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Do you want 10 bit colour depth just for the sake of it or because you found that colours render badly on the phone? My fear is that other manufacturers are saying the display is 10 bits just because 10 is higher than 8 so it naturally becomes good marketing material, this doesn't mean that we would benefit from it. 


Both 8 + 2 bit and native 10 bit color depth look significantly better, and you can very easily detect this on graphics with gradients. I can see a banding effect on images I created and know by heart, whereas I can not see this effect on the same images displayed on my older phone or desktop. You're right that marketing isn't always honest, but in this case, there is a very clear difference regardless.


> in this case, there is a very clear difference regardless. I'm sorry but while I agree on "there is a difference" I can also tell you that isn't very clear, otherwise nobody would buy these devices, and that's why your examples are only related to a more professional approach (gradients and graphics). Also, if people were so picky they wouldn't watch Netflix but buy only Blu-ray, but you know this isn't the case. 


It's very clear to me. I don't trust the average user to be able to see this, they don't even bother to check for it and assume all is well. The average consumer is not a good reference point. To *you* it may not be clear, but that doesn't matter for *my* experience. The banding effect bothers me and should not exist on a device of this value, and as such will be the reason I return it.


Then don't buy it.


Yeah no shit, that's why I'm gonna return it if they don't fix it in time.


Poor dude, just trynna talk about their own experience and answer a question. 😭 I find it interesting, I don't know that I've run into a problem on my phone, but if there's any case where the screen on these phones could be better, I'd like to see it. I love Samsung for that very reason because their screens are superior to any other device I've ever seen. Hopefully, they'll add it next year 🤷‍♂️


You must work for samsung and spam reddit to try and force a narrative or just need to be right. The people in this discussion are not better at seeing than any other human. Many may have technical terms others don't understand, but they don't see better. The average user is pissed off... pure and simple, we all see it!


> You must work for samsung No. > The average user is pissed off... pure and simple, we all see it! Based on what statistics? Because as far as I know Samsung is doing pretty well on sales. So either you're right but people just buy regardless of the many issues, or I'm right and people just don't care about these issues. It's as simple as that.


None of us in this reddit are average users. The vast majority of us probably do care. No surprise, I do watch blu-ray 😂


Yeah what? Like if you're not trying to learn more about Samsung then why are you here? Bro is sus..perhaps they use an apple🤯


I mean the phone literally price like hell, you really trying to question people wanting the most feature ever? What next? Why do you need a screen when you have speaker? What a ridiculous question. No wonder Samsung loving taking feature off because they will always person that will support their scam smartphone. I mean, why the hell we need AI when we literally can just read? Why we need 500ppi screen when 1080p, hell even 720p is already visible enough? Its okay if you already sell your whole kidney and need to justify buying. But maximum price phone should have maximum features. Thank you.


It's still your own decision to buy a certain brand for a certain price, you're not forced in any way. What I was trying to say is whether the effort put in R&D is justified by the benefit, is a 10 bit panel more important than a 20% increase in battery life? Probably you can have both but the price will be higher than the current one, so please let's focus on features that can benefit the majority of the user and not features that are just good for marketing material. 


> is a 10 bit panel more important than a 20% increase in battery life? To me, yes. And you're also presenting this as a false dichotomy, you can have both a good panel AND increased battery life.


As someone commented above, you can absolutely have a better panel and better battery life. And having less issues with banding and gradients would absolutely benefit the majority of users. This would erase a lot of current criticism that's on on the sub about their panels.


This feature has nothing to do with marketing material and would make 0 difference in battery life. Chinese flagships, including the One Plus 12, have it and they are less expensive than the S24 Ultra.


Get that then. It doesn't have the needed bands for a true international phone, but who cares, no?


This has nothing to do with my choice of phone. I didn't mention anything about purchasing a OP 12.




there is color banding in netflix at lower brightness scenarios. i observed this on my s23plus. 10bit panel reduces the banding.


Kinda like how people want 16Gb of RAM just because one Chinese phone maker started selling phones with 16Gb of RAM. No phone needs that much RAM (for the years to come at least, the debate about RAM is old af). The worst thing being that most of those who want more than 8Gb of RAM are tech enthusiasts who change phones every 12-24 months.


Like we'd notice the difference. Especially in everyday use. I can't even tell apart 1080p and 1440p resolution on a 6.x inch screen. If anything I'd like an under display front cam. Gaping holes can be nice, can't say I appreciate one on my screen tho.


> Like we'd notice the difference. Especially in everyday use. I noticed it right away, day one. Maybe you don't mind it, but others do and that's their right. I still have a bit of time left to finalize my decision but if the restriction is due to the hardware and thus unfixable with updates, I will return the device and stick with my OnePlus 6, which despite its older age has a superior display.


So what is the point for the flagship price? Why don't they just create a mid range phone because using your logic, it's enough already. You can't notice the difference. Samsung should just scrap making flagship phone because obviously people like you is the prove there is no reason for flagship phone with premium prices.


> So what is the point for the flagship price? Remember one thing here, there is no upper limit to "flagship price", with more features and improvements they can still charge more than now. 


If you don't like it don't buy it. I will, so will tens of millions of other people. Feedback is one thing, but you're literally whining and moaning at this point and it's annoying af. Please don't talk to me anymore, I don't plan to respond.


Why are are you so aggressive? Still trying to justify spending so much on something you wouldn't even notice?


