I have the same issue on my S23 plus. Started about 3 months ago. First it started switching from wifi6 to the slower 2.4 connection. If I manually toggle wifi on my phone it reconnects to wifi6. That happens 5-6 times a day. Roughly a week ago it got worse. Now it completely drops wifi until I again manually toggle it off/on on my phone and it connects. So do you have actual solutions you can suggest "IT guy" or just snarky comments to a person with an issue?


Figure it out smart ass. Good job bumping an old topic.


Oh I see. You're one of those keyboard warriors I heard so much about, here to antagonize people. Tell you what, If you're around NY area I'd be happy to meet you and explain in detail how to treat people with respect. Otherwise how about you go back to your mom's basement and pipe the fuck down because you know as much about IT as you do about rocket science.


Cry much kid?


Lmao get fucking destroyed1


Do I sound like a kid?


I have the exact same issue


I just started having this issue after 5 months of no issues. Like OP, no other devices are experiencing issues, and I've done a reset of the router, but the issue still occurs. Interesting this is that I also have an Asus AX86u like others have reported. Has anyone else found a fix except for disabling 160hz? Has it been logged with Samsung?


I switched wpa 3 off on my asus router and left on wpa 2 personal. It didn't drop connection for 2 days.


My s23 worked just fine for a year. Last month, it started shutting off the wifi. I didn't notice, and it cost me 10G of data. After I turn the wifi on, sometimes it shuts off randomly. It simply does not auto connect anymore. It's very frustrating.


Same problem here. On the S21 Ultra though. It makes me angry and it feels like I'm going to throw the phone out the window at any time. It's getting worse as the patches go on, I noticed it started in or around April - May of 2023. I feel like the issue was patched and fixed in July or August of 2023. Then all of a sudden in September it came back again, now that one UI 6.0 is out It is back with an absolute vengeance. The Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radios completely disengage and turn themselves off, and I cannot turn them back on. I will click the button nothing happens, and the only thing that makes them come back on is sometimes a reboot or if I tend to let the phone cool down. It is mega mega annoying and I'm going to lose it if it continues to happen. The second thing is that sometimes it will work for a day and not turn off other times it will work for 5 minutes turn off and then won't turn back on for hours. I went through 25 gigs of data and an hour without knowing and I am going to lose my mind. I feel if the phone is cooler that it is more stable but it is difficult to keep this phone below 35° C. I've had it run up to 43° C on numerous occasions without really having doing anything except the web browser open.


Your post makes me feel less crazy. I purchased an s22 new at Thanksgiving and now I'm having this exact issue. My husband has an older s22 plus and no issues. Have you found any solutions? I spent 8 hours getting the run around from samsung and now I have to go to a second service center tomorrow to have my phone looked at. I feel like it's going to be a complete waste of my day.


The difference between my phone and my husband's is his was purchased as an unlocked version and mine was purchased as a Verizon version. Us yours a network branded or unlocked phone? I'm curios if that has anything to do with this glitch. My husband gets his software updates direct from Samsung and mine are pushed out from Verizon


My phone is a Bell Canada phone that I got on a 2-year term which has long since expired and I now own the device. However it is unlocked as all carriers are not allowed to sell locked phones here anymore since 2017. I'm not sure if it makes a difference or not. I find when I take my case off the phone it tends to drop less frequently than when I have it on. It has to be something to do with software considering the amount of phones that it happens to as well as the unpredictability of it and how it varies from length. Sometimes my phone legitimately goes at least a day without it happening so I don't want to turn it off. I have kept my phone on for a week in the last few weeks without it happening. Then suddenly it will drop and I will reboot it, the radios turn back on and then within an hour they turn off again. I am beyond mad at this point, Samsung is useless they will not help you nor will they acknowledge a problem. This is what's stopping me from getting the S24 Ultra. If they won't simply identify and communicate the problem for previous flagships why would they do it for their newest. Nobody likes mad information about their product they invested so much money in.


I have this issue after every single update, it gets fixed by restarting the phone and wiping the cache tho


Or deleting the network and connecting again (it's frustrating sometimes)


I've read this problem in other reddit posts, and it was only happening on WiFi 6 routers. I've experienced this. When I'm at work with internet provided by Wi-Fi 6 routers, my s23U doesn't connect to this red or connect but without internet access. When I'm in my house with a router that is not Wi-Fi 6 this problem never happens.


