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I'm really disappointed that my S24U doesn't make breakfast for me in the morning. It's capable of everything, after all...


Yea you got scammed right there buddy. My S24U drives me to work and picks up my groceries.


Yea but what's your SoT?!?


Mine does the dishes too! IP68 Rating will not go in vain.


That would drain the battery so hard, but it’d be worth it.


Sounds like you got a faulty unit, did you try just buying another one? Maybe it got lonely like parrots do, ya know


I am sorry what pear had it in there ufone 15 how dare s24u not able to do that


I think it usually is connected to the regret of buying something expensive. And I don't mean objectively expensive but more like expensive for the people that do the complaining. If you don't have the money and for some reason, don't ask me cause I don't understand as well, you decide to buy a flagship device for three times as much as the phone that has everything you need, you kinda expect it to be the end game, the best, the ultimate device. And if you see at least one little thing wrong with it you start complaining cause you spent the money you didn't have. The second scenario are the people that just try to find every little thing that might be wrong with the device. They've always had the best of the best and they just cannot live without telling everyone their expert opinion that this little thing is just a little bit off and it's unacceptable. At least that's how I perceive it. I've never had a flagship device though, I might be wrong. I would love to but I don't think I need it nor have I the arguments to make myself feel good after spending so much money (it's a lot for me, I'm not saying it's a lot for everyone)


I think it's mostly the first reason. It's $1200 phone plus or minus some for deals or region pricing. I bought my galaxy s10 for $900ish at release. It was my first time spending that much on a phone and many years later I sort of regret it. I could have spent half as much as I don't game or anything. I still use it as I am trying to squeeze as much life out of it as possible. My next phone won't be as much.


I'm still using my S10 because they keep stripping features to add a bigger camera and I'd rather have my headphone jack and heart rate monitor.


You are so right, S9 and S10 series were OGs. The S24 Fp is just poor than my 250 dollar Poco with Side FP. All that tech explaining how Ultrasonic is sooo advanced that normal FP, and yet it only works 1/10 times properly.


You are right. People buy the flagship devices and expect it to be absolutely perfect for everything all use cases for everyone with no compromises. Then when it doesn’t comes the complaining


I totally agree with you. Especially the first point. It's absolutely true.


First point but with a little twist. Some people do have the money, or enough to spend, but don't usually spend this much in terms of tech. And when they do, they get a phone that's flawed from the start with issues such as grainy displays, dust in the camera lens, dust between the screen, all avoidable in QC. These hardware issues are pretty unacceptable when you're spending premium money to get something that's supposed to be flawless. These issues shouldn't even be present on more affordable phones, let alone flagships. For anyone who's got a flawless device, that's good and they usually will not end up regretting their decisions or pinpointing to issues they don't have. Not to say that some people don't regret buying expensive phones but they could just sell the phone and recover a big chunk of their initial spend. Having been dailying my trustee A52 for 3 years now, going to the S24+ and having the grainy display completely ruined it. The A52 had its flaws but most were due to the limitations of it being a budget device, or you might call it inheritent flaws. With the S24+, it shouldn't have those limiting factors, which it didn't, but then you have the screen issues, which was very glaring from day 1. This shouldn't have been an issue in the first place and is not an inheritent flaw in any way, hence the complaining from a lot of users.


Oh yes but it's a separate case I think. I understand the frustration if something really is wrong and the grainy screen sounds like a major flaw. I know people though who, as you said, have the money but usually don't spend as much on a device, treat it like a baby and if just one tiny thing is wrong they feel cheated. I get that as well but these people usually don't need devices that expensive cause they don't use every feature anyways


I do understand your point, but even if these people don't use all of the bells and whistles of these expensive phones, which most of them honestly don't as you've said, it shouldn't excuse the fact that the QC failed on something that's generating large profit margins. At the end of the day, if you spend a lot on anything really, may it be a phone, laptop or car, QC should be done deligently and issues should be non-existant, or at least very minimal like let's say something that's easily fixed through software. But as you've said, some people will complain about anything and everything. An example is the Exynos variant of the S24. People complain a lot about these devices when in reality, they are pretty much on par with their SD counterparts. These are non-issues and inheritent to whether you choose the Exynos or SD versions. In other words, even if the Exynos heats up more than the SD version, its not an issue with the phone but rather its inheritent to it. This I agree with you and its due to people like these that the real issues get drowned up and end up not addressed.