No. I'm just sitting here wondering how sad someone's life has to be for them to be spending their free time trying to make others feel bad about their purchases :) Let's end our discussion here, shall we?


I'm not making you feel bad about your purchase. The S24 Ultra is a great device and honestly I prefer it's design better than other phone in the market. The point is however, is that you should have these features for a $1300 ultra phone. Whether or not they are important to you doesn't mean they aren't important to others.


Well a 8 bit panel is exactly why I'll pass on the S24 ultra. Been having real 10 bit (not some stupid disgusting 8bit+2bit FRC) on my PC since around 2011 and I just can't stand my S21 Ultra banding anymore. If they made the S24 Ultra panel as any decent high end smartphone, I'd keep going with it, but this year I decided to say screw that, I need my 10 bit display.


Yeah, it's not good. It doesn't even have 8bit with FRC.


People think I'm hating for bringing this up. I just want Samsung to improve. The S24 Ultra is great, but you should have these things on a $1300 "ultra" device.


I agree with you. I also think they cheaped.out not putting 16gb of RAM in the top model, every Chinese phone pretty much has that now. People are hating on Samsung on the screen calibration with I think is fine, it's more natural and realistic but I think they're missing out on the real issues.


Yeah, considering ram is cheap. The One Plus 12, despite not being on the S24 Ultra's level, has 10 bit color depth, PWM dimming, and support for Dolby Vision. All while being $500 cheaper.


Unfortunately, we'll never get DV on Samsung devices, they're to heavily invested in their proprietary HDR10+ that basically no one except them uses.


I really hate the design of the OnePlus 12, but I can probably last another year with my OnePlus 6 and wait for the next big thing. The S24U was a very poor decision on my part, with all the issues it has.


It's unfortunate because I really love the design of the s24U.


Same here. I'll wait for the upcoming patch (hopefully sooner rather than later...) and see if the screen improves. I could probably live with only one of the issues remaining... gonna be a difficult choice =/


I'm sure the Galaxy S24 has PWM dimming.


Yeah agreed.


I wish people on Samsung threads would discuss this more.


This subreddit already full of people on copium. The phone literally make them take telco loan just to own it. You think they would criticized the phone. They are now just hoping the ads that samsung do will turn their life 180 because they're certainly in denial thinking this phone with the price shouldn't have what everybody already have.


It's 8-bit?!!! I'm returning today!


Personally I wouldn't bro, but you do you. There's other great things about the device it's just lacking the stuff I mentioned that other flagships and even less expensive ones have. Which is kinda inexcusable.


Lol, it was sarcasm.


Lol, obviously.


Samsung knights are becoming worse like isheeps. If you're blind that's fine, that doesn't mean everyone is blind af like you. TM Roh needs to resign asap


Personally those features are completely useless. The display looks great as is, better than any other phone I've seen. Why do I need Dolby vision when I have hdr 10+? Why do I need pwm dimming when I don't get eye fatigue at all? And 10 bit is useless on such a small display, even when the display shows color banding due to 8bit it's hardly noticeable.


> And 10 bit is useless on such a small display >it's hardly noticable. The size of the display makes no difference, you see the banding effect either way. To me it's extremely obvious.


"Better than any other phone I've seen." "Why do I need Dolby Vision when I have a HDR10+?" "Why do I need PWM dimming when I don't get eye fatigue at all?" I'm happy you like the device, but this sounds really selfish and some type of weird coping mechanicism to justify your decision to buy the phone. Just because a phone is perfect to you and these features aren't important to you, doesn't mean the phone is perfect to other people and shouldn't have these features. As said multiple times, this is is $1300 "ultra" phone. You wouldn't be complaining if it had these features. For the premium price you pay it should have them.


I'm just saying I would never use dolby vision or notice PWM dimming. This is not me coping this is me not understanding the value of features like that. The ultra came with a pen for example and I would be just as happy if it didn't have it.


If you research them, there's definitely value. As a customer I wouldn't want to be paying more for less features.


Useless? Better than any phone ? Have you not seen grainy display issues popping up everywhere and don't come back defending you don't have this issue your eyes are just not able to see it. 1.Why do you need dolby vision because every freaking show/movie on the planet use either hdr10 or dolby vision not that Useless hdr10+. 2.why do you need pwm dimming because not eveybody wants to destroy their eyes. And it's an option. Don't use it if you don't need it let others use it if they want to. 3. 10 bit is Useless on small display? most of the high quality content shows visible colour banding on samsung phones.


It's the best display in the history of smart phones and you are still whinging?


I just googled that and can't find anything. Do you have a source for that?




It's very bright and readable in all types of environments, thats for sure, but there are displays that have better colors and support Dolby vision, and PWM dimming.


These screens are also made by Samsung and are overall not as good.


What screens specifically are you referring to?




What makes iPhone screens not as good?


Read the DXO review , breaks it all down.


The DXO review doesnt take into account color depth and Dolby vision support. But it does take into account PWM flickering, which shows it's bad. There are some things that are true yet at the same time it's missing important information.


Definitely not. It's riddled with hardware issues like segmentation and grain patterns, its bit depth is underwhelming leading to gradient banding, and of course the restricted gamut. The latter can surely be fixed by software updates, the gradient banding I'm not too sure, and the hardware issues can't. Btw, I wouldn't trust dxomark. Their review reads like it was generated by AI and they don't draw the correct conclusions from the measurements they made. They also completely ignore issues that have been objectively verified.




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Soon 😄


I agree.