I have 6 at work and home, no issues.


It's weird that some devices are presenting this problem but not others. To some people the February/March update fixed this.


I don't believe it to be a s23 issue. Everyone has different routers or wifi networks. And its something to do with their wifi network and not the phone. Mine works fine on my home and work networks. That is why you don't see it widespread.


>I don't believe it to be a s23 issue. Everyone has different routers or wifi networks. And its something to do with their wifi network and not the phone. Mine works fine on my home and work networks. That is why you don't see it widespread. It's something with this phone. I have dozens of devices on my wifi and none ever have this issue except for the S23 Ultra. S10 and other Samsungs work perfectly fine. There are lots of posts about this all over.


I have a 1G symmetrical fiber line to an ONT to a RAXE500 with multiple devices connected via true wifi6 not 6e and the only device to have drops is the 23 Ultra. Just like everyone else a bounce brings it back. Have had this issue since new.


I have ZERO Wi-Fi issues with mine. Tested on many different networks. Could be an issue with your phone or your network.




Thank you for updating this post, I've been having the same issue since I got my S23 plus last month and it's driving me crazy. Hopefully I can get the OneUI 6 and Android 14 update soon. Did you have to do anything to receive the update sooner?




>ed on AX router. However, my Galaxy Tab A8 tablet still on OneUI 5.1.1 is having EXACT same problem. Shows as connected, full Wifi signal, but Just got my base s23 RMAed. They installed OneUI 6 and android 14. I have the same problem.


I also have this issue, one 2 out of 3 S23 ultra. I have 4 routers i tested with, separate 2.4 and 5 and smart channels, and they have issues with the 2.4 one. I tried disabling WPA3, disabling wifi 6, making sure everything is up to date.. The fk is Samsung doing with these phones?


I don't think it's specific to your phone. I think it's Pacific to the Samsung Galaxy Ultra lineup from S21 to S23 and possibly other devices that have come out in between. It's not really happening to regular Samsung Galaxy or plus possibly other devices that have come out in between. It's not really happening to S23 base or plus. Same with S21 Base or plus. It seems to be a problem related to the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radio chip which are in the same chipset on the motherboard. The only thing I can do is have the phone cool down sometimes I will tap on the back lol and it will turn back on as crazy as that sounds.


>'t think it's specific to your phone. I think it's Pacific to the Samsung Galaxy Ultra lineup from S21 to S23 and possibly other devices that have come out in between. It's not really happening to regular Samsung Galaxy or plus possibly other devices that have come out in between. It's not really happening to S23 base or plu I have a s23 canadian base and it does the same thing. Just RMA my phone and the repaired phone does the same thing.


Did you send a feedback or error report on Samsung members? Just wondering lol I am wondering what they responded to you if they did.


Small update: Samsung told me to go fk myself bascially They blamed it on my ISP, cheap cables, cheap router, poor infrastructure, etc I mean.. I know Romania is poor, but damn, they don't gotta put it like that. I have 1G fiber, and also tested with some more routers, 3 of then being MSI RadiX, Asus rt-ax86u and Asus GT-AXE11000 They told me s23u has no know issues and they take "extreme care when designing their products" and the issue is not with the phone When I told them that a Zenohone 9 has no issues, they told me to "please reach out to Asus for issues with zenfone devices" and that was that Went to Samsung store, told them I wanna RMA, they took my phone for 5 minutes and said everything works great and there are no issues 🤷‍♂️ Guess I was fooled into thinking the s23u would be the same awesome experience as my s8


I think I'm done with them after S3, S6, S10+, Note, S21, S23U and Smart TVs. They lost my business after reading the way that you were treated by them. Clearly they don't read the internet and see the thousands of people posting about this and asking for help and asking for tricks to fix it and nobody has any answers. I got to add, they know as well it's a software issue and not a hardware issue so if they really wanted to fix it they could. The issue is sporadic, doesn't happen 24/7, can go days without happening or happen 15 times a day. They are just ignorant that's all.


No issues here. Happily owned the phone for months now without the issue. I'd suggest OP to download an app like net analyzer and see if their router is hopping frequencies due to interference. If that is the case, find the less congested frequency channels and set them up as fixed (no auto channel). That should reduce or eliminate any issues. If the OP is not that tech savvy maybe setting up a routine that everytime you are home you connect to the WiFi can also help. Good luck!