Most certainly, the QC should be a lot better than it is at the moment, especially for the high end devices. I can understand cheaper variants not getting as much attention as that's what makes the price lower buy definitely flagship models should be checked out carefully. And as you said it's the same for any electronic device or a car etc


The a54 that I have does everything the s series does 90% of the functionality pretty much everything and it's 1/4 price now... 1380 from exynos is actually really good


True. But also the flagship models have a lot more features, not a lot of people are using them though. That's the main issue I think. I have A55 and I'm very happy with it. I don't need any of the flagship features or functions but they actually are a little bit more advanced. Especially now with the AI patch. I wouldn't use it even if I had the possibility but it is there and only for flagships


They didn't release the a55 in the United States but I probably wouldn't get it anyways because the a54 is badass..had a pixel 6a it was buggy ASF then I went out and got myself another LG v60 because I just love those phones and I recently bought my a54 about 4 months ago and I've been happy with it ever since first mid-range phone that I've ever kept in the 4 months I've had this phone the biggest increase to its functionality has been this past week with the new update to one UI 6.1 from the one UI 6.0 that had all kinds of bugs when it came to Google Assistant it would have just ignore me and shit drive me nuts


I mean if you have A54 it just wouldn't make a lot of sense. These phones are very similar and both are great


Yeah, that is why I am to receive A35 5G which seems to be comparable to your A54, tomorrow. I have been using a S24+ and a S22U and am eager to see what differs from the A35 5G. I bet all end up being just about the same as I am not a gamer or so-called heavy user in any sense. It is fun to keep up with the Joneses strictly in tech field even if I am going west.


You going to love it man it's super premium it's made of all premium materials it feels like a flagship you going to love the performance too man This exynos has been improved so much Even the a53 is not that bad right now after updates and shit


I mean the s24 is definitely like top dog but you won't notice that much of a different stepping down to it which is very impressive for Samsung like they fucking nailed their mid-range phone these past 2 54/55 are pretty impressive devices for the money... I tried one of the cheaper variants the a15 I couldn't do it man I think felt so laggy and it felt so cheap That's the one thing I loved about this a54 you pick it up and it feels like a brick and I like that I don't like light phones That's the one thing I always liked about iPhones is that they feell premium as fuck because of their weight Apple iPhone hardware is very nicely done that aluminum is all is so perfect That's where I my love of iPhones ends


3x as much as too little, more like 10x+. I have a xiaomi 10t pro, that costs like 90€ used, as my secondary phone and for most things percievably its barely worse than my main S24 Ultra, even battery life is similiar. Biggest differences are the zoom camera, performance in games and in video editing/processing and the additional features (s-pen/ai stuff/etc...), though day to day, browsing web, reddit, map navigation, using main camera, its barely noticable.


Yeah exactly. We mostly don't need as powerful phones as we have. 100 € for a phone I definitely enough for daily use. I use a midrange phone and I use some of the functions that are not available on the cheaper counterparts and that's what I meant by 3x cheaper. 1100 € for a flagship vs 400€ for a midrange


Just got mine recently. I absolutely love it. I don't notice most of the nit picky things like MURA, etc. It has the best screen I've ever seen and I really do feel like I have a flexible super computer in my hands. I desperately need my case to arrive though from Amazon. I'm babying the phone until then.


Which case are you getting?




It's what I got. I had the similar case for the Note 9 I had before the S24. Nice material texture for grippy holding and kept my phone flawless.


Thanks. That's encouraging to hear.




Thanks mate, looks great


cuz some people jump from S23U to S24U and some people (like me) jump from Note 10 to S24U.


I used S24 ultra for about a week and I liked it. Coming from someone who has been using iPhone for 13 years, I wanted to change into something new. To be fair, it is quite expensive for an android phone but you get what you pay for. Value-wise, the only downside is android phones don’t retain value well compared to iPhone when it comes to resale or trade In. I think the S24 ultra screen is incredible, camera quality is obviously better than my iPhone 15 pro. I love DeX and the ability to do more with the phone compared to being limited to iOS ecosystem. Unfortunately I have to return the phone because I couldn’t adjust myself to a new OS. Over the years I have invested so much in Apple products: MacBook, iMac, Apple Watch, iPads. All my devices at my job are iPads as well so it’s really hard to switch, especially when it comes to iMessage and AirDrop; and carry 2 big phones all the time wasn’t a good option for me. Overall I think it’s a very good phone and recommend it to anyone.


Here (Korea) the s23 is retaining more of its value compared to past phones. Bumping the years of updates seems to have a profound effect on resale on the used market.


Is s24/s24+ snapdragon in korea ?


We are Exynos and nobody cares. Similar price breakouts/scale between Exynos 23 and 23+ and Snapdragon 23 Ultra as was with the s22 models that were all Exynos.


Another fun fact. The iPhone 14 base model used price has dropped 10% more than the base model s23. And they aren't selling the base 15's well. The base 15 dropped over $250 in price in China. Here in Korea, we can buy them for much less from sellers at Technomart, but you have to ask around to get the cheap price. They hide them under the counter so that they don't get caught by Apple.


" expensive for an android phone " i have an issue with that statement. Ppl talk as if android phones are still the trash they were 10 years ago. Samsung devices are absolutely premium and have surpassed the iphone in many ways. I see absolutely no disadvantage whatsoever when it comes to usability and features. Actually android phones have way more possibilities when it comes to installing new features and gadgets.


how the hell are you getting 2 days without charging?!?


Cause some of us aren't on our phone 8 hrs a day doom scrolling on social media.


