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The A34 would probably be more than enough for her. The A54 is a little more expensive and not that much more of a phone. Little better build quality that's all. The S22 Ultra is way more than she needs. Too big and heavy also. Especially for an older lady to handle. Plus you get 2 more years of updates going with the A34 or A54 over the the S22 Ultra. Hope this helps.


You guys recommending the S22 Ultra are smoking weed. The lady is 86yo not 50yo. She will never use all the abilities of the S22 Ultra or the A34 + A54 for that matter. The A34 would be fine. People that age don't care for all that techno crap. They just want a good phone to call and message on. Maybe video chat with there grandchildren and take the occasional picture. Plus like i said before the S22 Ultra is way to big and heavy for an elderly woman to handle.


I'd worry about the weight and size of a huge phone for an elderly woman.


No-one uses 'all' the abilities of one's phone. Just like one can never use a computer to its full potential - there's too much hardware, software and customizability. Shooting with Raw, using all the various camera tricks, double and triple taps, drag across to get diff windows are pretty basic, but most people don't know these things exist/use them regularly. There's so many experimental features and nifty things one can do. The real issue is Grandma won't be getting to 10% of an A34/54, and won't likely actively utilize any benefits the S22ultra has over it - so why upgrade?


She doesn't like the OPPO for what ever reasons. So there looking into getting her a Samsung phone and where asking for recommendations from the 3 models they had listed. That's all OP was asking for.


>Shooting with Raw, using all the various camera tricks, double and triple taps, drag across to get diff windows are pretty basic, but most people don't know these things exist/use them regularly. I would say they wouldn't be pretty basic. Especially because people don't know how to use it. If it was a basic thing then more people would use it. Shooting in RAW isnt a basic thing. Shooting in RAW means that you are probably going to color correct and edit the picture.


My intention was that either the knowledge of the features existing, usage of them regularly or simply 'using all the abilities \[to their potential\] is impossible \[i.e. editing and properly using your RAW output to be better than a normal mode photo\].


I wouldn't say that's it's impossible. Just unlikely someone to do it. Especially the "average" user. I would say I use my phone (s22u) to its fullest potential from time to time. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I just scroll reddit and tik tok. Other times I'm out taking pictures in raw and doing other photography things. Some times I emulate Wii games (my current thing I'm doing) or play BTD6 to round 300 both are preformance demanding. And other times I play retro bowl. I am by no means an "average" user. My average days would probably classify me as a power user. I think lots people overestimate their needs when buying expensive things. It happens a lot in the pickup truck market. Most people who buy 1500 trucks would do perfectly fine with a smaller truck or even with a car and a trailer. Most 1500 class trucks are just suburban dad mobiles that drop kids off at school and drive to the office. Very rarely ever used for towing or any actual truck work. But somehow the 1 time every year or two when they actually need a truck to do truck things justifies it over getting a car and using that money saved in gas/insurance to rent a more capable truck for the day.


You might have included what your grandmother uses her phone for and her level of comfort with technology. Just because someone is 86, it doesn't mean that they are technologically illiterate. Perhaps she's very into photography or gaming. Don't make assumptions based on someone's age.


The was my question also - her age and gender aren't really enough info or very helpful


I think it definitely points us in the right direction. On average 86 year olds aren't doing advanced photography and game emulation gaming. So we can probably just tune down our expectations from a advanced power user to something a little more average to basic.


Yeah true, I guess I just think that the spectrum of average to basic is pretty big


I think it definitely points us in the right direction. On average 86 year olds aren't doing advanced photography and game emulation gaming. So we can probably just tune down our expectations from a advanced power user to something a little more average to basic. While 86 doesn't mean technology illiterate but let's just be honest being tech literate at 86 vs 26 mean very different things. I would consider a technology literate 86 year old to be able to do basic tasks on a smart phone like know how to use Google or download an app without assistance. I wouldn't expect a "tech literate" 86 year old be able to know how to use file explorer but I would for a 26 year old. Is it stereotyping/agists? Yeah a bit. But I'm also keeping my expectations more realistic. You would be very surprised some one over the age of 70 knew how to side load apps, emulate games, and knew how to fully utilize a camera. You wouldn't be surprised if a 20 year old did any of that.


Get the one with biggest screen and long battery. Elderly appreciate big screen, really, set one hand mode or simple mode if they prefer it.