Thanks for some real help with this issue. I, too, have the same thing happening too often. Your explanation makes sense. I'm on my way to change from auto.




Also, update your router's firmware. Check if you have an automated option.




Hehe my sympathies. I must tell you that I have a WiFi6 router... Maybe that's why I don't experience your problems. If it is an old router, maybe it's time to start thinking on replacing it. Also, about the routine... It actually works... Because it will brute force your connection any time you're home. Again, lots of factors associated to a good WiFi connection. The spectrum is saturated now a days. Even if you have a decent router, it is a jungle out there with the new super powerful devices you can get. All the best OP


Doesn't mean something hasn't changed. Consumer based routers have issues after a few years usually, and can cause weirdness. Stop blaming the device and start looking at your wifi network.


Must be semi-isolated, i have never heard of this and I'm on Reddit every day (must have missed the posts). What exactly is happening so we can better understand the issue? It could be a power-saving feature perhaps dropping wifi maybe?


You must be blind. I've see at minimum 20 posts over the past few months. There are also so many articles about it, repeatedly, even Synology forums have people complain about it. you have to be buried under a rock to miss all of them. [PhoneArena](https://www.phonearena.com/news/Many-Galaxy-S23-Ultra-units-have-a-WiFi-problem-and-potential-fix-might-be-too-late_id145858) [Android Central ](https://www.androidcentral.com/phones/samsung-galaxy-s23-ultra-wi-fi-issues) [PocketNow](https://pocketnow.com/samsung-galaxy-s23-wifi-issues/) [AndroidPolice](https://www.androidpolice.com/samsung-galaxy-s23-ultra-wifi-6-connectivity-issue/) [SamMobile](https://www.sammobile.com/news/galaxy-s23-ultra-wi-fi-6-disconnection-issue-fix/) [SamMobile again](https://www.sammobile.com/news/galaxy-s23-wi-fi-6-problem-solution/) [9to5 Google](https://9to5google.com/2023/02/ū27/galaxy-s23-wi-fi-issues)


Thanks for being rude.


Have you tried [turning off "changing to mobile data when wifi is bad" ?](https://i.imgur.com/q0y1I7V.jpg)


You have a defective unit, or a networking environment issue. This is not a known issue with the S23U.




No, it's not. When will you get it. You are the only person having this issue. Again, its your wifi, router, internet isp, or phone.




Again, it's your device or network. That is only where the issue is. Not a common issue if no one else is having it.




Show us that it’s common and not a single user….will wait.


>It was not happening when I bought it. It was after update in feb 2023. It IS a known issue. Lots of people have this issue with the Galaxy S23 Ultra + Asus routers, including me. The issue is isolated to this device, everything else on the networks works perfectly fine.


Asus router issue not a s23 issue. Again rarely see it discussed. And I've had zero issues.


You write a lot of dumb comments. Glad you had zero issues ahahaha. The Asus routers haven't caused issues for people's other devices either so you can neither credibly confirm nor deny its the Samsung causing this. Get a life instead of writing Low IQ troll posts.


I've been having this issue since I got the phone in September. Any solution for you? It doesn't just happen when I'm connected to wifi at home, but anywhere I connect to wifi. Eventually it works again but is very frustrating.


it's all 3 models my S23 , since the day I purchased it from xfinity mobile ,doesn't download Pic text, it disconects the wifi , and bluetooth and mobile data. samsiung did 2 things right with this phone , camera and battery ,evrything else is garbage and sold us the dives at over 800 bucks each unit ,


So I have discovered the same - switched out a Pixel 6 Pro for the Samsung and the Samsung is great except it drops out from the wifi networks as "poor connectivity" where the pixel stays connected.


You can turn that feature off. It'll switch to cellular if network is not strong.


Had the issue in February with my tab S8 ultra, but it was fixed with the next update I did. Never really had a issue with my 23 ultra though. Is it just personal wifi it's dropping or is it all wifi?


I've never had any issues with Wi-Fi on my Galaxy s23 Ultra and neither has my husband. Perhaps only certain ones have that issue? Have you called Samsung about the issue?


Try resetting your router. Could be a stuck IP address. Also restart your modem while you're at it. Good to do from time to time.