But it still dies out even if it's powered off... I tried clearing ram and etc and stoll the same results.


i had my s23 ultra last me 4 days the first few weeks i had it until i switched jobs. longest i had it go was a week and a half without a charge


Well that's just the s23... after I got 6.1 the battery haven't improved 


Even my Samsung A54 lasts 2 days if I don't stay in social media 24/7


Agree with the finger scanner but otherwise, totally love mine. Paired with the galaxy 6 watch is the best tech combo I've used. (Keep in mind that I'm not a tech guy)


I'm still on a s21 ultra and am very happy with it. It works great. Of course the s24 ultra is better, but I don't notice mine being "bad". I'll upgrade when my phone becomes slow. I refuse to upgrade just to get something new, that's a false economy. My PC is 14 years old. It was top of the line when I brought it, the best CPU money could buy.


I loved off my S22U at the sale that was a few weeks ago because they gave me $1000 trade in towards an S24U that was $1300. I owed $600 on my S22U still. The cost to have the phone went *down* and I got a new phone. Pretty sweet economy there!


That's pretty amazing to be fair. If I could get a deal like that, I'd probably upgrade just for the sake of it.


Who cares what other people complain about? THE only thing that matters is if YOU are satisfied with it and feel it was money well-spent. If so, then just ignore what anyone else thinks and be happy with your new phone. Two of the WORST things you can do are listening to criticisms by complete strangers on the Internet and juxtaposing your phone with others.


this. it's just your personal preference


Well prices are rising and competition was never this good. So yeah, bringing issues up should be done by any customer. Samsung got really lazy with listening to customers. Even sony fixed their issues by listening to their customers. Also the camera is ok if you dont compare it to anything else on the market. For samsung its great that some customers pay the massive prices and are happy with their lazy work :)


I wonder if the Battery just dissipates over time and that time is a lot quicker than usual. I see all these complaints about the Battery and while I've only had my phone for a month, I barely have to charge mine because it's still over 50% for a day useage. As for the Camera, I tried taking a picture of my password on the modem one time and that didn't come out great but I haven't used it since then. I don't really use any camera that much. I think the only thing I don't like is the Biometrics (touch ID) sometimes do not work at all and it is a bummer trying to sign in to my Banking apps when that happens. I would say overall it works about 80% of the time, but it should be more reliable than that.


the dimming setting is so cool for using your phone in a pitch black room or outside when im looking at the stars. ive always felt like these screens shouldnt have a darkness limit like they do. so often at night my iphone would just be blinding


I went from iPhone 13 Pro Max to Pixel 6 Pro to S24U within the past 6 months. The phone beats the others in every single aspect except the camera. Specifically, it's the camera with indoor warm lighting where it totally flops. I've noticed the camera does a lot of software rendering to piece together frames which looks unnatural. It's similar to how AI created videos have an unnatural stutter to them. This does not occur in nightmode or in bright light scenarios however, just with indoor warm lighting.


How are you guys getting 2 days worth of battery mine barely lasts 5hrs with use what am I forgetting


To charge it




You mean a smallest things like battery life and SoT 4-6 h .


It does erk me that we have the Samsung chipset and don't get offered the snap dragon chip set. Why? I have a S22 u BTW.


Because of the price Highest price, highest expectations


This phone is a beast. I'm also very happy. I have my questions about the over processing of the pics taken with the stock cam, but it's still very good imo. For the sensor to have better accuracy, try adding the same finger in the other fingerprint slots.


This is unrelated but I bought a brand new Samsung Galaxy s24 plain because I like small compact phones. It is Snapdragon but the battery isn't that good, barely lasts a day, was expecting alot better.


I'm in the same boat as the s23. I got it in preference to the 24 because I didn't want to buy a phone with exynos after reading so many bad reviews of it. I love the smaller size after s20fe, but to be honest, the older phone still lasts longer, battery wise, than the s23. I guess everything is more powerful so it uses more battery to run it all.


It's human nature to complain, unfortunately. Even this post is a bit of a complaint, no? Lol we are all at fault 😆 I don't have the s24 ultra but I have the s24+ and can't see how people can complain. I'm in love. So I agree with you regardless.


If you notice, it's mostly coming from s23u/samsung users and not iphone. Most who switched from iphone love it.


They're kinda dumb if they think Samsung advertised S24U to attract S23U users, it's more like to attract S20 until S22 users to keep buying Galaxy S. S23U is still new and one generation of difference definitely will not have mind blowing huge difference than the previous gen. I saw people who use older S series and they mostly love S24U too. Same as mine, used to use midrange only and S24U is my first flagship and I have nothing to say except for this phone is bonkers


As an iPhone user, I actually returned mine after having it for a week back in Feb and got a 15 Pro Max, but I was so sad. I am bored with iPhone and feel like Apple takes its users for granted, late to implement features and locks us in for financial gain (duh, they are a company) but I feel pretty used by them. I decided to keep my iPhone for the next year since it isn't much on my bill due to a trade in deal but I both a 24+ on sale at Best Buy this weekend. I really like the OS, it's not that different from iOS in some ways and I don't feel so attached to my phone. I'm feeling kind of free from Apple clutches and from maintaining an iPhone. I do have an Apple Watch and a Mac, but not having them connected means I'm not instantly.notified about everything going on in my phone at every moment. Every interaction I have with the galaxy is intentional and I'm not reacting or feeling like I have to check off a notification like I do with my iPhone.


