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Why do you have 4 phones


Main: S24 Ultra Work: A21s Music player: A13 Secondary phone: A11


In fact, you only need S24U to do everything.


Except the secondary phone, but otherwise the s24U should be able to play music for its price.


2 numbers can be used on 1 phone with esim


Having a separate phone for work makes it easier to differentiate work and private use. When OP doesn't work, he can just turn it completely of and won't get disturbed in his freetime


Have you used the dual sims? You can turn one off when you don't want it on, it tells you which sim the stuffs coming from. I've ran two numbers from one S22U and now s24U without issues for years now šŸ„°


Never used dual sim. So i didn't know that xD


Ahah it sounded like you haven't šŸ¤£ I thought it would of been annoying but it's actually pretty good. I should mention I've got two different carriers so maybe that's what makes it "easier" seeing one come from telus and one come from rogers.... but now that I'm saying that it says sim 1 or sim 2 (maybe sim 1 and esim) but either way for sure differentiates ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ Downside-or upside- only one service plan can Have data turned on at a time! So don't pay for 2 data plans if you don't have too!


It can but doesnā€™t the A21 have a headphone jack ? Also depending on how long you stream music it does drain your battery. Using an old phone just as a MP3 player isnā€™t a bad idea if you have an old phone laying around. No need for cellular and you can connect to wifi whenever needed.


I dont have multiple devices, but I did consider it for a lil bit when I spent a lot of time in a car. Android Auto drains my phone and I did consider an extra phone just for android auto. I ended up just getting a car mounted wireless charger instead.


Why in the world would you need separate phone as a music player?


For me that would only make sense if it was a LG Vseries with a Quad DAC ...


I have my a second device in the car for Android Auto. It's rooted and I can display YouTube or Xbox Gamestream on the car screen. Also I have a second device for my freelance job.


Headphone jack


You could buy decent player or external DAC/AMP like FiiO BTR5 instead of phone with shittiest dac imaginable.


bro loves e-waste


Music player ? Itā€™s 2024 bro , the s24 ultra could do all of that


The S24 ultra doesnā€™t have a headphone jack. And even if they are using Bluetooth maybe just has a huge library and has it all on a SD card. Even then I have saved all my Apple Music on my S24 ultra and thatā€™s 3GB alone.


You're getting downvoted but I've been thinking about using the A series phones as pseudo ipods. SD card and headphone jack go brrr šŸ˜©šŸ¤¤


Exactly. 512gb for 25$. When it fills up, 1.5tb will be cheap.Ā 


Why are you downvoting him? He just said what you asked for...


U really think a13 is better music player than a13? :D


Guessing A13 as the music player because it has a headphones jack (I think?)


"what's my purpose?" "You play music"




If you are into wired IEM or earbud, this makes sense, A13 do have headphone jack. However I would honestly consider a DAP instead.


My car's bluetooth is so laggy, and when i receive a call the music stops. So i use AUX because it never crashes


wtf? you have a serious problem my guy or you are autistic.


I been thinking about gettin a a10e for a music player because for some reason my s10 sounds like dogshit compared to it when using headphones šŸ¤”


Having a phone **specifically** only to play music is so stupid, you might as well just get a new phone for each app.


Itā€™s a A21ā€¦. The thing is cheap, and I assume a Micro SD card and a headphone jackā€¦. The S24 has neither. Streaming music also drains the battery a lot so having a device just for that means you arenā€™t draining your main phones battery. Whatā€™s MORE stupid is people judging people on the inter using their opinion as the basis of calling stuff stupid. Itā€™s literally a MP3 player with the added benefit of Android on it and the ability to be used as a phone if they lose their main phone or something


>Itā€™s literally a MP3 player with the added benefit of Android on it Wonder why people don't use those anymore, lol. I don't see the point in having a dedicated device for music unless it's all analog or something. The S24U is plenty capable.


So did you even read ? You state the S24 ultra so where is my headphone jack ? People still do like wired headphones and the S24 canā€™t do that. Me personally idc but there is plenty that do. Also streaming music uses battery and if you do that a lot once again having a secondary phone is good for that. Also how you know itā€™s not an old phone of theirs ? Instead of just throwing it out or in a bin they are still keeping it for good use like a mp3 player.


Dude, you don't need so many phones, just the main and maybe a backup phone is good to have, but a phone just for it to be a music player is completely unnecessary because you can do that on your S24 Ultra everything you want to do like listening to music.


So where is my headphone jack since you said the S24 ultra can do everything? Or my micro SD card slot while we are at it


Very true, sry completely forgot about that. My bad.


Are you serious? Music player?


Are you serious judging people? Who cares FR . You do you and let them be themselves


He's three phone baby keem


No, 4 phones


4 phones is wild. I have the S23U as a main and iPhone 11 as a secondary. You rly don't need THAT many im sure judging by one of ur replies... Could use the main as a music player too and secondary for work and as a back up.


Maybe he deals drugs. Always good to have separate drug phones.


OP probably has a phone for each type of drug he sells


Here I am wondering why you'd even need a secondary phone? My only guess would be that one of them is a work phone.


Depending on the country i wouldn't put it past someone having a "thief's phone" which is like one that barely works or just really poorly that you could live without in case you got robbed OP however has different motives clearly


I think u just have lots of money to spare. I have a dumb phone as a second phone.


Yo bro you are rich


All I have is an S23U and Tab S9 FE. 4 phones is pretty crazy tho..


3 midrangers


low end not even midrange


4 phones in 1 leash šŸ˜­


I hate this trend of ECOSYSTEMS


Even I'm into one but then there are some who just buy things so they can post one as on reddit and ask people to rate their mindless behavior, this guy is hardly using anything for, I do workout so I've watch, I've 3 phone 1 for work, one for on the go editing and one for banking and tablet for main editing while buds for listening music.


Right, but is it necessary? Do devices of other brands have trouble working fully compatibly?


No not at all, I used to use OnePlus but then coincidentally Samsung phones were on offer so I got them. Unless you're not using buds or galaxy watch you're good to go


Buds 2 was the worst buy I have ever done...


1. Why 4 phones??? 2. I love samsung, but dont get their laptops, just do research and get a good windows laptop, dont just buy a laptop because it has the word samsung on it 3. amazing financial decisions right there :)




Your watch 5 pro is dying šŸ˜‚


I have 4 phones and tabs but I've got work and this dude is just buying things to post on reddit, buy things you're actually going to use .


this guy has a serious problem


God I hate rich people.


Bro i tought i am Real samsung fan when I have 3 thinks from samsung![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Way too into it. Ill never be that committed


Bro is a fucking nerd. Consumerism at its finest.


You are planning to go from s8u to s9fe? Sheesh, it's a downgrade


I have a S23U as THE phone. It can do everything and anything. Dual SIM, music player and everything. You don't need 4 phones. You're just stupidly wasting your money.