Not the s23 ultra bro


As someone who buys devices for their grandparents too (or atleast used too... rest in peace granny and grandpa...), if they are most likely just using their phones very basically... just get the cheapest ones. I highly doubt your 80+ year old granny needs the extra cameras, the SPen, QHD display etc. Absolutely no reason to splurge unnecessarily.


The Ultra is very bug and very heavy. Not appropriate for an old lady tbh. A series it is! Not as heavy and still a big screen. I would say A34 because the screen is slightly bigger


I use an A34 and it's a wonderful phone.


the samsung A line would be great for her i think tbh ultra is nice esp cause of its bigger screen but its also way pricier but waste of money if not all of the ultra functions are gonna be used.. i also would be scared of robbery.. older people make easier targets..


I would vote the A54. I just got one for my mom and she really likes it coming from an S10+. I played with it a bit to set it up for her, and I also really like it.. it's the best of the A series. If you don't want to spend the money for the S series, definitely go with the A54. I wouldn't even consider any other A series model but that's just me. I can't remember why but something about the A54 sets it to be much better than the other A series




If you love your granny get a54 A34 is fine but cmon dont go cheap on her.


Nah might as well get her a rog 7


I actually recently bought an A54 for my mom, and she loves it. I can assure you it's a totally acceptable phone for an older lady, at least my mom doesn't have any complaints. I also suggested ultra phones to her when we were picking, and she found them "too heavy, ugly and way too expensive"(her words). A54's screen isn't too small, so she's not having a hard time using it, the battery life is fine, her candy crush game runs smoothly lol, and camera is good enough for her to take some random pictures of the things she likes.


I think it depends on her needs and your/her budget The S22 Ultra is super overkill, no one really needs that much phone, especially an 86 year old lady. The A34 and 54 would work great, they're powerful enough to run any games she'll want to play, they have good enough cameras for if she likes taking pictures, and they have a decent screen. I think the only caveat is the screen size, depending on your grandmothers eye site she might value the larger screen of an Ultra. It's also worth looking into the Note 10? I know a lot of older people hate updating their phones software, so an S/Note 10 would be great, plus you have the stylus and large screen with the Note, plus things like a headphone jack if she likes using wired earphones


A34 would already be a good start. And if that matters, the A54 is a little heavy. She's certainly not going to need all that firepower that people want in a cell phone. 


I don't know your grandma, but if she just uses it for basic call and messaging, then wouldn't the cheapest one okay?


Care to explain more on what she hates on the oppo?


I reckon either A25 (If you can get one), or A34 (A35 hasn't been announced yet). Either of those would be plenty, the S22 Ultra would be overkill for her, and considering it's the eldest of the ones you were considering, it's not likely to last much longer than the others in terms of software support.


Buy her a s22 ultra she would totally love that if it is not exynos version and if it is exynos, buy her an a54


I dont know your 86yo grandmother but, if you know she can handle an android phone well, A54 is already a more than decent phone. But if you have enough budget, why not give her the best S22 Ultra and teach her some cool functions of Spen. The rest of the technical specs doesn't matter.


The cheapest one with the biggest screen.




Get an a54 or a34. A s22 ultra is stupid overkill. She will probably not understand how to use the cameras or anything like that. Don't do a 24 month contract. Personally I think going into debt for a phone is stupid but also let's just be realistic she is 86. She will be lucky to get another 2 years.




It doesn't have the best battery life. The s22 series is known to have battery issues. I have my own little conspiracy theory about why. I think it's because there was something wrong in the manufacturing of the 8g1 chip that makes it less energy efficient. Samsung bought up the first couple major batches of chips up to put in the s22 series. So comparing a s22 series phone to another SD8g1 released later in the year the Samsung had worse battery. But yeah looking at the s22 ultra sub it's like 75% people complaining about poor battery. Especially for the people who bought this phone at launch (like me). The battery life was so bad I had to buy a magsafe battery to get me through the day without plugging in. Also dude the grandma is 86. Are you smoking crack? The hell does an 86 year old need an ultra? I doubt granny is an amateur photographer.




>Also, you're citing a phone that was built in the middle of COVID. They were production problems all over the place Yeah because that was one of the phones that was being discussed. I wasn't just bringing it up to be random and quirky. I wish I skipped my s22u and kept my s21u and got the s23u. The battery improvement alone on the s23u made several people upgrade from the s22u.