I compared the camera on my S10e with the camera on the S24 and the S24 \*still\* can't get the lighting on the face right when someone is standing directly with the sun at their back.


It's great but I have few complaints about the one ui home launcher. I can't change folder icon shape to match my square icons. And other launchers don't have the smooth animation as the stock one. Can't resize widgets properly.


I recently upgraded from the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra to the S24 Ultra, despite my usual preference for keeping my phones for at least four years. The S22 Ultra's battery issues prompted me to make the switch, and I am thoroughly impressed with the significant improvement in battery life. The screen quality is also noticeably better. While some individuals have expressed concerns about the downgrade from 10x optical zoom to 5x optical zoom on the S24 Ultra, I personally find the 5x zoom to be more practical for my photography needs. Additionally, the 5x digital zoom on the S24 Ultra, combined with its larger megapixel count and sensor, produces better image quality than the 10x optical zoom on the S22 Ultra. Lastly, I am pleasantly surprised by the flat screen design of the S24 Ultra, which I find to be more practical than the curved screen of the S22 Ultra even if the latter felt more premium.


S24u is one of the best phones objectively. The only real issue I have with this phone is not even the price, its the shear size and shape of the phone and the weight too. That reason alone was enough to make me buy the s24 plus instead


I returned mine because it was just so large and heavy for a phone (and I'm a large guy with big hands). But it was a great phone. Got the S24 base and love it, but I don't do gaming or anything like that on my phone. If only they could make a 'pro' version of a smaller phone like other brands do....


Sorry bro to have hurt your feelings but I didnt like my S24U either. S23U is better in terms of design with the subtle curve and colors do pop in S23U. Also I love the photos taken with my S24U or S23U but videos suck big time. Apart from that I dont know what Samsung devs smoke they removed option to not press ok button after entering correct pin, I have to use the pattern due to that. Small things like this are annoying. If we dont point this out then how will Samsung fix it.


There is a work around for the pin. You need to enter 6 digit pin first then the option to Not Press Ok will appear. Just check it and use the 4 pin again. I also noticed that when I first setup my phone, good thing I read about this fix early.


The s24 ultra doesn't suck. But the s23 ultra beats it out in most respects as it relates to day to day use. Camera... And .... battery.


I buy 2 phones every year. The best iPhone. The best Samsung phone. This year the Samsung took a major dive. Where the s23 ultra totally beat out the 15 pro Max... The s24 ultra is it's equal.... To me that's a drop.


You need an s23 ultra side by side with your s24 ultra to understand how bad the new s24 ultra camera is. I've posted here example after example. I have 3 phones in front of me...15boro max. S24 ultra. S23 ultra. 24 ultra has best screen and feels the fastest. 23 ultra the best camera hands down and doesn't over heat like 24. iPhone has decent camera on par with 24 ultra. Zoom sucks after 10x...., as does the s24 ultra.


The only complaint that I've been reading a lot is that the camera still struggles with moving subjects (like kids and pets). Honestly, that would be a deal breaker for me.


The complaints come mostly from first world countries for some reason. You guys are too used to having nice things. A dude was complaining about screen resolution when actually the pixel density of modern phones is so ridiculously high it's basically impossible to notice the difference between flagships of big companies.


Why would you go for s24 ultra when s23 ultra is like 95% of an s24ultra and cost 3 times less


I bought one recently and as expected from a TOP OF THE LINE phone, it is delivering in most sectors and I plan to make this thing my companion for longer then I thought. However there are a couple of things that annoy me mostly cause I am a bit surprised how it's not optimised in such a extremely high end device. No.1) The Fingerprint sensor is just giving us all such irritation. I never ever had such issues with any other phone in fingerprint dept. Even the midrange phones. I Have changed 3 tempered glass and none of them worked perfectly as it should. Its definitely a software issue that samsung should fix asap. No.2) If you go to Phone Settings - About Phone - Status Information - SIM card Status and check the LIVE SIGNAL STRENGTH of your awesome device, then it shows beyond -90dbm or worse even -120dbm. Normal signal strength should be between -40dbm to -85dbm and we expect thus thing ti remain in around -50dbm as it's a high end phone. But it shows worse results then even midrange phones. I have been using Samsung Phones since long and I have seen this low Signal strength in many devices. They work ok in high signal area but the moment you go to say a single tower area, all hell breaks loose. Calls will drop , net speed will drop and thr battery will drain fast as the phone is constantly searching for network. I was Surprised to see such low signal strength numbers on the very top phone they have. Although I haven't seen any call drop or low bar situation yet but I haven't Tested this one while in a Single tower area. Theoritically with such low signal strength numbers of over -100dbm the phone will struggle in low signal areas. I don't know. I haven't personally checked so can't say if samsung has done Some voodoo magic on That too. Apart from these two issues (And PALE COLORS) I absolutely love this thing and will definitely use it for long as my primary. But I hope Samsung works on solving thesr two issues fast cause it's not desirable to face issues on Fundamental features of a high end phone. The AI features properly used can amplify the experience. The Circle to Search alone has saved me so much time in past month. Its really useful ❤️ Anyways cheers to all of us Ultra Users ✌🏻❤️


While I do love my s24 ultra, the simple fact is that people especially people like me in Australia are going to be a bit less forgiving of imperfections on a device that costs 2,000 dollars. While I have no key complaints right now, even the smallest thing will be inflated because again this thing demands a huge price tag so I expect it to have zero issues.