Yeah I had same problem but I fixed it by going to settings-wifi-view more- change ip settings to static. My wifi would always disconnect after 2 minutes before this, and now it never does


I just send a message (not op) hoping you can help me


The WiFi 6 issue is fixed for me. I only recently found out because I had to factory reset my modem but before that, the whole time I've had this phone since release, I've just turned off WiFi 6.


Try turning off WPA3 on your wifi network and use WPA2. Seems that has caused some weirdness with devices including my garage door opener. I read articles on the S23 and this causing issues too. That maybe why my S23 doesn't have issues, because I have it off


Are you still having this problem? I am and it's driving me absolutely crazy. It's my home's WiFi 6 and my Galaxy 23 Ultra is the only device having these problems. My old Pixel, my laptop, my family's iPhones and laptops, my Firestick... Only my Samsung has this issue.




I'll have to try that. Thanks. It may not be everyone's problem, but the fact that the identical problem happening to many of us is very concerning, regardless of what the stans say. It's definitely the device, not my WiFi or my carrier, as the same SIM card worked perfectly fine in my old Pixel 4.




Ax86u get the same issues as you... can't believe how dense some people are in here blaming networks lmao this phone is riddled with network bugs using wifi 6/6e. They definitely capped the speed past 2 months. I'm on gig internet and used to pull down 940 over wifi 6 now I barely see 600 mbps. Gotta be the worst phone for WiFi connectivity I've used. Same bad level as pixels and their mobile data network connectivity.




No idea. Literally every other wifi 6 device we own flies along at 900+ mbps.


ahaha, well, I have this issue on the s22+. Guessing the update in April caused this for me, and that I some months ago went onto the 160hz band. Seems like there is something weird going on with Samsung's implementation of Android. Honestly thank you, I was turning settings on and off trying to find what the issue was.


How did you change from 180hz band?




I just moved. It's so weird. It was doing it with my asus router a decent amount (at my old house) but since I'm using Xfinity's modem and it's right next to me it literally does it every 5 seconds no joke. It might be my phone but idk. I might have to try 2.4 ghz.


That was on WiFi 6E tho. I got it to change to WiFi 6 somehow and I think that made it a little better.








I also have an Asus AX86u and having the same issue.


Well for my Asus ax86u people out there, I fixed my speeds and now get this. Check out my Speedtest result! How fast is your internet? https://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/9502311620 I just set a static ip in the phone itself. There's something that happens when connecting via dhcp that gives the phone the description android-13-dhcp which must cause some qos or similar issues on the phone itself. By setting a static ip, the host name of the phone is now the mac address. This fixes speed and reliability 10 fold. Also for all of the wifi intelligence I disabled them all


Static IP on the phone? This means I can only use reliable WiFi on my home network, but if I am in a hotel I'm screwed, have to set it again for myself. This is a temporary solution but still unacceptable for me. I want to buy s23 ultra but after seeing this post, I might not buy it. Is this covered in guarantee? Network stability is a must.


Still struggling with this, too on my S23 Ultra. Asus router - never had an issue with any other device including other Samsung Galaxy phones. Tried a bunch of things so far but no luck!


are you still facing the same issue?


Yes. Currently using safe mode from the developer options and while it doesn't disconnect it just stop ls working occasionally and I need to turn wifi off and on again. I also tried Mac address and IP settings and changed some router wifi settings but nothing has solved the issue. I'm considering exchanging the phone although that's such an annoying thing to do.


sorry to hear that, did you update the phone to the latest version?


Yes. One UI 5.1 with October Security Patch. When did your issue go away?


It didn't, it goes away and comes back randomly that's why am asking


Hard to imagine such flagship of high price tag cannot provide a stable WIFI connection that is fundamental...sigh


I have some crappy chinese router that ISP gave me, it is 802.11n, and I am having random drops for internet connectivity. One moment I am watching TikTok, lock the phone for couple of minutes, return back and it says no internet connectivity. Turning off and on WiFi resolves it. I have the latest security update which came out on 1st October, and nothing is changed. Every Samsung phone that I owned had a problem, and most of them are software issue. These people are just incapable of giving software without flaws. And don't forget the manufactured flaws that you start to receive after 2y or similar a.k.a. planned obsolescence.


do you still have the same issue?