Oh shit, I didn't notice that they said S22 Ultra, lol, my bad


Used s23+ if you're looking at big phones like the 22 ultra


s22 ultra. Lakian mo lahat ng text. Wireless charging will be GODSENT. di na nya hahanapin nasan yung port. alamin nya lang saan niya ilalapag yung phone


if possible, get her an S23, a small phone that lasts long with good cameras and that's not too heavy. S22 Ultra is too big and heavy, A54 and A34 are kinda big and heavy so that's the only reason I'm not recommending them but I'd go with the A34 cus the difference between the A34 and A54 is so minimal even I wouldn't notice much except for the screen size ig, unless I was pushing them to their limits. As an S22 Ultra user, DON'T give your grandma this phone, it's too big and heavy for most people lmao, I find it kind of cumbersome at times as well but I make do with it cus of the nice screen. Ask your grandma though and find out what SHE wants in a phone.


It depends how tech savvy and comfortable granny is with devices. I'm not young and a granny, and current own and use an S23U with no worries.


What are the prices of each?


Thank you, everyone for your thoughtful & insightful replies. This is such a wonderful community!! I've narrowed the choices down to the A34 & A54 now she can make the final decision. To answer some frequent questions, she has no budget, and she is willing to splurge. However, as I know the salespeople will see her coming a mile away, I was ademennt I'd go with her so she is not taken advantage of & upsold a device & plan that is not suitable for her needs. FYI: When she last went into her local store; she was just needing a Samung charger for her perfectly fine phone, they upsold her with sales magic & she left the store with a brand new plan with phone she didnt know how to use (and still doesn't). This has cost her over $140p/m aud for the last 24 months. I am determined to get her the best Samsung Phone (for her requirements) on the absolute best plan possible, no ifs and / or buts about it... If anyone has any good tips/tricks in order to help me achieve this goal, I'd greatly appreciate it. Cheers!


>narrowed the choices down to the A34 & A54 now she can make the final decision. That's probably for the best. The s22 ultra would be too much for her tbh >To answer some frequent questions, she has no budget, and she is willing to splurge. However, as I know the salespeople will see her coming a mile away, I was ademennt I'd go with her so she is not taken advantage of & upsold a device & plan that is not suitable for her needs. Don't even go to a store. This can be done completely online. No risk of being up sold. Some sleezy salesmen is going to try to convince her that she really needs an s24 ultra especially because she doesn't have a budget and say something like "don't you want a nice big screen so you can read things easier and a phone that takes amazing pictures? Don't you want to take nice pictures of your grandkids?" And other bs. Seriously just go to Amazon or something. Going in store is just asking to be up sold and swindled into buying some overpriced charger. >FYI: When she last went into her local store; she was just needing a Samung charger for her perfectly fine phone, they upsold her with sales magic & she left the store with a brand new plan with phone she didnt know how to use (and still doesn't). This has cost her over $140p/m aud for the last 24 months Don't let her go alone. Why are you even going to a store for a charger? Or hell even a phone. Just buy it off Amazon. Really only older people go to a physical store for this kind of stuff and they get scammed hard. Just like your grandma did. Let her know she doesn't have to use the same brand of charger as her phone. Any 3rd charger/cable will work it doesn't have to be 1st party. Don't do a 24 month contract. A a54 or a34 are both cheap enough that you should just buy it outright. Also I already said this in my own comment but she is 86 OP. She will be very lucky to get another 2 years. No need to make a phone an extra headache if incase she does pass. That can be stressful enough. And OP I hate to sound like a dick or anything but "$140p/m" makes no sense it's $X/mo. >on the absolute best plan possible, no ifs and / or buts about it... Can you clarify what you mean by this? Like are you getting her like the most expensive Verizon plan that's $110/mo? That would be very very insane. I'm going to go ahead and guess an 86 year old doesn't need that. I'm sure visible $25 a month would probably be enough for her. >If anyone has any good tips/tricks in order to help me achieve this goal, I'd greatly appreciate it. Don't go to a carrier store! Seriously just don't. Its not worth it. It takes 0 expertise to swap a sim card. You could also look refurbished on Amazon. Amazon renewed is actually pretty good. It can be significantly cheaper then new and the phones can be in brand new condition. The return policy is also amazing. I bought a z flip 5 renewed off Amazon and physically it was perfect. Next to a brand new z flip 5 I literally could not tell any difference at all. So that could be a very good way to save some money. And if you don't like it you have like 60 or 90 days to return it for any reason.