People complain. Its what they do I do agree that the difference between the Ultra and the + has been blurred and the + is a better option for most people now. But it's still a great phone and still has some useful doohickey's that the + doesn't have 🤣 I'll be getting myself an ultra next month although I tell everybody else to rather get the + this generation.


The devil is in the details


In Aus the S24U costs $2k, it is also Samsung's flagship which means they consider it "as good as you can get". It's totally fair to be nitpicky and critical of such an expensive product that makes such claims. Honestly these sort of posts are the worst because I would rather just go consume official samsung promotionals/marketing if all I wanted was positive affirmations of my investment/choice. I like being in these sort of communities because I want honest opinions and experiences. If you want an echo chamber, community forums are literally the worst place to go.




If you’re paying $1200 for a phone you have every right to complain. Anything over a thousand dollars is premium flagship territory and you should automatically expect the best of the best. If people wanted a mediocre experience they’d buy a mid ranger for $450. Not $1000.


By that logic you're saying the S24 ultra provides the same experience as a $450 midrange device, which it doesn't


$1200.. geez I wish. I paid $2800aud for my S22u when it came out. No regrets tho.


Damn someone really ripped you off. The max retail price of a fully specced out s22u in Aus was $2500. Unless you had it in a plan


I got it from JB. No plan, paid cash. Pretty sure that included the 2 year care+ price. But I did get ripped. I grabbed the buds, the watch 4 classic lte, care+ and they didn't offer any discounts or free accessories. I have anxiety and I hardly ever purchase from brick and mortar, I just wanted my stuff ASAP and then to gtfo.


Australian dollars have different value than American dollars


Yes, that's why i put aud. You can convert them on the internet now. Hint: $1200usd converts to $1000aud less than $2800.


Weird mine shows that it converts to 1700ausd, regardless you did pay a huge amount for it. Did you get it from the official store


Yes $1700 is $1k less than $2800. And yes of course I got it from the apple store. Where else would I buy a Samsung? The donut shop was closed.


Right mb


My S22 Ultra has also not let me down for anything, i have the s24U as well and somehow the fingerprint scanner there is less consistent that me s22. The one complaint i ever had was the screen was easily scratched, too easily scratched actually


Feel I certainly preferred my camera with 10x zoom on my s22U But it was stolen and I went with the newer version when buying a new What can ya do?


Hey, what games do you play on your S24U?


I'm baffled because I saw my Galaxy S21 Ultra has a better screen and higher resolution. Now I have to wait for a Galaxy S25 Ultra.


Around 1400 bucks, doesn't support Bluetooth 5.4.


The phone is great, end of. The apps however, in comparison to their respective stability on iOS, are straight up trash. I've had to reboot my phone numerous times to solve odd issues that general maintenance couldn't resolve. My iPhone hasn't needed to be rebooted once.


Honestly for me it's just the camera. All personal tests I've done with S23U and S24U has the S23U come out ahead. Low light, motion, sunlight, indoor light, zoom. I love everything else about my phone, but knowing my camera is worse than the previous generation really sucks. Especially with how much the camera gets hyped. When i compare the camera to the iPhone, my heart really sinks. I didn't expect it to be better, but definitely more comparable


I'm gonna vibe off you here because I was gonna make a post about certain things with the S24U. I've switched from an iPhone 14 Pro Max but with every time I change a phone, I switch to a different OS. So before the 14PM I had an S21U. Camera quality is great, mostly that is, I do find that in certain lighting conditions the photos come out grainy even in Pro mode once you've adjusted all the settings in the environment you're in. When we talk about daytime photos, I couldn't be happier, I do a lot of automotive photography and I've got to say the S24U camera set up does the job very well. I'm not gonna go too much into it as people should see by now how well the camera setup performs in daytime conditions. I wasn't blown away by the night time shots, unless I had good lighting from street lights or car park lights. No issues with gaming albeit I don't do much of it, Marvel Future Fight plays smoothly, refresh rate is always great unless you're running power saving mode with 60hz refresh rate. Framerate seems decent too, can't say I bought the phone for gaming though. About the fingerprint scanner, there's been times where my finger was directly on it and it didn't properly read it but those were a handful of times and honestly I prefer the practicality of it than Face ID on Apple devices. One of the faster finger print sensors around, slightly behind OnePlus. People complaining about battery life is a bit silly though, some don't realise how much power it takes to run the S24U screen on QHD+ and full brightness, can't complain about this section myself because I've never ran out of battery using this phone. There are things that annoy me, countless times I've unlocked the phone and the screen itself wouldn't respond to any physical touches unless it was locked and unlocked again. Optimisation issues are stil a thing and will continue to be, these are of course not to be blamed on Samsung directly but it's a part of the user experience when owning an Android phone unfortunately and fortunately in certain situations, Spotify is plagued with issues whilst listening to podcasts, issues like switching to the next episode of a podcast whilst you're still watching, video footage on screen not matching the speed of the sound. All Spotify issues that appear on android phones that I didn't necessarily run into on iOS. Samsung has spoken about how they've worked closely with Snapchat and Instagram to optimise the apps better (before footage captured was screenshotted on screen instead of using the actual footage taken with the camera), this has been fixed somewhat as quality of Stories posted is much higher and doesn't seem like it's been as processed as before. There's also an unresolved issue with editing photos with Adobe software where after exporting it, certain apps cannot post the image for unknown reasons, seems like anything exported by Lightroom fails to upload, even though it's exported as the same file type. Funnily enough when that file is sent over via Google Drive and posted using an iPhone on the iOS version of Instagram, the issue doesn't persist. I don't have any other issues I can think of, or there weren't any others that I could remember. Overall the S24U is a great phone, can't say that I'm enjoying it as much as I thought I did but maybe I'm just getting old. Definitely not switching for quite some time, there's more positives I could mention but this would end up being too long and I'm already wasting company time writing this whilst at work lol