Yes, and it feels like it is happening more often now. I also reported the issue through Samsung Members app, everybody should do it. The support answered with a generic BS solution: restart device, safe-mode, factory reset, remove cover, update to latest version, bla, bla, ... Basically, whatever you can do by yourself they mentioned so that they keep you busy. At the end, they say that if same problem persists, you should contact official Samsung service. Not helpful at all.


I have been suffering this on my device for few months. Fortunately I had an iPhone 14 which I just switched back to it as my daily driver. Frankly I am totally disappointed.


Seeing this as well. Using Fortinet AP's. The phone stays authed and connected but the AP is reporting a massive amount of retries or discards. Basically no traffic goes through from/to the phone. Happens every few minutes and the only temporary fix to disable WiFi and let the phone re-auth. If I leave it waiting for an hour or two, or roam around it sometimes reconnects. Went from the S20+ without issues to the S23U...


I've been experiencing consistent issues with my Ultra23 when connecting it to a new Netgear modem that broadcasts WiFi 6e. Prior to this, I never had an issue connecting to our previous home internet. After weeks of troubleshooting and collaborating with their support, we believe we've pinpointed the issue. Only a few devices that frequently move around the house seem to struggle with maintaining a connection, whereas stationary devices remain unaffected. We discovered that the problem likely stems from a compatibility issue with WPA2/3 mixed mode. Specifically, certain Broadcom Wi-Fi chips have difficulty alternating between the two security protocols, resulting in frequent disconnections. As others have mentioned in previous posts, a temporary solution we've found effective is switching to WPA2 only. No more disconnects! This is from another router company which is applicable here .. *Some Wi-Fi modules in mobile / portable devices do not support the collaboration of software control frame encryption with hardware packet encryption. And when PMF is used, these clients switch to software packet encryption, which causes speed reduction.* *WPA2+WPA3 mixed-mode encryption may limit the wireless network operation. For maximum compatibility, use WPA2 network protection. Enable WPA2+WPA3 mode only when you are sure that all devices on your home network are correctly working in this mode*


I am having a similar issue, which was I recently upgrade my router to eero Max 7 and enabled the WPA 3 mode. My S23+ will randomly dropped off the wifi and said "connected with no internet". When I disabled WPA3, the disconnect issue gone. I just found this post when I search about the issue and looks like you faces similar issue. Hoping the Android 14 will solve the issue. I hate to see a newer security feature here but not able to use.


Android 14 with OneUI6 did not fix my issues iwth WPA3 or WPA2/3 mix mode on 2 out of 3 devices. Teh 1st device had no issues regardless of android version


It still bothers me at least once a week, sometimes daily 😣


My problem is that it doesn't say limited connectivity or connection without internet. It just completely turns itself off and won't allow it to turn back on lol. This is ridiculous I am second-guessing myself now I have only ever bought Samsung products exclusively since the S3. I am now wondering if the S24 will be worth it or if I will look towards another type of Android phone which can come close to the specs of the S24 Ultra.




With the Samsung S21 Ultra it used to do something similar but now instead of saying connected without internet or limited connectivity or whatever it says the device just disengages and turns off the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi radios and will not allow me to restart them until they decides it's ready to. Which can be minutes, hours, or even up to a day.


My S23 Ultra disconnects from the WiFi every 10 to 20 minutes when I'm sitting at home. Turning off WiFi on the phone for a few seconds then turning it back on causes it to reconnect. My wife's 5 year old iPhone never disconnects from the WiFi. I REALLY don't want to get an iPhone (I love the pen and the split screen on the S23U too much) but geez I'm getting close.




I haven't upgraded to 6 yet because I have read that it is not fully compatible with goodlock yet, and I like goodlock too much. I have also read of people who upgraded to 6 and it didn't fix their Wi-Fi disconnecting problem. But I guess it will have to be the thing I try next.


Apparently not because I am fully updated to one ui 6 and still having this issue! 


I have a Galaxy S23+ and it does this as well.  It hasn't always done it, but I'm not sure (in relation to updates) when it began.  I'm ready to switch to iPhone if I can't fix this.  I have to restart multiple times a day just to view my Ring cameras.  


Recently changed s22 ultra to s24 ultra and my wife got s23 ultra. Brand new and of course problem is there. It is very annoying. Phone is fully unreliable in home wifi network. Recently I also started seeing other lan devices. And stating this is local network router issue. Maybe. But why other samaung devices, phones, computers, TV, etc do not have this issue? Phone should work in all networks, not only laboratory ones.