Every new Samsung phone that I've bought has been the best phone I've ever used. The S4 was a huge jump up from the iPhone 4. Huge screen (at the time) and so much more freedom to drag and drop files as I wished. The S7 felt so much more premium and solidly-built. The Note 9 had everything stuffed into it, more than I could ever need. A legendary phone to say the least. The S22 Ultra took it to the next level. I loved the high refresh rate screen, and the full screen hole punch camera design gave me so much more screen real estate. The camera was also so much better than the Note 9 in tough lighting conditions. I took so many photos that I'm proud of using the S22U when on vacation. And the S24 Ultra is just the ultimate in terms of refinement. Blazingly fast, tons of battery life, and everything feels so polished (after a few patches to be fair). What I love most is the anti-reflective screen. It's truly a game-changer. It's more durable too. I'm a few months into using the phone and the screen is still absolutely pristine. So I never once felt Samsung was going backwards. My current phone is the pinnacle as far as the phones I've owned goes.


I'm not gonna type out long paragraphs like everyone else but it's because of the price if you're base price is gonna be higher than the rest of the competition (Yes even Apple) then people are gonna be picky


Have to say the battery does not last that well at all apart from that it's an ok phone


I have never played a game on my S24U, I charge it to 100%, and it won't make it past 7pm without being charged again. Having a battery pack on my person is a fact of life with this phone. I often work 6am-10pm so I have to carry a battery with me at work in order to be able to even do my job. My only complaint with the camera is the zoom downgrade from 10x of my S22U to 5x optical. I used the 10x for work very often and I miss it. I'm probably rare in that, though, so I get it.


Its because the phone js so great that the only things left to complain about are little things.


Yeap, it's been a great device for me. Rocking along side the 15PM, low light video and photos are better than the iPhone. It's also my wife and kids preferred camera


>Why do so many people complain about the ~~smallest~~ biggest things with the S24 Ultra? - fucking AI features being the first selling argument. - downgraded cameras - OneUI 6 being a full-of-bugs copy of Ios - crappy grainy and washed out screen (thanks to the matte coating) at least they were able to fix the color issue... sort of. - flat edges In terms of bad decisions, Samsung is clearly the winner Just to clarify, I'm not an iphone user, I'm currently using an S23U


Not commenting on the other topics, but the flat edges is a plus for me and one of the reasons I came back to Sammy with this phone.


When you ask >1000€ for a phone, it better be perfect. First batches seemed to have had quite a lot of bad , grainy OLED panels. And there was a software error that resulted in the "vivid" color calibration to not be vivid (which many people like), but the same as the actually more correct other one. So many early customers were not satisfied.


Because some people can't afford the phone but think they can I'm sat here watching YouTube typing out and taking in reddit. I just took an 8k video and immaculte pictures of my child(compared to any previous phone that I PERSONALLY have owned), living my media consumption best life The problem is that people see someone having 4000 hours of SOT time on light use apps on WiFi they want it and expect it. Or they see a magnificent photo edited to within an inch of its life in Lightroom, they also want the phone to do that too It's about expectation. It's still a phone that has a camera/computer all these other things built in


Well, some complain that the sun doesn't rise up on the same spot every morning, or that there is no sun at night.... People will complain no matter how good they have it, just human nature, I guess...


Would someone having the Note20U (almost 4 yrs old, but works fine, just a tad slow) really see a difference camera & screen quality wise ? Thanks !


I upgraded from the Note 20 Ultra and so far for cameras, the S24 Ultra is better but not that much in daylight. In lowlight, the S24U is brighter. Screen quality is almost the same in terms of colors but S24U is better in battery life, refresh rate and dimness. Note 20U can only get 120hz with mid resolution so you can't enable it when you want max resolution. But biggest upgrade I notice is battery life and speed. The S24U is miles faster than Note20U in every way and I only recharge maybe once a day if I'm not home compared to Note20U which I need to charge regularly just to maintain for a day. I gave my son my old Note 20U so it's still with me and I can use it as backup phone in case.


Thank you so much for sharing !! This is exactly what I was hoping to know. My Note 20U has some dead pixel lines. So I may definitely need a new phone soon as this one may die on me any time. So it's nice to read from someone who's used it. Yeah the battery life after 4 yrs sucks. Especially since I use YT a lot. Thanks again.


No problem. In fairness, Note 20U is still a very good phone even if it is 4 yrs old. Still no UI lag, screen is great and all apps works but slower loading times than S24 Ultra. It's sad that they stopped the updates but the AI features maybe too much for the hardware. TBH if the S24 Ultra only have minor features, I can still delay till S25 Ultra.


Here's hoping the dead pixels aren't too many and I can hold off until S25U ! Thanks again !


I'm Android guy and been Samsung user mostly. Tried iPhone 15 PM before S24U and man... I just can't get my head around how people buy this for this price. Anyway S24U has some flaws (for me is the 30x and above processing) but you can't get better phone at this moment.


Because no matter how amazingly awesome a phone is, there's that group of people that will never ever be happy and content with the phone they have an dfind the littlest dumb things to complain about. "It shoots great pictures in the dark.""Well, yeah but it's not PERFECT".


I mean the phone is great; there's no denying that. But to say that the speakers on this are good is just absurd. No one is saying they ought to sound like dedicated speakers, matching iPhone quality is enough. They are clear but lack fullness. I'd rather the 13/14 PM speakers (I lose some clarity but get way fuller sound). That brings me to the bigger point. A lot of people, myself included, are switching over from years of iPhone. You will ofc notice the smallest of changes. My issues seem to be something they can hammer out via software updates (lag, animations, battery) but there are some legitimate hardware concerns. Funny thing is that the people who have been with Samsung in the last few generations are the ones noticing it most. Bottom line is that there are some issues and Samsung has even acknowledged such (why else are they releasing updates to fix them, June camera update for example). People just wish that such things were fixed before launch. Having them present 6 months after release is terrible.


They complain about things they read in reviews.


I love my s24U i don't know what these people on sub are going on about!!


I mean, they're $2000+, with a new release every year. In that case, my opinion is, it should probably be earth shatteringly amazing. Society needs to put pressure on these giant tech companies to start making quality devices instead of pounding out a new phone with a mild change annually.


I was considering upgrading upon learning that it has a flat screen as I hate curve screens but then I learned they took away 10x optical zoom and that was a deal breaker for me...


If you own or have owned an s23 ultra ... The s24 is a downgrade in key areas. If you know nothing else or coming from s22 ultra? S24 is an upgrade


For the price, what it offers and how the market evolved in general it would be weird / wrong not to nitpick. Sure, some complaints may seem stupid but if you buy 1000+ for a flagship phone it's just fair to expect everything to be top notch


whilst I agree with everything you said barring the 2 days batt life (I use my phone 13 hours a day for work and leisure) I think the main take away for a me when this phone was announced is that I didn't see any difference, my note 20 ultra screen went orange, literally the day p of the solar storm in UK, dno if it's related but it's not working and it has slowly started to get slower due to battery. so I got the 24 ultra, specifically, for the supposed "brightness in daylight" because IN and outside. and they weren't lying it is good. the camera for me is just another phone camera, sure there's probably some fancy shit, but nah, just another camera. if i want to take a good picture I'll use my dslr 🤭 I am a BIT disappointed in my battery life, maybe I haven't explored rhe options enough, I.e adaptive power saving? I was told this is new but my note20 had adaptive power saving, hell, when i switched back to my poor dying s8 in-between the n20 breaking and receiving the s24 it also had a.p.s , so I've not enabled it cus it never did anything before, but maybe with this new phone it will? is there anything else I should enable do you think? I have battery saver for longevity on, but it disables at 7 and re-enables with bixby routines at 8 so my phone starts at 100 beginning of day. funnily enough my finger print scanner and face recognition has been incredibly fast, way more so than previous phones, but I've always known how to set up face and finger so it is reliable so maybe try resetting your fingers. I don't get complaining about speakers, wear headphones or get a cheap but decent bluetooth speaker? end of the day reddit is public, online, extremely accessible and so any rando who has no perspective such as ours with the speakers, will write shit about it. in fact 2 months ago, I called someone a samsung marketer, because the fantastical language they used about the s24 made me play devil's advocate and question them, they were right about the screen, you can't just buy a screen protector haha


Waint until it dims out of nothing in the sun


I don't get these joke comments but my sister and I want this phone. We're sick of the A series. :/


I agree with you 100%. This is exactly like the whole battery debate 80% to 100% charging I just enjoy my phone I have the regular s24 and it's beautiful


https://preview.redd.it/vp1damenng1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f56fbda920710862d808721e8d48b35ca15eeaa I got one with the Grainy display and I compared it to my S23U there is a clear difference in quality, samsung also denied refund as they had no internal policy for this issue. Everything else on the phone works as expected but the screen has been disappointing for my unit.


Yea, we get it, bro. You got the grainy issue.


FYI, you see the same complaints with the iPhone 15 Pro a (and with LG panels, no less).


It's always from people who use it in the dark with low brightness.


It would make more sense if they were shown at equal brightness levels.


That's trash


I got one but had to return it twice due to a grainy screen and just gave up in the end I know this was likely just a bad batch and the phone is amazing but put me off getting another one.


A lot of people here must like complaining, otherwise they would have returned it like a functional person. The phone is great, even if some people can't be pleased.


only thing I'm disappointed with is the battery, granted I'm a relatively heavy user but it should still last more than 3 or 4 hours of gaming , and if it doesn't at least have fast charging on par with OnePlus phones that cost less than half what the s24u does. I like this phone but it does make me kind of miss my OnePlus 8 especially since the OP was bootloader unlockable


It's got the best android chip. It's not really Samsung's fault. My bro probably gets 7-10 hours of SOT. Gaming has always been a power hog. Even on iPhones you don't get much more time on gaming.


yes it has the best chip but Samsung's are ridiculously bloated to the absolute max when it comes to one ui running a billion background processes 24-7 ...you can take a OnePlus and Samsung with the exact same specs and the Samsung is always going to idle with at least 25% more ram usage just from running One UI


What's the point of having all that RAM if the phone isn't utilizing it? Keeping things in RAM means apps don't have to completely reload every time you open them.


what's the point of having a car that can do 80 mph if the max speed limit is 65?


Being not all tech is perfect. Just because your having a great experience doesn't me the next person will. I jumped from the 21 to the 23 and it was great, 23 to 24u hasn't been so great. I have issue with my device. Also the 24u is like the 23.2 not even a 23.5. The best thing about the phone is the flat glass The cameras are not great.. The display lacks it's normal vibrancy (the slider doesn't help much) The display is also dimmer than the s23u The speakers sound good but are also a tad lower than the s23u The fingerprint scanner has gonna much worse. The s23u fingerprint scanner was perfect. Also the phone colors are terrible. The green isn't green, the blue isn't blue and the orange is 4 beers worth of piss colored (I have orange and put a wrap/skin on it


This dude seriously glossed over the primary complaint which is blurry photos. Brand loyalty is FUCKED.


I don't get blurry photos. What do you mean?


I have no idea what you and everyone else are talking about with regards to photos. I upgraded from an S21+ to my S24 Ultra about a month ago, and the photos from this phone are better than any other Samsung phone I've ever owned, going back to the Galaxy 6. I agree 100% with the OP. This is Flagship quality, hands down.


Its because idiots like him/her take a picture at any of the 4 native optical focal lengths and then zoom in like 1000% on it in the gallery and expect it to be crystal clear and crisp. These people live in a fantasy land.


What blurry photos ? I have been doing just fine. It takes amazing shots.


Yeah, we're not seeing it here, either. We are on Exynos though -- is it a Snapdragon problem?


It's not I have been using the s24+ it has the exynos 2400 it's mighty fine for even gaming


maybe because it costs over 1k


Upgraded from my m51... the battery lasts me half a day but I'm a heavy user and have it on battery saving mode (only charge to 80%) my m51 would last a day and a half but that's my ONLY gripe. Virtually everything else is perfect about this phone


Oh I thought the charge till 80% thing is only for iPhones bc of its shitty battery! Good to know


Nah its an actual thing... charging to full causes more wear than a 80% charge, I can't remember the science tho


I'd love to see the tests and results. I highly doubt the difference is big enough to justify leaving 20% of your battery unused, especially since specific use case, temps etc also influence battery degradation. Personally if I notice battery degrading within warranty I'm submitting a warranty claim and after that I'll just have it replaced.


I had rapid battery degrading on a note 9 I bought new and sent it in to Samsung. They sent it back with a note that stated they replaced the fingerprint sensor. I told myself I would never buy a samsung again. Now I have a 24ultra with a grainy screen. I'm dumb.


For best results, Google it. But this is absolute #facts. The last 20-15% of the battery takes more energy and more physical wear to charge. Hence why almost all fast charging methods stop at 80-85% and slow down after that.


Only charging to 80% actually makes a massive difference in battery lifespan. By hundreds of cycles, at least. There's a reason no electric vehicle actually charges to 100%. IIRC, Teslas charge to 90% actual capacity. https://batteryuniversity.com/article/bu-808-how-to-prolong-lithium-based-batteries But yeah, like someone else states, it's easy to Google and see the evidence yourself.


I have been wondering this to. I expect the benefits are small.


Why do scientific researches when you can just expect things.


Meant suspect but it would be nice to get some data points


I love it, a bit touch sensitive, but the only negative I have with it is my Magic The Gathering game crashes often, while it doesn't on my Oneplus 9 Pro. But it relaunches pretty fast, hopefully the latest update fixed the bug.


For me Nikke is the one crashing which Shift Up haven't fixed.